Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 299 - Oh my friend

(First release, domain name (please remember _) text) The word is the most important)

On the tenth day, the rain of Lotel still showed no signs of stopping, but the regiments of Byrne and Elmand had been packed up and were ready to start their journey.

For a legion, too bad weather is as terrible as the plague-but there is no way, Brandon, who is far from the front line of Eboden, is ready to blow up. If he does not hurry, His Royal Highness is really possible. Leave others behind and fight for the battle of Ebdon, which determines the fate of the empire.

Whenever I think of this, Yuli Wiltz’s expression becomes very complicated; just because they are worried that Brandon may make his own claims, they have to take risks to march in heavy rain.

But for Loren, it was not difficult for him to understand why Brandon did this.


As Brandon himself admits, he may be the most prestigious crown prince in imperial history and the “half the supreme emperor” who already has real power. It has personality and all external factors, and more is because of continuous The death of the two emperors led to a rapid decline in the power and majesty of the Sky Dome.

For this reason, as the representative of the Sky Dome and the royal family, he can no longer lose a little bit of prestige, even if he sometimes suffers from death, he must continue to do so, because he must ensure that the royal family of Desalion can get Enough respect.

For the great lords of the empire, the way to maintain their prestige is different-Byrne’s “chivalry”, Boye’s “nomadic tradition”, Arles ‘”cruel”, Arles’ “unity”, Lotel’s “promise” … and the imperial royal family is “tough”.

Because he is the emperor, symbolizing the supreme power of the empire; he does not work through negotiation, negotiation, ordinance; the empire is not an alliance established between several principalities, but a vassal conquered by the powerful. Relationship between them.

The emperor never compromised or negotiated, and the emperor only issued orders; those who did not obey the orders would be given the punishment they deserved; those who humiliated the imperial power would either be subject to spiritual obedience or be physically eliminated.

Any damage to the imperial power must receive the strongest reply; and the protector of the imperial power is the emperor itself.

If Brandon had room for “compromise” and “rationality” before Severin de Salion was killed, he had to remain tough after the royal relative was sentenced in public, otherwise It will give the outsider the impression of being “weak”-even if it is only a little, even if it is only possible, it won’t work.

The same reason for ordering Loren to converge with the armies of the three principalities, Brandon needed to use this to establish and display his prestige, a letter can make the duke of the three principalities and their army brave the rain and various Difficult and dangerous, come to loyalty to yourself as scheduled.

What he wanted was not the reinforcements, but the news of the victory of the Battle of Lotel, plus the three princes appeared in front of him … As for the army, it was the width of the battlefield of Ebdon, and more than one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand are just numbers. The difference does not really affect the situation of war. Ten thousand knights are not even as effective as a dragon.

Therefore, before officially starting, Loren had to talk to a female elf to make sure that she and Lotel followed the previous agreement.


“Um … I need an explanation.”

Under the pouring rain, the almost soaked dark-haired wizard was very confused to look at the female elf on his side, and glanced at the Lothal legion on the side with his eyes: “What’s going on?”

“Any questions?”

The female elf with her waist was staring, and an expression of “You dare to say you have a problem to hit you” expression: “Luo Taier will abide by his agreement and send troops to assist the empire … His Royal Highness, this title is really mouthful! “

“No, you misunderstood; I’m not talking about this, I’m talking about …”

“Relax, I know–when I met the Crown Prince, kneel down on one knee and salute him … Lu Wen taught me this before, maybe one day I can use it-in short It ’s embarrassing for you to step down, right?

After talking, the female elf tilted her head and blinked her eyes to say, “What’s the problem?”

The dark-haired wizard sighed heavily, and was about to break the jar.

“Okay, let me put it another way.” Lifting his right hand weakly, Loren pointed to the Lothal Legion standing in the rain: “Although I am not good at math, and the rain is too heavy to block my sight-but even No matter how heavy the rain is, I also know that the Lothal Legion standing there definitely has no more than five thousand people! “

“According to the Empire ’s comprehensive war mobilization order, each Principality must dispatch all standing and conscript troops to join the Empire ’s army; you tell me what to do to convince Brandon de Salion that these five thousand people are Lotel’s full strength ?! “

Faced with an incredible question from Loren, the female elf seemed taken for granted.

“This is not the full combat power of Lotel, to be honest.” Liya blinked again: “I just told them who wanted to stay and stayed, the rest of them went to fight with me in Ebden Go to the Azores. “

“and so……”

“So only these five thousand people are willing.” Liya’s expression “I understand what you mean”, patted Loren’s shoulder and continued: “Relax, besides the original Lu Wen’s guard and knight, there are nearly Thousands of elven warriors in the ancient wood forest, these five thousand are basically the most elite combat power of Lotel … will not lose face in front of the crown prince on the battlefield. “

“As for the remaining 20,000 or 30,000 … Aaron will take them to recover the deep forest in the north, completely clear the Azores, and rebuild there.”

“Oh, by the way, there is the Eagle Hunting Fort … Ain told me before that it was necessary to dig the drains and reservoirs as soon as the dry season came. This also requires manpower, if you take the soldiers away, just rely on Women, children, and the elderly, it is impossible for Lotel to complete these tasks, so they must be left here. “

“So you still don’t understand what I mean!” Loren didn’t know how to explain to her:

“This matter is no longer just about the victory or defeat of a war, but also the relationship between the empire and several principalities, the next generation of emperors and the dukes after the war is over. key!”

“The Duke of Lothal has been faithful to the Sky Dome; so if it is replaced by a person from the Frid family, Brandon and Sky Dome probably have nothing to say … but you are not the same!” Shen channel:

“You are not a Lotel, not even an Empire … You want Brandon ’s help if you want to be seated as the Lord of Lottel; and if you want the help of an emperor, the best way It means how loyal you are to him. “

“I know that Lothal is very difficult right now, you have to regain your lost ground, you have to rebuild your homeland, and you may even have to be prepared to resist drought and plague-but the more difficult conditions, the more you can try From the empire, the more you can show your loyalty to her, understand? “

The female elf thought for a while, then nodded thoughtfully: “It turns out like this … I see.”

Loren took a breath, but before he could speak, the opposite Liya suddenly turned back:

“So if I don’t need his help, Lotel doesn’t need to send so many troops … right?”

Looking at the female elf who was supposed to look, Loren found himself really unable to explain.

Raising his eyebrows, Liya looked at the dark-haired wizard with a very calm eye:

“Because when this war ends, I will no longer be the Duke of Lothal.”

Ok? !

The stunned black-haired wizard didn’t speak, and several possibilities immediately flashed in his mind.

“Don’t be surprised, and don’t doubt who … I asked for it.” Liya smiled slyly. “I wanted to tell you until the end of the war, but there seems to be no way to hide it until then. “


“No why … I just don’t want to.” Liya said lightly:

“Lu Wen gave me the title of Duke, so that I can lead the elves of Morningstar Forest and the Lothals to fight through the difficulties together. Since this is the case, I wo n’t have to continue to be a waiter until the war ends. Isn’t it? “

Loren froze.

“I have discussed this with Aaron and they will find a sideline of the Frid family to inherit the title when I leave office.” The female elf’s tone was very brisk: “I will take the rest The elves returned to the ancient wood forest, where they rebuilt the Morning Star Forest. “

“Morning Star Forest?”

“Yes, I asked all the elves who came with me-although they come from many other settlements, they are willing to join the Morning Star Forest. We are the elves of the ancient wood forest, where is our home, only Is where we should go back. “

“Relax, after I set up the settlement, I invite you and Ain to be guests-I remember what you said to me, we will not be closed as in the past, we will also establish Start a caravan, do business with you normally, respect your Holy Cross, and welcome your missionaries … “

“Liya.” Loren couldn’t help interrupting: “I’m still the one who proposed that you and the elves of Morning Star Forest can come to Byrne, and any forest here will always have your seat …”

“I said it too, we don’t need it!”

The female elf said coldly: “We have our own way of life, we have our own traditions, homes and land; we will never leave people under our arms and bow our knees.”

“We are friends, Loren Turin … friends should respect each other, don’t interfere too much … even if you are out of kindness!”

Looking at those proud eyes, the black-haired wizard had no second choice but to give up.

“Okay, that’s it.”


The female elf nodded gently, the joy of being understood flashed through the corners of her eyes.

For Loren, in Liya ’s eyes, she is more like a “comrade-in-law” relationship than a friend—a tacit understanding, cooperation, trust, and mutual understanding and respect; as long as she needs help, she It will definitely appear on the side and become the sharp spear.

This is the same for yourself and for Ruben: joining the Empire Army is because of yourself, and defending Lothal is because of Ruben; and when the mission is over and everyone no longer needs her, the female elf will go back again. Go to her place and continue her own life.

Like a real hero.

At this moment, a slightly hurried step came from behind towards the black-haired wizard and female elf.

“Letter from the imperial capital of Golovin, here for you.” Juli Wiltz stepped into the mouth while stuffing a soaked letterhead into the hands of the dark-haired wizard:

“Your wizard friend … Isaac Grantham, who has assembled twenty bright lightsabers and two thousand brightlight spears in the imperial capital, is working with the last Baine and Sacran legions. A total of 5,000 people walked along Hebei, and are now about to reach the border of West Sakland. “

“Oh, so fast?” The dark-haired wizard was a little surprised.

According to his previous efficiency, he thought he would have to wait another month.

“It is said that the wizard of the wizard tower brought a batch of parts directly from Byrne, but only completed the final rune inlay and assembly work in the imperial capital.” Grand Duke Elmans said in a deep voice: “In addition … They will also take your seat The floating cities came together, which greatly accelerated the march. “

“Unsurprisingly, we should be able to meet them at the border of Ebden and then go to the front together; in addition, there are two dragons;”

During the speech, Yuli Wiltz couldn’t help but pause: “This is the information sent from East Sackland-the two dragons who have supported us on the front line of Ebden before, and they have already started from Mount Jufeng Traveling northwest, the destination should be Ebden. “

Loren lit up: “That means …”

“This time, it’s a decisive battle that really bets on everything.” Grand Duke Ellerman, who took a deep breath, nodded solemnly: “The fate of the Sakran Empire, and even the fate of all living beings in this land, It will be determined by our victory or defeat. “

“The army of the whole empire-knights, conscripts, standing soldiers, nobles, civilians, wizards, priests, elves, dragons … capable capital ~ ~ We have all been charged; lose this battle We will never have the possibility of a comeback, and will belong to the Kingdom of Azores, the king of eagles in the next 100 years. “

The appearance of the dragon is absolutely very important to the empire-unless it is a dragon-controller, generally speaking, the dragons of Jufeng Mountain will not take care of the affairs of the empire at all.

But on the other hand, if they are willing to show up and help the empire, it means that they have really reached the point of life and death. They must be prepared to win, and they must be prepared to die.

Brandon I, the “sage” of the sixth generation, and Charlotte I, the “queer dragon queen” of the tenth generation …

“So … we can’t lose.” The black-haired wizard nodded, his eyes turned to the already excited female elf with eyes burning:

“Are you interested in going to the frontline of Eboden to see what it is like to see the dragon spread its wings?”

“That’s a must!”

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