Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 301 - Wizard, business, injustice

(First release, domain name (please remember _) text) The word is the most important)

On the border of West Sackland, a crow stopped on a stone tablet that reads “The Sackland-Lottel-Ebdon Junction”. It looked eastward and then flew into the direction of Ebden.

Under the shouting black wings, there was a dense barracks, spread like a chessboard in the endless wilderness.

There used to be large forest streams, natural pastures, farmsteads, riverside markets, and the borders of the three principalities that developed and prospered by trade and business; in addition to the roads at the foot, only the wilderness that could be used by the army for camping That’s it.

The Bayern-Alemand-Lortel Corps, which had been marching in the rain for a few days, finally converged with the Sacran-Bayern Corps on the north on a clear, cloudless day.

In the camp, the knights and nobles from the four principalities formed three layers and three layers outside the Horn Castle. The crowd continued to scream, screaming strangely, and praising the mouth.

“Gentlemen, jazz, lords! What do you do when you encounter enemies?” A young wizard apprentice stood in the middle of the crowd, holding a bright light spear and dancing in his hands:

“If you are a Bayern, you will ride on a war horse and charge your enemies in full armor;

If you are a Sacran, you will ask where is my hundred team and where is the shield wall;

If you are a Lotel, you will pick up bows and arrows, the Elmans will wield their swords, the Boi will be a horse scimitar, the Arles will be a tomahawk … but this! “

The sorcerer apprentice slammed, raised the Jiaoguang spear over his head, his eyes widened, and he wanted to eat a man’s expression: “This is a spear, the Jiaoguang spear type, alias” Xuanguang · Dragon Gun “… The lords believe me, she has this name for a reason. “

“The maximum range of one hundred meters, the full range of fifty meters … what does this mean? It means that when your enemy is just a small black spot in your eyes, you can kill him.”

“And when he can point his weapon at you, you have killed him at least twice!”

With that, the wizard apprentice looked around for a week: “Everyone present … has anyone ever participated in the battle for the defense of the imperial capital, and has anyone seen her power?”

Several Sachlans raised their hands, and the Lothals and Elmans nodded.

“Then you should know that even if it is fifty meters away, she can make a hole in the strongest knight’s armor; a hundred meters … you can’t even blink.” The wizard apprentice’s expression is very wonderful:

“One-of-a-kind design, unparalleled weapons; without any effort, you can kill your enemies with a light touch of your finger … you guys look at her, you will know what color the future will be, you will know what it is Is the master of the future battlefield! “

“Tell me when your army wields 20,000 spears, a hundred spears, and more than ten floating cities on the battlefield … who is your opponent and who dares to stand in front of you? ? “

“The answer is obvious! It must be an army like you, armed with these super alchemy weapons-because if he doesn’t do this, he knows that he is looking for his own way!”

As the words fell, the wizard apprentice took a deep breath and smiled at the corner of his mouth: “And now … I am honoured to tell you that the Bain Wizarding Guild and the Nine-Mang Star Wizard Tower sold a thousand sticks to the brave leaders Light Spear! “

“It is true that such terrible weapons are too much for disputes between the principalities, but when it is used for the Azores-let us shout the prestige of the Holy Cross and purify them with light, Empire Long live!”

“Long live the Empire-!!!!!!”

Standing behind the cheering crowd, the dark-haired wizard looked stunned.

“That wizard apprentice … is Selan Kowo?” Loren said to himself while turning to look at Isaac on his side: “I remember he was quite quiet, when did he become this pair? Looks … and why did he become your apprentice? “

Theran Kewo, the only son of the master pharmacy Lussak Kewo, only a few years ago, in the “pre-trial trial” of the imperial capital, it was when he ran to the Xia Mu courtyard and told Loren about his father. After a series of troubles … Of course, he is basically not to blame.

Because of the collapse of the spiritual hall of the father’s death guide, Seran Kovo, he can only engage in the simplest pharmaceutical configuration and theoretical research, and can no longer be exposed to the force of the void.

As soon as they met, Isaac recommended his own “new apprentice” to Loren as a mentor.

“Why? Because I am now a veteran of the wizarding tower, every veteran must have at least one successor … even if it is only temporary.” With a pouting of course, Isaac’s face “What’s the fuss about?” “‘S expression:

“Furthermore, I am currently engaged in practical research on mystic theory plus the power of the void … as long as the talent is good enough, it is not important to be able to contact the power of the void-for example, my own hands-on experience in this life is second to none Countable, not the same as a master? “

“Not to mention … he is already my” pre-apprentice “.”

Isaac took a breath and seemed discouraged.

“Oh why?”

“Because the Turin family of Red Blood Castle has formally sent an invitation to His Excellency Selan Kovo to make him the messenger of the Bain Wizarding Guild and is responsible for all negotiations related to the Wizarding Guild.”

Charlotte Turin, who did not know when it appeared, stood tall and stood on the side of the dark-haired wizard, staring at him with his proud little chin:

“Regardless of treatment conditions or title status, it is three times the heir of a wizard tower elder-of course, this does not contain any maliciousness, just because he is really worth so much.”

Facing the spirit of anger, the Countess of the Red Blood Castle was very arrogant. Isaac, who was arrogant, hugged his shoulders and twisted his head to look aside.

Looking curiously between the two, the dark-haired wizard who could probably guess what happened was holding back his smile: “Why?”

“Why? Ha … My Duke, how dare you ask!” Charlotte, who gave him a blank look, turned his eyes to the wizard apprentice who was still shouting in the crowd:

“Eight thousand bright light spears, twenty bright light swords, plus a floating city … even if there are supplies of the imperial capital, how much does it cost to maintain such a standing army ?!”

“Not to mention that Byrne has already contributed 100,000 troops to the war, one third of the arms expenditure, one quarter of the logistics expenditure, and tens of thousands are filled with wheat, iron ingots, potatoes, wine, cloth … Carriage and cargo ships of various materials are filled with Empire Avenue and the Jewel River route, and half of these carriages and cargo ships are also provided by Byrne! “

“It’s about the destiny of the empire. Of course I understand that Baine must fulfill her obligations; but it is a pity that she only has a duke who constantly asks for her; Think of ways to spend. Riches like Byrne ca n’t stand such a mess! “

The Countess, angrily, excitedly dyed her cheeks a little pink.

Looking at her, Loren was a little embarrassed.

“So … in order to subsidize the household, are you going to sell a stock of Jiaoguang Spear at a high price among these nobles?”

“Not as you think.”

With a cold snort, Charlotte’s cheeks were redder when he heard the word “subsidize household use”: “Ain told me that the damage rate of this weapon is very high; of course, you can’t use it before the war. Sell ​​their inventory to others, otherwise what weapons should our soldiers use? “

“Then you want …”

“It’s simple, we sell ‘ownership’.”


“Not yet understood?”

A disappointed Charlotte shook his head, a hint of hidden triumph flashed in the corner of his eyes: “Frankly speaking, it is like the relationship between the Duke and the Earl’s recruiting.”

“These troops belong to the earl, but during the war the earl must hand over his army to the duke for unified jurisdiction, training and assignment; when the war is over these troops will be disbanded and the surviving soldiers will return to the earl … understand ?”

I can’t understand what I understand.

Basically, all those who buy weapons at a high price will have their coat of arms and name engraved on it to indicate ownership, but the use rights are still vested in the shooting army of Byrne; when the war is over, all weapons that have not been damaged will be Intact to the owner who “owns them”.

And how many people are willing to be such an infamous injustice … There is no capital to buy and sell, and it is all profitable to sell more, as for after the war … Of course it is okay to go back, because it is not necessary anyway.

“Is anyone really willing to buy it?” Loren still questioned.

“Thousands have been sold, and now one thousand is the second batch of inventory.”

Ok? !

Charlotte, who didn’t change her face, raised her eyes and glanced at the surprised black-haired wizard: “Do you understand now, the reason why I must dig this apprentice from Isaac?”

Loren understood it again.

No wonder Lena de Salle would watch Charlotte “bully” Isaac-if you guessed it right, she also has a share of all Isaac’s affairs in this sale, and the profit should not be small.

Having said that again, Isaac could swallow his breath … which means that even a small wizard can get a dividend, after all, this thing is regarded as the common result of the two of them; and the inscription card slot that Ayn prepared on the spear is just right. Can come in handy …

Well, Isaac is right, we really know a group of amazing women.

The dark-haired wizard sighed with emotion.

“Why, are these the only questions?” Charlotte smirked slightly:

“I thought you would ask … Why am I here?”

“I think our Countess of the Red Blood Fort should appear everywhere and should not be questioned.” Loren smiled slightly: “Not to mention … aren’t you just telling me?”

“Who said this?”

Deliberately lowering his voice, the countess showed a very useful expression: “This battle of Ebden is no longer just a war, it is related to the changes in the empire’s pattern in the next two decades.”

“Anyone who appears in this war will become an important person in the next two decades; conversely, all the guys who have not appeared will be small people who will not be mentioned or remembered by anyone; the editor of the Empire The history will not even give them a biography, but will be placed in the roster of the same generation. “

“The direct bloodline of the Turin family can never appear in the roster, and will always occupy a place in the chronicle!”

Clang’s powerful words made Charlotte’s expression very heavy: “If you cannot turn the Turin family into the savior of this war, if you cannot let Byrne have the right to speak in the south of the empire in the next two decades, or even one day Half of the empire that ruled the empire, fighting against the Desalion in the Sky Vault … “

“I, Charlotte Turin … will be a shame that will always be remembered in the history of the Turin family, and our descendants will never forgive me–at such a heavy price, but nothing, and let the Turin family’s Hegemony dissipates … absolutely not, let this happen! “

“This is my mission, not yours … Loren.” The countess calmed down with some excitement: “Relax, I have a sense; what to do and what not to do will not embarrass you … what’s the problem? ?”

“… there is only one.” The black-haired wizard asked, “Our Master Bishop Weber, where is he now?”

“Outside the military camp, with Ain and them, it is said to be preaching to a group of elves from the ancient wood forest.” As he said, even Charlotte himself showed a strange expression:

“I don’t quite understand … Are there any elves who believe in the Holy Cross?”

“Yes, the vast majority on our side.”

“Oh, like a female elf who is too close to a guy?”

“… I think there should be some misunderstanding.”

“I don’t think so.”

Charlotte snorted, turned his head around and pretended to ask casually: “What’s the matter with you, Bishop Baine?”

“Nothing. I just want to know about the Old Classics and the Holy Cross. It’s purely because … uh, what your eyes are?”

The Countess, who widened her eyes and turned back suddenly ~ ~ startled the dark-haired wizard.

“I don’t know … you are a wizard, when did you start paying attention to these?”

“Can’t you?”

“It’s not impossible, just … you’re not too religious? No, it’s too polite to say that, you should be the typical anti-church, how come you think of these?”

“Maybe I was suddenly awakened, realizing the importance of faith to my life and soul, and being called by the Holy Cross … Is this explanation okay?”

“No, but I don’t care either-because it must be useful for one of your plans or what you plan to use it for.” Charlotte shook his head:

“Because true believers never ask why, only you like this will go to the bottom.”

“…” Loren Turin.

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