Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 307 - Roster

(First release, domain name (please remember _) text) The word is the most important)

Wake up, refreshed.

After sleeping through the night, the body gradually regained consciousness, and the muddled mind started to work again. All the sounds, colors, breath, taste, temperature … are so clear, as if all their data were written on an invisible On the parchment, there was a line up to report to myself.

Well, basically, this is the only reason Isaac Grantham chose to sleep with his eyes closed.

Carrying a full glass of water and a piece of crusty bread, walking towards Charlotte’s camp, Isaac usually doesn’t like to find the Countess of the Red Blood Castle even if she is in trouble, because she is too strong, and robbed her Apprentice; but who let himself promise her yesterday, the promised things must be done, this is the reason that even Loren student knows …


Isaac’s right hand, which stopped, was loose, and the bread near his mouth fell to the ground; it was indeed Charlotte’s camp in front of him, but it was not the countess who came out from inside.


“Um … Isaac?”

Looking at Isaac who didn’t know when to appear outside the door, the expression of the dark-haired wizard who wore his coat and walked out of the tent experienced anxiety, arousal, consternation, calmness in one second … and then asked the eternal question :

“Why are you here?”


Isaac, who wanted to say “This is what I should ask”, quickly realized that this might become an embarrassing endless loop. As for why Loren appeared here … he was actually not at all curious.

The two people who reached a tacit agreement without saying a word, decided to skip the nonsense of almost two thousand words and enter the topic.

“That’s it. After you promised Brandon de Salion to stop the elven prince, we did a research; because Charlotte came to us before, I think I have an obligation to tell her.”

“So follow me now, the mentors of Dalton and the wizards of the wizard tower are already waiting for us. Brandon de Sally said that we must come up with a plan tomorrow at the latest, and we have to do everything today. Only get it done. “

After talking, Isaac did not forget to pick up the bread on the ground, wipe it indiscriminately, and stuff it into his mouth.

“Well, no problem.”

The dark-haired wizard nodded without changing his face: “That way I will tell Charlotte tonight, so I don’t have to run again.”

“Well, it sounds very reasonable.” Isaac nodded his head in a meaningful way: “Do you still want to eat something, I mean … We may have to toss all day, basically from the day to In the evening, you may need to … well, add physical strength or something. “

“It’s not that you might have done a particularly intense exercise last night, but … you also know that people are going to eat, which is normal. We are the existence of the physical world, and the existence of the physical world was born … oh yes They have to eat before they are born. Like mothers before giving birth, they have to eat more because they bear more consumption, and too much consumption will affect their emotions … “

“Let’s go quickly.” Before the topic became strange, Loren interrupted: “It’s too late.”

“Well, it makes sense, let’s go!”


Dozens of wizards stood in the brightly-lit camp camp of the Nine-Mounted Star Wizard’s Camp, clustered together in front of a giant Ebden map.

In addition to the few veteran wizard towers that can stand here, all the rest are from the top members of the Bain Wizarding Guild, the Royal Wizarding College and the senior mentor of the wizard tower.

Among them, the number of wizards from Byrne accounted for nearly one-third, and the ratio of mystic wizards and alchemists almost reached a one-to-one level: compared with the other two “seriously partial” wizard groups It is clear that the Bayern Wizards who have completed their rise in just a few years are more “sound”.

The only shortcoming may be that the “origin” of these wizards comes from almost all sides of the empire … Sacran, Ebden, Arles, and even Lotel, there are very few native Bain wizards; but this is simply It’s not a problem, the wizarding group has never been born, but is divided by “place of office”.

And if you now count the Duke of Byrne as the heir to the Corona school, Byrne will soon have four veterans, comparable to Ebden in the era of Corona.

Even if the wizards do n’t ask about the world, they ca n’t help feeling that the fast-growing Bain wizards are too strong, making them seriously doubt whether this is their own impression, the town of knights famous for tradition and wine.

“Everyone here, thank you for your hard work throughout the day and the rest of the night, including the gentlemen of the Nine Stars Wizard Tower. With the only information and memory, I have completely spelled out the whole picture of the underground network of Ebdon, and every Details of an important area! “

In the stands, Isaac Grantham, who took the stage as the heir of the Freswick School and the new veteran, unceremoniously became the host of the whole meeting:

“We would also like to thank the alchemists from the Royal Wizarding Academy of Golovin who, under extremely limited conditions, have still completed several rounds of experiments to verify our previous guesses, laying a stable foundation for the success of the plan.”

“Of course, there are also our colleagues from Byrne who plan the overall situation, formulate plans, and verify guesses. You are worthy of the top level of the Brian Wizards’ Guild, showing strength and literacy beyond all of us!”

With a deep breath, Isaac, who threw the speech away with his right hand, looked at the “colleagues” who either held their heads proud or self-righteous, or pretended to be indifferent and tried to cover the corners of their mouths:

“And then again, finding an apprentice with heavy physical work like drawing a map can do it all in one night, and the tedious search can be done by a mentally handicapped person, even if there is only one Dalton Kant instructor People can be busy too, so for these things I have to use the most wise minds of the entire empire, I am really being shown by you guys and I do n’t know what to say! “

Rolling his eyes, Isaac barely opened his mouth for two seconds to talk about all the vomiting, and then tilted his head proudly.

At the end of the crowd, Lena de Salion, who smiled slightly, raised her glasses frame and gave thumbs up to Isaac.

The black-haired wizard who watched the whole journey aside, no longer knew what to say except to admire.

“How did you do it?”

“Well … it’s very simple.” Under the reflective lens, Lena gently raised the corner of her mouth:

“For Isaac, the vast majority of people in this world are dead or alive. He doesn’t care, and doesn’t care what they are thinking; so why let them know what they think, do you think?”

“I think you are too powerful.” Loren sighed. “Except for you, there should be no second guy in this world who can conquer our great genius.”

“Thanks for the compliment.” Lina laughed, but Lena shook her head:

“But I don’t think so.”

“Oh why?”

“I don’t think the word conquering is in line with my role, especially after considering my relationship with Isaac.” Slightly raised his head, the eyes of the girl had not left Isaac’s figure for a moment:

“That man … I can stand on your side with just one word, and without words I can let my willing adventure go away from didu Golovin, let me use all my wisdom to fight for everything he wants without any complaints. I even enjoy it, so … “

“Tell me, Lord Loren, who has conquered this?”

Sighing, Lina’s face was full of happy smiles.

The smiling black-haired wizard couldn’t say a word.

“It’s you, indeed an excellent conqueror.” Lena de Salion, who was inspired by Loren, couldn’t help but continue.

“Huh?” Loren was confused.

“Why, do you want to deny it?” Lina, holding the picture frame, glanced at him quickly: “The ‘nightingale’ wine is mixed with the fragrance of rose dew … Do you think anyone in this camp can afford Byrne’s top wine now, Can you get a special perfume from West Sacran? “

“Is it so obvious ?!”

“Obvious?” Lina shook her head, showing a helpless expression: “If I were not blind, even if someone told me that the person standing beside me was Charlotte, I have absolutely no doubt.”

“Uh … why don’t I remember Charlotte likes to use perfume?”

“Of course you don’t remember, she just started using these things recently because a certain duke doesn’t seem to like drinking too much, and the profiteer who sells her perfume tells her that it can cover up the smell of alcohol.”

The dark-haired wizard had a stiff expression and subconsciously touched his clothes.

“No need for any promises, not too much reward, just need to appear in front of her alive, just say a few words, and make her happy.” Lena looked at Loren playfully:

“Charlotte de Salion is the strongest, most patient and cavalier woman I ’ve ever seen, and her strength is even enough to match her name; if she ’s surname De Salion, then it must be Xia Lot II! “

“Of course, maybe one day she might even be called Charlotte I, the founder of the Turin dynasty … It is not impossible to become that way with the situation of the empire right now.”

“Such a woman can willingly become your vassal. The support around you promises you any request or even be asked to watch you take the risk of death. You must also bear all the worries and fears and stand calm in front of everyone. Maintain your image … “

“Tell me … you are not a conqueror, who is the conqueror?”

Lena de Salion’s smile was meaningful.

The silent black wizard raised his hands quietly, surrendering.

The triumphant spectacled girl salutes and drifts away.

And Isaac on the stage also enjoyed the thrill of talking to himself under the attention of many people, and did not notice that Lina was behind the crowd.

“… So, as described on this map, if we want to cut it off completely, and even let the void residue in it be completely controlled; we can’t even stop the Azores’ plan; on the contrary, we must help them , Can make this seemingly unreliable ‘Super Alchemy Bomb’ into something that really works! “

“Of course, this is not the key, the key is that we must control everything in our hands, and then the final executor decides when to start and when to use it, and transfer the dominance of the situation from the Azores to our side.”

Knocking **** the map, Isaac took a deep breath: “It’s interesting that the structure of Ebden’s underground passage completely conforms to the shape of the nine-pointed star, because the magic array invented by Loren is also a nine-pointed star.”

“We can use this to send the Nine Life Wizards other than the executor to the city of Eboden, complete a large-scale cast with the help of the shape of the underground network, and gather all the void residues on a wizard.

“So this is our plan to start a” super magic circle “through the Nine-Life Wizard and an executor, to concentrate all the void remnants in the city of Eboden on the executor, to be seized before the Azores are aware This alchemy bomb is gone. “

“Of course, the premise is that someone must protect them, because once they start, they must concentrate all their attention, even if the intelligence of the gang of elves is negative, they should know to stop them.”

When the words fell, Isaac took a deep breath with his hands up: “This is our plan, and I am honored to tell you that according to the calculation results of the Royal Wizards College, its success rate is at least more than half!”

“And I have another piece of good news to share with you. We now have an executor, a warrior responsible for protecting the Nine Life Wizard, and then … yes, you all guessed it, the last nine responsible for the Magic Circle The wizard is destined, so … who is interested? “

The raven was silent.

“Ah … it’s exactly the same as I guess.”

After silently muttering this sentence, Isaac shrugged with a smile on his face: “Well, then, so I will hand over the task of selecting people to Dalton Kander … and my mentor is also responsible ~ ~ because he is the person personally designated by His Royal Highness Brandon de Salion. “

When the words fell, Dalton Kander, who was originally standing at the forefront of the crowd, carried his hands on his back and slowly turned around; the blade-like eyes glanced around the crowd, and there was no cold war wherever he went.

“Yesterday, in the list handed to me, a total of 28 wizards who were qualified and able to participate in the program were listed; eight of them were of low level, five were too old, five were underqualified, and one lacked experience. . “

“So after carefully sorting out, I made the following list of nine people, representing the world’s highest level of imperial wizards, to participate in this plan to determine the fate of the empire.”

Dalton Kant, who spoke coldly, took a parchment scroll from behind, opened it with one hand, and presented it to everyone:

“My words are finished. Some people on the list please stand out; those who are in favor please leave, those who are against stay, so …”

“Who agrees, who opposes?”

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