Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 311 - The right way to sneak

“The enemy ship is approaching–!”

The cry of consternation sounded on the surface of the Jewel River-when the first sharp-eyed elf sailor sounded the alarm, the entire Azores fleet woke up and found that the opposite imperial fleet had already dispatched and was rushing at full speed.

Strangely, the imperial fleet on the opposite side did not have a dense formation of vertical or horizontal rows. Each battleship left a lot of space before and after and left and right, and the entire fleet was extremely loose.

But in the eyes of the Azore’s fleet commander, this is only a last resort for the imperial small fleet-with less than half of the total number of battleships of their own, the formation should be doubled in width, in order to be able to fight.

But it ’s a pity … With such a loose formation, you can easily destroy them one by one like a group of sharks. In despair, they are annihilated by elf warriors with more than two or three times their strength.

The only thing to be wary of is the flying Empire Castle.

“Pull the oars, open the sails, move forward!”

Maintaining a trapezoidal queue, the Azores fleet spread out towards the wings, very alert and approached the oncoming Imperial fleet as if it were a “water city wall” composed of canvas and wood.

Three hundred steps-The imperial fleet, which is propelled by wind and paddles, has no response except to advance at full speed; the deck is quiet, like a coffin.

Slightly frowned the elf fleet commander raised his sword.


The splashing waves are accompanied by the screams of the iron crossbow arrows tearing the air, the fragmentation of the deck, the keel and the sails … The imperial battleships are destroyed one by one after the imperial battleship on the surface of the unpredictable gem river. Debris floating on the water.

Panicked sailors and heavily armed soldiers fell into the cold river one by one; before they had time to flee, the arrow rain like a locust fell like a heavy rain.

There was no resistance at all … The Azores were like playing a shooting game, hunting sailors who were screaming, wailing, and struggling in the river; dark red blood set off again and again on the cold river. A wave of spray disappeared immediately under the clear blue water.

Before the enemy, the Imperial Fleet has already lost a third of its combat power!

The elf fleet commander sneered, and the opposing imperial fleet ignored the offensive and casualty attack. In his view, it was only the last dying struggle.

The elven fleet with the oars slowed down, deliberately put the fast-advancing imperial fleet into the array, and then continued to use the numerical advantages to divide and disintegrate, encircling one imperial battleship after another.

One of the three warships in front, two or so, sandwiched the imperial warships in the center, compressing continuously, sweeping their decks with arrow rain, throwing rope hooks in the wailing and screaming of sailors, The elves and samurai wielding swords rushed directly along the ropes to the battleship.

The outcome is divided!

The fleet commander’s face showed a confident smile.

Although as the fleet commander, he was only responsible for the simplest task of “surveillance of the Gem River to provide support to the army”, but it was so easy to win, and it was the first army to defeat the enemy. Your Highness should also be amazed?

Relying on such merits, maybe he can go further and become the kingdom of Azores in the future …

“Boom ———————————— !!!!!!”

A loud noise came from the surface of the Jewel River—at that moment, neither the elves nor the imperials turned their heads in unison, looking at the sky that was rising from the water and the sea of ​​fire, like a dark cloud of fungi.

The dazzling light enveloped the sky again, followed by a terrifying giant wave-the warships of the elves were cut into two pieces by the air wave like a toy, rolled up and thrown into the air by the waves; while falling The wailing sound disintegrated and fell into the burning water.

Not only the fleet on the Jewel River, but also the Bayern Legion position on the shore was affected; the roaring sea washed like a huge wave on the embankment, and instantly smashed the thousand people of the two lance squares closest to the embankment Team; without a soldier, a knight can stand up in the water, and the indestructible formation instantly becomes a piece of sand.

Eckert, Earl of Wrathcastle, who immediately reacted, immediately ordered the whole army to move to the left wing, giving up the flooded area-anyway, it has become a muddy ground, if the Azores are interested to rush over from here The archer’s target, he absolutely applauded the welcome.

The remnants of the lost system were quickly gathered and moved to the rear of the front to gather. Three hundred archers and a team of heavy guards were placed behind the flooded area to defend.

After completing a series of defensive measures, Eckert, Earl of Wrathfork immediately blew Bayern ’s march, stepped on the neatly arrayed lance phalanx and the Bayern knights and began to move forward.

“To summon Ramaloth and Regrel, let them lead the Bayern Knight as a leader-there is no need to wait any longer, we cannot let the enemy seize the opportunity!”

Eckert, turning over his horse, ordered the flag officer behind him, while looking at Salika Jonah who was rushing towards her: “Duke Boi, please, your silver armor and your cavalry … “

“Sweep their front, and then lure them to the front of the spear phalanx to break down the dross, huh ?!” The Grand Duchess of the Scimitar didn’t wait for the Count of Fury Castle to finish, and rushed to the already assembled Boye Cavalry Legion:

“Want to kill the rabbit, follow me!”

Sarika, who wielded the “iron ride” long sword, threw a sentence, and then she dashed away.

After a while, the sound of rolling hoofs swept the entire battlefield!

The brave cavalry screamed out of the long and strong square, and the martial arts crossed the Baien knight who was still standing by, and followed the back of the beautiful Qian who held the scimitar and the flag high. whip.

Some depressed Count of Fury turned to Count Mountain Rock who came behind him: “Angert, take the infantry knights to suppress the front and make sure …”

“Make sure the front will not collapse, right?”

Snorted proudly, Count Angut of Shanyanbao who lifted the big sword with one hand put the big sword on his shoulder:

“Relax, they will replace us when they die!”

Angut, with a bold face, walked past Eckert, leaving him only a back.

With a helpless sigh, Ector turned his gaze to the flag officer who was still waiting for the order, and felt a trace of fatigue:

“Don’t wait, blow into the bugle, let’s move forward.”

“Follow the order!”


When the last surrounded imperial warship blew Mars, the Azores fleet had completely collapsed-the fleet and the flagship ascended into the sky in the big bang, and the remaining sailors and warriors did not face the burning river at all. Know what to do.

They neither know where their enemies are, because the enemies have already exploded; they also do not know what they should do, because they continue to be either burned alive or smoked alive!

In the burning Jewel River, the remaining elven fleet is like a group of headless flies, ramming around, fighting each other, even killing each other for diametrically opposite purposes.

When one warship wants to retreat tactically and the other wants to be brave, the only solution the noble Azore warriors can think of is to get rid of this traitor / stupid.

At the same time, the explosion on the water continues-trapped by the instability of the pyrotechnics and alchemy bombs, the igniters on an imperial battleship often cannot be burned at once, and need to be shaken and shaken again reaction.

A cask full of pyrotechnics floated on the river surface with the debris of the battleship, and was very uncertain to hit a certain elf battleship that was entangled in retreat or heroic, and then …

The blaze of explosion flashed continuously from the thick smoke on the surface of the river, accompanied by a violent roar and a scream of screams, spewing out large pieces of warships and the remains of sailor corpses, scattered and fell into the water, disappearing without a trace.

And the horn castle floating city slowly approaching from the water, became the last straw that overwhelmed them and brought despair.

When the floating fortresses like copper walls and iron walls rolled from the fleet nearly thirty meters above, even the most courageous Azore elf warriors knew that this would be a slaughter!

Loss of command has no discipline, the most important thing is that they have no means of access or threats, facing the floating city from the sky can only be a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

The launcher, which was supposed to provide cover to the fleet, was completely suppressed by the little wizard on the frontal battlefield. In the face of the sky-filled beam of bright swords, the launcher of the Azores had to be fully invested in passive defense. in.

Because Jiao lightsaber has a full range of one thousand steps … whenever any elf launcher dares to try to fight back, its location will become Ain Rand’s focus “care” object in the next second.

Burning stone cannons, ignited kerosene tanks, cold iron crossbow arrows … The floating city slowly advancing toward the gem river that has become a sea of ​​fire at any cost, pouring waterfall-like rain of death.

The thick black smoke had covered the entire river, and the frightened elf fleet finally no longer hesitated, and began to resolutely retreat across the board.

But the price of exposing the back to the enemy is to become a target.

The Azores, who were still ravaging the imperial fleet, just tasted the same bitterness in a moment … Uncomfortable, blackened and fleeing with the unburnt warships, one after the other like a name The ship was sunk by a floating city that was chased by him in a hurry.

And no one in the elven fleet that had retreated consciously noticed that one of the semi-residual warships had been “occupied” by the Empire, intermingled among other warships, and “retired” in the direction of the port of Eboden …


Before he was about to reach the river bank, Loren and his party quickly abandoned the sinking elven warship and crossed the river to the shore of the Jewel River.

This is one of the most important ports in Ebden. All inland cargo ships of the Gem River must be moored here and replaced by ocean-going vessels that can sail in the sea to be transferred to the port of Ebden coast.

After the Azores occupied Ebden, it became their fleet port … but because of the war at the moment, there are not many elf warriors patrolling near the coast. No one noticed that there was such a small team swimming quietly. Off shore.

Most of the elves and dancers in disguise guarded around, and the devil hunters helped the wizard who could not swim, and it took a lot of effort before finally landing.

Looking at the wizards who were almost half dead, the dark-haired wizard could not help but sigh.

Expect the group of people who do n’t have any fighting experience at all to become overnight vigilants who are good at stealth combat … it is unrealistic.

But even so, in order to make them as likely as possible to survive, the black-haired wizard thinks it is still necessary to teach them some basic skills, even if the effect can only be minimal:

“Remember, the basic key to stealth is not to reach the goal smoothly, but to do everything possible to avoid all avoidable battles before reaching the goal, but it is definitely not to avoid the battle.”

“We only kill the enemies that must be killed, to ensure that we will not be discovered at the same time when we enter, and then we must delay the vigilance of the other party as much as possible to gain more time for the action.”

“The best infiltration is to infiltrate silently without causing any disturbance or being noticed by anyone, and even after reaching the goal, we must strive for the vigilance of the enemy in a short time; in addition, although our mission is very important, our lives are the same It ’s important, and silent infiltration is the safest of all methods ~ ~ “


The sound of a spear piercing the neck made Loren’s words stop abruptly.

All the wizards and demon hunters turned back in unison. The elves and dancers who were still in charge of the war, somehow had more corpses under their feet, and there were still a few floating on the water before they could swim ashore. Elf sailor with chest and head.

Looking around the **** river surface surrounded by blood, and those elf war dancers with innocent faces who do not know what they did …

“Why, look at me?”

The female elf who found herself in the spotlight stepped back instinctively, without a good air: “Did you say that, to kill the enemies that must be killed-they will find us soon, will we wait until we are found Run back ?! “

Seemed to prove that he was not wrong. Bloody Liya waved the **** spear in her hand and poked a few more times towards the body of the elf on the ground.

The elves and dancers around also nodded their heads in response to their “Lordaire Lord Lotel”.

Loren once again couldn’t help sighing, turning his gaze to each other, some wizards and demon hunters who didn’t know what to say:

“Well … that … it doesn’t matter, if one way doesn’t work, we have another one; yes, in addition to what I just said, there is another way to sneak in silently …”

:. :

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