Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 316 - Surprise? !

The battle of Ebdon, noon.

Under the scorching sun, covered with billowing smoke, the burning, blood-filled battlefield left only sporadic explosions and roars.

The reason is simple-for an entire hour, all the projected weapons on both sides either ran out of ammunition or turned into a pile of scrap copper and iron in the explosion.

Was replaced by heavy, messy, stormy sounds throughout the battlefield.

“Boom … Boom … Boom …”

The cold iron boots stepped on the soil that was burned by the fire and soaked in blood; the sound was not as uniform as the Sacran regiment or the Bain lance phalanx, but it also trembled the heart and made the earthquake tremble.

“Boom … Boom … Boom …”

The Eight Thousand Kings’ Guards and the Three Thousand Bows and Arrows Warriors lifted their long bows in the hands like a flowing tide.

“Shooting army, expand the array-!!!!!!”

Blushing Carl Colin was almost the command to roar out with all his energy, as if it would make him feel a little relieved.

Faced with the obvious enemy’s elite position, even after many wars, he still had a trace of confusion.

At the same time, the empire commander Dresis who noticed the change of the enemy immediately sounded the horn-six flag regiments, and the 3,000 veterans of the heavy army began to advance forward as the Chinese army pioneer quickly deployed directly behind the shooting army Formation, forming a narrow shield wall.

Their mission is to provide temporary cover for this powerful projecting legion when the shooting army retreats.

On the wings of Zhongjun, along with the rolling smoke and roaring horseshoes, two Boi Rangers rushed out of the array to gather at the two wings of the shooting army. Bows and sabers, the sound of people roaring horses and horses is endless.

Less than a quarter of an hour, the nervous Dracis was ready to fight.

But at this moment, there was a burst of singing in the advancing array of Azores:

“We sing loudly today …

Drink old wine;

Wine glass ping pong;

Cry next to friends and relatives … “

At the beginning, was only a faint voice. In the blink of an eye, it seemed to sweep the entire battlefield like a wave, and the voice became more and more magnificent, loud:

“Drink old wine;

Wine glass ping pong;

Crying next to relatives and friends;

Dear sweetheart …

We want to go out;

Expedition to Sacran——! “

The battlefield shrouded in thick smoke, as the song got closer and closer, the army of Azores elves with heavy steps has appeared outside their tens of meters away, just a short distance away.

“Dear sweetheart …

We want to go out;

Expedition to Sacran——!

We are going to Sarkland;

Sacran——! Sacran–! Sacran–! … “

…… With a trace of anxiety and anxiety, Carl Colin stared at the army of elves and samurai warriors who were singing the “killing song”, desperately restraining his inner fear and impulse.

He ca n’t be afraid, because every pair of eyes around him is staring at him violently;

He can’t be impulsive, because everyone puts his hope of life and determination to die to him.

“Shooting army, 80 meters, salvo–!”

With the flashing white light on the battlefield, the roar of the explosion and the screaming figure, the Boyai cavalry who had been waiting for a long time roared and rushed to the array of the Wangting Guards.

Was the first to greet them, the bow and arrow warriors were no worse than the shooting volley.

As the rain of locust arrows fell, the right side of the blood mist splashed in the dust rolled up by the horseshoes. The Poi cavalry who fell from the horse’s horse disappeared into the dust with their mounts.

I heard a long roar from somewhere. The hussars of the group charge quickly spread out, and the Mercedes-Benz horses rolled up the smoke between the two armies, covering the sky.

“Puff! Puff—! Puff puff …”

Hundreds and hundreds of black shadows continuously flowed out of the smoke and dust, and from the edge of the array, the gap between the shields was submerged in the front of the bow and arrow warriors.

Screams came one after another, and the original solid shield wall became fragile in front of the impenetrable arrows.

At the same time, the sound of the horseshoe roaring like a gust of wind is still approaching.

The shielded bow and arrow warriors had not yet faced the enemy, they already showed signs of collapse before the hussars’ roundabout shooting!

Compared with the “black wall” that had been confronted hundreds of years ago, the shield wall of the Azores is a big joke in front of these tough archers.

The next second, the hurried cavalrymen pulled out their cavalry spears and sabers, swept down like a rage, and rushed into the array of Azore elves without concealment.

Cleave, dash, stab … The elf warriors who hit the Boe Hussars in the front, their array collapsed and collapsed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye; they faced a strike and walked away without stopping and moving like wind.

Where the horseshoe tramples, there is blood!

The defeated elf bow and arrow warriors dropped the corpse of the robe and quickly retreated; however, the well-conquered Poi hu cavalry did not obey the horn coming from behind, but regrouped and continued to attack.

“Kill long ears-!!!!!!”

The bloodthirsty roar exploded in the smoke, and the hussars wielding scimitars fought violently, striking the wings of the Wangting Guard.


The horrible loud noise, not the Wangting Guards, but Poe’s Hussars!

Azor’s long sword comparable to a two-handed sword with a horse was torn and shredded into pieces of meat; the sharp blade penetrated through the chest of the horse, and stabbed into the cavalry’s torso.

The armoured Wang Ting guards spread out, set foot on the ground, and use the dancing sword to twist every cavalry who dare to rush into their array into pieces!

In the smoke, the cavalry dropped horses, fell to the ground, and the screams of flesh and blood flew; the cavalry who fell on the ground were trampled back and forth by the running horses, and the rear cavalry hit the robe stopped in the front row, and all fell into death. Under the blade.

While the royal guards still maintained their front, no matter how the hussars rushed back and forth, they harassed with arrows. The saber hacked, the horse rammed … Forever maintaining the unhurried advancing pace, the executioner chopped down every enemy who dared to stand in front of them.

The elite Poihorse cavalrymen are almost telling the robe behind them with their lives-this group of fully armed elf warriors wielding big swords, there is nothing on the flanks!

After paying the price of nearly half of the casualties, the hussars who collapsed their morale completely turned around and retreated to the rear, directly rushing to the wings of the shooting army.

The ruthless Carl Colin decisively ordered to set fire on the defeated Hussars, while quickly gathering the troops and preparing to retreat while holding the position;

The hussars who had been killed and injured more than half and were volleyed by their own people, fled in panic.

“This group of old herders who do not listen to the command!”

Watching the fleeing battlefields of the collapsing Poihorse cavalry, and even a few fools rushed to the left wing square formation, Rao Shileisi thought he was good tempered, and could not help but swear.

But no matter how angry, the messengers around looked anxiously at Dresis, urging him to order as soon as possible-no more soon to send cavalry to support the harassment of the enemy, the front-line shooting army and the three thousand veteran generals Annihilated!

“Boom … Boom … Boom …”

The trembling heart-stepping sound made Dresis unconsciously tighten the reins in his hands.

He also has a team of Bayern Ranger Knights and Empire Knights. He counts about 1,500 cavalry in his guard … but this is the last cavalry.

The temporary recruitment of the second-tier reserve cavalry was too late, not to mention that even the most elite Poihia cavalry could not stand a round of charge, and Dresis felt that it was meaningless to send them over except to die.

Can’t give away the trump card in such a situation.

“Subpoena-let the shooting army retreat, enter the predetermined **** and continue to cover the shooting; the six veteran flag regiments stick to the spot, and the rear platoons start to advance and engage the enemy!”

“Follow the order!”

The ordered heralds turned their horses’ heads, sounded the trumpet, waved the flags, and ran to the legion after another.

“Sacran people, move on-!!!!!!”

The earth began to shake. Ten thousand army veterans held up the zither-shaped shield in silence and set up the halberd. Like a black wave that turned up and down, they pressed toward the Wangting Guards approaching step by step.

At the same time, the veterans of the three thousand regiments that quickly retreated from the cover shooting army were stationed on the spot, desperately resisting the crazy attacks of the Wangting Guards and the elf bow and arrow warriors.

The one-man Azore sword fell head-on, and with a single blow, it shattered the zither shield in the veteran’s hand; the left-handed legionary veteran groaned, and used his arms to bend the battle halberd to pierce the armor of the Wangting guard.


The tip of the battle halberd shattered the outermost armor, but was blocked by the lower chain mail; Wang Tingwei, who was blocked by the battle halberd, raised his long knife again and thrust the blade into the veteran’s face.

Almost at the same time, he was also smashed by the helmet of the halberd smashed by the side of the country and smashed his head.

On the battlefield of plasma spewing, similar scenes are constantly being staged.

Legion veterans with equipment and individual combat strength tending to be inferior can only rely on each other’s cooperation. The tight formation maintains the last little advantage, and will not be crushed in front of the fully armed and wielding sword of the Wangting Guard.

But this last bit of advantage also gradually disappeared with the advancing of the enemy; the indestructible “black wall” for centuries, like the butter, continued to melt under the attack of the enemy, and the veterans lined up like wheat Fall.

Until the main legion entered the battle, the legionnaires barely stood on their feet; the bones of the robe and the fragments of armor and shields that went forward and succeeded, biting their teeth and fighting with the elf warriors.

The retreating firing army on the gentle **** also reopened its formation, and entered the opposite shooting state with the elf bow and arrow warriors on the opposite side; under the cover of the shield player, Karl Colin could also draw out some firepower to support the soldiers.

But this also means that the shooting army is completely exposed to the enemy’s attention … The shield can block the arrows, but it can’t stop the stone cannons and iron crossbow arrows that fell from the sky.

Just as the shooting army entered the highlands, the remnant ballistas and trebuchets of the Azores immediately set fire on the highlands; the horrifying roar of the air and the roar of the landslides, the unmoving shooting army like toys Seems to fall one by one.

Carl Colin, bombarded with enemy projectile weapons, not only did not order a dispersal formation, but continued to shrink the line to ensure the power of the volley.

On the front line where the corpses were laid, the soil soaked in blood and immersed in blood was tumbling up and down in the iron boots and roar, mixed with fragmented, invisible fragments-weapons, armors, bones … A completely different shape, fair and undisturbed. You are stirred in the mud.

At the same time, the right-wing battlefield of the empire was also plunged into anxiety; Lotel, ancient wood forest elf, Alemant, Arles … regardless of you and me fighting with the Azore elf warriors— In the smoke, in the woods, up and down the hills, there was a scuffle.

The balance of the battle situation is constantly swinging left and right, but it has never really been inclined to any side.

The hope of both sides breaking the balance is still on the left.

However, the battle situation should be regarded as a fierce left wing, but it has become the most “quiet” of all battlefields-in the face of the crazy “provocation” of Poy and the Baine cavalry, Azores guarded the position and was unmoved.

Regardless of the scimitar heroine blocked by the guards, he even rushed directly into the enemy’s bow and arrow range, with round and round harassment of the hussars. The roundabout shooting even pretended to charge forward; but the elf prince is like Completely deadhearted, if you have a hard time with the Baine Legion, you can’t stick to it.

Faced with such a stubborn enemy ~ ~ Eckert, Earl of the Fury, felt a little something wrong, but it was difficult to judge what was wrong-the most important thing is that the Byrne Legion has entered the battle … The arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

He could n’t let the aspiring soldiers receive two contradictory orders at the same time, which would only make the original solid formations become chaotic and leave flaws for the enemy … The military order is like a mountain, but it is not just a joke.

With a little hesitation, Eckert still ordered to continue advancing towards the enemy, and at the same time sent more bows and crossbowmen to cooperate with the light cavalry. Once the enemy began to attack, he harassed the Azore elves’ lines and tried to Let them fight back.

“His Royal Highness, our right wing cavalry has entered within three hundred steps. If we don’t organize a counterattack as soon as possible, we will probably …”

“I know, I have eyes, and I have seen them.”

Impatiently interrupted the samurai leader behind him, and the little elf prince glanced at the elf wizards on the other side: “How is the preparation, can you guarantee that the cage can hold him?”

“According to your instructions, we have strengthened the security and stability of the cage as much as possible.” The trembling elf warrior quickly replied: “Although you can ensure that the capture is completed when necessary, the danger is still …”

“Since you can, let’s do it!” The little elf prince waved his hand:

“It’s time to give our old friend” Bai Ren “a big surprise!”

:. :

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