Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 374 - Do not be afraid

The huge body collapsed and decomposed into ash scattered from the sky.

Vera, tired and paralyzed on the ground, widened her eyes and stared at what happened in front of her in amazement.


Really … not dreaming?

Just a second ago, I thought I was defeated and I was dead. Now I can still clearly feel my heart beating fast, my body sore to the extreme, and my head sore.

Such pain means that you are still alive and well.


“Vela, you are here!”

A light and full of surprise came.

The red-haired girl rolled her eyes desperately, looking at the footsteps running hurriedly towards this side.

The tiny head, the pony tail behind, and the sapphire-like twinkling eyes … The stunned Vera, her eyes widened at once: “Ah, you!”

She remembered that the little wizard who had seen archery events a few years ago in Ebden, who was more powerful than magic, called … this guy, how could this be?

“Ah! Don’t move yet, lie flat and relax.”

Ai Yin panicked, quickly helped the red-haired girl who wanted to get up: “Relax, your spiritual hall has suffered too much erosion of the void, and needs a rest.”

While soothing, give the other person a “sedative potion” in his hand.

The cold medicine dropped down the throat and Vera couldn’t help but shuddered a few times; but soon she felt that her headache was fading quickly-although her body was still weak, it was obviously much more comfortable than before.

“This kind of medicine can only relieve pain. There is no real recovery. You still need to rest.” Seeing the other person still remembering, Ayin immediately warned: “Relax first and let the medicine continue to work.”

“Lorren, where is Lorren ?!”

Despite being warned several times, the impatient red-haired girl couldn’t help but be excited.

“Loren, he is …”

Halfway through the words, the expression of the little wizard suddenly changed, and he couldn’t help but say, suddenly hugged Vera and jumped forward.


Almost in the next second of the jump, the ground of the entire arena trembled; the sandy ground where they had just stood suddenly exploded in a loud noise.

No, it was not exploding, but sinking-centered on that small piece of sand, the entire arena was sinking and collapsing directly below.

“Let me down!”


At the same time, the two people who reacted held hands and ran towards the periphery of the arena; the sand that occupied four-fifths of the arena collapsed and collapsed behind them, engulfing the ground where they could fall. .


There was another shock, and the weak red-haired girl stumbled and nearly fell, and was caught by Ain who was found in time.

With the roar of the ground collapsing, huge tentacles were drilled out of the flowing sand and dust; they came out of the ground, tossed and shaken, with a sensitive extension that was completely incompatible with the huge body, and they were already torn apart. , Fragile ground like a piece of tissue.


In the thick smoke, countless tentacles dragged the fat and bloated “blood flesh” of the body of the evil spirit out of the ground, like a pool of mud;

Countless blood and water mixed with bone fragments spilled from the cracked ground, and soon flooded the entire arena, flooding the ankle.

Perhaps it was because the body was too bloated and too large. The shell of the evil **** stuck in the center of the ground only exposed half of the body, and was completely confined to the center of the arena. It could n’t move except its huge tentacle.


The angry Evil God’s body waved his tentacles and smashed around the arena; in the almost uninterrupted roar, the buildings, the walls, the stands … became the broken walls of the dust.

The stunned Vera and the little wizard stood at the very edge of the arena, motionless.

“This … it was obviously killed just now, why …” Ayin exclaimed suddenly, with a trace of horror on her pale face:

“Is it not just the ground, but even the underground has been …”

Vera slumped on the ground, her cheeks full of pus and blood staining stiff and motionless.

In front of you are monsters that can’t win at all, and outside are thousands of carrion demons that have more than sand … The small wizard said that even the underground of the city is already full of monsters.

It’s over, not saved, and I’m dead.

She was completely desperate in powerlessness. When she saw the tentacles that hit her, she was still and waited to die quietly.


The dazzling white light flashed past, burning the incoming tentacles into coke and turning it into ashes scattered all over the place.

Almost at the same time, the little wizard who lifted the battle bow had taken the second arrow from the back, and the arrow of the Mithril gloss was aimed at the second flesh tentacle that struck them.


The light beam traversed a flashing white line in the arena, successively passing through the junction of the three tentacles, and turned into pus spilled on the ground.

The shining light reflected the firm face of the little wizard.

The stunned red-haired girl raised her head in amazement, staring at the battle bow in Ain’s hand: “This is …”

“Luotel shoots an eagle bow-of course, it’s a modified version of me. It’s beautiful!” The surprised little wizard was as happy as showing off his doll:

“Reinforced the original bow body, and can change the shooting strength of the bow, choose direct shot or projectile, as well as a special position of the grip and the position of the arrow.” Ai Yinxing introduced gleefully:

“Of course, the most important thing is the arrow itself-the engraving of the enchanting bright light sword spell on the mystical silver-plated arrowhead, the power … can be doubled!”

The little wizard’s words were full of pride.

If the level and level of understanding of the void are a measure of the standard of a mystic wizard, then the only thing that can measure the ability of an alchemist is the fineness of the engraved runes.

The more complex and sophisticated, the more able to compose a rune that can achieve its own effectiveness of 100% or even a higher level in an extremely limited area, the more able to prove the strength of an alchemist.

On the arrowheads coated with only a layer of Mithril, the power of a high-order enchantment was exerted twice through the runes-no one alchemist had such brilliant achievements in the past.

This has nothing to do with talent, nor is it a gift that can be made up for; what can only be accomplished with absolute patience, composure, conscientiousness, and willpower—there is no difference.

Being able to complete is not enough to prove the talent of the little wizard in alchemy. On the contrary, it can only prove that she is more serious, patient, and calmer than everyone, all wizards …

The success of Ain Rand proves that she has surpassed the level of her mentor Harlem van Ashamah in alchemy, which is unprecedented!

Raise the bow, open the bow, take the arrow and aim.

With a confident smile, the right fingertip squeezing the tail of the arrow seemed to establish an unspeakable connection, making the arrow an extension of the body.

“This arrow … its name is” Xiaguang · baixia “!”


Another white light flashed through, dividing the raised tentacles in two.

The Evil God’s shell roared and waved its torn tentacles. Blood and pus were sprayed out of the wound continuously, and it was shaken into mist in the deafening roar.

It’s angry … it has only the simplest, lowest intelligence, and chaotic Evil God’s body. At this moment, it is unparalleled anger.

Because its simple brain, which is very responsive to the void, can clearly feel that the little figure fighting against itself … no fear.

Faced with herself, she had no fear.

The Evil God’s body with simple wisdom can’t describe this emotion, but it does feel the anger … the most extreme anger.


In the angry roar, hundreds of shots broke through, striking Vera and Ain who were leaning on the edge of the arena from all directions.

Countless tentacles turned into countless blood shadows, storming them like a storm.


The exclaimed red-haired girl suddenly looked at the little wizard next to her. Ai Yin, who had a calm look, stood still holding her bow, and remained motionless.

She just pulled out an arrow without any hassle, and then stuck hard in the mud in front of her feet.

The next second, Willa, who was about to close her eyes and waited to die, widened her eyes in shock-countless tentacles that hit them, all were blocked for three steps.

“Pap–! Papap …”

The countless tentacles were like hitting a copper wall or iron wall, and they were all exploded into splattered meat and blood mist in front of them.

One drop did not get close to them.

The translucent light blue luster was revealed in the **** “muddy” mist.

The stunned red-haired girl realized that she and the little wizard seemed to be covered in a “ball of light”-outside of their three steps, all the buildings that could be seen were already in tentacles. Turned into ruins under the bombardment.

Only the narrow section of the wall behind her was still standing there firmly.

The wicked body of the Evil God twitched back the wreckage of tentacles, and the roar gradually became more screaming.

The ice barrier from Master Albert was also engraved on the arrowhead by the little wizard in the form of “high-level curse”.

Although the ice barrier itself is not a magic spell, to a certain extent, it is even just a pile of residual voids; but as long as you can master the basic principles of it, you can also play the effect in the same way as the magic spell.

From this level, Ain almost created a brand new high-level spell.

“It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”

The stunned Vera looked at Ayin, and the smiling little wizard wizard bowed her arrow while comforting her: “There is nothing terrible, it will end soon.”

The calm and gentle tone seemed to have a certain magic power, which made Vera feel at ease while also having a special inexplicability.

Why … this alchemist who was so timid in Ebden could stand here so calmly and comfortably … this …

This is totally a personal change!

In just a few years, what did this little wizard experience?

Ain, who had no idea what the other party was thinking about, raised the war bow again, and solemnly took the arrow from the back sac.

Raise the bow, open the bow, aim and shoot.


With the sound of tearing air, the arrows that flew steadily landed on the fat and huge fleshy body of the Evil God’s body.


The next second, a huge shock rang in the arena.

The roaring Evil God’s shell struggled with his body, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and climbed out of the deep ground.

The red-haired girl with the hairs is leaning against the protective wall-even if she can’t understand the screaming, she understands that this monster is really completely angry!

In the violent vibration, the screaming wicked god’s shell waved tentacles violently, rolling the bloated body continuously, and the sound of crushing bones approached them.

The shaking tentacles even covered the night sky above their heads, approaching in a deafening roar.


“Don’t worry, don’t be afraid, it’s over, the monster will no longer threaten us anymore, take a rest for a while, Vera, you need to rest now.”

It was n’t the first time that the red-haired girl with a desperate expression was paralyzed by the wall, and the comforting words of the little wizard were still ringing in her ears-she really wanted to ask this super-optimistic little wizard in herself What happened in the past few years has left me so fearless.

Bloody shadows fell from the sky.


The red-haired girl widened her eyes ~ ~ The moment the tentacle was about to fall, it twitched like a fire, turning into ashes in her sight.

This, this, this … this is … what’s going on? !

The bursting flesh trembles violently in the air, and one after another burst into countless pieces of flesh and pus in the air, scattered over their heads.


There was another roar, the bursting tentacles with roots, and a huge blood hole was exploded in the body of the Evil God’s body.

The screaming monster twitched and struggled in the deep pit. Numerous tiny tentacles stretched out of the exploding wound, like a group of snakes in the hole, growing continuously and madly.

But these newly-grown tentacles have barely “growed”, they have begun to decay rapidly, decay, shrink;

And in every corner and every part of its body, abscesses … are constantly repeating this process-growth, attenuation, shrinkage, decay.

Uninterrupted, repeating this cycle of life.

“Death, resurrection, remodeling … For the body of the wicked **** who has already died and constantly ‘deceives’ the material world by the power of the void, the power of ‘resurrection’ is tantamount to intestinal poison.”

“The power from another world that deceives this world will definitely pay the price it deserves for its actions-the laws from this world are your curses and the price it should pay.”

The smiling little wizard seemed to be talking to himself, his blue eyes flashed with nostalgia:

“Everything is … it’s over.”

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