Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 380 - I swear

The purple electric light runs through the sky, and the light swallows everything up and annihilates it.


The light was gone, the magnificent temple was burning … the broken wall, the solemn sculpture of the Holy Cross, the main altar … everything was burning, and the red tiles radiated a rolling heat wave, and the ashes were scattered in the air.

Serior in the flames turned around, staring at the holy cross sculpture, his expression was no longer crazy, no ridicule, instead, he was calm and nostalgic.

The nostalgic look is like looking at another … the one who used to be.

The one who used to be full of dreams and hopes.

At that time, I had illusions about this world, believing that I would create an eternal, immortal system and system that would allow this world to continue forever.

Separating, merging, interacting, and touching the two worlds by myself … The end result is surprisingly the same in various ways.


Endless, the end of self-destruction.

Maybe it was my own mistake, maybe it was because of myself … But when I mastered all this, I realized that destruction is inevitable and not a distant future.

And my last attempt, my last effort … still to no avail, and even accelerated the progress of all this.

So Cerior … the Black Cross … gave up.

Take control of the void and rule the two realms … Integrate your own consciousness into this world and make it a part of yourself, all problems will be solved, all dangers will no longer be dangers, all will be eliminated The budding stage is invisible.

The world will usher in a new era under its own control.

“This is my Serel, to you … the last answer to me.”

Staring at the burning Holy Cross sculpture, Serel said to himself: “I will do what you never did, I will accomplish what you dream, I will … become this world.”

“You would think that I was wrong and crazy … It doesn’t matter, you can stop, resist, and struggle, and I will accompany you; because the facts will prove that my decision … is correct.”

“you are wrong.”

The murmured Serior raised his right hand and stretched out to the destroyed temple of the burning Holy Cross sculpture, which was no longer able to suppress the overflowing power of the void.

Another holy grail of nine stars is in it.

Loren Torino desperately concealed, even to the holy grail of the nine-pointed star to hide from him from the beginning … from the day that the dragon queen went south, it was hidden here, hidden by the rules established by the Holy Cross its existence.

To deceive yourself with the power you have created, or even to make yourself unable to guess in this direction … It is indeed an unchanging truth that the lights are dark.

Serie, who narrowed his eyes, slowly looked back, staring at the figure approaching himself from outside the flames.


Serior’s face changed suddenly.

How can this be? !

“Nothing is impossible.”

Eckhart de Salion, with a leisurely look, stepped into the sea of ​​fire, and his gaze calmly gazed at the flash of consternation on Serior’s face: “In the void, the strong crush the weak; in the realm of matter, everything Existence must follow facts and objective rules; cowardly and weak people holding sharp blades have the same chance of killing strong men. “

“As I said, the god” Black Cross “from the void world, when you personally come to the world and show divine power, it also gives us these humble existences to hurt you.”

Eckhart’s unwavering voice rang through the burning temple ruins:

“Welcome … to the real world.”

“our world.”



The earth and stone collapsed in the loud noise, and thousands of carrion demons poured out of the streets like ants, overwhelming them, turning the whole house into smoky ruins.

The flowing tide of monsters “twirled” in the rubble like tentacles, crushing the remaining broken walls and ruins, leaving only corpses and sand-like rubble everywhere.

“Poo! Poo! Poo! Poo! Poo …”

In the collapsed house, there was an uninterrupted sound of biting corpses.

There was no wailing, no screaming, and apart from the roar of house collapses and the roar of ice cracks, the broken and ruined streets were as dead as silence.

The long night, shrouded in a huge vortex, was once glorious and dense, densely populated, with a population of more than one million, the queen of the city of Golovin … Now, it is just a dead city.

The blood that soaked the earth was already cold and dry, and the bones buried under the ruins were rotten and smelly … the old prosperity, dilapidated, brand new, between the old streets and the city, there was no longer a bit of vitality.

The carrion demons that were piled up among the ruins stayed where they were, searching for targets and prey that no longer existed, and the swarming “ant colony” gradually spread out, wandering over the rubble pile at the bottom of their feet.

At this moment …


The unpredictable air wave smashed dozens of carrion demons. The large and small fragments shattered like ice cubes, and the wind that followed the air wave fell in the air.

The next second, a little figure wielding two swords struck from the air waves.

In an instant, almost all carrion demons turned their eyes in one direction at the same time, staring at the figure that screamed at them, and then swarmed up.

Like a hungry shark, smelling the smell of blood!

The sprint figure put up the sharp blade of the right hand and held the short sword of the left hand back; in the wind, the two silver-white sharp blades suddenly shivered slightly, sending out a vibrating “tweet”.


In the moment of being overwhelmed by the tide of monsters, an invisible “silk thread” ripped a gap in the swarm of swarming monsters.

“Poof!” Another “silk thread” crossed, and the carrion demons that were touched shattered into pieces, and they became scattered ice pieces scattered all over the place.

Among the fragments, the figure waving his shoulders tore a tear from the tide of monsters.

The short sword of the wheel dance, as if it had an invisible blade, was divided into two before the carrion demon approached.

But the figure did not take the opportunity to break through, but once again killed the monster tide.

Hands up and down!

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom …”

In the dead streets, there are echoes of shredded “movements” of carrion demons. There is no fear, and weary monsters continue to flock to the wave of the invisible “blade” without interruption. Was strangled.

The chaotic fight lasted for a quarter of an hour.

The little figure wielding two swords knelt on one knee among piles of carrion demon debris, and supported the body with two swords, breathing heavily.

He raised his head, and a cautious figure was hiding behind the wall that had not collapsed, and glanced secretly towards this side.

“Come out, no need to hide.”

The tired Lucien stood up and said lazily: “The dross just now should be the last carrion demon in this neighborhood.”

“Are you sure?” Isaac seemed a little hesitant, looking around in fear and fear: “How do I feel that there are still a lot of things that haven’t come out yet?”

“Oh, it might be underground.”


The frightened Isaac instinctively moved up, almost tripped.

“What are you afraid of, haven’t you already known?”

“Yeah, but didn’t you just say that the one you killed before was the last batch nearby?”

“I didn’t say that the following were also cleaned up.”

“That’s a problem that you didn’t say clearly enough!” Isaac Li, with his waist down, said straight.

“…” Lucien.

Why is the person who comes with me Isaac? No, I should ask why I would be stupid enough to come with Isaac willingly. Isn’t the lesson in the Dragon King City enough?

The gray pupil suddenly felt very tired from head to toe, not the body but the mental level. It seemed that he had just played for three days and three nights and didn’t close his eyes.

Isaac, unaware of this, was still looking around in fear, avoiding every corner with carrion debris cautiously, and always refused to get close to Lucien standing in the middle of the “corpse bones”; Some dried carrion demon climbed up again, tearing him to pieces.

“We have to stay here a little longer.”


Luisen was stunned, glancing at Isaac who was staring at the wizarding college.

“Ayin’s side … they still didn’t persuade the guys in the academy.” Bianbianzui, Isaac was helpless: “The guy who fled is still persuading the rich to be afraid of dying, and the people without money to be dying, Only this is the same for everyone. “

“But for those brain-drained alchemists in the college, I will not admit that those guys who do not recognize mysticism are sorcerers. For them, there is something more important than living in this world. Let them stay in the college and refuse to leave. “

“Even if they are very clear, it’s a dead end to stay on; for this, I respect their decision.” Turning his head, Isaac looked at Lucien seriously:

“Because we are the same too … Come to this **** place and do things that may not make sense at all, or even help.”

“Some things are more important than being alive.”

The gray pupil with his mouth squeezed had a serious expression and nodded in agreement.

“But … you know, Ayin’s guy has always been stubborn.” Sighing, he sat cross-legged on the “heap of corpses”, and leaned back on Lucien’s side:

“She still insists on saving the guys who want to die. I don’t want to quarrel with her, so … although I don’t particularly want to, we have to stay here a little longer and give her some time.”

“If she succeeds … then if a bunch of brainless potatoes happen to come across a rotting corpse demon, we both have to be hated by Ayn for a lifetime.”

The gray pupil who nodded no longer said anything, just watched around.



“Why come to this place?”


“Why go to the capital, follow Loren and us here? You should be very clear that Loren doesn’t want you to follow.”

The gray pupil’s expression was heavy, and he turned his head no longer to take care of Isaac, saying that he did not want to answer this kind of question.

“Yes, I understand your relationship with Loren. I know you wholeheartedly want to protect him and become his help, but …” Isaac rolled his eyes:

“Not this time.”

The gray pupil snorted impatiently: “What the **** do you want to say?”

“I want to say that you are very clear. Staying in Byrne can help Loren more at least, definitely more than here; killing people, killing monsters, killing evil spirits … the executioner’s work can be done by anyone, not necessarily It must be you. “

“Moreover, you still have injuries on your body. Do n’t think I do n’t know, you have n’t rested and rehabilitated your body since the Battle of the Boundary Mountain; you ’re not the monster of Loren Turin, you ’re a big living person, and you suffered in Ebden The injury is enough to make you … “

Lucien couldn’t help it: “I’m fine!”

“You are almost dead!” The wide-eyed Isaac snatched unkindly:

“Which of the vast voids in your body thought who had deceived me, Ain or Loren? Do you think he or Ain did not find out, how could it be ?!”

“If it were n’t for me, I insisted that if you were allowed to take those people away, you would eventually be exhausted. You thought Ain would promise you a guy who was going to die and I would climb the hills of Golovin , Dreaming ?! “

The startled gray pupil lowered his head and stared at Isaac inexplicably.

“What’s wrong, I didn’t expect it … Ah, I’ve seen this expression several times. You all think I’m the kind of particularly impersonal guy, but my impersonal guy used to look at the person who protects me Let me emphasize that the tragic death is really tragic. “

Isaac’s breath became heavy, his grumpy voice filled with sadness:

“I have had such an experience, once … I once got my best friend in danger because I was too excited. Once I told myself every time, this was the last time, the last time.”

“But every time I know, I’m deceiving myself … just like this time.” Sighing, Isaac stared at Lucien’s eyes:

“I failed to protect Jiawen and Ivan in Ebden, and failed to protect Loren in the Dragon King City; I wanted to try to protect Lena and protect our unborn children, which is one of the reasons I came here; For this purpose, I can fear no death, because … “

“You have a kid?!”

“Yes ~ ~ Lena told me, she said she felt, I … don’t interrupt me!” Isaac waved impatiently:

“Some things are more important than being alive … so I guess you are the same.”

Luisen nodded: “I have to come … if I don’t come this time, there will be no chance in the future.”

“Even if I die here.”

“I didn’t plan to leave alive … Also don’t use this to blame me, aren’t you the same?”

“No, I want to go back, and I want to live another twenty years or so, accomplishing the achievement that my child can’t surpass before I die, and let him worship me forever to die.” Isaac shook his head vigorously. , Eyes staring at Lucien from beginning to end:

“The same is true for you. I won’t let you die here … Even this time, I, Isaac Grantham, I will let you leave here alive no matter what reason you have for shit.”

“I swear!”

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