Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 389 - May the void be with you

The battle on the stairs of the Sky Dome was over before it started.

Lucien is very clear, not to say defeat in his current state, just to break through from the oath knights of nearly a hundred men. Even the oath knights who have lost their faith and collapsed still represent the church and the old empire. Maximum combat power.

The desperate comparison of strength between the two sides cannot be easily erased.

Otherwise, even if there is only a slight possibility, he will force Isaac to break through; no matter what is waiting for them in the Sky Dome, it will not be more desperate than the one in front of him.


“Ah … still thinking about dying and struggling?” Frowning frown, the elf girl with her waist showing some impatient expression: “It’s almost done, is it necessary?”

“It ’s true … Although I do n’t want to keep my mouth alive, Shira did n’t intend to kill you immediately, but just wanted to torture you well before killing. It ’s necessary to do it again and again and again and again. Toss?

“Obviously, as long as you bear it obediently, anyway, your destiny is not … it is the destiny of this world that is already doomed, sooner or later, it will become the thing in the palm of the Black Cross.

“I don’t understand. I really don’t understand.” The elf girl shook her head, and then showed an airing expression: “I don’t understand, but I hate it!”

“Oh, obediently stand there, is it so difficult to wait for someone to be tortured to death? By comparison, it is obviously better to do what you did before, and Shella just wants a little compensation and It ’s just revenge! “

Speaking the cruelest words with the right tone, the gray pupil lying in the pool of blood was simply too lazy to pay attention, just staring at the elf girl’s every move.

Isaac, curled up in the ruins, wanted to refute, but after seeing Lucien’s expression, he closed his mouth and said nothing.

The present self is of no use at all, as long as you wait quietly, trust Lusien wholeheartedly, and trust your friends.

Boom Boom Boom!

Boom Boom Boom!

The sound of heavy iron boots echoed on the stairs, and the silent vows of knights drove forward uniformly.

The dozens of people who were killed before by Lucien were also sharply penetrated by the front door, the armor was torn into pieces, the arms fell, and there was only a little flesh left on the shoulders …

But these did not have any effect on the oath knight. In an instant, the oath knight who had been scalded all over the body had recovered from the original blood stains and damaged armor, and he could not see any injuries at all.

This is the power of the vows knight … In addition to the dedication to death, as long as the Holy Cross has not been truly destroyed, there is almost no force in the world that can kill them.

But on the other hand, if the Holy Cross disappears, it means that the entire world is under the control of the Black Cross, and there is no room for change. The life and death are in the other party’s thoughts.

Clenching his teeth, the gray pupil’s nerves were tight and extremely tight.

What should I do, what exactly should I do?

If it was Lord Loren, what would he do?

Even knowing that these are meaningless, but Lucien can’t even think of a life-saving straw.

Boom Boom Boom!

The sound of a uniform pace gradually approached in the smile of the elf girl.

“Hello, wait!”

At the moment when the gray pupil decided to pounce, a voice interrupted him and blocked him.

Lucien froze in place, and the stunned elf girl raised her hand almost at the same time to stop the vowing knight who was approaching, and looked at the guy who suddenly came out inexplicably.

“Isaac, you …”

“Shut up first!”

Stealing the gray pupil who wanted to open his mouth, arms outstretched and blocked in the middle of the ladder, Isaac fought two battles, desperately restrained the body that had been shaking, looked up at the same curious face, blinked and looked at him Serra.

“Then … uh … ah … sorry!”

Isaac, who hadn’t known what to say for a long time, could only come here.

The elf girl was startled, and then smiled: “Isaac Grantham, you think this situation, as long as I apologize, I will spare you …”

“No, I absolutely have no idea about this!”

Without waiting for the other person to finish talking, Isaac gasped and looked at the elf girl excitedly and nervously: “I just think … I … need to apologize for what happened before, that’s all!”

Shira, who was playing with a short knife, shrugged, with an indifferent expression: “Well, cute Shila accepts your apology, then next …”

“Next!” Isaac steals again: “Can you … listen to my proposal a little bit ?!”


“Yes! Proposal … and a proposal that greatly benefits you!” Isaac licked his cracked lips, staring at the scarlet eyes, panting violently:

“If I’m right, the reason why you serve that black cross … shouldn’t be willing, right?”

“Of course, I don’t know how you serve him, what kind of favors or promises he gave you Barbara … but obviously, he is holding your handle, even controlling your life and death, every move, this is That’s right, right? “

“It’s an interesting proposal.” The elf girl’s expression gradually became colder: “Unfortunately, Shella has no interest in listening anymore.”

With a small hand raised, he vowed the knights to move forward.

“He is not invincible!”

The panicked Isaac screamed and hurriedly raised his hand to stop Lucien who wanted to stand up behind him:

“I can help you!”

“help me?”

“Yes! I … Isaac Grantham, the only wizard genius ever, the heir to the dragon kingdom heritage …” Isaac shivered with excitement:

“I can help you to lift the restraint of the Black Cross Serel on you and he will never be noticed by him!”

“Think about it, even if it was us who failed in the end, the Black Cross ruled the whole world and put everything under his control. You … you still can’t be completely controlled by him, and you have independent autonomy!”

“As long as you are careful enough, you won’t notice him; you can even use this to accumulate strength, and one day it will be possible to challenge the Black Cross or even replace it! It is possible!”

“I know it sounds sloshing, but it’s really possible. Don’t forget that I’ve been to the Dragon King Tower in Dragon King City. The people there have persisted from the destruction of the Dragon Kingdom until they were discovered by the Black Cross!

“Think about it, how about a little thought ?!”

With his head tilted, the elf girl looked at Isaac excitedly inexplicably.

Does it make sense to run out and negotiate with yourself at this time to delay time? Obviously, they are in a hurry!

She doesn’t even need to actually kill them, as long as it drags on, it’s enough. Anyway, Serel did not explicitly tell her who she must kill.

But … the other party’s proposal is indeed very tempting. If he really said that he will become the second only existence of the Black Cross, and can be free from the other party’s control, but …

“Why do I have such a good way, why don’t you do it yourself?”

“Because it doesn’t make sense!”


“This method … how to say … just to win a first-line opportunity, it doesn’t make much sense to us wizards or any imperial people.” Isaac swallowed and tried to calm himself:

“Think about it, what is the first thing he will do after the Black Cross takes control of the world?”

Of course, there is no more left to clean up the old world.

The elf girl’s eyes rolled, and immediately understood Isaac’s meaning. No matter what the other party said, even if you can escape the control of the Black Cross, you can’t escape the final liquidation; even if you survive for a while, just let He became more dazzling and died even worse.

Only those who will not be liquidated can take advantage of this good opportunity.

And now it will not be killed by the black cross immediately, only the elf girl in front of you is of course, this is just possible.

“Um … Shiraz accepted your proposal.” The elf girl blinked, with an expression of interest: “Sir Isaac, what do you want in return?”

No separate tone at all, and Isaac knew that the other party did not believe in himself.

Willing to talk about the conditions, just because the other party feels that they have already won the victory, what they want to do is so-called, just play with themselves.

Give some hope of survival before killing, squeeze out the value of the use, and then kill it. Once there is resistance or dissatisfaction, it is convenient to kill it … The tricks that the other party can play are basically unpredictable.

However, this is enough.

“In return … there is only one.” Isaac took a deep breath: “Let’s … live five more minutes.”


“It’s not four, not six, five minutes is enough.” Isaac waved his hand, with a life-and-death expression: “You and your little friends backed up two steps to give us a little space … just five minutes. . “

“Just five minutes?”

“Only five minutes.”

“you sure?”

“Anyway, I’m going to finish the calf, and I don’t want anything else; it’s not too much to chat with friends before I die.”

The elf girl tilted her head and took a step back, but vowed that the knights would still stand there.

Taking a deep breath, Isaac, with a complex expression, looked back, and Lucien, who was covered in blood, was also watching him.

“Five minutes … enough?”

Gray pupil asked worriedly.

Even if he was unresponsive, at this point, he could probably guess what Isaac wanted to do.

“It doesn’t depend on me.” Isaac looked feeble: “Anyway, I have already accepted my destiny, what about love and what to do!”

Even knowing that Isaac was telling the truth, Lucien couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

The two were staring at each other, chatting one sentence at a time, enduring anxiously waiting … just five minutes, long like five centuries.

Even the elf girl who was watching on the side began to count in the bottom of her heart.

Almost there.

five four three two one…

It’s now!


The moment everyone thought about it, a huge burst of sound immediately came from under his feet.

The floor beneath the stairs was exploded, and billowing smoke and dust mixed with raindrops of rubble.

Even if it had been expected, Shiraz, protected by the vowed knight, still showed a stunned expression.

“this is……”

“It’s the sound of an alchemy bomb!”

The leader of the demon hunter, Lusien, first responded, blocking his muzzle with his arm: “It is unique to the wings of the sky … Alchemy bomb!”

In the shadowed field of vision, one figure stepped out from the other, clustering around and gathering around the two.

Looking at the guy standing beside him, Lucien frowned slightly: “How come it came so late?”

“Sorry, but we can be a full day later than you set off.” The expressionless Karl Collin stretched his hand to pull Lucien from the ground, and said in a deep voice: “This speed is already the limit. . “

“Where did you come from?”

“The Golovin hills have secret passages that are exclusively under the control of the night watchman … We are lucky and still usable.”

“how many?”

“More than a hundred.”

“A little less.”

“When I came, there were more than three hundred people.”

Looking at Carl Collin, who was also wounded, Lucien paused, staring at the other person with a dead eye:

“Can you still fight?”


“is it?”

After glancing at the wounded night watchmen and demon hunters all over the body, the slightly bowed Lucien stood in the center of the team, and turned his eyes back to the elf **** the steps:

“That’s good!”

“Ah … a little disappointing.” With a long sigh, the elf girl spread her hands and did not meet the expected thought:

“I used to think that you were so fanfighting, why did you spend your time trying to get time, and the result was just a little bit … so disappointed, so disappointed, I thought that there would be a dragon or a floating city, what a disappointment. what!”

“Forget it, then you’re all done!”

“Then please give it a try.”

Faceless Karl Colin took a step forward. With his movements, the demon hunter and night watchman came out from the smoke, and the grim arched guards were on both sides of him. Real block behind:

“Being standing in front of you are the wings of the sky and the night watchmen from the Red Blood Castle and the Sky Vault, under the orders of the fourteenth-generation emperor Brandon II and the order of the Countess of Red Blood Castle ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ bet on the names of Byrne and the Empire, I will wait … I will slay you here! “

“I would rather die than dare to lose my life !!!”

The uniform shouts sounded from a battle line consisting of over a hundred wounded and exhausted soldiers.

“is it?”

A cruel and lovely smile was raised in the corner of the elf girl’s mouth.

The uniform sound of iron boots approached with the bronze walls and iron walls composed of knights.

Boom Boom Boom!

Boom Boom Boom!


Roaring coldly, Karl Collin pulled out the bright silver saber from behind: “May the void …”

“be with you!”

Responding to him, under the vortex, hundreds of swords!

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