Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 413 - You have to grab!

Uh … this should be the second or third time.

The following are all “Isac Grantham ’s“ Final Battle, Confrontation with the Black Cross ”written by Isaac Grantham several years later.

Well, just put it behind the “Nedhog Adventure Journal” just in case I will actually write this book.

cough! All in all, the general course of things, like the white-bearded uncle who we met when we reached the snowy mountain outside the Dragon King City, the moment when I started to study in Loren …

I don’t know what he wants to do.

Like last time, there is nothing to surprise the enemy is the Black Cross, here is his dream world (I fainted when things happened, so this is just a guess but 80% is right), except for Loren (this is also my guess, I Didn’t see the scene where he grabbed the Holy Grail) Everyone’s every move could not escape the eyes of the Black Cross.

Faced with an enemy who can predict everything, even the outcome, what should you do?

Yes, you should make your own decision, save trouble and not choose.

This is the least risky option, but since we are standing here alive and dead, we must be anchored.

Of course, in this one-eighth-second moment, I have thought about the whole plan. The reason why so much nonsense is just to make you a bunch of potatoes understand that even in the face of fear and unknown, even if talent is super talented Genius is actually the same as you.

In the fight against the Black Cross, what I can do is very limited, or there is only one choice.

Only Loren can really hurt him, and only Loren ’s actions can escape his eyes. This is powerful and unmatched, but it still has an independent consciousness, a unique existence from the void world, and the fusion of the consciousness of Bishop Farnesis And gradually influenced by this world we call “material” …

Change his mode of existence and let the Black Cross completely “substantialize”.

For the evil gods, there are many powerful forces that can’t really hurt them. The ordinary wizards are completely unable to reach the level, and even resistance can’t resist the pressure of resistance …

And the most crucial point is that no matter how you hurt them … they won’t help.

Even if killing them a thousand times, destroying their bodies 10,000 times is meaningless … their origin is independent consciousness, it is the power of the void … The most direct way to kill an evil **** completely is to use more They are devoured by a powerful force of the void.

But for Serel, this is the most impossible way; he is already the most powerful evil god, so powerful that the entire void world is ruled by him.

In order to defeat him, it is necessary to complete the substantive realization of the power of the black cross, which is the source of the Black Cross, through the genius research at the level of the material world.

Let him be “touchable”, “damaged” and “killed”.

This is a crazy, but the only feasible plan; or it is better to say that in the face of such a huge strength gap, any plan is crazy and unrealistic.

The chance was that the moment the Black Cross focused all on Loren, the success rate was minimal, and it was almost certain that it would be immediately noticed by the Black Cross as soon as he had the idea.

So I decided to start now.

Heartbeat, you have to act immediately!


Isaac Grantham … is it you? !

The moment Serel realized it, he knew it was too late.

The nine-pointed star magic circle shining with gray-blue light spreads at the feet, but those who are only under the guise of a very thorough understanding of the transformation process of the void, and Isaac Grantham who opened the first valve, do not need it at all. This kind of thing.

In an instant, the Black Cross can feel its strength and body, and some irreversible changes are taking place.

“Ah ah ah!!!!”

The painful Black Cross roared with exhaustion.

Filled with his rotten wood-like body, the power of the void transformed into black mist appeared alienation that was out of his control. Like the worms born in carrion, he began to devour the surrounding black mist, twisting and changing his quickly. form.

These forces are changing, twisting, eager to be like all the “materials” of the surrounding material world, possessing their own existence, not just the strength of the convergence of messages and emotions.

Just as the power of the void can erode the existence of the material world and distort it; the material world can also “erode” the void and give it to entities that exist objectively.

At that moment, the body that contained Serel ’s consciousness began to change, and the terrible coercion began to spread uncontrollably with the distortion of the power of the void. It wasn’t that there was a small wizard behind, almost heading to the ground first.

But this is all irrelevant, because once the transition begins, it will not be so easy to end!

It turned out so …

I deliberately tried my best to attract my attention, and even hinted with various behaviors several times, just to let the Isaac people out of their sight and attack them fatally at this last juncture.

Laurent Turin, can it be said that …

Is it all in your calculations? !

The furious Black Cross turned his eyes to the black-haired wizard who confronted him, but he saw a face that was more surprised than himself, and desperately controlled his ecstatic and impulsive face.

The situation completely exceeded Loren’s expectations.

Do n’t guess it … He did n’t expect Isaac to wake up, nor did he expect to complete a lore that was enough to change the situation at such an appropriate time.

Who is the protagonist? Say, who is the protagonist? !

There was a moment when the dark-haired wizard really wanted to look up to the sky and asked him so loudly.

but not now.


The broken sword “Dawn” collided with the condensed black fog sword, making a loud noise of fighting.

Without breathing time, the expression was so ugly that the extreme Serior’s right hand was raised, and the black beam roared, striking the opposite Loren.

Within three steps, there is no room for dodge.

The first reaction was the dark-haired wizard who slipped and dodged, but found that the black mist fighting with the Dawning Sword had spread from the sword body to the hilt, entangled his wrist. If he dared to escape, the black mist would twist instantly Pull off his entire right arm.

Can only resist.

Loren, who gritted his teeth, raised the tip of the “Dragon Teeth” and pointed it straight at the incoming light beam.

Curse, the dream of solitude.

The moment the lance touched the pillar of light, the gray-blue nine-pointed star magic array unfolded at the point of the gun.

In an instant, Loren’s figure was shrouded in attention; a huge sense of oppression spread from his arm to the whole body, almost crushing him.


Loren, who looked tight, bit his teeth, forcing himself to keep his mind calm, and instilling all his power into the open spell.

The pain was so violent that it was irresistible, and the body was about to collapse in the next second.

No, it’s not about to be … At the moment the third valve is opened, the body that has lost its heart has already collapsed; if you lose consciousness and control over the power of the void again, it will never be a joke to die on the spot in a second.

It was so dark that it was engulfed in a beam of light, and the gray-blue light shimmered loomingly, expelling the force of the void that hit it, and blocked it like a shield in front of the dark-haired wizard.

The gray-blue magic circle gradually dimmed, but the dark tide of black mist was still gathering, and hungry wild beasts threw at Loren.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

The screaming Serior became more and more terrifying, his round eyes almost protruding from his eyes, and his expression was so distorted that he couldn’t see the shape of his face.

The scorching to the extreme burning, the pain of biting is still flexing, twisting, eroding, changing his body, gradually from the original like a fantasy projection, simply deceiving the material world to have real substance.

Even if this process is described as painless, it seems too pale and weak.

Withered arms straightened to the dark-haired wizard who opened the magic circle, condensing the continuous black mist into a beam of light, even if it was not to destroy the stranger who had destroyed his plan, even if only to get rid of this gradually substantive pain …

The Black Cross Cerior … also has to exert all his power to kill Loren Turin a thousand times and ten thousand times.

“Lorren Turin !!!”


For the first time, there was a crack in the magic array in front of me.

In an instant, countless black mist penetrated through the crack through the spell, tearing a blood stain on the shoulder of the dark-haired wizard.

Soon … small cracks are like some kind of omen. With the continuous black light beams, the cracks start to spread on the magic circle, and even begin to tear out the gaps at the edges. The debris engulfed.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! …”

Shoulders, cheeks, arms, chests … pillars of light soaked through the cracks and flew across the dark-haired wizard, leaving a dark, burnt and rot mark.

It’s almost there, almost.

Fighting desperately against the magic circle about to be torn into pieces, the dark-haired wizard comforted himself.

Although it is unclear how Isaac did it, or how he could think of it … but there is one, that is, the Black Cross Serel, who can never insist on this transformation for too long.

This is not a general transformation, but a transformation from one form to another. Absolutely strange and completely unsuitable for the change of the senses. The way of controlling the body is also good. The change of the process is no different from that of a living person. The process of monsters.

So he will not be able to support it. The key to the question is who can’t hold it first.


The moment the magic circle shattered, the beam of light dissipated.


Kneeling and slumped on the ground, Loren struggling to raise his head, breathing heavily, staring at the figure of the Black Cross.

Almost … If you take a little more time, you should be bored.

Cerriol, whose face was so ugly, looked at his trembling hands in disbelief, with a slight trance in his eyes.

“How can it be……”

The power of the void is still there. Serel is still the master of the dream world and the entire void world. The power itself has not been weakened by “substantialization”.

But this in itself is a kind of weakening!

The body substantiated by the material world means that the Black Cross will become like Loren and can be harmed by the rest of the world.

The difference is that Loren ’s injury is only physical, and the power of the void itself will not be weakened; but the Black Cross is assimilated by the material world in the form of an evil god; every injury is an absolute weakening of him !

“It’s clearly not the first time …”

The weak voice of the black-haired wizard sounded.

The Tranced Black Cross raised his head violently, and looked surprised at Loren, who was struggling to support his body with a broken sword.

“I … Loren, a wizard from afar.”

Standing upright, his body hurts like Loren, who is about to collapse, has taken a difficult first step.

“My strength … is the Nine Stars.”

Then … took a difficult second step.

“Nine Mansions are endless possibilities.”

A cold sweat gasped, facing Serior’s gaze filled with hatred, and the black-haired wizard waved his broken sword, “Dawn”, and defeated the black mist one by one.

“My strength is to make the impossible … possible!”

Staring at the black cross of the dark-haired wizard, he remained silent for a long time.



The stunned Loren, a little surprise appeared on his exhausted face.

“Maybe you can really bring that little possibility to the end of the world; maybe … the world, and the Holy Cross, they are right, and it is me who is wrong.”

The murmured Serior’s expression is a little complicated: “Maybe the end I see is only one of the possibilities.”

“If … a stranger with no power can be tempted by the evil spirit, the help of friends, the test of life and death, the temptation of power and desire … to find his true identity and belonging, stand in front of the Black Cross and create Realized this possibility; then … “

“What else … is impossible?”

“A stranger who has nothing to do with this world ~ ~ stands in front of me while repeating” revenge “,” defense “,” history “,” survival “in all the scumbags. He wants to protect this world … what is more absurd than this, ridiculous … more impossible than this? “

After glancing at his substantiated body, Serel sighed, his cold eyes locked on Loren’s inexplicable face.

“So I admit, maybe you really have the qualification to replace me; maybe … I was wrong, wrong from the beginning, I was only limited by my own wisdom and imagination, and I ca n’t measure it to the end. What does this world look like without coming? “

Somehow, looking at the “unexpected” look on Loren’s face, Serior felt a little more happy inside.

“But … I guess you can think of it, I won’t give up so simple; for this day, I made too much preparation for this plan, and wanted to take it …”

“You have to grab!”


Under the dome, thunder roared.

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