Shan He Biao Li

Chapter 13 - The brawny man looks like an iron tower

That day Chu Huan held a wild fruit and a book in his hand and came to hide in the forest. Nanshan told him that there are wild animals in the forest, let him stay as far away as possible, but Chu Huan didn’t care much, he anyway I think wild animals are cute.

He found a tallest tree and climbed up quickly. On the way, he encountered a poisonous snake entrenched on the branch. The territory of the poisonous snake was suddenly invaded and immediately made an instinctive attack. Chu Huan reached out and pinched it with precision. The ground caught the seven inches of the snake, and tossed it lightly, and threw the others on the opposite branch, carrying out a forced demolition.

Turn the angry viper upright on the branch.

Then Chu Huan occupied the snake’s nest, found a place high in the dense forest, and sat back against the big tree trunk.

The books were still bought in a small bookstore in the county, which was closed quickly. It was said to be a “bookstore”. In fact, the main business was cold rice fish and fried potatoes. It was a part-time processing of old books and magazines. Without looking at the content, a dozen packages were directly packaged and wholesale. When the Liyi tribe turned over, the expired magazines with paintings were all taken away by Nanshan, leaving him with a whole bunch of serious works.

For people like Chu Huan who have no literary and artistic cells, they are basically hypnotic reading materials.

The content of the book itself has been confusing. Occasionally, I have to think hard for a long time to connect the context to the cave above. Chu Huanchun passes the time, looks very slowly, and does not take the heart seriously. Sometimes I can read it in words, sometimes it is simply Fainted at the crooked pages.

He had just gnawed the wild fruit that day, and the shell hadn’t come and tossed, and he heard a sound coming from under the tree.

Chu Huan listened to both ears and felt that the sound was not right. He could not help but looked down and glanced at it. He was startled at that time, and he saw a wild boar coming from somewhere in the woods.

Chu Huan is not afraid of wild boars. Even if he is a tiger, he can’t treat him-the key is that there are two children under the tree.

One of them is Xiao Fang ’s eleven-two-year-old daughter Hua Gu Duo. Her hairstyle is really her own family. Others wear braids, all with one or two combs. She combs three with left and right sides. There is one behind her head. At first glance, It looked like a black lacquered elephant carrying a human face, so Chu Huan recognized her at a glance from a height.

There is also a little boy, probably Hua Wanduo ’s ten thousand-year-old servant. Chu Huan remembers his head and brain, which is younger than Hua Guduo.

Not afraid to hesitate, Chu Huan threw the book aside and slid down the tree trunk silently. He was an assassination expert, and the place he passed was like a breeze blowing, and he was not surprised.

When he came out, he didn’t bring a gun. His body had only a close-fitting military thorn and the short knife sent to him by Nanshan, both of which were cold weapons. Within a maximum of ten meters, the wild boar can smell his taste. He must be fast enough and must be killed. The wild boar must not have the opportunity to struggle or flee, otherwise the two cubs will be in danger.

Chu Huan hooked the triangular thorn and turned his angle to adjust the angle. Who knows that when he was about to start, Hua Gu Duo suddenly rushed towards the wild boar without warning, and the little girl’s figure was blocked by Chu Huan impartially. And the wild boar.

Lying trough, this dead bear child!

Chu Huan had a cold sweat on the spot.

This wild boar is not very big, it is a hundred pounds visually, and somehow it has been placed, but even if it is not a giant pig in the wild boar, it still has the advantage of a ferocious species. Obviously, it does not take the human little girl into the eye in. The wild boar showed sharp fangs at the little girl, and Chu Huan’s blow had been destroyed by her. He had to fall on the ground and change position quickly.

Just then, Chu Huan glanced at Hua Guduo’s little classmate and took out a crossbow.

His eyes twitched, and he immediately understood that the two little cubs hadn’t met by chance for a long time. They had been planning to catch wild boar here for a long time.

The wild boar skin and thick meat run fast, and the untrained people may not be able to shoot with a rifle. Xiaofang, this girl, is worthy to dare to bite her father’s female hero in the face of the patriarch. .

However, the little friend was chased by the wild boar, and the face of the boy who was usually in a gas bag remained unchanged. His feet seemed to grow firmly on the ground, and the girl stepped on the tree in one step. The wild boar almost hit the root of the tree He had to brake a lot, and his movements just slowed down. The boy had seized this fleeting opportunity precisely, and the crossbow bolt hit the wild boar’s head accurately.

Chu Huan, hiding in the bushes, couldn’t help but want to cry for him.

At this point, Chu Huan had already reached the back of the wild boar. From this angle, he could put the animal into a roast suckling pig. Because he was sure, he didn’t move for a while. He planned to see what the two cubs wanted to do.

The crossbow in the little boy’s hands is rough and has limited strength and precision. To use this tool to hit the head of the wild boar hard, you must have a skilled technique and a very stable psychological quality. From this perspective, this Boys are much stronger than most adults.

Chu Huan has a feeling that these two children may not be simply ignorant.

At the same time, the girl in the tree suddenly turned her head, and pulled a spear hidden there from behind the tree. She jumped down from the top and thrust the spear straight into her own weight. The neck of the wild boar.

The wild boar was dying and struggling. Under the tremor, the spear in the girl ’s hand took off, and she did not panic, calmly let go, staggering back away and standing still, shouting at the boy: “Slap his mouth, hit it mouth!”

That was the words of the Liyi tribe. For some time, when Chu Huan taught students to speak Chinese, Nanshan was always accompanied by a translator. Although Chu Huan always acted carelessly, he secretly remembered them one by one.

In an unfamiliar environment, even if the mood is relaxed, he will instinctively collect as much information as possible in the shortest time. Although he hasn’t learned much, the words used by the children are relatively simple, and he can understand a few words.

… Of course, Chu Huan pretended to be completely incomprehensible, otherwise, with the enthusiasm of the people of the Liyi people, he might volunteer to form a group to teach him to speak.

The little boy immediately obeyed the command and quickly flicked another arrow, hitting the same side on the wild boar’s head, and immediately beat the wild boar that he had just tried to climb back down, and then he came in a very coquettish position, taking advantage of When it opened its mouth in pain and roared, a crossbow shot into its throat.

Under Chu Huan’s gaze, the big guy was completely dead.

He just sighed softly, feeling a little unbelievable.

Chu Huan didn’t show up in the end. He watched the little girl in Hua Gu Duo breathe a few breaths and directed her little boy with her follower: “One person drags one leg, your side, my side.”

The little follower did not dare to have any objection. He picked up one leg of the wild boar with a low eyebrow, and the two of them dragged it away together. After two steps, Hua Guduo seemed to feel something. He turned back and looked around where Chu Huan was hiding. She didn’t find anything, so she scratched her hair and left with a little hesitation.

Chu Huan once again confirmed that this Liyi tribe must have its talents-the strong man resembles an iron tower, and the children race wild boars.

At this time, it was not yet time for class. Chu Huan collected the triangular thorns and slowly walked out of the trees. Suddenly, there was a murky movement in his ear. Chu Huan looked up and saw that The venomous snake that he had forcibly dismantled came back together, looking at him carefully, with a pair of menacing little eyes open.

Judging by a venomous snake with a triangular face, it looks pretty.

Chu Huan looked at it blankly for a while, and admitted his mistake frankly: “Oh, I was unreasonable just now, you continue to hang on it.”

Having finished speaking, he went back to the Liyi tribe.

Far away, Chu Huan saw Hua Gu Duo and her little classmate dragging the wild boar into the river. Several women who drank water and cooking at the river saw it. They immediately jumped down and carried the wild boar together, and wiped the Hua Gu Duo. Snot, stomping on the water with his toes.

Chu Huanxin said: “Look at your mother without interrupting your dog legs.”

Unfortunately, he didn’t get his wish. Xiaofang’s wife saw the wild boar. Not only did she not scold, but she also kindly touched her daughter’s three pigtails like a nose, and then let them play with them easily, too far apart, and the language was not familiar. , Chu Huan only heard a sound, as if she had promised to roast a pig’s heart for Huaguduo at night.

Chu Huan quietly withdrew his gaze, and suddenly understood what is meant by “a hundred-year plan is educating” and what is meant by “there are bear mothers and bear children”.

He bowed his head and walked through the crowd. Others didn’t bother to step forward. The adults were far away, and they would greet me in a half-familiar Chinese language, and the children would “hula” to disperse.

Chu Huanjing walked to the middle of the open space where classes were held every day. He sat back against the big white stones and turned over books while waiting for everyone to come.

Soon, taking him as the center, with a radius of about five or six meters, they surrounded a large circle of little cubs. They thought that he could not understand anything, so they whispered in front of him without hesitation. Onlookers.

Chu Huan heard the pig-killing hero Hua Guduo tell her follower: “My mother told me yesterday that the thing on the nose of the king is made of ice. Do you know the ice? The thick is white and opaque, so it must be very Thin, it shatters when touched. “

Chu Huan listened and felt cold on the bridge of his nose.

The snotty little classmate worshipped and asked his “knowledgeable” elder sister “what is it for?”

Hua Gu Duo: “I don’t know, maybe it’s for good looks.”

This is a bald little boy of three or four years old who suddenly pulled his throat and howled with a milky voice: “The patriarch looks best!”

Hua Gu Duo: “Shut up!”

The little bald head ignored it and continued to shout: “The patriarch is the best!”

The flower bone jumped up, grabbed the little bald man’s fart curtain, and dragged him away with his feet off the ground.

A circle of cubs was suddenly forced by this **** prestige, and they all dared not rush to talk, sitting in line and waiting for the boss to express their opinions.

Chu Huan couldn’t help but looked up at her, thinking that this girl had the potential to be a big bandit in the future.

Hua Gu Duo: “Ouch, he looks at me.”

Chu Huan’s eyes suddenly looked at Hua Gu Duo’s little daughter-in-law. She bowed her head and shook her neck, her face flushed to the ear.

Chu Huan: “…”

He turned his gaze back between the pages of the book, insisting on being rude.

Just listen to the cub over there to continue to arrange him buzzingly: “The ring he wears on his hand, the patriarch said he can watch the clock, is it true or false?”

There was so much news on Huaguduo Trails. When I heard this, I immediately forgot the shock of Fang Cai, and quickly shook my own knowledge of the knowledge of the rumors: “Really, my mother said that it should not be touched. The needle on it was only as thick as the hair. , It shatters when touched. “

The children immediately sighed, and only felt that this “over the river” was really expensive everywhere.

“Sister, what else is broken?”

Hua Guduo looked up at Chu Huan sneakily, and was successfully coaxed by his pretense of “inaudible and incomprehensible”, so he said with carelessness: “There are also ‘big kings’ who can’t touch, The people on the other side of the river are like this, and there is no paper yet. When my dad followed the patriarch to pick him up, he saw such a big wound on his body … “

Hua Gu Duo stretched out his hand for a gesture, and said with some care: “From the back to the front, the patriarch said it might have been protruded by a branch.”

All the children were shocked, and all turned their eyes to Chu Huan, almost sincerely afraid.

Chu Huan: “…”

Nanshan, looks handsome and looks handsome, but is it appropriate to make such a rumor?

“A tree branch … can I poke from here to here? My goodness, then I dare not touch it!”

Hua Guduo glared: “Dare you! That was brought back by the patriarch to the” border “, and it broke you and killed you!”

“Then … he comes out every night, is he afraid of the sun?”

“Is it more if you get more sun?”

“His hair is also very short. Is his hair too heavy? Will he drop his head?”

“Can my head fall alive?”

Chu Huan sat under the stone, while carrying a male-like immovable shelf, while bitterly experiencing “slain by the sun”, “fallen his head by his hair”, “scarred by the wind” and “sitting It was cut into two pieces on the stone by the stone “… and so on.

The inner feelings can’t help but have some complications.

At this time, the little bald man who was just thrown away by the elder sister’s head and bones finally climbed back perseveringly, Dan Tian sighed, shouted, “The patriarch is the best!”

Then the brave little brain powder was crying from the sturdy Huaguduo sister.

A three- or four-year-old bare **** Douding cried in front of himself. As an adult … even if he had just died in a thousand knives, Chu Huan couldn’t care less.

He had to rub his ears and stood up and walked towards the little bald man who was crying on the floor. When the children saw him, they immediately dispersed like a big enemy, and they did not want to be far away. , Staring at a pair of big ignorant eyes, staring at this golden and precious object that can be “stabbed by a branch”.

Chu Huan did not know how to coax the child, so he bent down and embraced the crying little bald head.

All the children looked up with his movements, and even the little bald man forgot to cry, and the expression was the same: “Look, the pig is heaven.”

Chu Huan didn’t expect that the little bald head was so easy to deal with, and he didn’t have to coax himself to stop crying, so he turned over in his pocket, turned over the milk candy he bought from the county, and stuffed a mouth into the daze little bald head Put him down: “Okay, let’s play.”

The little bald licked the toffee, walked a few steps reluctantly, and then looked back at Chu Huan, so he walked out of the world step by step, and kept looking back.

I saw that he had made a certain determination as follows. Chu Huan heard that he was so angry that Dantian announced his latest view of the world loudly: “The king is the best!”

Hey, has this betrayed? It is really a good seedling of Pu Zhigao.

Chu Huan didn’t have time to laugh, and suddenly, he felt a tremor under his feet.


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