Shan He Biao Li

Chapter 3 - sequence

In the early morning, Chu Huan swept the ashes into a pile, and stepped on the stool to lie on the closet, glanced over there, and found the cold and stiff body of the cat-it made an exception yesterday on his bed. Come out to say goodbye.

Fang Huan pulled his sleeves and lay on the top of the dusty wardrobe for a while, unable to tell what it was like. Suddenly, his mobile phone rang, and he picked it up and saw a text message from the nurse: “It’s time, come and say goodbye to me.”

Chu Huan and her 50-year-old carer did not have an illegitimate relationship other than employment. This glorious message came from Chu Aiguo at first glance, and the old guy didn’t know how to touch someone’s phone.

Chu Huan put away the military thorns and guns, changed his black clothes, put together a simple suitcase, turned out an old shoe box, put the cat in, and covered his body with paper dust, leaving only a round ‘S head was exposed and buried under the big pine tree downstairs. Then he pressed the brim, stopped a taxi on the side of the road, reported the name of the hospital, and leaned on the back of the car seat to close his eyes.

He is going to visit Chu Aiguo.

Well, the last side.

Chu Aiguo is a strange person. Others say that he looks like Mr. Ma Sanli who talks about crosstalk. If there are so many people, Chu Aiguo became a fan of Mr. Ma. Therefore, he just listened to a small radio and listened to the time. Long, the slogan and tone followed the study together, and became a super star face with an open mouth.

The hospital room where he lived was a single room. After Chu Huan entered, he took the door back and was about to walk in. He was stopped by the thin, zombie old man on the hospital bed.

Although the old man’s voice was hoarse, he had a slow and self-satisfied self-satisfaction: “Hey-wait, what about your behavior?”

Chu Huan’s footsteps paused. He felt a napkin from his trouser pocket. After unfolding, he folded threefold and twofold. Then he pulled out a steel needle at the cuff, bent it freehand, and inserted it into the napkin to fix it. A simple little white flower, not in the neckline. Facing the window glass, he adjusted his black blazer to complete the shape of “going to the grave”, and then walked to the old man’s bed.

Chu Huan: “Mr. Chu Patriotic …”

Chu Aiguo’s turbid eyes glared, and for a time he actually stared out a bit of a terrifying spirit: “What expression? You … you give me joy, joy.”

Chu Huan looked down at his costume and bent down to say to his adoptive father: “Isn’t it just about to resign from the elders, is it festive?”

“It’s not funny, happy to live, happy to die.” Every time Chu Aiguo breathed, his chest made a terrible sound, as if his lungs had leaked. He said hard, “I don’t listen to ‘who lives forever. “The phrase in your heart, am I not a nail household? Where will my daughter-in-law go in the future?”

“Your mind is really coming to Japan, and your daughter-in-law doesn’t know which lesbian’s belly is,” Chu Huan paused and said with compromise, “Which paragraph do you intend to listen to?”

Chu Aiguo: “The choking love belly section.”

It took Chu Huan half a minute to realize what this “choking love belly” was. He sighed and felt very melancholy, trying to reason with Chu Aiguo: “Dad, that’s for marriage.”

Chu Aiguo was furious, and the thin fist smashed the hospital bed with a bang. He sighed with three sighs and said, “This is not … Isn’t that because I can’t live a few minutes? This, This is no one to control, no one to see, I became the old cabbage gang rotten in the vegetable plot … “

“Well, get married, just get married,” Chu Huan surrendered quickly and asked in a low voice, “Who are you planning to tie with?”

Chu Aiguo: “I plan to marry the king to be your stepmother.”

Chu Huan was completely convinced by the spirit of his father who would rather die as a little white face: “Dad, I see you, the spirit, you may not be able to reunite with my stepmother at one and a half times, kind of borrowing five hundred years from heaven.

“I’m calling Huiguanghuizhao.” Chu Aiguo glanced at him faintly, “I borrow your head.”

Chu Huan moved a chair and sat down next to him, and asked softly, “Why can’t I borrow it?”

Chu Aiguo laughed like a bellows and shouted, sparse eyebrows raised, vaguely old and time can not take away the unruly: “You have too many bad loan records, they are afraid of Laozi. “

Chu Huan looked at him for a while, thought for a moment, and said in a tone of tone: “Mr. Chu Aiguo, do you come here to accept the holy death ceremony under the call of Lord Yan?”

Chu Aiguo replied cooperatively: “Who said no?”

Chu Huan: “Would you like to leave this world around you … a world with a large population, say goodbye to it, never see it again, no longer miss it, like throwing away a rag, in the days to come, whether it is peace or war, singing Shengping or devastated, always no longer care about it, forgetting each other, until the world also forgets you? “

Chu Aiguo was quite dissatisfied with this unscrupulous master of ceremonies and scolded: “Do you still have any good words? Who the **** would you like?”

Chu Huan whispered expressionlessly: “Dad, I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

Chu Aiguo listened, and then froze for a moment, whispering, “Also-you opened me … that nightstand is opened, there is a box in it, let me take it out.”

Chu Huan found the box said by Mr. Chu Aiguo according to his words, opened it, and saw that there was a platinum ring in a prime circle.

Chu Aiguo said: “There is a word, have you seen it?”

In the Su circle, the content full of artistic style is engraved in an upright manner-“Fun you to play”.

Chu Huan: “Fun you?”

Chu Aiguo nodded in a difficult way: “Take you to play-I ask you, you … do you have that feeling lately, recently?”

Chu Huan: “Which one?”

Chu Aiguo raised his skinny hands and grabbed Hu Huan’s wrists: “I didn’t expect anything, I didn’t have a desire for life, I couldn’t seem to be happy anymore, my head was so stupid that I couldn’t even bother to do it …

Fang Huan pretended to be shocked: “Dad, you are all buried in the top of your head, can you stop being so old and unreasonable?”

Chu Aiguo was deaf, and his turbid eyes stared at him: “Is there?”

Yuhuan said without blinking: “Absolutely not.”

Chu Aiguo’s hands tightened: “To be honest.”

Liao Huan: “…”

This time, he was silent for a long time, his eyes behind the lens were indistinguishable, but it was very dark, very heavy, and for a long while, he pulled the corner of his mouth and said frivolously: “Only occasionally, no one will be hurt every day. “

Chu Aiguo exhaled for a long time: “Once I saw you standing in front of the window, it looked like I was going to jump …”

Liao Huan laughed: “Impossible,” slap “on the ground and pollute the environment, do I seem to have such a lack of virtue?”

Chu Aiguo ignored his joke and stared at him without saying a word. For a long time, Huan Huan finally defeated under the aggressive eyes of the old goblin. He took the lead to look away and smiled gradually: “… just that time. “

Chu Aiguo: “Why didn’t you jump?”

Chu Huan replied: “The two ghosts haven’t caught it yet.”

Chu Aiguo closed his eyes: “I can still think of this, indicating that there is still salvation, you … you remember, Huan Zhe, the beam of the country …”

Chu Huan interrupted him unbearably: “Come down, I’ve checked the dictionary, isn’t that what the big wooden pillar means?”

“What’s wrong with the big wooden pillar? You can stand upright with a circle of mountains and rivers on your body.” Chu Aiguo glared. “But upright … I didn’t say to let you stand alone.”

Chu Huan’s eyes twitched slightly: “Dad, there is no place for you to be a rogue, so you have to charge me?”

Chu Aiguo breathed, and looked at Chu Huan’s bag at the door of the ward, his voice trembling slightly, and his breath was like a gossamer: “You are a bastard, you’re so **** prostitute … I mean, you have to come out and look outside. In the world, do n’t always think about doing your own things well, it ’s a hundred years of life and death, no one is pressing the burden on your shoulders now, do n’t always drill your own horns, if you ca n’t bear it, go to the hospital to see, open Do n’t be embarrassed if you order some medicine, do n’t carry it … Ah? I wo n’t be in the future, no one can control you, alas … “

Chu Huan didn’t say anything, it seemed that he had listened to it, and it seemed that he had made up his mind to yangfengyin.

Chu Aiguo gave him a very worried look: “Where are you going to go?”

Chu Huan nodded: “Well, after a few days, I’ll go and do something first.”

“What should you do if you leave, and who will you feed for?”

Chu Huan paused: “Big Mimi’s birthday is over.”

“Oh,” Chu Aiguo sighed with fanghuazi, “Not good, guilty and guilty, and even a little female cat was martyred to death.”

Chu Huan looked at the dead face on his cage, feeling that it was a bit cruel to tell him the truth at this time, so he concealed the fact that Dami was a father-in-law, and kept the old man’s peachy and beastly situation unpredictable.

When the old and the young were silent for a moment, the old man’s yelling power seemed to be exhausted. He felt his life was passing by quickly.

Sunshine swept in from the window mullion, and it was a clear sunny day. Chu Aiguo said like a hairspring: “You … put on the ring.”

The first ring he wore in his life came from his bald dad. Chu Huan felt that this fact was a bit cruel, but he still obediently put it on his middle finger.

The ring is tightly threaded, and the “fun you play” slogan is like a tailor made for him.

“I’m dying.” The old man said, raising his eyes slowly.

At that moment, the old eyes met the young’s eyes, and the young man’s eyes were quiet, and people could not help feeling cold when he looked in.

Chu Huan was tired and lazy, and he responded lowly: “Well.”

Chu Aiguo asked: “Can you live to be seventy or eighty?”

Chu Huan hesitated for a while before answering cautiously, “I will try my best.”

Chu Aiguo asked: “What should I do when I encounter difficulties?”

Chu Huan seemed to have listened to this question and thought about it for a while. Then, a mean smile appeared on his face: “Teasing you to play.”

“Okay, okay, okay …” Chu Aiguo grabbed Chu Huan’s hand and shook it, as if he had exhausted his last effort.

Afterwards, his body froze stiffly, as if his mind was gone, unconcerned. He even said a few “good” words and closed his eyes completely.

Chu Huan held the hand that had just crossed the border between life and death, and had not yet become cold. He also closed his eyes. He seemed to hear the wind pouring into the house in the distance. Suddenly, his heart fell into a frosty lonely. Down.

“Okay,” he said to the inaudible, “Goodbye.”

He felt the top-heavy void, as if, apart from the arrogant two ghosts who had not been arrested, the only thing left in the world was the word “good”, which fell heavily on him and fixed him on the ground under his feet.

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