Shan He Biao Li

Chapter 60 - You will be mine in the future

When people approach the sinking ground, the most intuitive reaction is fear.

This kind of fear is unreasonable and irrational. Like animals facing natural enemies, they may not really understand the end of the natural enemies, and they do n’t have time to think about it, and that fear is naturally born to save lives. When they approached the mountain gate, they couldn’t help but want to escape.

Even Ruger’s footsteps couldn’t help but stand in front of the mountain gate.

I saw the hazy border outside the mountain gate rolling like a thick cloud, like a greedy tongue, several attempts to break through the door, were blocked by the fluorescent light of the Holy Spring.

Nanshan patted Ruger, beckoning him to give way, and took a step forward, tentatively handing out the burning patriarch’s scepter.

The patriarch’s scepter has held the title of “sacred relic” for many years. It hasn’t been as passive as a small walnut, and it has grown out of a pulp. It seems to be able to ward off evil in addition to being burnt.

The fire on the scepter was like a wedge, separating the haze that could almost swallow everything.

It was like a trivial miracle, but it shocked the people who witnessed it.

Chu Huan stared at the fire, and quickly passed a sentence in his heart: “The wind rises at the end of Qingping.”

The cold fire shrouded a small area around the scepter. Only a few people could see clearly. It was not only the stones and trees that were left in the sinking ground-other things actually existed, but they were selectively covered. Too.

The truth covered by the haze was undoubtedly revealed only in the place illuminated by the fire. I saw that the gate of the mountain was still full of corpses accumulated by the gatekeepers. The blood of different animals glowed strangely under the light of the fire of the scepter. of.

But those monsters and animals that were alive all kept a certain position of struggling and frightened. They were fixed on the spot. At first glance, they seemed to be a group of grotesque statues.

Chu Huan also finally saw the appearance of the eye-eating beast. There was one in front of him-the shape and appearance were like a big beetle, he was entrenched, the front paws stood high, and every eye on the whole body was opened to the largest, like a back A lot of terrible faces.

Nanshan: “We are tied together with a rope. From now on, no one will leave me.”

The four men pulled each other with ropes, and under the protection of the patriarch’s scepter, walked slowly into the sinking ground.

The surroundings gradually dimmed. With the light of the scepter, they seemed to walk into a long and dark museum. The wax statues on both sides were not beautiful, and they were scary.

Yuan Ping came in last. When he was in the haze, when he looked back, he found that all the grass and trees on the other side of the mountain gate were no longer visible.

This section of the road made people’s hearts go up and down. At the beginning, even the most noisy Yuan Ping didn’t say anything. Several portraits were on a little bug that didn’t return. The future is long but long. I don’t know how far. I don’t know where to go.

The last time he approached the sinking ground, Chu Huan heard the whispering of his ears, and this time, he stretched his hand on the walnut in front of his chest, but it felt like it was dumb.

There was no movement around, and the few people shrouded in the light of the scepter could only hear their footsteps, as if they were a world of their own, and they were extremely lonely.

Just wondering how far he had gone, Yuan Ping finally couldn’t stand it anymore and whistled.

Yuan Ping didn’t get used to it, and didn’t say hello to others when he was in the wind. This sudden sound really surprised several other people. He blew it, but the music was not good, and the tone ran wildly. In this situation, instead of easing the darkness, he brought a sense of horror full of childishness.

Chu Huan kicked him on the foot: “Trouble shut up.”

Yuan Ping refused to accept: “I am trying to activate the atmosphere.”

Chu Huan: “You are trying to make the background sound of a horror movie-I think this place is special … how to say? Specially idealistic.”

Nanshan: “What is” idealism “?”

“I don’t know much about philosophy, so I have read a little about popular science. For example, ‘materialism’ is that something exists, and then you think it exists, ‘idealism’ is something. It only exists if you think it exists. “Chu Huan said, slowly raising a hand, as if trying to extend beyond the scepter aperture,” It feels very ideal here, I It is suspected that these things exist only because we see them. If we do n’t see them, I am afraid they will … “

Nanshan grabbed his wrist and pulled it back before he boldly stretched out his hand: “What are you doing!”

Chu Huan: “Just try it, but I think I will touch it.”

Nanshan snapped, “You don’t need your hand?”

Chu Huan: “…”

Get trained?

Chu Huan froze for the first time, and felt for the first time as if he had tasted the taste of a married man.

After a while, Chu Huan carefully shook Nanshan’s hand: “Report leader, can I ask you something?”

Nanshan glanced at him, Chu Huan bent down to pick up a stone, and smiled at Nanshan flatteringly.

Several people stopped, ready to see what he was going to do, Chu Huan put the stone in his hand, and threw it back in the direction of the road.

As they walked along the way, they knew that there was a large group of monsters just before they passed through. Although the fire was far away, the monsters were “invisible”-but they should still exist.

In other words, the flying stones will hit many invisible obstacles.

But the stone flew straight out, without encountering any obstruction along the way, drawing a round and natural parabola until it landed.

Wherever the firelight could not be found, or where they could not see, the monsters that were originally piled up in mountains were “non-existent”.

This horrible experiment made Chu Huan, the initiator, goosebumps himself. Yuan Ping murmured next to him: “This is not scientific …”

Chu Huan turned his head and asked Nanshan: “Leader, for this unscientific environment, what should we do next? Where do we go? Do you have any other instructions?”

Nanshan did not disappoint him. Perhaps it was because he did not have so much unclear science in his heart. He just lost his mind for a moment, and soon recovered his composure: “Let’s go to the holy book.”

No one has seen the holy book, but it seems to be exceptionally supernatural in legend. It seems to have predicted the things before and after five hundred years. In the word of mouth, it is almost like a manual in the fall-or, The key to all this.

The idea of ​​Nanshan is very clear. The only problem is that it is not in any library in the world. It is a legend, and the fall is also a legend, and the legend is just unreliable.

The hardest part of their trip is not the boundless haze, but the fact that they need to collect all kinds of legends from various sources, and then try to piece together an endless life in these fragmented legends.

Of course, since he has already come, Chu Huan is ready to face this situation. He nodded in a very stable state of mind: “Where is this so-called holy book, do you have any clues now?”

This time, Yuan Ping took the word.

“The most widely circulated statement is” at the end of the world. “Yuan Ping opened his mouth.” I personally think that this statement is very irresponsible. As we all know, the earth is round … “

Chu Huan really didn’t want to listen to such nonsense, and interrupted him with a cut: “Let me remind you that you may no longer be a human being-are there other valuable legends?”

Ruger, who had been silent beside him, suddenly opened his mouth. He said, “I have an impression.”

From the time when the gatekeeper appeared in this world on the first day, he was always the patriarch of the gatekeeper. His memory was complicated and vague. It was an encyclopedia of countless generations. He touched his shoulder. The snake, the poisonous snake Xiaolu has been tightly wrapped around him, and since they walked into the sinking ground, it seems to have no spirit.

Ruger stared at the patriarch’s scepter, narrowing his eyes, and his eyes seemed to have drifted far away. When he tried to recollect, there was something unspeakable old in his eyes.

“I remember that,” Ruger hummed a song for a long time, “at the end of the mountain, at the top of the holy water, at the heart of the boulder.”

This piece of lyrics sounds quite strange. Even “Stone Heart” can be barely understood, but what is the strange rhetoric of “World End” and “Top of Water”?

Yuan Ping said bluntly: “Patriarch, are you too long to remember wrong? Shouldn’t it be the end of the water, the top of the mountain?”

Dare to suggest that the gatekeeper who was confused by their clan elders, Yuan Ping was probably the first in history. Fortunately, Ruger raised him as a son, and he did not care.

“This is indeed the case,” Ruger said frankly. “It was because it sounded wrong, I remembered it for so many years, otherwise it will be forgotten for a long time.”

Several people fell silent silently, feeling that this line of thought was unreasonable.

Chu Huan pressed on the temple of the glasses. At this time, the role of this high-tech gadget was more limited. Basically only the basic functions of timekeeping and telephoto left, almost became an electronic watch.

Time showed that they had been walking in the sinking ground for nearly ten hours, but Chu Huan found that he was neither thirsty nor hungry. His metabolism seemed to stop, but his body felt no fatigue, as if he had become a human body. Perpetual motion machine.

How can people move without eating or drinking?

If someone walks into the sinking ground after them, if they also hold an external artifact like the scepter of the guardian of the mountain, then the people who come in later look at them like they look at the eye eaters … Have they become statues?

“Don’t talk about this, come with me,” Nan Shan said suddenly, “we’re going to Shen Xingdao.”

Just as the three words “Shen Xingdao” exited, Chu Huan’s ear suddenly tickled. He couldn’t help turning his head, as if someone had said something in his ear, it sounded like a laugh, and then again. sigh.

Chu Huan’s hand pinched the small walnut in front of his chest, and once again felt that it was slightly warm.

“Shen Xingdao was a forbidden place many years ago,” Nanshan walked, chatting, “I heard that we were still full of people everywhere at that time, if the merchants in the past had something on Shen Xingdao, even if they were small Stones will also sell for a high price-it is said that the way to the island is full of reefs or something, anyway, it is very mysterious.

“Earlier, there were still many bored people who thought they were warriors and visited Shen Xingdao, but no one could come back.” Ruger interjected, “Sometimes no one will go to die, Shen Xingdao is in At the same time as it became more mysterious, it also became terrible. “

After speaking, Ruger thought about it for a moment: “But … I forgot to mention it. I remember when the earliest legend fell to the ground, there were rumors that it was uploaded by Shen Xingdao.”

The group’s schedule was very urgent. At the beginning, several people had a good discussion. The night watchman worked every night. The night watchman was responsible for ensuring that the patriarch’s scepter was always burning, but they soon discovered that all the fatigue in the sinking ground was psychological. If Chu Huan did not report the time, they would not feel at all how tired they were.

Time has become something unnecessary.

Several people are not short of field experience, and it is not difficult to discern the direction without the sun.

Passing through the stele forest of the mountain guards patrolling the mountains, the record of the last time the man was patrolling the mountains in Nanshan seems to have been engraved yesterday-after passing the stele forest, a few people fumbled for nearly two months and ended up in this ghost place I saw people here.

The experience of seeing people was not pleasant at all. At that time, Chu Huan was patiently listening to Yuan Ping’s whistling sound, and suddenly heard a murmur.

This time, the auditory audible sound sounded in his ears, almost as if it were true. It was a woman who spoke with a little bit of milky voice. She should be young, she called a person’s name .

Chu Huan couldn’t help but stood and repeated it lowly. He seemed to be involuntarily influenced by the voice master. When he called out the name, his tone was almost affectionate.

Yuan Ping stopped and rubbed his cheek gang, and asked Nanshan: “Is this your nickname?”

Chu Huan raised a finger on his lips, and then looked around for four times. The four of them were tied together. One person moved the others to follow.

Yuan Ping: “You are looking for … Ah!”

Suddenly stepped on something under his feet, Yuan Ping looked down, and the whole person was not good. He quickly stepped back and slammed into Ruger, and the little green Xiao, who had no spirit, hid for a moment, and then he joined up and limped He licked him bitterly, and Yuan Ping suddenly became worse, screaming in a tone that changed his tone.

The fire on the scepter flicked away the haze, and only a few people could see clearly. Yuan Ping stepped on a young girl. She crawled on the ground, looking frightened and desperate, with one hand on the ground and the other hand forward. The palm of the hand opened, as if pushing something.

Her body is still soft, with the warmth unique to living people.

The countless specimens of plants and animals in the dark have a different psychological impact from the sudden emergence of a person with a body temperature.

Chu Huan made a few rounds around her: “Nanshan, do you think she is a bit like the veterans in your cave?”

He had never seen anyone else in this world before, but only listened to the guardians and gatekeepers, saying that there was no real sense until he saw the little girl with his own eyes, and Chu Huan suddenly discovered something particularly illogical.

Suppose, for some reason, some places suddenly become unsuitable for human habitation, then the most natural response of the survivors must be collective migration, and the destination of the migration is of course a place that has not yet had time to fall-follow this, Shoushan People, should n’t they be full of refugees from all over the world on their **** mountain?

Even monsters know to break through mountain gates, why don’t people know?

How come there are only two groups of guardians and gatekeepers from beginning to end?

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