Shards of the Broken Heart

Chapter 59: Sharing Woes and Joys Alike

“Sorry, big sis.”

My sister sprang upwards and sat up straight.

“Don’t act so hastily. Move slowly.”

I pushed her a little to rise slowly, but she swatted my hands away. Her eyes glittering with excitement, she brought her face close to me.

“What did you say before?”


I answered confusedly.

“No, no. What else?”

“Big sis…?”

“Yes. That’s it. You finally came to your senses. You were so cold before and stopped addressing me properly. You idiot brother.”

I became slightly emotional at my sister’s bigheartedness and felt ashamed of my previous actions. I could only acknowledge them and ask for forgiveness.

“Yes, I am an idiot. Sorry for acting that way earlier.”

“Well, don’t bother any more. Your big sis has already forgiven you, but you should explain why you acted the way before.”

“Yes, I would also like to explain the situation.”



I had decided to open up my heart completely to Alice. I described her everything- the visions or memories that I had witnessed, how these memories are linked to my past lives, the effects these memories bring to my emotions, how I could perceive the soul of others through ‘Color Feel’ and about the powers that I gained through these sufferings.

Though I had shared my experiences, I didn’t tell her in detail about the various sorts of tortures and anguishes I suffered in the past lives. My sister was quite perceptive, so she knew that I was hiding something but didn’t pester me about it after I finished my explanation.

By the end of my explanation, Alice's eyes had turned red and watery. She tried very hard not to let out a single teardrop and patted my patted.

“I understand your situation. You… you suffered a lot, right?”


“Though I can’t help you directly, I will always support you so that you don’t spiral into the darkness of those memories. Even if you hurt me, I will stick with you. Just… Just promise you will not hide these things from me anymore, alright? We should share our woes and joys alike.”

“Hm, I promise you.”

“Good, good.”

Though it was embarrassing to have my head stroked for such a long time, I bear with it for my sister’s sake. Alice had saved me from spiralling into an abyss of my own inner demons, and it was natural that I allowed her to play with me to her heart’s content.

She happily patted my head for a little more before removing her hand from my head. Her joyful demeanour changed to that of a hesitant and demure one. She looked at me with her limpid eyes and rosy cheeks.

“Lucas, it has been a long time since we slept together. So, can I sleep with you today?”

*Thump* Her cuteness overloaded my senses. Perhaps due to being free of the burden of past memories, I was quite susceptible to her sweet attacks.

With my rapidly beating heart, I picked Alice up in a bridal carry and brought her to the bed. She was pleasantly surprised as she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my chest.

After laying her down on the bed, I removed my shirt and only remained in my pajamas.

I crawled onto the bed to devour her, but seeing the face of Alice the fire inside me died down. Though she had a smile on her face and was ready to accept my advances, I could sense a little hesitation and fear from her. And I understood that it would be bastardly action if I let my carnal instincts took over me.

I was a different person altogether for the last few weeks and had tried to kill her many times. And instead of giving her security and confirmation, if I tried to quench my sexual thirst, then it was natural that she would feel hesitant and fearful.

I slowly crawled to the imperceptibly shivering Alice and slept beside her. I held her in firmly in my arms and brought her close to my chest. My actions were correct as her body relaxed, and she put her arms on my chest and kissed me.

“Good night, Lucas.”

“Good night sis.”

The thunderstorm was over, and the dark night had regained its tranquillity. We two, within each other’s warm embrace, slept peacefully without any nightmares. A bright new day would soon be on the horizon…


I was in a dream. It was neither a pleasant dream nor a nightmare. But nonetheless, it invoked some of the dredged memories that haunted me for quite some time and gave it a satisfactory ending.

I was looking at a crowd surrounding a few people being executed. Many had already been executed, and only a single person was remaining. He was being put in a glass cage and gnawed alive by many rats.

I knew this scene. Perhaps a little too well.

But this time, I didn’t feel any anger or hatred. I was looking at the scene completely detached.

The man suddenly glared in a particular direction, and I turned my head to find the one who betrayed him, Alessa. She was looking at the execution while her whole body shivered.

In my memories, I thought she was shivering with excitement. But this time, I found her crying and shaking like a leaf. I guess, in my anger, I had unknowingly changed my perception of all her actions.

The execution ended, and everyone left the ground except for the shivering woman. All the pieces of torture equipment were carried back, leaving only the blood stains of the executed. She went near the place where the man was eaten alive by the rats. Blood had seeped out of the container and had tainted the ground.

Her knees buckled, and she kneeled on the ground. She swept her hands on the blood-soaked ground agitatedly. Some amount of blood that was not absorbed by the soil or dried out covered her hand a murky red.

Alessa looked at her bloody palms and cried dejectedly.

“Lucius! I didn’t know they would do this… They said that they would only demote your rank as a punishment. I had done a horrible thing. Waah…”

“If only my family was not under the Archbishop Levant… What should I do now? Maybe I should kill myself and join you… Haha… yeah, you would never forgive me even after your death… I guess this is my punishment.”

The woman, broken from her guilt, continued to look at the blood of the man whom she loved and betrayed, as if to find his traces in it and ask for forgiveness. But she didn’t wallow in pity much longer as a fire burnt in her eyes.

“NO! I will not die like this. Even if I die, I will bring all those enemies of yours together with me to hell. Lucius, I will use my life to redeem my betrayal.”

She took out a small pouch from her pocket and scooped a little of the blood-soaked dirt in it.

“This soil soaked with your blood would be a witness of my repentance. I will repent for my sin of murdering your family.”

Alessa gave a final glance at the execution ground, where the whole House of Vance was executed because of her, and walked away.

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