Shattered Moonstone


Hello, it is I again!

Ok, so a few things. One, I understand that this ending fells a bit abrupt, given that the Felnnor ark is still kind of going, just barely.

Their is a method to the madness I swear it, (it's all lies I have no idea what I'm doing). But in all seriousness their is really only a tiny bit left with the elves (I'm talking a single important conversation and some fluff shopping and drooling over the elves) and I decided to cut it here because the end of the elven story is the absolute start of the next ark, like a conversation in the next hand full of chapters kicks it off.

Two, I realised that book three is getting long, like long enough that the word doc lags my computer when I open it. And some of you may say, "why not split the doc then?" and to that I say, that would be the easy thing to do! Really though book three was supposed to be a lot more travel but I got way to caught up in the few "little" arks I had planned and it got stretched out much further than I thought it would so in the end it ended up being a whole book (where very little actually got done) itself.

now that i think about this, the next announcement should be its own thing I think... so yea give me one minute...

everything above this was an authors note on the epilogue. 

Much better than tacking it onto the end of another chapter.

So, as I mentioned a few months ago I got engaged! i know old news, hold your applause please. On that note, my wedding is fast approaching, like next month already, how time fly's when you plan shit really close! With that said, I am taking a small "break", kind of. I'm not sure how I want to do this all since I love writing and I feel after the last few chapters I got to really show part of Hecatoltie's past and why she is how she is. But regardless, I expect as the date comes closer I will have less free time (like seriously I was writing these chapters yesterday around the bridal shower which is a thing I didn't know about. like seriously how many party's dose someone need to get married -.-). So with that in mind I am planning on having a lull in updates, (a month tops given my wedding is on july 29th I expect I should be freed from this after that.)

I swear on my life I am continuing this story, it will be finished! (This plan dose include a single contingency encase of my untimely demise) JK. But yes. I am really sorry about this, and it is possible that I will still update either of my two stories here during this "break, not break" time. (the other story requires way less brain power given its new and not nearly as fleshed out as this one please understand that Shattered Moonstone is and will always be my priority story). 

This is getting long but I have so much to say! 

With all that in mind, I was exited to actually introduce two of the primes into the story! Hoped you liked them because you will not be seeing them for a long time! Really they were a spur of the moment addition and theirs already so much going on in this story that I have just lingering in the air that a whole new subplot is not even in planning until something else gets solved. (side note the world Life and Death were on is the world from my other book, this was not planned but kind of happen. please note that the two storys are compleatly seperate and do not interact with one another in any way besides being in the same generalised universe. like the magic dosn't even work the same... i don't think... do not go read the other story and expect it to be the same as this one please) XD sorry not sorry, please keep reading :(.

With all that said, I would like to open this chapter up for everyones thoughts so far. I know a lot of you comment on my chapters and I love the feed back, but I still like to ask if there is anything everyone wants more of? less of? more action less feelings, more feelings less action? raunchy bits? Things you feel need to be changed or explained more? This is a two way street here, a story is nothing without its readers and though it is "my" story its for the entertainment of all of you, and I do want most people to find something to enjoy here. 

I know the last few chapters had a lot (like the world trees touched on a world building thing I mentioned once in book one on how mana souls couldn't exist in space!) but as people say you are your own worse critic and my god I read every chapter like four times before posting them... given how many errors you all find I should look into a grammar lesson or two. 

OK that's all. 

Truly, thank you all for reading! I do hope you continue to do so in the future! 


please don't think to much about my sleep deprived rambling, thank you for sticking with it until now. you all deserve cookies of your choice! So.... yea, thank you all again!


I removed the gender bender tag from this story just now, I meant to do it before but never got around to it. When I though this story up that was going to be a way bigger part of the story, but it just didn't fit in. Hecatolite being a man before kind of don't matter when shes got so many past lives and all.

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