Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 chapter 1

Irithyl stood silently sipping from a glass of wine as she looked from her room’s balcony. She couldn’t help but let out a content breath as she let all her worries fade behind the last few relaxing hours she had just experienced, finally able to steal some time for herself; she intended to enjoy them to the fullest and to end it with relaxing star gazing while sipping wine was icing on the cake. She knew in the back of her mind that once she let sleep take her, her small vacation would be over, tomorrow she would be thrown back into the royal court to be the unwavering head of her nation.

Irithyl did not dislike being queen. She truly loved this land, her people, even the occasional problem did not bother her; But lately, with the unrest in the north along with the nobles of Crown being at each other’s throats over a few measly scraps of power. 

Maybe Taaffeite was right in her decision to remove herself from the court. Irithyl sighed again remembering her only true friend since ascending to the throne. 

Irithyl, the third rightful ruler of Crown, had succeeded her mother who retired after a long reign of peace 30 years ago. For as long as she could recall people had thrown themselves at her to curry favor, that was until she met them. The duo that refused to bend for something as superficial as favor.

She remembered it fondly, the two had been brought before her as the leaders of the expedition that had slain the dragon that threatened their home; only for the two to immediately begin fighting in the court. When Irithyl had asked Alastair what he desired as a reward the man simply smiled and said, without even blinking “I already have all I could ask for in my loving wife.” It would have normally been a very touching moment, a show of true love.

That would be if Taaffeite hadn’t immediately berated the man… and assaulted him. As for Taaffeite, she immediately riddled off a list of trade agreements and one marriage annulment on grounds of, “clear mental deficiency in her spouse.”

She couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as she recalled the lovers spat in her chamber ending with the royal guard stepping in to separate the two. Who comes for a reward for slaying a dragon and ends in chains? Her smile faded slightly remembering the commotion her dear friend was now caught up in. Seriously Taaffeite, trying to fight the entire church of Valor. What are you thinking?

As she pondered the motivations of her friend, she stood watching the moons slowly creeping over the horizon. Her eyes went wide as the glass slipped from her hand. The once darkening night sky flashed a blinding white as a pillar of light rose from the horizon. When she finally regained her vision she stood frozen as she gazed at the night sky. It all happened so fast that she would have likely thought the night's activities and the wine was getting to her, yet… 

“Irithyl?” Her husband’s groggy voice called from inside the room. “Is everything alright?”

“The… the moon… it’s been…” She stammered as she looked at the crater that had been carved through the red moon. 

She took several deep breaths before she spun on her heels. “Yes... Just… a bit of work came up.” She said striding into the room and closing the double doors behind herself. She saw her husband sitting up in the bed, his bare chest still glistening with sweat as she walked towards him.

“Anything I can help with?” he asked as he motioned to get out of bed.

She gently placed a hand on his chest pushing him back. “You helped enough for one night.” She said, her voice wavering a bit as she attempted to make sense of what she had just seen. She bent over, giving him a deep kiss, “now you get some rest.” She said pushing him back into the bed, the sheets next to him stirring. “Keep our friend warm.” She whispered as she pulled the sheets back revealing a naked young woman sleeping soundly, her very own crown sitting lopsided on the girl’s head. She gently caressed the woman’s face and gave her a loving kiss on the forehead as she took her crown, before turning to leave.

He merely nodded as he sank back into the sheets watching her leave without bothering to change from the light gown she had been wearing. He knew his place here, he was no ruler, no king. He was simply Irithyls husband, a former merchant who had gotten very lucky one night. If she needed him to look over finances or make trade agreements he could help, that and the occasional stress relief. But aside from that he knew it was best for him to simply stay out of the way and do as he was told, just as his wife liked.

Irithyl was instantly flanked by guards as she exited her room, “I am calling an emergency court,” she said coldly as she strode up the hall. “Drag anyone who complains. Post extra guards around my daughter.” At her words two of the guards broke away in a dead sprint as she made her way to the royal chamber. 

It took mere minutes for the room to become filled with complaining advisers as she sat contemplating what she had seen on her throne. Though she had the same stern expression she always wore though it was clear she was disheveled. Her long brown hair sat unkempt, standing out at odd angles. If not for the platinum crown on her head holding it in place, it would surely be standing straight up. The congregation seemed to mutter when they finally caught sight of her sitting atop the throne in what appeared to be a rather revealing nightgown, some averting their gaze, others enamored by her as they stared openly.

“My queen,” a large man approached, kneeling before her. Irithyl raised an eyebrow at the man, struggling to put a name to the face but recognizing him as the armored man from the other day. “Perhaps you would like to take a moment to collect yourself before addressing the court?” She looked him over, noticing he had not only been one of the last to trickle in, but he had clearly taken time to “straighten” himself before arriving.

“I assure you I have not the slightest idea of what you mean,” her voice carried her annoyance as she looked down at herself.

“Your majesty… it's just your attire… may distract from the court.” He stammered as he attempted to avert his eyes.

“My attire?” She rose from her seat, glaring across the room full of men, the sparse few females seemed clumped to the side of the room. “You mean to tell me that a court full of my advisers may be distracted by my attire? Now of all times?” Her voice rose as she clicked her tongue. 

Everyone looked up at her now, even the kneeling man as she clenched her jaw. “If my attire is truly that distracting,” she hissed as in one swift motion flung the robe open allowing it to fall back onto the throne. “With my attire taken care of now,”

“Your majesty!” A high pitched voice yelled as the doors burst open. Gillam sprinted in, crashing through the gawking onlookers before coming to a stop beside the kneeling man. “Your majesty… you're naked?” Seemingly not surprised by the sight of the queen in nothing but her crown.

“I am aware Gillam.” Irithyl sighed as she sat, the cold of her throne shocking her for a moment.

“As long as you are aware.” He asked looking around the room for a moment, noticing the stunned onlookers. “I do hope you aren’t planning on having us all strip.” he commented as his eyes landed on the only window in the room. “Also, you all may want to move away from the windows.” He pointed towards the one large window set to the side of the room.

The window itself was a large stained glass merrill of the history of the empire, her guards hated the fact that she enjoyed natural light but had yielded in their complaints when the glass itself was enchanted to such a degree that standing before that window was likely safer than wearing full plate armor.

Just as they were about to ask why Gillam covered his ears, Irithyl had barely enough time to wonder what the little gnome was talking about before slamming her hands over her own ears. “Everyone down!” She bellowed with the full authority of her status just as the walls began to shake.

It started as a slow rumble that gradually built into a full roar before all the glassware in the capital exploded. Everyone felt a vacuum of power pulling them towards the east before forcing them to the ground. For nearly five full minutes the deafening sound continued before suddenly all was silent. Another 5 minutes later people began to rise on shaky legs, all looking towards the still naked Irithyl who sat unmoving on her throne. Some terrified, others amazed that the woman hadn’t moved from her seat.

After the final person was able to stand, she simply glared at the large man who stood mouth agape as he looked back at what used to be a beautiful window that now opened to the night sky, the moons on full display for the court to see. “Or would you like to talk more about my clothing?” Was the first thing many of them heard as royal guards flooded the room and surrounded her.

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