Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 chapter 12

It has been several days since the impromptu meeting along the road side, the group being escorted to the capital city by the queen and her royal guard clearing any doubt of the families standing in the nation as they were invited to stay in the castle during their stay. 

Though they did not implement anything, yet they have begun laying the groundwork of the new religious policies, Irithyl’s most trusted advisors have been working non stop as they fleshed out the policy as well as any contingencies for potential backlash. 

They estimate that within a year they will be able to have the whole plan implemented, they plan on having Navratna act as a “test” of declaration this way the removal of the church of Valor from the city can be expedited. The queen's advisors did not really understand the rush on removing the Church from that territory in particular. However, Irithyl thought it best to minimize the contact Hecatolite and the church had for the time being, meaning one of them had to leave and given the young girl was a citizen of her nation she took priority over the organization.

 Duchess Aerin had returned to her land on the western border and begun to prepare for the worst-case scenario as she started drafting new training regimens for the army as well as new much tighter border patrols. Though even with their worst estimates, if the removal of sanctioned religions goes smoothly, they expected that the plan would allow them to remain neutral in this war for years to come. 

That was if the war had no large developments that turned the tides of it any time soon, and that was a big “if”. Not being comfortable with that big of an uncertainty the queen had approved the tightening of the border as well as new training, though her and Aerin disagreed with the recruitment of more soldiers. Aerin wished to strengthen their army however, Irithyl did not wish to draw any more unwanted attention, amassing more troops risked throwing all their planning out if other nations began to grow concerned about their army.

The argument was that the new tightened borders could be explained with the simple implementation of their new religious standings, but to suddenly increase their army would cause unrest in their neighbors. The whole plan was to try and avoid being pulled into the war before necessary to minimize the risk to their people as well as remove the power of the religions in their borders if their position in the war put them at odds with any of their views. 

Taaffeite and Alexa had been integrated as temporary members of the court as to say they had been buried in paperwork as they were not only part of the new religious planning committee but now high-ranking nobles who had close ties to the queen. 

To say Taaffeite was unhappy with her new position was an understatement, several complaints had been filed against her for berating other nobles. Her only consolation was that Alexa had it much worse than her with nearly a dozen suiters following her constantly, twice now she had been “reprimanded” by the queen for encasing young men in ice. Father Joshua had been assigned as Alexa’s personal “guard” acting more as her secretary as the plan was originally his idea, he was being forced to shoulder the brunt of the leg work. 

But none of that really mattered to Hecatolite, and Amethyst as the queen herself had given the two of them a task that Irithyl had insisted was of the highest priority. Replacing her favorite window, the one that Hecatolite had destroyed in her healing of Saffron. 

Replacing the glass itself had been done nearly immediately however, the enchantments were another story, each pane of glass needed to be enchanted individually and given the average enchanter's mana pool the progress had been painfully slow as the queen had put it. Not to mention that no one would question the queen employing the Lapidary family for such an important task; given, their family is known to be highly skilled enchanters renowned as the best in the nation if not the world, not a single person questioned allowing the young girl to work alongside them.

This is boring. Hecatolite’s voice rang out in Amethyst's mind as she handed another pane of glass to a man who would install it.

You have no one to blame but yourself. Amethyst replied, in the last few days she had practiced speaking to her sister internally mainly because people had started to avoid her when she answered out loud.

If they would just let me enchant it, we would be done by now. Hecatolite complained.

And how would we explain that the months’ worth of work had been done overnight? Amethyst repeated their mothers’ words, besides don’t a lot of your enchantments explode? 

Only some of them, mainly the rings. I think I am adding too many enchantment circles to them… 

We are not making any storage rings while we are in the castle. Amethyst cut her sister off as she gathered another piece of glass, besides I need the practice, or did you forget we only share a body not our skills.

I don’t know about that you got the gluttony trait too. Which is weird. I can't give you a blessing, yet you got the trait that the system says I can only give as a blessing… Maybe Siofra knows about it, we should call her.

You just called her yesterday. Amethyst sighed remembering talking to the goddess before they had gone to bed the night before. The conversation had been very brief as Siofra had congratulated her on her new divinity as well as their new soul forms. She promised to send tea as soon as she found a way to, but she had a prior engagement that required her attention causing her to cut the conversation short leading Hecatolite to complain for next hour before she finally fell asleep. Did you forget that she said she will send a message when she has time?

How could I forget! Hecatolite yelled as Amethyst's mind was assaulted by images of the elven goddess leaning over the low wooden table in her domain to “grab” a cup that she had dropped. Hecatolite had “sent” the image to her entire following accidently at the time leading to a very awkward breakfast conversation as their mother had sternly told her daughter to control herself. 

Amethyst focus wavered causing her to slip in her enchantment causing the glass to crack. She let out a long groan as she set the two pieces down, Hecatolite, please I am trying to focus here!

Oops, sorry. She apologized as Amethyst stood up.

It's fine. She rubbed her nose much as her mother does when annoyed, it's about time to stop for the day anyway.

Really, you should still have tons of mana left.

Yes, but your aether is also getting close to the tipping point so if I use too much more mana you’ll have to walk us back to the room to get your bands. Amethyst reminded her that it has been just about a week since she last drained her aether pool meaning they were now getting close to risking suppression if she were to drain her mana. 

Yeaaaa, we should really carry the suppression bands with us.

The fact we have them in the castle caused an uproar, remember? One of the maids had found the mage bane bands on the first night while cleaning their room, sending the royal guard into a panic. Apparently having magic suppressing cuffs was very suspicious given the rooms they had been given was only a hall or two from the queen's own personal bedroom. You just have to… drain it. She shuddered as she looked to Saffron who stood vigilantly in the corner of the room, she had taken her “human” form which had its own level of problems.

The first issue with Saffron’s appearance was her attire. She had noticed Hecatolite’s reaction to the maid uniforms the staff wore and had incorporated one of the black and white dresses into her disguise. If it had stopped there it wouldn’t have been an issue, yet Saffron was unhappy with Hecatolite’s reaction to her chosen human form in the dress and had modified it to get a reaction out of her mistress. 

She shortened the originally ankle length dress to just above her knees, replacing the long sleeves with white lace that went up to her shoulders and doing away with the apron entirely instead using a white ribbon tied around her waist to keep the now shortened skirt from blowing around. She had changed out the shoes with knee high leather boots and Amethyst now knew she had also included a questionable pair of lace panties that honestly did not look very comfortable to her, yet Hecatolite had been very interested in them the first time she had caught a glimpse of them, just barely managing to not activate her domain of lust, even then the aura that she emitted had caused them to again be chastised by their mother for “causing half the castle to go into heat”.

This all accumulated into the second problem. Saffron had become very popular among the nobles, two in particular had caused problems. 

One younger man had approached her after learning of her inability to speak and tried to corner her out of sight of everyone else, he was deposited unceremoniously into Taaffeite’s office with a, as Taaffeite had described it “impressively broken arm”. When asked why she didn't simply drain him of mana she scoffed saying that such a pathetic man was beneath her.

However, he had gotten off easily compared to the older man who approached Amethyst and demanded he sell her slave to him. He had thought he would strong arm the child into selling her only to be greeted by an “excessively violent” reaction from Hecatolite. Thankfully Irithyl had agreed the man was out of line, however to “tie his legs together” was a bit of an overreaction on Hecatolite’s part. 

Since then, the offers for Saffron had slowed considerably, no one demanded her time at least most just now showered her with gifts and sweet words that she did not understand. Many people have realized that any gift given to her was promptly presented to Amethyst, leaving now only the most persistent people to pine over her, one noble lady had even attempted to swoon the young lady only to find the third and final problem with Saffron.

If you were not someone she recognized, you were not allowed to approach Amethyst. Plain and simple. She had taken to guarding the young woman to the near extreme, physically blocking anyone approaching her to the point where Hecatolite needed to intervene and lay down ground rules on what was and was not acceptable. 

So now people were free to come and talk to the girl, but they had quickly learned that any “unwelcome” contact will end in broken fingers. And given Saffron’s inability to communicate any and all contact was unwelcome. This surprisingly did not stop the noble lady who after being healed had returned and apologized… along with an impressive golden rose hair clip. 

I don’t see the problem with that. Hecatolite replied eagerly as their eyes fell on Saffron across the room. She is an amazing kisser you know, you should hang around this time and see for yourself.

I think I will pass, I’m probably going to just go to the void and research enchantments. Amethyst did not understand her infatuation with the demoness, or the goddess… or any attractive women really. Her mother had explained it to her in… detail. Yet she couldn’t understand her own feelings on the matter, or if they were her own emotions to begin with. The thought of kissing Saffron made their heart race. There was no denying that, yet the thought of doing the same with Applejack made the young woman feel strange as well. It was not as pronounced as when her thoughts fell on the demoness… or Siofra… or the queen… or that very uncomfortable dream about Alexa that both girls deny happened. 

Are they my emotions or the “embodiment of lust” that I share a body with? She thought as she left the throne room, Saffron following close behind.

Hecatolite had heard Amethyst's concerns, but not knowing how to quell her concerns decided not to comment. What do you say to a young impressionable girl when she has to share a body with someone like Hecatolite? Amethyst has yet to even figure out her own emotions yet now she has to deal with Hecatolite’s clearly unstable lust? Her body is already adapting to Hecatolite given she had also been given the gluttony trait as well as all of Hecatolite’s clear eating habits, what’s to say that her mind won’t be warped by her sister’s presence… I need to find a way to control this… maybe I can “take care of it” myself… that won’t be too bad, would it? it’s not like taking her first time… ok so after a little make out with Saffron I’ll “relax” a bit and see if that helps, hopefully Amethyst won’t be too mad that I’m going to do it first.

You know I can still hear you? Amethyst rolled her eyes as they entered their mother's office. 

Taaffeite’s office was packed with advisors all holding papers as they shuffled in and out of the room. 

No, you can't. I was using my inside thoughts… Amethyst did not bother to reply as Hecatolite’s mind caught up to her words. 

“Amethyst,” Taaffeite called looking up from her desk, “what brings you here? Done enchanting for the day?”

“Yes, we are getting close to a mana crash, so I was going to eat then turn in for the night.” She replied, her mother setting down the paper she was looking over and dismissing the people that were moving about her room.

After they all cleared out, she nodded, “it’s been about a week, hasn’t it?” She sighed looking over Amethyst at Saffron, “do you feel any different?”

“A little tired but Babylon said it would be another day until I am at risk of being suppressed.” 

“Well best not wait until then I guess.” Taaffeite said standing from her chair, “this will be the first time you two manage to drain Hecatolite’s aether, hopefully without any complications.” She clapped her hands together as a smile formed on her face, “we should all eat together, as a celebration.”  

“You just want to avoid more paperwork.” Amethyst shook her head; the advisors had requested Taaffeite not use Babylon while doing her work given no one else had access to the skill. “It would be nice though; Alexa will be happy to get away from work as well, I’m sure.”

Wait, you replied! You heard that! Hecatolite screamed, causing Amethyst to wince as they left her mothers office to gather her sister.

The dinner would have been a feast in any setting other than the castle, Taaffeite, Alexa, Amethyst, Saffron, and even the queen all gathered in the dining hall as food was brought out by dozens of maids and butlers.

“So, Taffy, how are the reforms coming along?” Irithyl asked as she sipped a glass of wine.

“Slowly. It would go a lot faster if someone did not keep mixing financial reports into it.” Taaffeite replied as rubbed her eyes, “you know I still have no desire to be an advisor, right?”

Irithyl laughed as she replied, “I know I know; I am simply enjoying having someone as competent as you working on this.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere Irithyl, you have a treasurer use him.” Taaffeite rolled her eyes as she looked back to the smiling queen.

“You say that yet every report that has crossed your desk has been corrected and filed away.” 

“So, you keep sending me the reports!” Taaffeite yelled pointing at the queen causing the queen to smile as she turned her eyes to Alexa.

“Alexandrite is doing a fine job corralling the other nobles as well as keeping up with the reports on the territories.” Irithyl quickly moved on from the grumbling Taaffeite.

“I am sure all the education related papers finding their way into the reports are coincidence as well.” Alexa replied biting into a tender piece of meat, “or are you attempting to recruit me into teaching at the academy again your majesty?” 

“I will never stop attempting to recruit skilled people Alexandrite, it just happens your family is among the best Crown has to offer.” The queen said her face falling slightly as her ruse was so easily called out.

Alexa sighed looking over at her younger sister then to her mother who nodded, “I did agree to help at the academy once my sister had proper control over her magic…” she sighed heavily, “and in truth with the state of the world it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have more skilled “trained” mages in our nation.” The queen immediately perked up at her words, “I suppose I could teach a class or two in my spare time.”

“Wonderful!” The queen couldn’t help but smile, the simple gesture bringing a blush to Amethyst cheeks as she quickly looked at her food.

She’s gorgeous. Hecatolite whispered in her mind.

“Quiet.” Amethyst hissed as she began shoveling food into her mouth.

“I see my window is also coming along quite quickly,” Irithyl turned her attention to the young woman who was now forced to test the limits of her new gluttony trait as she nearly swallowed her fork in surprise. The corresponding skill activated as she bit into the fork removing the prongs as easily as if they were bread. “The enchanters guild is begging me to extend an invitation for you to join, along with the royal academy…” Irithyl paused as Amethyst pulled half a fork from her mouth and quietly set it beside her plate. 

“I will have to refuse my queen.” Amethyst replied as she bowed her head, “it would simply not work out for me and my sister to join a guild at this time.”

“I had assumed as much,” Irithyl bit her lip before asking, “and what exactly are your plans for the future Amethyst? You and Hecatolite that is?” Her question hung in the air as Amethyst scrunched her face.

“You want to answer this?” She asked out loud, not needing to be discreet around those who knew of Hecatolite. She nodded to herself. “It would be easier for later if you just took over now?” They all watched as she seemed to lull before snapping upright, none of them batting an eye at Hecatolite’s entrance into the room as her power flooded the castle though the queen couldn’t help but notice the stark difference from a few days ago as Hecatolite’s aether pool had filled considerably since before meaning her presence had grown significantly more powerful.

Irithyl had assumed the presence of all the high-level mages in the castle itself would help offset Hecatolite’s magical pressure, yet she realized now that she had completely underestimated a nearly full powered Hecatolite as the nearby maids were knocked from their feet. Irithyl could only assume that there would be a whole lot more work to come tomorrow as any mage in the city would be questioning what had happened in the castle to cause the outburst. “Gallium is probably panicking right now.” She whispered remembering they had opted to not share Hecatolite’s presence with anyone just yet until they had a better handle on the religions.

“To answer your question your majesty,” Hecatolite started as she stretched, “we are planning on training for the next few years until we can join the adventurers guild, from there we will work until we are 15, at that time Amethyst’s mana pool will have grown to the point where neither of us are in danger of being suppressed. Then we will travel to Ecrein to look for a gnome alchemist who has the skill for forming a homunculus then…” she paused, picking up the broken fork and stabbing it into her food, “we will return home and live our lives.”

“You plan to create a body for yourself?” Irithyl looked over to Taaffeite, “you do know that such magics are frowned upon, creating artificial life.”

“We are aware,” Hecatolite said, taking a bite of her food, “should probably not tell you but we will need to use a necromantic spell to bind our souls to the new bodies as well.”

“Bodies?” Taaffeite asked, she had heard the plan, yet it had only included one body for Hecatolite at the time.

“Yes, I plan on making two bodies, one for each of us. The truth is, sharing this body has altered it in ways that we can’t be sure of.” Hecatolite paused to look at the black veins that grew on her arm, “the simple truth is we cant be sure that this body will be habitable once we do the spell to remove one of us from it. The easiest solution is to simply make a body for each of us to use to be sure that we are both healthy and in a body that will fit us, that is.” She took another bite before continuing, “before you ask, I think this body has been stunted because of me. I can't help but feel as though I have caused a lot of problems inside Amethyst's body simply being in it. That and the necromantic spell we will need to use risks burning the mana channels of the body completely as it is a spell to remove the soul from the physical body; it doesn't account for the body being usable once the soul is out.”

“That… makes sense.” Alexa sank into her seat as she rolled her fork through her plate, “but that means if you fail…”

“We won’t.” Hecatolite cut her off before she could finish, she knew that if the spells failed that meant both would die. Without a body to return too, their souls would be forced to either move on to the cycle of reincarnation or dissipate.

The room was silent for a long time as they ate their food, the gnawing implications that Hecatolite and Amethyst could very well die in no more than six years’ time weighing on them before Irithyl final spoke, “and Amethyst knows of your plan?”

“Of course, she does, we do share one brain after all.” Hecatolite said tapping on the side of her head.

“Is she awake now?” Taaffeite asked as Hecatolite closed her eyes.

She could feel Amethyst inside of her… she was awake, but more importantly she was still inside the body… just being quiet… very quiet. “She is awake, but she went to the void to study.” Hecatolite lied, “draining my aether makes her… uncomfortable.” 

Both Taaffeite and Alexa nodded as queen Irithyl eyed the young woman, she may not be able to read Hecatolite’s thoughts, but she could still feel when the girl was lying… she decided to not press the matter, besides she couldn’t pinpoint the lie. Either Amethyst was not awake, she was not in the void, or the “draining” did not make her uncomfortable. Irithyl decided that any one of the three was not only none of her business but inconsequential enough to not be malicious, so she let them slide as Hecatolite stood. 

“Thank you for the meal.” She said turning to Saffron, “would you be so kind as to help me again with my aether?” The succubus jumped at the chance to be useful to her mistress.

Saffron nearly bowled the smaller woman off her feet as she scooped her up into her arms.

Hecatolite struggled, she had planned on going to her room for this, she had planned on attempting to “relieve” herself after. She also stopped struggling once she locked eyes with the woman who was looking back at her with such fire in her eyes, any will to do anything other than become intertwined with her draining from her as her arms wrapped around Saffron.

A sharp cough from Taaffeite caused both to look back before they had a chance to lock lips. “Can you put your suppressing bands on at least.”

“and maybe show some modesty!’ Alexa yelled; her cheeks flush yet she did not look away like last time. 

It was then that Hecatolite realized that her aura had changed… “oh… yea I should probably do that.”

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