Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 chapter 16

Amethyst steeled herself as she sat inside the void. She and Hecatolite had fallen into a routine while sharing the body, dividing the time up of who would be “driving” the body by the days of the week. Simply put, Amethyst would take the body Sunday through Wednesday and Hecatolite would have the remaining three days, though neither of them protested if the other wished to ride along. Though, Amethyst had taken to spending most of her free  time in the void space and studying with Babylon. 

“Ok, it's fine.” She whispered looking at the floating terminal before her, “It’s just a casual call… to a goddess… I mean Hecatolite does this all the time right? Just send the message.” She clenching her hands as she tried desperately to calm herself. “I mean who better to ask than a goddess, and she seems nice whenever Hecta calls her…”

Once she had calmed down from their initial argument, she had thought that maybe she was overreacting to her sister's teasing. To create a whole guild to try and get people to send her prayers was probably a bit too much… but then the teasing didn’t stop. Hecatolite’s continuous enjoyment at overwhelming Amethyst with strange emotions had made it all too easy for Amethyst to justify her actions… 

But she had also been very understanding. Despite Amethyst’s constant assurances that the body was both of theirs to share, Hecatolite refused to acknowledge that line of thought. Instead, she constantly insisted that the body belonged to Amethyst, and would keep apologizing for “all the trouble”. It constantly annoyed Amethyst really, Hecatolite constantly asking if she wanted more time alone in “her” body, or if she was bothering her by riding along while she did things.

“I mean we are sisters, sure it’s a bit strange but we are getting used to it.” She said out loud as she bit her lip. “Maybe I am being mean… then again.” She bounced the idea around as she remembered her last talk with her friend Applejack, the playful moaning in the back of her mind as well as the seeping arousing aura that made the entire street clearly… “She needs to learn.” She steeled herself. “Babylon, please send a message to Siofra. Hello goddess Siofra, holy mother of the grove. I am sorry for suddenly contacting you, but I had some questions about prayers, if it is not a bother, I was hoping you would be able to answer them for me.” She attempted to sound as formal as possible, even going as far as to use the goddess’s full title.

Siofra sat alone in a grove of trees, a half cup of tea sitting beside her as she lazily scrolled through a back stock of prayers. Normally she would never let them pile up like she had but the last few months have been rather eventful in the godly realms. The introduction of a new “deity” in the world had sent the entire holy court into an uproar, Valor demanding any information on the unknown divine being. Several of the more minor gods attempted to force their way into her realm to demand information from the goddess of knowledge, a few of them even managing to do so only to find exactly how little Siofra cared for the brutes stomping through her forest. 

But it was exactly that that led to her current situation.

Normally the happenings of the Holy court did not bother Siofra, as she had long since stopped showing up for the numerous pointless meetings Valor calls. She hasn’t even gone to the yearly solstice meeting that used to serve as the holy court’s only meeting. 

Every time that welp gets frightened the whole world must stop. She thought looking up to see a wandering pack of wolf-kin hunters skirting the edge of her grove.

She casually waved to them, many of them offering her a small bow before going about their way.

“They could at least say hi.” She whispered, “I mean I went through all the work to move my entire realm.” She shook her head as she went back to her prayers. 

The great realm merging was the other much more pressing matter. To say that Valor’s demand for knowledge was the cause for her involvement in the merge was an exaggeration, but Siofra preferred to blame Valor for all her head aches and as such, it was his fault. 

In truth she had received a request for an audience with minor goddess Jaci, she only accepted because Jaci had been the only one to properly request her time instead of attempting to barge into her realm. Thinking it was another god attempting to curry favor with Valor, she had hoped by telling them that she had no information on this “deity X47” she could stop them from continuously contacting her. 

Much to Siofra’s surprise the bunny kin goddess didn’t even bother asking about Hecatolite at all, instead Jaci brought up a much more pressing concern to Siofra. The red moon. 

They had managed to stop its orbital drift by placing a handful of minor god realms around it, and with some unexpected help from Eryl, that should have been impossible while on the mortal realm. But their was still the problem of the missing mass, as Jaci had put it, the gravity of the moon would be drastically affected by the sudden removal of so much of the moon… It was honestly, though she would never admit it, all slightly over Siofra’s head, she was the goddess of knowledge, just the knowledge of this world was not all that advanced in the study of gravitational mechanics. If Siofra would have simply said that to Jaci, who was a gravity mage in life, she would have likely explained it more to the goddess of knowledge.

Luckily Jaci not only understood the problem, but even had a solution.

Siofra was sure the explanation was not only informative, but interesting… and thankfully not very engaging. Because once Jaci started talking Siofra had learned of probably the most concerning drawback of having a direct power link to Hecatolite. 

Now Siofra was no stranger to lust, during her mortal life she was known to enjoy carnal pleasures as much, if not more than anyone else. What she was not used to however, was to have her body suddenly flooded with undiluted desire. The only warning she had was a slight tingling coming from the mark that had appeared on her back before she would have agreed to nearly anything just to speed the conversation along.

“Now that I think about it, it's Hecatolite’s fault, isn’t it?” Siofra pondered remembering simply yelling the words “sounds great!” before vanishing back to her realm for some much-needed alone time.

She did consider briefly taking the bunny kin with her, Jaci was by all means cute, but Siofra had no desire to fight off a scorned Vala if the wolf kin took offense to her mate being stolen from her; and the bunny was… too submissive for her taste. 

She only came to learn later that what she had agreed to was Jaci’s plan to merge a dozen or so realms together and place the new large realm in the hole of the moon, she only came to Siofra because, not only was Siofra one of the most powerful gods of the world, her domain of nature would be directly affected by the sudden change in the world if nothing was done. By using their magical pressure to offset the difference in gravity… I really should have told her I just didn’t understand. Siofra thought, rubbing her temples. 

She wasn’t unhappy with her new living arrangements, in fact she found she enjoyed seeing the other gods and their followers. But she had mistakenly branded herself as an unapproachable hermit by staying held up in her own realm for so long, that compiled with the effects of a hundred or so years of not talking to anyone but Soter and Eryl on occasion… well them and the dozen followers she normally had living in her realm at any time, but they revered her as their goddess, so those conversations were sparse. “Maybe that’s why I enjoyed talking to Hecatolite so much, that little one really is a breath of fresh air.” She smiled thinking of the small curious woman who frequently sent the goddess messages now.

“Speak of the devil,” she joked as a terminal appeared before her with the crack of thunder, only one person she knew sent messages in such a manner… “curious,” she said reading the message, it was from her sister… that was definitely strange, the young human woman never addressed Siofra before during Hecatolite’s calls. Siofra was a little concerned she had scared the small girl with her teasing when they had met. 

She waved her hand causing the trees around her to move, closing her clearing from prying eyes as she replied to Amethyst’s message. “There is no need to be so formal, little one,” she started, slightly off put by the use of her full title. “You and your sister are never a bother; ask your questions and I will answer the best I can.”

Nearly an hour later all the trees in the shared realms bristled as Siofra laughed to herself in her grove. “Truly never a dull moment.” She whipped a tear from her eye. “It might be worth going to the next solstice meeting, if only to see the look on their faces.” She said standing and dusting herself off. She pulled her new shawl around her shoulders to cover her usually exposed back as she opened her grove to the realm.

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