Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 chapter 49

This is so boring! Hecatolite complained as they sat at their table. I thought this was a party? When are they going to play music, or party games? 

It’s a royal ball, Hecatolite, I doubt there will be any games… Amethyst replied only to be cut off.

Then why are we even here! This party sucks. Amethyst could feel Hecatolite’s disappointment as another family of nobles were introduced.

We were asked by the queen. Amethyst sighed, tapping her finger on the table. There will be dancing…

Ooo… I can’t dance… you’ll have to do it, maybe we can get Fiori to dance with you. Hecatolite perked up as Amethyst rolled her eyes. Don’t act like you wouldn’t like to feel her furry little tail.

Can you behave for one night? Seriously Hecatolite, this is very important; we are representing the new spiritual guilds…

So, that means we can’t have fun too? What’s the point if we can’t dance with cute kitties?

Amethyst groaned as she watched the family before them presenting a gift to the princess before scanning the hall. It was an enormous circular room with tables lining the outer wall leaving the center open, the large opening leading up to the raised seats along the northern wall that the royal family sat on. Currently they were in the “introductions” part of the ceremony, calling families and representatives up in small groups to present gifts to the princess to show their support to the future ruler of Crown. 

When is our turn? Didn’t you memorize a whole speech? Hecatolite asked as the family was dismissed and the next was introduced.

I’m not sure, I think they are getting to the end of the nobility of Crown.

Aren't we nobility of Crown?

Yes, but we are representing the guilds today, mom and dad are going to represent the Lapidary family, so they will likely be called soon to mark the end of the first “group”. After that, they will call foreign dignitaries which should be fast given how few people came from outside of the empire. I think I saw a representative from Ecrein, then the heroes from Algamir, and maybe a family from the eastern nation of Aquarius.

Wait, we have to wait for everyone? What about Alexa, is she going up with mom and dad?

Did you not listen at all? Alexa is representing the scholar’s guild as a member of the royal academy, the queen wanted to have as many of our family introduced as possible to show our standing.

She’s trying to bolster our standing. Don’t get me wrong, our family is amazing, but why would the queen put us in the spotlight like that?

Maybe to try and counter Jasper’s defection to Algamir? Amethyst shook her head, trying to ignore the creeping sadness at her brother’s stance…

“Marchioness Taaffeite Lapidary, the light enchantress. Marquess Alastair Lapidary, the dragon slayer.” Before Hecatolite could reply their parents were introduced, both of them feeling an immense pride as they stood from their table.

The room fell quiet as the two of them stood, Amethyst noticing a mixture of expressions in the surrounding crowd as her parents moved to the center of the room. Some looked to them with reverence and respect, while others seemed to harbor contempt as they passed.

The two of them stopped at the bottom of the steps leading to the royal family, gasps rang out as neither of them bowed instead both saluting the queen as they stood, neither of them speaking as they waited. 

“Arsis,” Irithyl silenced the crowd as she shifted in her seat, looking to her daughter who sat to her side.

She looks uncomfortable. Hecatolite commented as they watched the odd sight before them.

“I believe, as my mother before me, that hard work should be not only rewarded but respected.” Arsis’s voice rang out in the hall, though weaker than her mother's, it still carried power as she looked to the two before her. “Lady Taaffeite, and Sir Alastair, your family has served the empire for many years now. Not only protecting our borders but leading our great land in the research and development of enchanted items that can now be found in every corner of our great lands. It is without doubt I can say that your family, though relatively young in comparison to others, truly embodies what it means to be citizens of our empire, so I ask of you; will you continue to support our nation past my mother’s reign?” 

One could hear a pin drop in the room as the princess delivered an unexpected speech, it was unprecedented for a ruling family to “ask” for support from their citizens so publicly. So far every family that has approached swore fealty, presented a gift, was complemented by the princess herself, then returned to their seats. Yet she showered their parents in praise and asked for support…

Well that definitely doesn’t leave room for questions, does it? Hecatolite quipped as she yawned.

It leaves room for lots of questions! Amethyst nearly panicked as she looked around the stunned room, many noble families sitting with mouths agape as they waited for their reply.

“You need not to ask,” Taaffeite finally spoke, glancing at Alastair who nodded. “Crown princess Arsis, as you said, my family has stood as a shield for our great nation, supporting it to the fullest of our capabilities be it through brawn or brain, but you mistake our reason.” Amethyst could feel the air change as whispers erupted. “You ask if we will continue to support our nation, yet if you understand our own reasoning, you would know the answer, so I will share it with you. Princess Arsis, what drives my family is a very simple love for our home. The empire of Crown is our home, as such, there is no question that the Lapidary family will continue to support not only the land itself but those who share this land with us.” She paused scanning the room before turning back to the princess, “but, you as your mother before you, and her mother before her, will someday stand at the head of this great nation, our home; at that time I have little doubt you will have many concerns as you navigate becoming a queen yourself but allow me to put one at rest.”

For the first time in Amethyst's life, she saw her mother bowing her head as she kneeled, as both her parents fell into a deep bow as her voice carried through the entire room. “I, Taaffeite Lapidary, swear on my very name that the family of Irithyl will always have our unwavering support. You never need to ask, please rest easy knowing that the Queen of Crown will have our support as long as we draw breath.”

“I, Alastair Lapidary, swear on my name loyalty now and forever to the rightful queen of Crown.”

Amethyst and Hecatolite both heard the faint chime of a notification as Babylon spoke in their mind, the head of the family has sworn fealty to the queen of Crown, do you accept this vow?

What? Is it a whole family thing? Well mom did say the whole family, didn’t she…

I accept this vow. Amethyst agreed without a second thought as Hecatolite contemplated it.

Way to think things through, what if this means we can't leave or… Fine! I accept, this better get us some brownie points with the queen… though the princess is quite the looker too…

Queen Irithyl visibly relaxed as Arsis looked to her with wide eyes, clear confusion on her face as she looked back to the bowing pair. “Raise your heads,” she said in a somehow confident yet shaky voice. “I have heard your vows, I, Arsis Irithyl, crown princess of the empire of Crown, hereby accept your loyalty.”

“I, Tari Irithyl, Queen of the Empire of Crown, accept your vow…” Irithyl stopped when a terminal appeared above Taaffeite and Alastair with a thunderclap that caused many to jump from their seats.

“Vow of fealty accepted by every member of the Lapidary family, family title granted, “protector of the Crown”” Babylon’s robotic voice calling out in the silent room, leaving everyone stunned as the terminal vanished.

After a long moment of silence, a single question rang out… “Wait, does that mean the nation or the queen herself?” Alexa asked only for her mother to glare at her. Alexa grumbled as she quickly summoned a small terminal and whispered, “The prompt wasn’t clear, And the title didn’t help any either, I think that’s a perfectly logical question!” 

At her words, Amethyst could feel a tingling in her skull as the dozen or so people capable of identification magic all attempted to check the validity of the terminal. She didn’t need to guess who had cast the spells as she could see the shocked looks as the spells failed, many of them trying a second time.

“Oh, I see. It’s an honorary title…” Alexa whispered reading the terminal in her hands, though her expression quickly changed to one of annoyance as she looked up from her research. “Will you all knock it off!” Alexa yelled releasing a burst of mana that shook the table, “Gods. Do none of you have any manners, just throwing around identification magic like children.” She growled slamming the terminal down soliciting a chuckle from Amethyst. 

Amethyst stopped as she felt a massive push on the back of her skull, a huge wave of mana coursing through her as Hecatolite hissed.

Well that is rude! Hecatolite growled as Amethyst turned only to lock eyes with one of the Heroes from Algamir, I say we poke her eyes out!

We are not going to blind someone. Amethyst thought as the strange woman cocked her head to the side before looking away, her eyes flashing a light blue as she looked at Alexa. It looks like it failed anyway. She thought as the woman shook her head before looking at one of her companions and repeating the process.

“She tried to force an identification spell,” Alexa whispered, a hint of appreciation in her voice as she went back to looking at her terminal. “Not that it would help, pouring more mana into an identification spell is like dumping a bucket of water into a cup. Sure the cup is filled but it can only hold so much, the rest is just wasted.”

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