Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 Chapter 6

“Good morning Hecatolite,” Taaffeite said with a smile as she guided the young woman to the covered wagon. Taaffeite took a gentle tone with Hecatolite, not knowing if waking up to an arrow to the face had startled her or not.

“Good morning?” Hecatolite replied as she cocked her head to the side, confusion plastered on her face as her mother smiled.

“I am sure you have a lot of questions, but” she picked Hecatolite up and placed her on the back of the wagon, “sadly we don’t have a lot of time. We are about to have company and I need you to be on your best behavior, ok?” She said gently removing the leather chest piece that her daughter was wearing.

“Yea a lot of questions… like tons of them… where are we?” Hecatolite asked as her mother produced a dress from her spatial ring.

“We are about a day away from the capital. We were on our way to meet with the Queen in hope to talk about our problems with the church.” Taaffeite placed the dress next to her, “I know you just woke up after a long nap but is it possible to wake up Amethyst?”

“Oh, yea the box did say I was suppressing her again!” Hecatolite sprung from her seat only to be caught and placed back on the cart. “That can’t be right though, I just burned off a lot of power. Like all of it. Why is she sleeping again…” She scrunched her face as she attempted to unravel this riddle in her mind. “Unless I was sleeping for a long time…” she looked down at her shared body inspecting it closely. “It couldn’t have been that long since we are the same size.”

“It’s been just over two weeks.” Alexa replied as she climbed into the cart, the rustling of fabric followed as Alexa began to change in the privacy of the covered wagon.

“Two weeks!” Hecatolite let out what would have been a whistle if she had ever learned how to whistle properly. “That's too long, Babylon said it would only take a week for my aether pool to fill.”

“It’s closer to 6 days.” Taaffeite nodded, looking over her shoulder to the still bowing woman. “So, you’ll need to burn off aether again won't you.” She stated as she let out a long breath.

“Yea but… I mean I could cast that spell again but then I’d fall asleep. I guess I could make another relic, oh maybe a cart that doesn’t need a horse. Or a…” Taaffeite let out a small laugh as she raised a hand to shush the girl.

“Did you forget why you cast that spell in the first place?”

“No… it was… to heal the woman in the cart.” Hecatolite shoulders slumped as she recalled the battered woman, “but I think the spell was wrong, I remember it going a little out of control. Clearly Babylon gave me a faulty spell, I’ll have to tell Eryl her box messed up again.”

Both Alexa and Taaffeite recognized the name but neither commented as Taaffeite replied, “well the spell did go out of control, but in the end it did work.” She summoned a terminal, “will you please come here?” Babylon quickly translated her words to the guttural sounds of demonic causing the woman to all but jump to her feet.

Hecatolite watched as the woman sprinted towards them with unnatural speed.

The woman had a flawless complexion, smooth light skin that showed just the slightest tan, her long curly raspberry red hair seemed to bounce slightly as it outlined her soft face, her heart shaped lips curling perfectly into a radiant smile, her button nose wiggling slightly as her cheeks rose with the motion. The lady stood with her eyes closed as she bowed, the motion causing her shapely chest to be pressed between her arms displaying her, though not overly large, full breast through the plain shirt she wore. Her eyes followed the path from her jawline down her thin neck, over her slightly tanned collarbone and into the exposed neckline of the shirt catching the faintest peek at her spotless pale skin. She peeled her eyes away from the woman’s chest as her eyes wandered down her flat thin stomach leading to her slightly wider hips and down her long legs.

Somethings… not, right? Hecatolite thought as she looked the woman over. She has the same figure as Siofra… but I don’t know… Hecatolite pictured the elven woman, her body instantly warming the image, why then don’t I feel the same thing… am… am I racist! She thought noticing the only two glaring differences were that Siofra was elven and slighter darker skinned than this woman who was now before her.

“This is the succubus you managed to save. She’s acting as yours and Amethyst's personal maid….”

“Wait, didn’t she have horns… and less limbs?” Hecatolite asked, causing Taaffeite to pause, Babylon translating for the confused woman, a clear shiver running through her as her shoulders sank.

Taaffeite coughed as she replied, “well you did heal her Hecatolite.”

“She doesn’t look like a demon… Did I mess the spell up!?” Hecatolite suddenly opened her eyes wide as she all but jumped from the cart, falling into an apologetic bow. “I am sorry I didn’t mean to bring up your horns” she stammered. 

“No, not at all mistresses!” The woman fell to the ground, “your spell was perfect, it restored me to perfect health. I am merely using an illusion to blend in with your human followers at the request of your family matriarch, I apologize if my appearance is not to your liking.” Her sultry voice washed over Hecatolite causing her to pause momentarily as her mind seemed to clear as she focused on it. Even in the gruff demonic language the woman’s voice was… hypnotic. 

After a moment Hecatolite shook her head, “an illusion?” She furrowed her brow as she looked down to the bowing woman, her round butt sticking up in the air. That’s impressive, Hecatolite thought, realizing the woman had managed to fit her whole body below her short knees. I wonder how it looks from the other side? maybe that would… 

“Well we can’t exactly have a succubus following you around now can we? It would draw attention.” Alexa said, stepping out of the cart now wearing a light dress that clearly showed her noble heritage.

Hecatolite looked up at her older sister, inspecting her shapely figure and nodding.

Alexa was tall, in all aspects she would be considered beautiful with a mature womanly face and long light brown hair. She had long legs with thin hips that led to what Hecatolite knew to be a toned stomach all topped with her thin shoulders that supported her shapely breast. I bet they would… Hecatolite quickly looked away from Alexa, quickly putting a stop to that thought before it could gain traction. Ok so it's not skin color… or race… or relation apparently… I might actually be a deviant like the box said. She sighed, eyeing the clearly beautiful bowing woman again. So why don’t I feel anything here?

“If it would please you I can change my appearance.” The woman said her body shimmering as it took on a form closer to one of the younger maids. 

“It might actually be faster if you just showed her your true form.” Taaffeite said, looking out past the cart. “We still have a while until they arrive.”

The woman looked unsure as she cast her eyes to the ground before nodding, “if you think it for the best, matriarch.”

She stood, taller than Hecatolite but a head shorter than the other women present. If Hecatolite had to guess she would put her at about average height realizing that she herself was about chest height for normal people, this put her head firmly in her sister or mothers navel area.

Hecatolite’s breath caught as the woman’s whole body shimmered.

Her hair transitioning from the light raspberry red to a deep burgundy as it straightened slightly taking on a more natural loose curl. Her skin seemed to darken slightly as it took on a pinkish red hue, two large black horns grew from above her temples curling around the sides of her head pushing her hair back out of her face, the previously broken horn now being tipped with cream white; her soft face became sharper with more defined angular features. Her cheeks thinned as her cheekbones rose, her small button nose taking on a longer slightly pointed shape leading to her sharp angled eyes. Even her lips seemed to shrink slightly as they became thinner, a slight gap showing her perfectly white sharp teeth. As her body morphed her breast became smaller, her shirt tightening; Hecatolite realizing that even her clothes were part of her illusion as her shirt itself darkened the once modest neckline plunging down revealing a dark black tattoo of a half-moon with a claw mark through it nestled between her breasts. Her flat stomach widened just a bit as her body became lither, her thighs shrinking as they became more tone. Her arms became slightly more muscular as she flexed her hands her nails growing to points as they darkened to a deep black.

She suddenly leaned forward as two large obsidian black wings erupted from her lower back, their black leathery skin blotting out the summer sky momentarily. They flapped one time with an audible gust of wind as she straightened her back, her wings coming to rest around her waist covering her lower body like a flowing skirt as two claw-like hooks clasped onto one another right above her belt line linking the two wings together. A thin pointed tail falling into view between her legs as it fell limp to the ground beneath her.

The woman slowly opened her almond shaped eyes revealing two crystal black orbs. 

A knot formed in Hecatolite's throat as she looked wide eyed at the woman before her, their eyes locking for a moment causing Hecatolite’s eyes to flash black as the woman’s soul was laid bare before her.

The womanly pinkish form filled her view causing Hecatolite’s heart to race as the nude form of the woman gave her another smile causing Hecatolite’s knees to quiver slightly as the same heat from before blasted through her body.

The woman spoke something in her demonic tongue, as to what was anyone’s guess as the second her hypnotic voice reach Hecatolite’s ears, her mind grinded to a halt; suddenly flooded with a single image as she felt a sudden and large draw of power causing her to nearly fall over.

A loud gasp snapped Hecatolite from her daze as she looked back to see the man in priest robes staring at her in horror before he fell to the ground.

Hans and Alastair sat in a tavern near the northern wall, Alastair sitting with his head on the table next to several large mugs as the man let out an unbecoming groan. 

“It’s so quiet without my girls here.” He whined as he rolled his massive head on the table, “I hope they are ok out there without me. I should have gone. You could have taken care of the town right Hans?”

“I am just a knight, there is no way I could run the whole city for weeks on end sir.” Hans replied, shaking his head.

“But what if they get attacked!” Alastair bolted upright, knocking empty mugs from the table causing several patrons to jump at his outburst. His cheeks flush as he slammed a massive hand on the table, “there are bandits, or magic beasts, or bandits!”

“You said bandits twice,” Hans quipped, his own buzz causing him to chuckle, “besides, I feel for any bandits foolish enough to attack your wife and daughters.”

Alastair smiled wide as he remembered his beautiful strong wife, surely, she would be safe, and Alexa! His pride as a father swelling as he remembered the frozen street from their battle a few weeks ago. Then there was Hecatolite, sure she was unconscious last he saw her, but she quite literally broke the moon! What bandit could ever threaten her. With all of them there surely, the bright and clever Amethyst would be safe… His smile faltered as he recalled his wife limply holding their daughter after the bishop attacked… the haggard form of Alexa after the fight with the heroes… or Hecatolite’s soul crushing screams when her claws were cut… “I’m going!” He exclaimed as he jumped from his seat, his massive frame swaying slightly as he bumped into the table beside them.

“You can’t!” Hans yelled lunging for the man, catching him around the waist, “Taaffeite told me to keep you in the city!” He yelled, his feet scraping against the wood floor as he was drug behind the giant of a man.

Both men felt a strange heat as their blessing marks began to burn. Suddenly the warm buzz of alcohol vanished from their bodies as a vision was forced into their minds.

A pair of solid black almond shaped eyes looked up seductively, the woman’s tongue running across her thin lips as a small pale hand came into view as it gripped one of her large, curled horns. It guided the woman down, her face becoming obscured as her horns came to rest on pale white thighs, her sharp nose becoming nestled in a thin white…

Hans quickly released Alastair’s waist as he stood bolt upright. Both men stood awkwardly, their faces becoming an even deeper shade of red as the entire tavern watched the strange display.

After a long pause Hans finally spoke up, “we… we are just going to ignore that…”

“We need to train.” Alistair replied immediately as he left the tavern, Hans nodding as he quickly followed towards the sparring rings in the barracks.

Domain of Lust activated. Divine skill: grant premonition, send a single thought, image, or vision to one or more of your followers. The more power used, and the stronger the emotion the more vivid the vision. 

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