Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 chapter 8

Alexa stood silently, she originally thought the aura around her would weaken, yet it only seemed to grow in intensity as time seemed to slow to a crawl. Her curiosity finally got the best of her as she looked back to her younger sister, curious on what “eating” magic would entail. 

Hecatolite stood on the tips of her toes, one of her small hands had found its way to the nape of the succubus’s neck now tangled in her hair as it gently caressed her, the other hand gripping the woman’s shoulder. The Succubus, having been stunned by the sudden kiss, found herself completely at the mercy of the much smaller woman, only managing to grab onto the young girl’s hips in an attempt to balance her small body that seemed to shiver slightly at her touch. The succubus’s tail however, was a maelstrom of motion as it furiously whipped back and forth beating against her wings that were tucked behind her.

Alexa heard a muffled moan as the black veins on Hecatolite’s neck violently pulsed, growing to cover her entire neck as they branched up across her face, the succubus’s head moved slightly as the woman seemed to lean more heavily into the kiss, the same black lines beginning branch out from her lips as the aether surged into her. Alexa again looked away as the kiss seemed to grow in intensity, the succubus being pulled closer to Hecatolite and being forced to pick the young girl up in a tight embrace, the succubus’s tail instantly going rigid as a much louder moan filled the air.

The succubus had activated her mana drain the moment her mistress’s lips had touched her own, how could I have forgotten, this is how I will be useful to my mistress. It was before they left on this journey that the matriarch had called her to speak, informing what her mistress would need of her once she had awakened. Her role would be to help contain Hecatolite’s overflowing power to protect her sister... my mistress is kind to her followers. She thought as the cool liquid-like power flowed into her. The power came as a trickle, causing her to wonder briefly if Hecatolite was purposely holding back her power, it would make sense, most would fear giving so much power to a follower. Not only for the risk of hurting them but the risk of betrayal. She thought trying to fight her own rapidly growing desire as her mistress let out a moan that reverberated in the succubus’s own throat; she could no longer hold herself back. Forgive me mistress. She thought as her tongue invaded Hecatolite’s mouth, quickly going to work exploring every inch of the small space. She panicked, having expected Hecatolite to pull away from her only to find herself being pulled into the smaller woman. Fearing falling onto her, she was moved to pick her up only for the metaphorical dam to break. The once trickle of power became a raging torrent that quickly began to fill her, her mind instantly exploding into static as the power overtook her. Her knees became weak as she used every ounce of will she had to not fall with the young girl in her arms. She could feel her stomach tighten as her own moan forced its way from her throat, her entire body quivering as she held her mistress close. Her power… it's so… pure… delicious… she thought as she felt another wave enter her, threating to overwhelm her as her whole body clenched in response.

She tastes… sweet. Hecatolite thought as the woman’s tongue entered her mouth. No longer able to fight the growing heat, she pulled the woman closer only to be shocked when she herself was instead picked up from the ground. A faint moan escaped her as she felt the woman press her body against hers. Her mind for the first time was completely clear as she focused only on the angelic woman who she held in her arms, her flowery aroma, the faint earthy sweet taste of her lips, and the softness of her body. With surprising ease, Hecatolite surrendered herself as she felt her aether being pulled from her, letting it flow out as she ran her hands through the woman’s amazingly soft hair. That sweet flowery taste… Saffron?

A thunderclap caused the succubus to suddenly jerk, breaking the kiss as her wings wrapped around the two defensively.

“Name recognized, updating designation. “unnamed” demon lord has been redesignated, Saffron, Demon lord. Skill acquired; aether drain. skills combined, mana drain and aether drain combined into Energy drain. Demon lord title evolved into “error” gluttony and lust not available… Demon lord Saffron has sworn to Deity Hecatolite Lapidary, X7 the mad devour… Searching for available divine titles that coincided with primary deity… Cross referencing personality traits with primary deity's domains… forming title… Saffron, Demon lord of Excess.”

“Are you two finally finished?” Alexa called out after hearing the unmistakable sound of Hecatolite’s Babylon terminal appearing but missing whatever news it brought, not that she could understand the demonic language it used. Instead, she focused on calming her own mind as she finally felt the lustful aura weakening. “Did it work?” She asked looking back to see the two women cocooned in the succubus’s wings, the woman looking blurry eyed at the screen as she stood panting.

“I don’t know.” Hecatolite weakly called out as a small hand appeared from under the wings, it shook slightly as it gently touched the woman’s cheek. “I think we should go again… just to… be sure….” The small hand fell limply back down.

“Hecatolite has successfully drained enough aether for cohabitation of the shared body, Amethyst has awakened.” Babylon said as the screen vanished.

Hecatolite let out a groan as she fell from the chair in the void, her body hitting the soft dirt with a loud thud.

“Ow.” She groaned, rubbing her face, having made no attempt to brace herself after being pulled from their body.

She heard a gasp before she was pulled violently from the ground into a tight hug, a soft sob filling her ears as her sister gripped onto her. “I was so worried! I couldn’t find you in the void, and then we had to leave and… Mom! Mom got attacked!” Amethyst wailed, her cries instantly snuffing out any lingering arousal as Hecatolite activated her calming aura.

“It’s ok.” She said softly rubbing her sisters back, “mom is fine. I promise.”

“Really?” Amethyst asked, pulling back to look into her eyes, Hecatolite being shocked momentarily as she looked into her sister’s bright purple eyes.

“Yeah, of course she is. I promised, didn’t I?” Hecatolite said softly, reaching up to rub her sister's head only to stop the moment her hand came into view. “My soul resonance!” She screamed, noticing her own pale hand.

She quickly pulled from her sister's hug and tried to back away from the girl only to trip over her own tail, landing hard on a broken terminal that… didn’t hurt?

“Ow… Wait what?” She rolled onto the ground with a thud that felt no more painful than landing on a bed. “Why didn’t that hurt?”

“We’re souls,” Amethyst laughed, helping her stand, “Babylon said that souls are very hard to damage. Or at least it did when I asked if you would be safe wherever you were. You know I searched the whole soul space and couldn’t find you. The only place I couldn’t get to was the egg, you were nowhere to be found, I thought you...”

“Wait, I was missing? I was right over there… no wait, I woke up under the egg yea? I wonder why? Normally we just wake up wherever we left.” Hecatolite scratched her head looking at the two chairs in the possession circle, “and why are there so many boxes in here? Wait, not important, Inutil, why is my soul not right!”

“Unable to answer that question due to the time restraints of the life expectancy of your physical body.” A nearby terminal replied as it began to hover, Inutil 36 appearing on the bottom of the screen.

“Are you insulting me?” Hecatolite hissed as she glared at the screen.

“I would ne…”

“Inutil 37, why is my soul resonance not working?” Hecatolite asked, tossing the dissolving terminal to the side, only to watch it reappear a few feet away and fall into the pile of broken ones. “And why is our void filling up with this junk!” She yelled, kicking another one, sending the terminal careening into the forest.

“Your soul resonance is activated, and working as intended.”

“Don’t play games with me,” she said holding her tail up, “look Eryl said human souls don’t have tails! And my soul isn’t all jagged anymore.” She looked down at herself, her smooth pale skin looking… “I’m naked!” she yelled her eyes landing on her breast, her nipples indicating a slight chill in the air. She spun on her sister who stood shaking her head.

Amethyst shrugged, though she had changed to match their physical body, was dressed in what looked to be leather pants and a cotton shirt. 

“That’s unfair! Where did you get clothes in the void?” Hecatolite asked running up to her, now noticing that her sister’s soul was… tall? Where they used to be almost the same height, Amethyst could now rest her chin on Hecatolite’s head if she wished. “And when did you get so tall, this is bull shit. I’m older, I should be taller and have pants!” her tail whipped to the side scattering a pile of terminals.

“Technically Amethyst is older given your stasis in the “egg”, the system recognizes her soul as being born first. You entered this world 10 years ago, but you were only fully born...” a hole appeared in the center of the terminal that exploded dramatically as Hecatolite threw IRIS over her shoulder.

“38 better not get sassy with me.” She growled, summoning another terminal. “Answers.” She demanded only to be stopped by Amethyst who grabbed her shoulder.

“I think I have more pants in the cabin. Babylon says you can imagine clothes in the void, and they will appear but it's really hard to imagine them.”

“Then why do you have clothes in the cabin?”

“The cabin and all its contents are a manifestation of Amethyst’s subconscious. The clothing that is present in it were formed from a memory that she forged her soul space from. It just happened to have clothing in it.” Inutil 38 explained as it followed them into the cabin, “as to your soul’s shape, when you became a deity, your soul condensed into this form based on several different variables. Your human shape is based on your soul resonance matching your soul to Amethyst’s, the tail is… an oddity. It is likely that it is a byproduct of your primary follower having a tail of her own and pictured you with one while she prays, but this process should have taken much longer normally, as well as needing many more followers. That, compiled with your own composition and power, should have been impossible to shape your soul in any way… it is possible that your current form is how you personally imagine yourself, with a much clearer picture in your mind than before, along with the soul compression from “ascension”, you were able to mold your soul to fit your desire more closely.”

“Fit my desire?” Hecatolite asked, looking to be sure Amethyst had her back turned. She quickly inspected herself, looking down past her chest to see a small tuft of white. Tentatively, she reached down…

“What are you doing?” Amethyst asked, turning back to see her sister inspecting herself, Hecatolite quickly pulling her hand away from herself looking up as a blush formed on her pale face.

“Nothing.” She said quickly as her sister handed her a pair of pants only to pause. 

“Those… aren’t going to work.” She said looking back and eyeing the thick tail that jutted out right above Hecatolite’s butt. 

After a few minutes of debating, they settled on a shirt at least, Hecatolite’s tail dashing her hopes of pants until she could form a pair of her own. The shirt itself doing very little to cover her from the waist down as the thick base of her tail pulled it taunt around her waist. She was relieved to find however, that her soul was fully “formed”, managing to catch a glimpse of herself in a mirror.

Her form was not “too” dissimilar to Amethyst’s, it looked a lot like their physical body though significantly shorter. She had long feathery white hair and red eyes opposed to her sister's dark purple. That and her sister had what would be a healthy pinkish complexion where Hecatolite was almost ghostly white, the jagged colored lines that used to adorn her soul now showing through her skin ominously. The now tight cotton shirt did little to cover her small breasts, which she found to be surprisingly sensitive, a flat stomach that led to her wider hips. Her legs, though still human, had the faint hint of muscle just as their body had begun to develop. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the long cream white tail, they would look like a cheap game’s version of “twins”, similar yet different enough to be noticeable at a glance. Another difference that she noticed, was unlike their hairless physical body, Hecatolite’s soul now had a patch of snow white… fur above her pelvic area, the same fur covered her tail, ran up her spine, vanishing into her hairline. 

She inspected her tail in the mirror, moving it about to reveal a surprisingly plump butt. I look a little more mature than her. She thought cupping her small chest in her hands, each breast fitting into her palms easily as a jolt shot through her body, the colorful lines flashing pink for a moment before returning to their usual fluctuating pattern. I really hope I do grow more. She sighed, turning to her sister who was still digging through the cabin.

“So why did Amethyst's soul change too?” She asked the terminal beside her.

“That is also an effect of your ascension, the constant pressure your soul emits inside of the soul space has forced her soul to grow at an alarming rate. Note, in the short time you both have shared this space, Amethyst’s mana pool has grown significantly. At this rate of growth it is likely after 2 years her mana pool will grow to the point where you will no longer suppress her while at full power. If she continues to grow at that rate, her mana pool will be the same size as your aether pool within an additional 3 years.”

“So, five years? What would we be 15 then?” Hecatolite scratched her chin. Happy for another new development in her soul; “reactive” claws as she called them, her claws now came and went with a thought instead of always being there. “It would be a lot easier to travel if we didn’t have to worry about having to constantly wake one another up?” 

“It is possible that your new form is also a reaction to Amethyst’s power growing, your soul resonance reacting to her growth and not suppressing your soul as much. But that is also speculation.” Babylon flashed a… light green, as it filed a list of notes about Hecatolite’s soul and the possible reasons for its change.

“And we could train with mom and dad more too before we go.” Amethyst chimed in, finally giving up on looking for anything Hecatolite could wear in the limited wardrobe. “I’m nervous about traveling right now, I… I’m not ready. When mom got hit by that arrow… I couldn’t do anything.” She clenched her fist as she looked back at her sister. “I… I need to be stronger.”

Hecatolite nodded, “it wouldn’t hurt to be more prepared. With those heroes running around out there, we never know what we may run into.” She glanced back at the mirror one more time, she grinned, showing herself her double set of teeth before looking at the Inutil screen. “Now, one more thing before we head out. Why are a bunch of broken boxes in our void?”


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