Shattered Moonstone

Book 3 chapter 11

Hecatolite let out a sigh as she followed Wolf through the ship, who would have thought being a pirate would be so boring. She thought as she watched the man make his way past the empty “cargo” area. The first few days had been fun, running around the ship and surprising crew members but now…

“How much more do you have to do?” she asked, soliciting a shrug from Wolf who did not reply.

Hecatolite grumbled as she eyed the man, something about Wolf felt off to her. It wasn’t that he seemed untrustworthy or anything like that, if anything her soul sight told her all she figured she needed to know about him. 

He was a scraggly man who tried, despite being on a ship, to maintain a well-cut appearance. Clean shaven with shoulder length brown hair he kept pulled back, his deep brown eyes seemed hollow with bags under them that contrasted his pale complexion. If someone asked her his most notable feature was a crooked nose that looked as if it had been broken. Aside from that he was completely… forgettable? She thought looking up to the taller man, her soul sight activating to show her the “odd” soul the man bore.

The man’s soul was not powerful, only glowing slightly against the darkness around them in the bowels of the ship, its sickly green appearance, looking as if it would be… sticky? A few very light trails of blue seemed to drip from it making her think somehow his soul was wet? She had never seen a soul that looked so… strange, it was as if it was muted. Where most souls would fill her sight, glowing with their power he felt… dull.

Blue was water magic, wasn’t it? and green was healing… or nature… maybe basing them off color isn’t a good idea. She thought, poking the man in the side causing him to jump. She couldn’t help but laugh as he quickly retreated. He emitted a feeling she had felt before, fear, Wolf was constantly afraid; always looking around as if he was prepared to run, though he did not feel… bad. She felt she could trust him, just not rely on him to do very much.

“What are you?” She muttered, again tapping on his side as she prodded his soul. 

“I could ask you the same question.” He hissed again trying to step away from her but, to his dismay, there simply wasn’t enough room. Not that he thought he could outrun her even if he had an entire field. “Can’t you go watch someone else?”

Hecatolite shrugged as she continued to inspect his soul, without the tattletale Amethyst here she was free to sate her curiosity though Wolf had been adamant about keeping his secrets. “I’m the watcher, I watch.” She said casually running a hand down his arm finding that his soul did in fact feel slick, and cold though not sticky. 

“Yes,” he grumbled as she shook her hand as if she had touched something gross, “The whole crew, not just me.” 

“Trying to get rid of me so you can slack off?” She glared at him causing him to shiver as her red eyes seemed to flair in the darkness, reminding him that he was still in a very narrow hallway with a very dangerous creature.

Wolf couldn’t pinpoint exactly what about Hecatolite caused him so much discomfort, it wasn’t like she was the only powerful mage he had ever met; though the two girls were the only two he had ever seen that could exude such a powerful aura that even the non-magic users of the ship could feel it. 

She wasn’t even the first demi-human he had been in contact with, even not knowing her race, he couldn’t imagine that was the problem given Amethyst didn’t cause such a strong reaction; not that he had believed the two actual sisters originally, a fact he had to amend when he had finally gotten a good look at the two the other day. 

He had no troubles talking to or even looking at Amethyst but only managed to get a good look at Hecatolite yesterday as she had gotten bored while he cataloged the armaments on the ship, falling asleep in the doorway allowing him to finally “look” at her without his stomach twisting into knots. Even he had to admit the girls’ faces were nearly identical leaving him no question that they were related somehow. Maybe half breeds? That would explain why Amethyst looks more “human”. He thought, as he looked down at the tiny woman before him.

But that still did not explain why, where Amethyst filled him with warmth, a feeling of calm serenity and safety; Hecatolite filled him with dread. Like watching a storm cloud rolling in from the sea and knowing there is not a thing you can do about it…  

His thoughts were interrupted by the sharp sound of a bell echoing through the ship.

“What's that?” Hecatolite asked casually, turning away from the man she had all but pinned to the wall.

“It's a warning bell.” Wolf answered with a sigh of relief at the newfound space around him. “There must be another ship in sight.”

His stomach sank as she looked back to him, her wide grin betraying the carnage she was capable of as she said a single word. “Loot” the terrifying amount of joy in her voice was lost as her tail wrapped around his waist, dragging him behind her as she rocketed up the stairs to the deck.

“Hecatolite,” Amethyst waved to them from the upper deck, pausing as Hecatolite ignored the stairs and simply jumped to land beside her sister. The act caused Wolf to let out a yell as he was deposited onto the hardwood beside her. “And Wolf, behaving yourself?” She asked jokingly as she helped the man up.

“Of course, I have been keeping a close eye on him.” Hecatolite said proudly as her tail patted the man on the back. 

Amethyst gave Wolf an apologetic look as he brushed himself off. “Yes,” he grumbled, straightening his robes. “We heard the alarm?” he stated plainly as Hecatolite, seeming to remember why they had come above deck, began scanning the sea.

“Yeah, dog man said there was another ship.” she exclaimed excitedly. “Where is it?”

Amethyst simply shrugged as Wolf replied. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up, just because it was spotted it could be the better half of a day before we intercept them.”

“I doubt that will be much an issue.” Eryl’s voice carried across the deck despite not yelling, the calm voice causing all of them to turn to the woman who stood beside the helm of the ship while another young man steered the craft. “It appears an Algamir patrol ship is chasing us, though I can’t say I am surprised. You two can likely be felt for miles out here at sea,” she let out a soft sigh, her ears falling as she canceled whatever spell allowed her voice to carry across the deck. “I was hoping they would simply assume you to be sea creatures.” She muttered under her breath as the three approaches.

“Algamir patrol,” Hecatolite again scanned the sea, “Do they normally carry a lot of gold?”

“It's a naval ship during a time of war, I doubt it.” Eryl’s expression did not change as she motioned to the back of the ship. “We have 6 hours at most before they catch up to us.”

Wolf couldn’t help the tremor in his voice as Hecatolite ran to the back of the ship to look. “Can we lose them?”

“Unlikely,” Eryl shook her head only to be cut off by an excited Hecatolite.

“Why would we lose them!” she yelled holding her hand up to block the sun as she continued to search, “They have loot, we are pirates. Gotta get that booty!”

“I don’t think we should rob them,” Amethyst joined her in looking off the back of the ship, “We could use some more supplies, maybe trade?”

“Trade!” Hecatolite’s tail slammed into the ship, “Amethyst, we are pirates, we don’t trade, we take gold.” She hissed looking up to her sister.

“And then what? Simply keep it all?” Amethyst raised an eyebrow.

“Well, no… we take it to shore and… bury it?” Hecatolite paused, her face scrunching in concentration before continuing. “No, we have to buy stuff, so we use it to buy things for the ship?”

“Exactly, trade. So instead of fighting and taking their supplies, why not simply buy supplies from them?” Amethyst asked as Hecatolite shook her head.

“Amethyst, there's still so much you need to learn.” She sighed pointing out to where the ship may have been. “They have stuff, we take that stuff, then we sell that stuff. That’s what pirates do.”

“We can’t possibly take an Algamir warship.” Wolf's legs nearly gave out, as the two girls went back and forth about whether or not to rob or negotiate. Both of which turned to him as he continued, “We are a gutted merchant ship, what hope do we have against a fully stocked patrol ship. They will sink us before we fire the first sho…”

His words were cut short as the strange long rifle appeared in Hecatolite’s hand, a single shot ringing out as a small blue bullet flew out into the open sea. “Your opinion has been noted quartermaster.” She said coldly before Amethyst slapped the rifle from her hands, causing it to disappear.

“Hecatolite!” she growled, “That’s not how we agreed to do things, we will talk to them first.”

“And when they don’t want to talk? We are kind of wanted in Algamir, on top of freeing Eryl we did kind of kidnap their saint.”

Amethyst sighed, “then, and only then, we will try more… persuasive measures.”

“I hate to cut in,” Himari finally made her way to the deck, her skin looking slightly pale as she swayed side to side, she seemed to struggle as a terminal appeared beside her to help steady herself. Even Wolf found the irony of a woman capable of true healing magic falling prey to sea sickness though he would never say it aloud. “I am sorry Amethyst, but I believe Hecatolite may be right in this situation. They will most likely attack us on sight. If I remember correctly, they have orders to search every ship they come across and hiding myself and Eryl will be… difficult. And if they catch even a glimpse of Hecatolite, they will try and capture her…”

“How do you know their orders, fish eggs?” Hecatolite’s eyes narrowed. “You got something you want to share, prisoner?” 

Himari sighed, looking to Eryl for help. “There are heroes on that ship.” Eryl sighed, “They would be able to ascertain that for themselves once the ship gets closer.” She added as the terminal beside Himari flashed an annoyed yellow but not commenting. “I may have been to… strict on that protocol.” She sighed.

“A hero! You four are planning on fighting…” Wolf paused, of course they were, what in the last three days would make him think they wouldn’t. These insane women who took over their ship in the matter of minutes, why wouldn’t they continue to defy all logic… “I… already died, didn’t I? This is some kind of twisted hell because of my magic, isn’t it?” He sank to the floor putting his head into his hands. 

“Pff, no.” Hecatolite stepped past him, stopping beside Eryl as Amethyst came to his side.

She placed a hand on his shoulder, “Everything will be fine, Wolf. We won’t let anything happen to you or the ship, right… what are you doing?” Amethyst paused as Hecatolite grabbed Eryl’s waist.

“Need bullets, mana shot doesn’t go super far.” She said offhandedly shoving her arm into a bag that hung on the taller woman’s hip only for her eyes to go wide before tearing the bag from Eryl causing her to stumble back. “What!” she screamed, shoving her face into the bag next. Even the sea seemed to freeze as she pulled her head back glaring at Eryl who stood calmly before her. “What.” She growled, her distorted voice shaking the boards beneath her as Wolf started to pray to be anywhere but on the deck of this ship, even the hells sounded better at this moment as black lines danced across Hecatolite’s face.

Hecatolite continued to glare at Eryl who stood unmoving before her, the bag clutched tightly against her chest as she asked again. “Where is my stuff?”

“I have left your things in that bag,” Eryl replied only for Hecatolite’s tail to crack behind her, nearly hitting the poor boy who was currently helming the ship. 

“Bullshit,” Hecatolite hissed, waving the bag at her, “This bag was almost full! Now it's empty!” she yelled, throwing it down at her feet, “All my rings! And necklaces! Where did you put them!”

“That bag is far from empty,” Eryl did not move as she watched Hecatolite stomp her feet.

“It might as well be!” Hecatolite kicked the bag, nearly sending it off the ship if Amethyst hadn’t caught it. “Where did you hide them, thief?” She hissed, taking a step towards Eryl.

Eryl sighed as Hecatolite steeped directly up to her, the small woman’s head not even coming to her chest. “I told you before, Hecatolite, I am no such thing…” Eryl was forced to step back as Hecatolite’s tail slammed into the deck behind her, lifting the tiny woman up to match her height. 

She had known Hecatolite’s tail was strong, but to lift her entirely off the ground and support her as she stood arms crossed was a true testament to exactly how powerful the odd appendage was.

“Do not lie to me, Eryl.” Hecatolite growled, baring her teeth in a nearly feral snarl. “Where. Are. My. Things.” 

“Your threats are unwarranted Hecatolite. I have no need to lie to you,” Eryl regained her composure, now standing nearly chest to chest with Hecatolite. “All of your remaining items are within that bag, anything not currently inside of it has been disposed of.”

For the briefest of moments, just barely a heartbeat long, Amethyst thought her sister would attack Eryl. Unsure of what to do, she stood stunned as Hecatolite’s eyes seemed to glimmer with untold acts of violence that caused the young woman to freeze, remembering that despite everything; even becoming a Deity herself… Amethyst could not fight Hecatolite. She knew her sister was stronger than her, faster, and above all else, Hecatolite would not surrender. There was simply no way she could think of where she would win.

Thankfully, Hecatolite did not attack Eryl, her rage filled face going slack for a moment as she looked at her “friend” with wide eyes. “Why would you… do that?” the new emotion washing off Hecatolite everyone felt. Even the approaching ship miles away problem felt it… pain.

Eryl took a deep breath as her ears fell, “They were too dangerous, Hecatolite, I still have a duty to this world…”

“Who decides that?” Hecatolite hissed, poking Eryl in the center of the chest, “Who says what is and isn’t dangerous? You? The system? Who makes that call what can and cannot exist, huh?” Though she still exuded a deep pain her voice carried a hostility she had only heard once before coming from Hecatolite. 

“Hecatolite,” Eryl shook her head but still did not move. “I have to protect this world.”

Hecatoltie’s voice became just as even as Eryl’s, barely audible yet everyone heard her as she spoke. “And what a bang-up job you’re doing.” 

Eryl finally stepped back, her stoic expression faltering as her sky blue eyes shot open in shock; she opened her mouth to rebut but for the first time ever, she didn’t know what to say. 

Everyone watched as the administrator of the world, a woman who was likely older than everyone there combined… simply stood; eyes wide as she looked back at the small woman before her, mouth open as if to speak. For the first time any of them had seen, her face showed her emotion in full view as Hecatolite slowly lowered herself to the floor.

She stomped over to her sister, snatching the bag from her hands, “You know Eryl, I thought you were different but, in the end, you're just like them.” The emotions coming from Hecatolite seemed to redouble as a single sob escaped Wolf who was overcome by the betrayal he felt in his chest. “Sitting on your pedestal, passing judgment on those you think are beneath you. Thinking you're so much better than people, that you're always right.” She looked back over her shoulder at the stunned woman, her crystal-like red eyes gleaming in the noon sun with a clarity Eryl did not think possible as she felt something in her mind bending, a single black tear roll down the side of her snow white skin. The oppressive emotions cascading off her abruptly stopped releasing the unfortunate people around her as she continued. “So preoccupied with what you think is right you never bother to ask those around you, just like them…” she paused, turning her head back to look at Amethyst who simply nodded to her. 

Without saying a word Hecatolite appeared to vanish from the deck, though those with sharp enough eyes saw her rocket up into the mezzanine mast vanishing behind the sail as she hid. Despite hiding, it took nearly 5 minutes for her to dig her bands out of the bag and place them on her arms, happy Eryl at least deemed the bands “safe”.

“I won’t say I told you so,” Amethyst finally sighed as Hecatolite’s pressure vanished, stopping to help Wolf to his feet. The poor man did not know what to do as his own emotions finally began to surface, slowly reaserting as a dull ache rang out in his chest. 

“Wh… what just happened?” he stammered looking at the stunned women. “Where did she go?” realizing that for the first time in days, he couldn’t feel the massive weight of Hecatolite looming over him.

“She's hiding,” Amethyst shook her head, “And nothing we can worry about now. I doubt she’s going to help once Algamir gets here.” She turned her eyes to Eryl who still stood stunned as if trying to piece together what had been said. “Well Captain, what’s the plan?”


“Dumb Eryl, breaking all my stuff.” Hecatolite grumbled as she slammed a bullet into IRIS. “She even took my good rounds…” she paused remembering the single “test” firing of her “good” bullets, thinking that it was probably for the best that she didn’t try shooting one of those at sea given the amount of damage they caused to dry land. Not that she thought they were any more dangerous than a magical cannon, just that it would be counterproductive to completely sink the other ship before they looted it.

She sighed, deep within herself she knew Eryl was not… wrong. But she wasn’t right either! Who just steals someone else’s things and breaks them like that! More importantly they were her things, who was Eryl to decide they were dangerous or not. Sure the rings had been… unstable. But Hecatolite would never say they were dangerous, after all they were safely tucked away in her bag where no one would have been able to get them. Eryl only got them because she took Hecatolite’s bag and stole them!

Stupid Eryl and her dumb boxes, I bet that was their plan all along! Try to make me feel comfortable around them and seduce me with her overly attractive body and steal my stuff! She thought, clutching the bag and rifle to her chest as she hid behind the sail. That… doesn’t make sense though. I met Eryl before I started making things… and she helped save Amethyst… she’s an admin too, why would she want my bomb rings? She could probably make her own rings that actually worked, I mean she has those super soft hands, I bet she’s super dexterous… Hecatolite’s head felt like it would split as she argued with herself, a strange haze filling her mind not realizing that she couldn’t “hear” the ever-present sound aside from very distant, nearly silent whispers. No, she’s a thief! So, what if she has those big blue eyes… and cute long ears… damn it-she took MY things though, she can’t be trusted! She makes the annoying… boxes… but Babylon has never done anything bad to me… it's annoying but it always tries to help… She’s trying to make me like the dumb boxes! That’s it! It must be a trick to get me to trust them so they can… No, if they were going to do that, they would just call the never dies to come fight me… the distant whispers grew as the haze in her mind seemed to encroach more on her thoughts. Wait, why would they call… who were they going to call again? Ghostbusters? But I’m not a ghost, silly Eryl. No focus, Eryl took my things… but if she had just asked, I would have given them to her. I only would have asked for a little patting… maybe… but why would she just take them? that’s mean! Those are my things! She called me dangerous too! If I’m so dangerous then you fight the ass-holes from Algamir…  

The cycle continued for hours as the haze seemed to lift only to come back as unbeknownst to her, her face and clothes were slowly being dyed black as blood poured from not only her eyes but nose and ears as well. Until finally, a different thought sliced though the others; slamming into her mind like a hammer.

Danger! Where, who… she looked around noticing another ship had pulled up next to theirs, a group of men in uniforms calling out to her crew as they matched their pace. Who are they again, they don’t look so tough.  She thought scanning the crowd until her eyes landed on two young men standing at the helm of the other ship. One standing tall in a militaristic uniform that shown brightly with dozens of enchantments, his short, cropped hair reminding her of a distant memory of soldiers from a different world. Beside him stood another man with long knotted dreadlocks and an ostentatious amount of gold jewellery looking to all the world like a Hollywood pirate. Her eyes lingered on his large tri horned hat, a large pure gold feather sticking out of the side glimmering in the sunlight.

That must be the captain! I… I need that hat. She couldn’t help but grin, it just so happens she was in the market for a lot of jewellery for some reason at this exact moment… she couldn’t really recall why, Oh yea, I need to get a good ring for Saffron, you know what they say: happy wife, happy life. I wonder if she likes big rings or little bands…

Hello, to all my American readers, happy belated thanksgiving! To all my non-american readers... Hello! I don't doubt you know what thanksgiving is but if you don't just know we celebrate... well mass murder by sacrificing turkeys. because America! (this is not a actual representation of the holiday and is meant as a joke, please be kind.) Thank you all for reading, sorry for only one chapter today, and its a cliff hanger as well! In my defence, this had originally been written as two separate chapters but after looking it over I could not find a good natural "breaking" point in the chapters and in rewriting them as a single chapter did not have enough time to wright the third one that was going to be posted along side of them... So I will come right out and say it now, I have no idea whats going to happen next as the whole "sailing" thing was just going to be filler until they hit land, given I know absolutely nothing about ships or how sailing works (my google history is now filled with antique ships and facts about them none of which makes a lick of seance to me), but after a few failed attempts at "filler" I decided to just say fuck it and let actual story development happen. I am not 100% sure what my point of this authors note was now so, as always, thank you all for reading I do hope you enjoy. :)


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