Shattered Moonstone

Book 3 chapter 36

Eryl didn’t know what exactly she had expected once she caught up to Hecatolite, but as she felt the spells she had been preparing fizzle out she was certain it was not this. Standing in the middle of a stunned crowd of onlookers, Hecatolite padded around in a large circle, her tail dragging behind her as she inspected the skull in her hands. Trailing behind her a blushing Amethyst was frantically speaking to her, gesturing towards the buildings as Hecatolite lazily waved a hand at her. 

Eryl sighed as the building tension left her, of course I was overreacting, she should have known when Hecatolites power faded that there was no need to rush. Shaking her head she approached, pausing as she got within earshot of the two girls.

“Do you think maybe the color change enchantment would be too much? I mean it's going to be a hunting hat so it’ll need camouflage but it's such a big enchantment…” Hecatolite’s voice trailed off as she turned the skull over in her hands, Eryl just then noticing the lines in the dirt her tail were tracing. 

Is... is she designing an enchantment as she walks? Eryl was at a loss for words as she inspected the growing rings, it was barely noticeable without the more intricate details but once she noticed them it was unmistakable. Just what is she planning on putting on that skull that requires that many rings? Eryl’s ears twitched as she watched Hecatolite add two more smaller rings to the already cluttered mess. 

It was impossible to pinpoint exactly what enchantments Hecatolite planned on using at this point, the framework lacking any of the intricate details one would use to identify the enchantments but Eryl had to admit that; much to her surprise, the framework looked… good. It was clustered at a glance, but each circle was well placed, each core ring clearly visible with the smaller conditional rings well-spaced so as to not interfere with each other; she could even see the point where two core rings intersected, why does she have a conditional ring on the intersection point...

“Can you please at least put a shirt on first?” Amethyst sighed before giving up, she glanced at a lone circle placed to the side, “Maybe add it to the cleaning ring?”

“I could, but the cleaning enchantment is super finicky remember? I honestly had a hard time putting it on your armor, it kept trying to “clean” my skin off when I was testing it.” Hecatolite shook her head as her tail tapped the metal plate on Amethyst's chest, “I couldn’t figure out how to make it work the way I wanted so I just weakened it to the point where it wouldn’t hurt.”

“Is that what keeps ruining my underwear?” Amethyst asked, looking down at her armor, a puzzled look on her face as she remembered that all her underclothes had started to develop strange holes in them as if they had been worn out. 

“That and the acid sweat doesn’t help. We should look into acid proof clothing… on second thought, I don’t like rubber that much. We can just add some reinforcements to our clothes, a few minor enchantments shouldn’t be too hard to whip up once we get back.” As if forgetting the enchantment for the skull, Hecatolite turned to an open patch of dirt and started tracing out a much smaller circle. “If we are going to put it on all our clothes we should do cleaning and maybe a strengthening enchantment, I will have to have Saffron sew it into the clothes since I’m not good with those tiny needles.”

“Won’t strengthening them make the fabric stiff?” Amethyst asked tugging on the thick leather of her armor, “It's not a big deal with my armor but for everyday clothes it seems like a bit much. We just need it to not dissolve, don’t we?”

Hecatolite nodded, “I guess you have a point… I don’t know a “don’t dissolve” enchantment.” She casually pulled on what was left of her own pants, the motion tearing the weakened fabric causing it to slide down revealing even more of her already exposed legs. “Maybe… moisture resistance? That would keep the sweat from sinking into the fabric…”

Eryl watched the two in awe alongside the gawking crowd, though for a different reason completely. Where everyone was watching the nearly nude grime covered girl “play” in the dirt Eryl was enthralled by the enchantment rings that were casually taking form. As if the most normal thing the two continued to discuss the complexities of adding enchantments to clothing as if picking out what to eat for lunch. It was… unnerving. 

Enchanting isn’t exactly a simple art yet watching the two girls one would think it was trivial, enchantments that would cost dozens of gold and weeks to prepare being doodled in the dirt with blinding precision and speed…

 It does explain how she had so many of those unstable rings. Eryl thought as she traced the enchantment with her eyes, noticing that though Hecatolite had said it would be a “simple” water repelling enchantment she had made it… overly complex. Why would she need half a dozen rings for moisture repellent? Honestly one large enchantment ring should suffice if she just wants it to repel sweat.

Eryl felt someone tap her on the arm, tearing her away from her line of thought as turned to see both Himari and Wolf standing next to her. Wolf offering her his coat while covering his eyes with his obnoxious hat, “your shirt…” He managed to stammer as she looked down, being greeted by her own bare skin.

“Ah, yes.” Eryl stated blandly, much as she predicted Hecatolite’s blood had made short work of the light fabric shirt she had been wearing: her own exposed chest starting to gain attention of those around her. 

“Elder Astari was just spotted on the far end of town,” Himari added as Eryl covered herself with the offered jacket, though it was a little tight it would suffice. “Though Hecatolite’s arrival has placated the crew the elven guards are still… on edge, if you could speak to them it would be appreciated.”

Eryl sighed, noticing then that Himari looked strangely tired, the young woman leaning heavily on her cane as she met Eryl's eyes with a blurry lidded gaze. “I don’t even know what happened while I was gone?”

“The elves searched and tried to unload some cargo that was offered as trade,” Wolf said quickly as he shot a nervous glance around his eyes landing on a covered body. “and well… Hecatolite took care of it.” 

It didn’t take long for the “mutiny” to fall apart once Hecatolite arrived, many of the crew admitting the man that had been shot had provoked them into trying to take control of the ship. it was honestly worrisome for Wolf, if the moment Hecatolite isn’t around his “crew” immediately falls into chaos. What am I supposed to do next time this happens? What if they try it again at sea when its just me? Even with a blessing, how am I supposed to protect the ship and Saris from the crew? maybe… thoughts for later. 

“Wolf.” Eryl’s monotone voice caused him to snap to attention. “I can help you with translations but I will not negotiate for you. It’s your ship now, as such it is up to you how you want to handle this.”

Wolf looked into Eryl’s piercing blue eyes, her words sinking into his mind as he slowly nodded. “I… I understand.” He nodded again, this time with much more force as he made up his mind. “I will not let you down.” 

Eryl was unsure as to what he meant, but Wolf looked determined. Wolf was, if you asked Eryl, a good person. So even if he misunderstood what she had said she was sure it would work out in the end, after all Hecatolite liked him enough to give him her ship… Eryl blinked as the thought caught her off guard as they caused a strange feeling well inside of her. Why would Hecatolite liking someone matter? If anything, it should make her worry about the man, but... why?

Eryl shook her head, trying to place the odd feelings inside her chest as she dismissed the thoughts. She didn’t have time to piece together the intrusive thoughts and emotions about Hecatolite; adding it to her growing list of things to deal with later, she turned back to look at the twins only to find Hecatolite looking at her with wide eyes. 

Without a word Hecatolite rammed the skull she had been holding into her bag, and in a flash appeared before Eryl. The sudden burst of speed caused several people to step back as Hecatolite looked up at Eryl with a wide smile. Before Eryl could speak, Hecatolite nodded and… collapsed at her feet.

“What… is she doing?” Eryl asked looking up at Amethyst who shrugged. 

Eryl looked down at Hecatolite who for her part let out a very obviously fake snore, “I don’t advise sleeping here.” Eryl said, stepping away only for Hecatolite to roll into her legs with a slight pout. 

“I think she wants you to carry her.” Himari nudged Eryl as she let out a yawn, “That’s probably why she hasn’t moved into the town since she got here.” 

“She was upset when she got here,” Amethyst added. “Something about a bunch of morons running her “cozy ride through the forest”.” 

Eryl’s ears dropped, she didn’t understand Hecatolites desire to be carried. But in the end its not as if carrying her was difficult, and if it got Hecatolite into the town where she could be watched… 

Several people gasped as Eryl removed the jacket Wolf had given her; no use running another piece of clothing. Amethyst quickly held her arms out as she tried to block Eryl from prying eyes as she bent down and, much to everyone’s surprise, scooped the sleeping girl into her arms. “You need a bath.” She said bluntly as Hecatolite snuggled into her, easily covering the two of them as her tail wrapped around Eryl’s waist again. 


Astari strode into the false town, flanked by several guards who all tensed as a soldier ran up to them, bowing as he quickly began delivering a report causing Astari to cock an eyebrow.

“The girl just fell from the sky and just executed one of the humans? They didn’t attack her afterwards?” That didn’t make sense. Humans were excessively violent pack creatures; normally if one attacks one, they need to eradicate the entire group. That’s the reason he had been explicit in his orders not to attack unless absolutely necessary. 

Yet if the soldier is to be believed this strange girl just executed one and it somehow calmed the group? “And you didn’t stop her?”

“It… it was too fast sir.” the young man's voice wavered as he spoke, knowing what he was about to say next would annoy the elder. “She used some kind of magic to summon a weapon I had never seen before. It looked like some kind of gnomish tool made of wood, and metal. I can only assume it fired some kind of projectile given the sound and result, but I was unable to follow it. We attempted to inspect the body, but the humans covered him, and we couldn’t get close to it. As for the weapon… well it disappeared.”

Astari sighed, he recognized the description of a gun given he had seen reports on the gnomish invention, but they were allegedly weak tools that were unsuitable for combat. But somehow this unknown girl managed to kill a full-grown man with one? “It is clear she has some kind of spatial storage item, likely a ring of some sort if she can call the gun from it and store it at will.”

It will be difficult to get the weapon away from her if that’s the case. If the humans somehow managed to turn it into a viable weapon he would need to inspect it, and then there was the problem of who exactly this unknown girl was? Was she part of the crew? he found it unlikely they would have missed someone who had the ability to travel via flight? And to rattle the soldiers with her mere presence? 

Just as he was about to tell the guard to follow the girl and take whatever storage item, she had Astari caught sight of the approaching group. “Sister Eryl,” He turned to them with a smile that quickly faded as he noticed she was carrying something… the strange creature that had been deemed dead bundled in her arms. “I see you found your missing companion.”

“Elder Astari,” Eryl greeted him with a nod, “Yes, I ventured out this morning to retrieve her. however, she appears to be rather exhausted from her night in the forest.” she deadpanned as she turned her head to the man beside her, the “captain” if he remembered correctly. “Captain Wolf, of the ship Styx wished to speak with you about his dealings with the merchant Tinaka; he asked me to translate for him as his elvish is lacking…” Eryl paused as the girl in her arms shifted.

The voice that followed caused Astari’s blood to run cold as the girl let out a wide yawn. “This sounds like it’s going to be boring.” Everyone froze as Hecatolite spoke, the voice she used sounding l much like a wizened man instead of a bright cheerful young woman. She looked around as she opened and closed her mouth several times, working her jaw as black lines danced across her neck “Why are you all looking at me like that?”  It was slow but the voice was changing, gradually becoming softer and higher pitched; the dancing black veins shrinking as the voice shifted. 

“Hecatolite, when did you learn to speak Elven?” Wolf asked in disbelief only for Hecatolite to shrug.

“Found some weird old guy with glasses in the closet with Saris. Must have picked it up from him.” She answered in Solresol as she looked up at Eryl, “I thought we were going to a bath, not to talk to face touchy guy.”

Eryl, ears dropped as she shook her head, “Firstly, this is Elder Astari. He is in charge of the elven settlement we are currently in. Second, what do you mean by “an old guy in a closet?”

“Yea, he was being all weird. First, I woke up on the ship and he was looking down at me all creepy like. Then he was in a closet with Saris, I was all like “hey that’s Plague’s wife!” and I grabbed him… then he screamed for a really long time, and then…. I woke up on the ground. Maybe it was a dream?” Hecatolite turned her head back and forth as she recalled the night. She was certain she had found an old elf in the closet with Saris, which was not ok, the poor woman has been through enough without creepy old guys cornering her in the closet. She was in the void… then on the ground. Yep, that’s it. Nothing more. She was sure of it, but it didn’t feel like a dream. “I think I told him to stay away from Saris, might have threatened to eat him if he didn’t. But don’t worry, I didn’t, definitely only said I would.” She began frantically waving her hands, nearly falling out of Eryl’s arms as she denied eating the man.

None of them had any doubts that Hecatolite was to blame for Tinaka’s condition now, it was just the how that was still a mystery. Amethyst let out a sigh, “Not even a little bit?” she asked, knowing Hecatolite’s ability to learn things from eating souls. 

“Of course not!” Hecatolite protested, pointing at her, “He was an old dusty elf anyway. I bet he would have tasted bad. I just pulled him out away from Saris and then… Well then, I woke up. Definitely did not eat him though, maybe he just taught me Elven. That’s it, we were in the void for a long time, and I remember some old guy teaching me something… about horses… Why did he tell me about horses? Did he talk about horses to teach me elven?” Hecatolite blinked, her eyes ever so slightly out of sink as she did before she shook her head. “Why are we talking about my messed-up forest dreams anyway, I thought we were going to a bath? I don’t want to talk to Senior face Gropper here! Even if he is the mayor of elf town, must be a shitty mayor by the way, I don’t see any elves around.”

Eryl sighed as Amethyst shook her head, “Hecatolite…”

“No, if you guys want to do boring “negotiations” then I want to go hunting again. This guy is boring,” she emphasized the word by slumping down in Eryl’s arms flashing Astari both of their chests as she did. “Besides, I only got the one bunny last night and we already ate it. I have tons of flowers and honey; we should go find that big deer. I bet Amethyst and I could catch it super-fast!” 

“Hecatolite, he’s an Elder…”

Hecatolite cut Amethyst off with a wave of her tail, “Yes yes yes, and I am sure he is important too. But that doesn’t mean we all need to be here does it? Plague needs to get the ship stocked and moving before anything, we are all going to be here for a few days so let's let them “talk” and then you can try your diplomacy thing. Eryl, Himari, and the two of us should go and let Wolf take care of this boring bit, isn’t that what we hired him to do? Besides Calamari looks like she’s about to fall over, Eryl and I are nearly naked, and you don’t look like you slept a wink last night. I say we all go, take a nice quick bath then have ourselves a good old fashion sleep pile.” With a smile that could have frozen fire Hecatolite turned to Astari and in her best customer service voice spoke, “Forgive my rudeness Elder but my companions and I are in no state to be meeting with you at the current moment. I understand your time is valuable as such please conduct your business with the representative of our ship while the four of us retreat to rest after a long, arduous night.”

And just like that Astari found himself standing alone before the stunned human Captan Wolf, his mind reeling as he tried to piece together what exactly had just happened. Just like the first time he met them that strange white creature somehow managed to get in his way… but how? What exactly is that thing, and why is it suddenly able to speak Elven in Tinaka’s voice? 

He narrowed his eyes at the human man before him, Wolf stood rubbing his temples muttering to himself as he waited for Astari to say something. Well, at the very least I can get some answers hopefully. Not ideal, having to talk to this human but maybe its for the best. Eryl seemed rather protective of her past, and that creature would likely be a pain to deal with. yes, this is not a total loss.

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