Shattered Moonstone

book 3 chapter 44

Alagos, chairman of defense in the Felnnor council, high commander of the elven armed forces, impatiently tapped his finger on the table before him. He was a soldier, a damned good one but a soldier nonetheless; that’s not to say he didn’t care about the proceedings of the council before him, it was just… did he really need to be here for this? There was another skirmish on the eastern border just yesterday, he should be out there defending his homeland along with his men not here listening to whatever the new problem of the day was. Isn’t that why there are seven council members, each one with their own specialty, so they all didn’t need to convene every time something happens?

               Then again, he knew no matter how much he wished for it, the likelihood of him ever stepping on a battlefield again was… slim. He was a council member now, the top of the proverbial tower; he was “far too important now to be out slogging through a battlefield”. At least that’s what his peers had told him; but with the invasion from Utopia in the west, and Ocelina declaring war on Gala in the south, he couldn’t help but feel there was a better use for his time than sitting here overseeing a distribution dispute.

               “You could at least act interested, boy.” The gravely elder voice barely audible yet the whole chamber fell silent as Eironn spoke. Alagos didn’t have to guess who the elderly man was speaking to as his own shoulders slumped.

               To be called out by Eironn during a council meeting was… not great. Even if he himself was a member of the council, Alagos knew his position was only temporary; and as the second newest member of the council, he couldn’t afford to be lax in his demeanor. Yet, he couldn’t really help it.

               With a slight wince, he glanced up from his position at the far end of the table to the head of the council, Eironn’s unseeing milky white eyes fixated on him. the slight furrow of the elderly man's wrinkled brow drawing Alagos’s eyes to an unblemished tattoo on the man's forehead; the intertwining light green vines standing out against the man's weather skin as they intertwined with his wispy gray hair. To say Eironn was an elderly man would be an understatement; wizened by the passage of centuries long since forgotten by the world itself, he sat, his shriveled form a testament to time itself. The oldest living elf, or as Eironn would say “oldest known to them” not that Alagos could ever see the difference.

               “I apologize…”

               The elderly man lifted a single shriveled hand to silence him, “No need for false regrets, boy.” He could have sworn the elderly man laughed as Alagos bit his lip, he hadn’t been called boy for nearly a hundred years now but what could he say to someone who is over a millennia old? Everyone is a child to the man before him, yet it still felt somewhat insulting. “I do agree with you. And though no one wishes to be here for such trivial things, it is tradition… I feel if you are just patient, however, something may catch your attention.” The old man nodded as he slowly turned his head to the man beside him, a gesture to show he had finished with Alagos given everyone knew Eironn had gone blind centuries ago, as he made a comment about how stuffy it was in the chamber and to open a window.

               Alagos ground his teeth, he was sure that brief exchange would cause him unjust annoyance later as he turned his own gaze to Cemi, who sat directly across from him as she covered her mouth with her hand. She being the newest council member after him, who is in charge of diplomatic treaties, the balance seat to his own.

               Each council member had a balance, a seat opposed to them who was supposed to argue the opposite side of their proposals to the other members before a vote could be cast. Of the nine available seats only three are considered to be the “true council”; two seats held by high standing members of society and the third by “the true elder” to act as a tiebreaker.

The other six seats are “conditional” spots to be filled at the discretion of the other three. A drought hits, a chairman of agriculture may be chosen. A war is on the horizon, a chairman of defense, and so forth. They chose who they believe is the “best” in the relative field, experts to lead their people. But there needs to be an opposite, an opposition to be sure both sides are explored; In situations where a true opposite isn’t feasible another expert in the field is chosen to act as a stand in. But there has to be two, two seats for every situation so along with the main three seats the number remains odd at all times so a consensus must be reached.

Honestly Alagos both loved and hated that aspect of being a council member, he never needed to wait longer than a single meeting for a vote to be cast on his proposals, on the other hand that meant he only had one chance to convince them of a course of action. And his “opposition”, Cemi, was… well a very convincing diplomat. She had a way with words that had even him second guessing himself on more than one occasion.

It was only moments after the window was opened that a small glimmering stone landed on the table before him, the communication stone given to generals or commanders causing him to freeze in place as it rolled lazily across the table. On the one hand he now had an excuse to leave this meeting that had gone on for far longer than necessary, on the other hand these stones were only supposed to be used in case of emergency given the cost of creating one.

“Maybe a small break for lunch.” Eironn broke the silence as the stone came to a stop before Alagos, “Then we can discuss that.”

Before anyone could protest two younger elves rushed to the elderly man’s side and ushered him out of the room, leaving the other six council members sitting in silence as they all looked to Alagos, expectation clear on their faces as he picked the stone up.

He could have read it there; it would have saved him time explaining the contents to the other members, yet the elderly man's demeanor made it seem like some discretion was in order. Besides, without all members of the council present they couldn’t continue anyway so there wasn’t exactly a need for them to all stay; he could return to his own office to read this report and then prepare a proper response.

Eironn was unable to be roused for a second meeting forcing the council to convene for the day, not that Alagos would complain given that gave him more time to formulate a plan. He had opted to hold off on sharing the contents of Rilitars report when asked; if for no other reason than to protect his son who had incriminated himself in the report by going along with Astari’s xenophobic actions for so long…

It was late that night he sat slumped down at his own desk, his head in his hands as he glared down at the stone before him.

“It’s unlike you to glare,” A soft voice tore his attention away from the stone only to see Cemi standing in the doorway.

“Yet just barging into my office is exactly what I would expect from you.” He retorted with more venom than he actually meant.

If his tone offended her, she did not show it. Only shaking her head slightly as she replied, “I did knock. When you didn’t answer I had no choice but check and be sure you didn’t run off to the front lines again.” The teasing smirk on her face did not help his sour mood as took the seat opposite him. “But it is rare for you to let someone sneak up on you. Bad news?” She asked, gesturing at the stone.

He sighed, leaning back in his chair as he tried to relax his tense shoulders, “You could say that.” he rolled it to her knowing she would be unable to open it, “A delegation from Crown has landed on the western port. They appear to want to form some kind of alliance with us.”

“I fail to see how that is bad news.” She deadpanned as she picked the stone up and rolled it in her hand, “Unless of course…”

“Astari,” he nodded, finishing her sentence. “Apparently they have an elven woman with them that he has… taken an interest in.”

Cemi wrinkled her nose at the mention of his brother, as not only the council member in charge of diplomatic relations but a woman with short ears she had been adamantly opposed to Astari’s position as an elder. “Well, that is unfortunate news indeed. Do you have a proposal in mind for the council?”

“I will go and confront my wayward brother and escort this delegation here myself.”

She scoffed, “Always the direct approach. You can’t just run off and handle these things on your own, you know?” She casually tossed the stone onto the desk, “Did your son offer any information on who exactly the delegation is? The Empire of Crown has been friendly with us in the past and I would be remiss if I did not mention that I have proposed sending our own people to their nation in hopes of cultivating an alliance.”

“I recall.” He sighed again; it was her first proposal, one that he himself had opposed given the distance between the two nations. He stands by what he had said at the time; Crown was simply too far to warrant the manpower it would take to send a proper delegation. Besides, with the distance was it worth the effort to form an alliance with that nation? Ocelina or Gala would have been better options in their conflict with Utopia… then again Ocelina has since sided with Utopia and Algamir.

Then again, If they could become allies with Crown now however, it would guarantee an alliance with Gala. Between the three of them they could make short work of Ocelina and open a path for assistance to be sent. Sure, it would be slow but the Empire of Crown is powerful, their army may be smaller than Algamir’s but the empire is known for having outstanding soldiers and enchanted gear that is second to none… “Two young women who claim to be part of the Lapidary house.”

He couldn’t help but smirk as Cemi’s face fell slack in shock. “The… Lapidary’s. They came themselves!” She slammed her hand on the desk causing even him to jump, “I must go with you!” Her tone left no room for argument, and… well if she agreed to side with him during the meeting tomorrow then it would all but guarantee his success.


Cemi, sitting back in her chair, let out a slight cough, as she composed herself. Outbursts like that were… unbecoming. But seriously, the Lapidary’s. Why in all the gods would such a prestigious family come as a delegation?

Alagos may not understand but as someone’s whose whole life is knowing what’s going on in other nations Cemi had much more insight into the weight of that name. That family had always been under careful watch after all, a powerful bloodline known for creating incredible enchantments on top of being accomplished mages. They were truly world renowned; it was no stretch to say they are the best enchanters in the entire world, hells, Cemi herself decorated her own house with their everbright lanterns. And that was before the head of the family, Alistar Lapidary, became a dragon slayer. A feat only a handful of mortals could even dream of.

The simple fact they were not royalty baffled her, yet somehow it only heightened the world's interest in the family. Many human nations think the family is unambitious, not capitalizing on their fame to seize power; but can you really say someone who slew a dragon was not ambitious? What higher ambition could one have? And now they had become some sort of protectors of the nation, though the details of that report were hazy as to what that meant, it was clear the family is now second only to the Queen of Crown herself.

If these two girls were part of that family, even if they were merely representatives, they needed to be handled carefully. She couldn’t leave their meeting up to a meathead like Alagos! Oh gods, they landed in Astari’s land. I have to get to them as soon as possible! Hopefully he hasn’t managed to offend them!

 “We need to depart as soon as possible.” She sprang from her seat.

“Weren’t you just saying I couldn’t run off…” His words were cut off as a strange magical pressure washed over them. Drawing his attention to the window he cocked an eyebrow as another wave of pressure came. “That’s coming from…” another gradual wave, it was faint but… “Is it… getting closer?”

Several minutes passed as the waves of power grew in intensity yet… nothing came. Nearly 20 minutes passed before they just abruptly stopped.

“Well,” Cemi stood, grabbing a piece of paper from his desk, “As the council member of defense would it not be your duty to investigate a strange magical surge from the west? And since we know there is a delegation from a foreign nation it is my duty to ensure their safety.” She scribbled something on the paper and called for one of the guards, “Inform the council that two of us are calling an emergency meeting.”

She paused as the man handed her a sealed envelope, only to laugh as she read the letter inside.

“Dear children, if you two are done squabbling then I suggest you go to the western port. I will handle the other whelps in the council. Eironn.”

“We were hardly squabbling.” Was all she could say before Alagos could grumble.

“Damn seer, if he would have just told us earlier then we could have already been there.”


Alastair, standing in the middle of the training area flexed his prosthetic hand several times. The master crafted piece of metal made no noise as it slid open and closed, the odd sensation still alien to him as he watched a few of the small metal plates settle into place.

“Top of the line mithril,” the small gnomish man before him spoke in a high voice as he pointed to Alastair’s clenched fist. “With its conductivity along with natural heat resistance it should be able to withstand even dragon’s flames.”

Alastair paid him no mind as he opened the hand again, it was… perfect. It had taken months to complete the “rush” order from the queen, but the wait was well worth it, the only complaint he could have about the mythical gear was its lack of feeling. Sure, the hand moved and was nearly identical to his natural hand minus a few… alterations he had requested. But that was it, the problem. It was a replacement; made of cold metal and gears, powered by magic. It was… unnerving how easy it was to move the hand.

“Now it will take some getting used to, but I have little doubt the great Alistar Lapidary will have any trouble with it.” The small man watched him out of the corner of his eye as he went about gathering his tools. The man had asked several times what had happened to Alistair’s arm, he was after all the mighty “dragon slayer”; he couldn’t blame the man for being curious.

Slowly Alastair opened his new hand, letting it relax before willing the “small” claws he requested to spring out from the fingertips. He couldn’t help but smile as the nearly inch long spikes jotted out, a second late but with practice he should be able to do it at will. They reminded him of Hecatolite, his very odd daughter… “I wonder what she will say when she sees it.” He pondered out loud as the claws retracted, sparking slightly as they slotted back into his fingers.

With much more will power than he would ever admit, Alastair grinned at the man. Only for his fake smile to quickly be replaced as his vision went dark for a moment.

There in the dark scene before him he could see two figures standing locked in combat, a tall wiry looking man holding a staff towered over a much smaller figure shrouded in black armor Alastair recognized. His heart suddenly thundering in his chest as he realized what he was seeing, his daughter’s glimmering silver sword buried deep into the man’s staff, an overwhelming sense of pride bubbled forth from him as he watched his daughter step forward and slash through the wooden obstruction and he couldn’t help himself as the roar like cheer erupted from him. For the first time since his daughters vanished Alastair laughed; a true laugh that caused the air around him to vibrate.

Here he was feeling sorry for himself for losing his hand, and there she was across the entire world fighting for herself. Standing on her own two feet against a man twice her size and pushing him back! What would she say if she saw him now just standing here moping himself over a hand!

The voice that rang out through the barracks was almost nostalgic as Alastair called out for any and all challengers! It had been far too long, feeling sorry for himself for letting his girls slip through his fingers to be spirited away across the world. He had nearly lost himself to despair when he couldn’t go to them, to protect them, but that’s just it isn’t it. He knew someday they would leave, set off on their own, stand on their own two feet. He couldn’t always protect them, always be their shield. Isn’t that exactly what he tried to prepare them for?

He had trained Amethyst and Hecatolite, prepared them for the world and gods be damned if he wouldn’t have faith in his girls. And he needed to do exactly that, have faith in not just them but all his children. And he would be sure that when they came back to the nest he would be here, always. Prepared to help them in any way he can, and lamenting over his failure wouldn’t do that! He was Alastair Lapidary, Protector of Crown, the dragon slayer, and he would be damned if he wasted any more time not living up to that.

Flames danced across his skin as Han’s, his closest friend and ally, strode into the ring. Hans never would admit that he saw the “premonition” from Hecatolite and had been worried about his friend, though he wasn’t prepared as Alastair lunged at him, a flaming metal fist slamming into him just as he raised his arms in defense; thankfully he was on duty and wearing his armor. The resulting ring was like thunder as even through his defense Hans was pushed back several inches. He wanted to be annoyed but… “Well, I guess I did just wander into the ring.” He couldn’t help but smile as Alastair drew himself up to his full height, towering over Hans with that dumb grin on his face. For months Alastair had been… off. Understandably, the man was depressed but that was clearly not the case any longer.

Their “training” session was cut short as Taaffeite arrived only a few minutes later, fully armored, and quite angry as she chastised the two men for nearly giving her a heart attack when she felt the two of them cutting completely loose. Even though she yelled at them, neither of them missed the slight smirk on her face, it had been months since she had to yell at her husband for being “childish”. After all, as she said, “how can I even miss my children if I have to constantly babysit my husband!”

After a minute to calm herself Taaffeite had tried to contact Hecatolite but was unable to. Babylon was kind enough to let her know that all her children were still alive, and relatively safe. Which was a small blessing given Han’s believed that was the only thing that kept her from promptly burying the two of them in paperwork, since they were “so damn energetic this early in the morning.”


Alagos was… regretting his choices. Just a day ago he was hoping for any reason to be out from under the shadow of the great tree, yet now just 12 hours later as he made his way through the great forest towards the western port, he found himself suddenly, for the first time in his long life, missing his desk.

               Like every citizen of Felnnor, Alagos completed his mandatory service in the army, a ten-year service that everyone is required to complete once they reach adulthood; but unlike most others, Alagos had re-enlisted after his mandatory service, and continued to do so repeatedly until finally he was nominated for his current position on the council. Over the last 160 years he had only missed a grand total of 10 years, one for each of his children's birth so he could be home to assist around the house during the first year; meaning he was no stranger to “slogging” through the forest.

Now, he loved his family, both of his wives he met during his first service and have blessed him with a large close-knit family. Some people have accused him of being somewhat cold, obsessed with work but he himself couldn't see it. He just wanted to be sure his family was safe, and he was going to do everything in his power to be sure that was true. Hell, just last week he had gone out on a lovely picnic with his second wife and her other husband; a good man, great with the children, though he couldn't understand his obsession with moss.

So, Alagos believed himself to be a completely normal man, a model citizen, who has dedicated his entire life to protecting and serving his homeland; he just preferred to do so on the front lines he was forced to accept that even though he was still a very healthy 200-year-old man he was one of the most senior career soldiers in the nation of Felnnor. With his decorations during his service, it was no surprise that he was recommended for a council, and since his first wife had pleaded with him to take it. She had always been worried about him, he figured this was a position where he could still serve his homeland and ease his wife’s mind.

He never regretted his decision to take this position, though he still wished to be more… active in his duty. Sure, he could “do” more as a council member but it's still hard to see that when all he did was field reports and attend meetings all day. He didn’t mind the strategy meetings, it was just everything else… like today.

They had waited till daybreak to set out, having woken up at first light as he has done every day since he was 40. It only took him a few minutes to prepare and get to the edge of the grand tree where he met up with the escort… and then he waited… and waited… for over an hour for Cemi. To the point where he had considered just leaving without her, though the escort had insisted they needed to wait.

When she finally arrived, it was obvious that she hadn’t retained any of her training. Now he knew she had gone through her mandatory service, but unlike him, she retired immediately before becoming a rather successful merchant and through her experience in negotiating trades with other nations she easily slotted into the role of diplomatic chairmen. Again, unlike him, Cemi was truly married to her work, no long-term family though she does have a single daughter that maintains her business now while she works as a chairman. Though she had been known to volunteer for childcare days in the surrounding towns, once every few weeks she travels out there and takes over watching the young ones while their parents work a task normally left to the priest of the village; though it helps when other members of the town take over for a day to allow the priest to rest.

“Sir,” one of the escorts jogged up beside him, “We may wish to take a short break.”

Alagos couldn't help but roll his eyes as he looked back to see the small group of escorts surrounding Cemi, who looked as if she was struggling despite all her gear being held by the escorting soldiers at this point. It was rather odd to see the woman who always looked so confident during their meetings in the council clutching a staff and using it like a walking stick as she slowly made her way up the path.

He sighed, “Four days.” He grumbled as he turned to walk back to Cemi and the escorts. He didn't comment how the trip was an “average” of four days long, if one were to rush a little, they could probably make it in three and he, if he wished to completely exhaust himself, could make it in half that time. But at the rate Cemi was going it would likely take twice that time.

“Not a word.” Cemi huffed as she glared at him through sweat soaked bangs, causing him to shake his head.

“I have several, but I will spare you from the worst of it.” He said as he conjured up a slight breeze around them to cool her. “Though if you were wearing something a bit… lighter.” He couldn't help but comment as he looked at the heavy robes she was wearing, and though it wasn’t exactly hot out during this time of year walking down the road with no tree coverage in the sun.

Why she had chosen to wear heavy robes instead of a lighter outfit… “These are traditional travel robes from Crown.” She grumbled as she stopped for a moment, enjoying the slight breeze he had conjured.

“For humans,” he commented offhandedly, “From much further south than us.”

She glared at him, “Yes, your point? I have it on good authority that the climate in Crown is not significantly different from our own. In fact, it would be considered much more mild than our own, their summers are cooler than ours and their winters are warmer.”

“Yes,” he nodded, “But you're forgetting something important. You are an Elf. We are naturally warmer than humans are, so all this heavy fabric isn’t helping you.”

Cemi clicked her tongue, “I am aware of that.” She growled, “Unfortunately because of your brother, I will have to go the extra mile to gain their trust. To that end I should try to acclimate to their customs now. It’s a small price to pay to appear as non-threatening as possible.”

“I see.” He couldn't help but smile, “So you are trying to appear more… human?”

“Is there a problem with that?” She hissed causing his smirk to quickly fade.

“Not at all.” he straightened, “I am sorry if it came across like that. But I feel I should remind you, the two girls that came to be part of the Lapidary family aren’t human.” He could almost see the gears in Cemi’s mind turning as she gripped her staff, causing his sly smile to return as she chewed on her lip.

“I… may have… overlooked that detail.” She risked a tentative glance at one of her bags slung over one of the escorts' shoulders.

“Would you like to change?”

“I may have…”

“You didn’t only bring “human” clothing, did you?” Knowing Cemi that's exactly what she did, after all that's who she was. A woman who threw everything she had at a problem. With a sigh he turned to one of the escorts, sizing the guard up before asking. “Did you bring an extra set of clothing?”

the woman snapped to attention, “Of course, sir.”

“If you would be so kind as to give it to Cemi, you can file a report when we get back. Call it… diplomatic expenses.”

“I don't need…”

“You can't do your job if you drop dead from heat stroke,” he said with a raised hand, “If you absolutely need to change before meeting the girls then I will not argue. But until then, let's do things my way?”

She glared at him for a long moment before letting out a huff, “Fine. I can admit when I am out of my depth.” She pointedly looked at the guard woman who quickly pulled her spare clothing from a bag and handed it to her. “There is no need to file a report about this. I will buy you a replacement set of clothes in the next town.”

“Oh, there definitely is a need” Alagos chuckled, “I want it on the record you couldn't even prepare…” He was cut off by a wall of dirt that appeared before him, blocking his view of Cemi and the escort.

And that was their next two days, Cemi and Alagos snipping at one another every chance they got as they trekked through the forest making… honestly horrible time. Cemi was annoying, but at least she listened to his advice, following orders and deferring to him or the escorts. It was clear she hadn't been lying when she said she could admit being out of her depth; despite being a little rude and snippy, she never once complained. Overall, she was compliant and even… pleasant at times. No, she wasn’t Alagos’s ideal travel companion, but the escorts were decent young men and women, and he did enjoy being out in the great forest despite the looming clouds in his mind.

Astari. Alagos had put a lot of thought into what to do about his younger brother; who he had tried his hardest to help, even going as far as to recommend him for an elder position on the western border. Hoping that being in charge of a territory would open his brothers eyes a little, sure it was really a pseudo seat of power, a go between for the common people who don't live in the great trees shadow and the council. but it was still a highly respectable position. one looked up to by the people as it is normally a steppingstone to a council seat; a stepping stone that Astari had clearly abused. Alagos did not look forward to this investigation, but it was his duty to protect this land from any threat.

He doubted he would need to take any form of drastic measures… but Astari had always been hot headed. He doubted his brother would react kindly to being stripped of his power, then again maybe being knocked down to the same level of the citizens Astari had always looked down on would be good for him. 

And it was about mid-day on their third day while he was pondering over what exactly he planned to do again, that it happened. One of the escorts he had sent out to scout returned after spotting another group of people making their way up the road; a group consisting of two women who appeared to be human and one elven woman who stood out even when surrounded by a dozen elven soldiers.

As Cemi began barking orders to the escorts to remain calm he had to remind himself that, just as she had deferred to him during their travels, he would respect that he was no diplomat, and would allow her to take the reins when it came to talking with the “delegates”. So, as she started to prepare to make a good first impression, changing again into her heavy human clothes and even rearranging their marching order, Alagos bit his tongue. Even though every instinct he had screamed at him to take up a defensive position, to spread some of his men into the trees, to create some form of fall back, a safety net just in case. He simply waited.

Another note! I wont lie, I kind of enjoy writing these, sorry. Sooo, you may have noticed the very abrupt break in the middle of this chapter; and there is a great reason for this. One I wanted to include Alastair because I like him and haven't gotten to use him in a bit and I wanted it to flow in time with the story itself (instead of coming back to it days later in the story or whatever); the vision from the fight was something I wanted to use because I honestly forgot Hecatolite could just do that, it's kind of fun for her to just accidentally use OP bullshit she doesn't even remember having and helping her father cope with mild "empty nest" syndrome and some depression. It really has no barrings on the story but I like to include how the rest of the family is coping months later, also showcase just how far the twins are. It's one thing to say "across the world" it's another to show a distinct time difference (the fight happening at early to mid-night for the twins but being late morning for the rest of the family). The other big reason is this was originally two chapters. After reading it I noticed it flowed together really well as a single cohesive chapter even with the somewhat abrupt break. Now for the meat! This was originally going to be my "not a side chapter" on elven politics/society, but as i was writing it i got caught up in the characters and kind of enjoyed the healthy working dynamic of Cemi and Alagos, I may have gone a bit overboard on their characters and realised if I had just started with these two instead of Astari I would have probably liked this whole ark a lot more and depending on how this develops I may just do that when it comes time for a re-wright. So please bare with me as I beat this with a hammer and see if something fun pops out! As always thank you for reading!

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