Shattered Moonstone

Book 4 chapter 17

The night before

Cemi shook her head as she looked down at the paperwork before her. She had three days to get everything in order for the supposed meeting with the Queen of the Empire of Crown… Sure, some of the other council members are skeptical that the meeting is going to actually happen but after spending time with Amethyst she had faith that the young woman would be true to her word. After all, they all witnessed Hecatolite and Amethyst both send a message while standing in the council’s hall…

Though she can understand their skepticism, after All, unlike her, most of the council doesn’t actually speak Solersol and despite Errion’s teasing, nothing bad came from the unstable young woman rambling. Though Hecatolite’s words still ring in her ears even now… not the rambling about her and Alagos… no, focus. She reprimanded herself as she shook her head again, trying to ignore the sudden heat in her cheeks.

Cemi was… happily single, she had been for… as long as she can remember. Sure, she had a daughter, though it has been… how old is Celest now… She completed her mandatory service… hadn’t she? Cemi blinked several times as she tried to remember her own daughter’s age before sighing heavily again. That wasn’t important now! Not to say Celest was not important to Cemi, she was, she loved her daughter with all her heart. But that wasn’t the point of all this. 

With a frustrated sigh she took another long sip of her tea, she needed to get over… Whatever the hell this is and get to work. She only had four… No three days to get a proper proposal ready… 65, that’s how old Celest is, she’s 65; still young! How could I forget… Her birthday is soon, I should really spend more time with my girl. She sighed wistfully, 65 years since… since Cemi has been with anyone and even that had been a drunken mistake on a business trip into Ecrein which is why there is no record of Celest’s father in Felnnor. 

She sighed wistfully as she remembered the young elven adventurer she had met back then. He was young, charming, tall with muscular features, long flowing blond hair and long ears… Cemi’s mouth snapped shut, nearly biting her own tongue, as an image of Alagos flashed through her mind. Sure, the man was far from young now, but he was handsome… tall, with long blond hair and a powerful presence… Gods damn it! Get yourself together woman! Cemi ground her teeth together as she, the last tall blond man you fell into bed with left before the sun even came up, leaving you a single mom! She lamented to herself. Cemi was… attractive… well maybe by human standards. 

She wasn’t exactly tall, nor was she well-endowed like Alagos’s other wives… Why am I comparing myself to his wives! And… and I am a catch! Sure, I may not be tall, and I inherited my father’s dark hair but it’s not… bad. I mean it's thick and… She ran a hand through her hair, that was indeed thick but it was also distinctly not elven with its almost wire-like feel, the point made even more clear as her fingers brushed her small ears. They were long for a half breed, sure, but… Why would a man like that even look twice at me? She looked down at herself, her small frame was not what most elves would call… attractive. 

Most elven women were tall, and thin… lithe, would be the word most would use if Cemi was being honest… and she was… not. She was in shape, healthy and toned, but she had a more… blocky figure compared to most elven women, with a wider abdomen and smaller hips. If only I had inherited more of my mother’s… traits. She hissed in her mind, if I had more in my chest then maybe I could compare to Alagos’s first wife Regi… 

She slammed her head down on the desk before she could even finish that thought. “This is obnoxious!” She hissed through gritted teeth.

“Having trouble?” The smooth voice caused her head to snap up though she would have recognized that smooth voice anywhere.

She bit her tongue as she glared at Alagos standing in her office doorway. The man looked impeccable even more so in his armor, like he was ready for anything… “What.” Her voice came out far harsher than she meant as she snapped at him. Pinching her thigh under her desk, she took a deep breath and tried again, “Shouldn’t you be out… doing something about this?” She was still overcompensating, her voice still just this side of hostile as she glared at the man. 

In a moment of weakness, she… may have checked him out as he strode confidently into her office, shutting the door behind him… Which was odd. Cemi was known to drop into his office unannounced but he never just… Showed up? And certainly never just let himself in… Though she does normally just leave her door open.

She steadied her breathing as he effortlessly slid into the chair across from her, “I was, but you asked me to check on the delegates from Crown, remember?” He answered with a raised eyebrow, looking… completely normal?

Why in all the hells does he look fine? It’s unfair, she lamented. She wasn’t hoping to see the normally unflappable Alagos flustered, no. It was just… maybe it would be nice to see him off his game. That’s it. Nothing uncouth… If I keep telling myself that, maybe I’ll believe it. “I did, didn’t I? It must have slipped my mind.” She cleared her throat. “And… Did you? I notice that you're alone?” She struggled to keep her voice steady as Alagos’s piercing blue eyes met hers.

“Weren’t you told to keep your aura up?” He asked, her flustered state was apparently obvious.

Though, his accusing tone did help cool her a little as she met his eyes… she blushed and looked away, “Not all of us have such an ungodly mana pool, Alagos.” She pouted… Fuck, I actually pouted… She tried to school her own features before looking back at him. “I don’t have enough mana to keep my aura up, and weren’t you the one who told me to save mana if possible, “just in case”.” She recited his words from when they had traveled to retrieve the delegates. It had seemed important while they were traveling and… Saving some of one’s own power didn’t seem like a bad practice… Not that she would admit she hadn’t actually done that.

In truth Cemi had drained so much of her mana that she could no longer form a protective aura. I really should have trained my mana control better. She chastised herself, but she was no worrier, hell at this point Cemi was barely a mage if the people running around here were any indication. 

She was an out of practice earth mage who had specialized in small convenience spells. Yes, she had a decent amount of mana, and if she put her mind to it she could probably put up a fight… against a trainee… Maybe… She was probably, definitely, the weakest council member by far… I could maybe beat Errion in a fist fight… as long as he didn’t use his magic… or hit me back… she realized that Alagos was staring at her like he had said something…

Cemi was not one to get distracted normally, she was a diligent woman, attentive, and meticulous about details. What the hell is going on? “Please tell me you figured out what is happening.” She didn’t even try to hide her pout this time as she looked back at him.

“You know, it doesn’t seem to be bothering other people this much.” He said casually, “Most people are just a little shaken up, but you seem downright flustered.”

“The point, Alagos, please.” She all but pleaded with him as she put her face in her hands, hiding her face as she let out a groan. Maybe if she didn’t look at him, it would help her… organize her thoughts. 

He let out a small chuckle before clearing his throat. Through her fingers she could see… Is he blushing? It was faint, barely there, but the very tips of his ears did turn just a slight shade of pink and Cemi’s stomach fluttered. 

“Yes, well I did find out quite a bit.” He quickly composed himself and Cemi was left wondering if she had imagined it. “First of all, we should… go somewhere else.” He said slowly only for Cemi to cock an eyebrow herself. “I will explain once we move, but that,” He pointed at a root of the great tree that made up one wall of her office and for the first time Cemi noticed a faint glow coming off the root. “Isn’t helping. The influence seems to be strongest around the glowing roots.”

“Are they all glowing?” She asked brushing past the fact that the Great tree was glowing! Because of course it was, why wouldn’t it be given how today was going. I am sure that is going to be a problem… for later. The great tree has been around for… as long as elven kind has, so she was sure whatever… that is, it’ll be fine for now. For all she knew it had done that before… maybe? History… was one of Cemi’s strong points… Who am I kidding, I’m sure I would remember learning about the fucking great tree glowing. 

“No,” Alagos answered bluntly, “Actually, very few of them are. It’s only a handful facing to the west. My best guess, is the cause of this... disruption, is currently in the canopy on a branch connected to these roots specifically.”

“Great, so you can just go up there and solve it?” She tried not to sound too excited, but she did have a lot of work to do, and this distraction was… “Why are you shaking your head no?” her voice was almost a whimper.

“Just come with me, Cemi.” He said standing, “I promise I will explain but not here.” He looked around and she noticed he seemed… nervous, “The ears in these halls are long, and what I need to tell you is not for others.”

That got her attention, his suddenly serious tone cutting through the haze in her mind as he whispered that last sentence. “O… Ok?” her skeptical tone caused him to sigh.

“Cemi… I trust you, and I will need your help.” He admitted, his voice nearly a whisper as leaned closer to her and poor Cemi’s heart couldn’t take it. He could have asked for the moon and she would have tried to get it for him.

Nearly an hour later Cemi wondered if this was… A bad idea as she sat in Alagos’s home. His second wife, Feanor, serving them tea as they sat in his dining room. Yes, he had been right, once she was out of her office and now on the far side of the city the odd influence seemed lesser but it was far from gone. And did Feanor, with her short auburn hair, need to look so damn… 

Cemi rubbed her eyes so as to not stare at the tall tanned woman, she had always had a soft spot for people with wood elf traits. “Is this something you should really be sharing in your home?” She groaned, Alagos had a full family after all. Two wives, one of whom had a second husband herself, and nearly a dozen kids! If he had been worried about long ears in the council hall, his home had them growing out of the walls!

He shook his head, “No, but I couldn’t think of anywhere else that would be full of people I trusted.” There was that word again, trust. Alagos trusted her, brought her to his home where his most trusted people were…

“Oh,” Feanor’s voice was teasing as she playfully slapped her husband’s arm, “Darling, stop teasing the poor woman. look at her, she's as red as the setting sun.” 

“Teasing!” Alagos actually looked surprised, “I assure you I am not teasing her, Fea.” There it was again, that blush that only seemed to be on the tips of his ears.

“Sure, you’re not, you only invited her to your home for a “secret meeting” away from prying ears.” Feanor actually made air quotes as she teased the normally stoic man before she turned to Cemi with a smile, “He’s a bit dense sometimes, but I promise you he’s worth it. Then again,” Feanor looked Cemi over, and the smaller woman’s stomach dropped. She was certain that this gorgeous woman was thinking… “If my husband doesn’t move soon.”

Did… did she actually wink at me! I need… to get… “Faenor, I assure you…”

“Oh, just call me Fae.” The woman said in far too friendly a tone for what she was implying! “You’re basically family after all, Alagos here always…”

“Privacy, please.” Alagos cut his wife off with a groan only for the tall woman to giggle playfully before waving a hand dismissively. 

“Fine, I’ll round up the young ones.” She turned to walk away, “You have fun with your “secret meeting”.” She winked again before vanishing around the corner leaving Cemi… stunned. 

She had never met Alagos’s wives, she had seen them from afar, but that was the first time she had actually talked to one and she… Flirted with me… That can’t be right, there's no way she flirted with me… Right? Cemi’s head was spinning.

“I am sorry about Fea.” Alagos sighed as he surrounded the two of them in a wind barrier, “She has always been… a free spirit, and I am certain that the current predicament isn’t helping. But I promise you she doesn’t mean any harm by it.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.” Cemi’s voice shook a little, “I am sure she’s being… influenced. No harm, I’ll just…” She swallowed hard, it all made sense now. Fae… Faenor was being influenced just like Cemi was, and clearly the woman was just… more influenced. There's no way Alagao’s wife was flirting with her. “It’s fine. magically induced banter is all, I am sure Faenor will be very embarrassed when this is all sorted out.”

“Why would she be embarrassed?” He asked, raising his eyebrow again in the way that made Cemi’s throat feel tight, like she had said something wrong.

“Well… I mean she probably didn’t mean to… flirt… like that with me of all people… you know forget it. Faenor…” She stammered as she tried to backpedal.

“Fae.” He corrected, “She would not have told you to call her that if she didn’t mean it. And she is rather particular about how people address her.” His tone caught Cemi off guard, and it must have shone because he laughed again. “And I promise you, Fae will not be embarrassed. Even without Hecatolite’s influence she has always been… very open with her feelings. And that being said, she must really like you if she was flirting with you.” He swirled his tea as he visibly shuddered, “You’re lucky actually, if she hadn’t liked you that conversation would have gone… much worse. That woman has the mouth of a sailor with a filter of a child.” He chuckled, seeming much more relaxed as he slumped in his seat, his voice dropping to nearly a whisper. ” Though I had assumed she would, you are rather ador..” He snapped his mouth shut with an audible click, his own cheeks turning red as he straightened his seat, his eyes going slightly wide as he hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

There was a lot to unpack there. So much that Cemi was certain she had misheard most of it. She had meant to flirt with me? Wait, what was he going to say, I am what… Ador? Ador what?... Cemi froze as her brain caught up with a very important part of Alagos’s rambling. “Hecatolite’s influence?” She asked slowly, and Alagos took a deep breath and nodded.

“That’s what we needed to talk about.” His tone was suddenly serious as he looked directly into her eyes, “Cemi.” He said firmly, his blue eyes narrowing as his entire body became rigid. No longer slouching comfortably in his seat as his eyes darted around the room. “What I am about to tell you… you can’t tell anyone else.”

“Then why are you telling me?” Cemi did not like where this was going, this was starting to sound like something she really should just walk away from. Just like those odd… terminals the twins and Himari had, and the strange things she had heard them say… Just say no, just go back to your office and… 

“Because I… I need your help.” Alagos’s words pierced her, setting deep within her mind, her heart… And she knew that she was going to regret what she said next.

Closing her eyes she took a deep breath. “Alagos… Don’t…. I won't be able to say no if you ask me like that.” And it was the honest truth, and she prayed that he understood.

“I know.” He said softly, “But I don’t have anyone else I can trust with this.” He said and Cemi broke.

The next morning, Cemi stared at the unfamiliar ceiling; the night before running though her mind on a loop as she laid there in shock… This had to be a dream, right? There is no way there are two goddesses in the city and she definitely isn’t laying in Alagos’s bed. No… no no no… this is… this is all a fever dream! That’s it, just a bad dream. She reassured herself, it had to be. After all, she was… burning up. 

Why in all that is holy in this world is it so damn hot! She thought as she finally tried to sit up. tried, being the operative word as her entire body screamed in protest. She hurt in places she didn’t even know someone could hurt, and there was an… arm around her midsection holding her in place… Someone was… Snuggling against her? 

Turning her head slightly she was met with a messy head of… “Oh no.” She whispered into the auburn hair of Alagos’s wife. Just past Faenor… Might as well as call her Fae now. She chastised herself as she glanced past the woman only to find a mop of dark brown hair that was definitely not Alagos… “No no no…” She repeated only for Fae to tighten her grip on Cemi, pulling the smaller woman against her.

“You're awake.” The smooth voice from her other side nearly caused her to wince as she turned her head to see Alagos standing beside the bed… shirtless. A sheen of sweat on the man's toned chest as if he had been… Working out? 

“What time is it?” She asked quietly as to not disturb the other two women as she looked up into his tired eyes, she had never seen the man look so… worn out. “You look like hell.” She grumbled actually getting a tired chuckle from him.

“Some of us actually woke up before breakfast.” Even if he had wanted to, Alagos couldn’t have slept in. He rose with the sun, every day, even if he didn’t want to. “Here.” He reached down and gently stroked Fea’s side, the action causing the taller woman’s face to scrunch up before she groaned and rolled over and latched onto Regi. “Fea is a… cuddler. She normally sleeps with Sphagnum, but he is currently out of the city.” He chuckled softly as Cemi finally sat up, covering herself with the sheet. 

“This… can’t be happening.” She lamented as she buried her head in her hands. “This is a disaster. it’s… all a bad dream, and i’ll wake up any second now..”

Alagos was a chairman, her opposing chairmen! It… wasn’t against any rules, but it still felt wrong. They… they argued all the time, bickered even! And sure she found him attractive, but…

“Ow,” Alagos said as he sat beside her on the bed. “Can’t say I ever had that reaction before, was it really that bad?” Was… was this man joking right now!

Cemi glared at him, only to pause as her eyes met his. He looked… hurt, really hurt like… “No it was… great. Really, the best I have ever…” What was she saying! She should get dressed and go find that little… Goddess… a goddess had caused this… and even if she did find Hecatolite… What was she going to say!? What could she say, or do for that matter!

She was spirling again, she could feel it as her breathing became heavy. She had slept with Alagos… Not just him, but his wives! Both of them! What in the… what the fuck was I thinking! He had told her about the two Deities who had just shown up, and then… Then she had a panic attack, understandably; that was a completely reasonable reaction to finding out that you were under the influence of a goddess who was defacing a national landmark. And then he had shared some half-baked plan with her and just expected her to be on board with it! Lying to the council! Oh god… he wants me to lie to the other council members!

And just like the night before she felt a comforting hand on her back. The touch was firm, grounding her as she felt the calloused fingers running up her spine. She could feel her entire body relaxing against the touch despite herself, and looking up she found deep blue eyes that…

Cemi jerked her head back, that’s how I ended up here!

“It’s ok.” Alagos reassured her, though at her reaction he had the presence of mind to pull his hand back. “Cemi, if that’s how you really feel then… it was clearly an accident, and I am sorry.” He apologized and Cemi’s chest hurt.

“No…” again she spoke without thinking, her voice a whimpering whisper. Why? She couldn’t feel the “aura” any more... Meaning that… it was just her. “It's… not that,” she said with a soft sigh, “It's just a lot, ok? I… I never thought that… with you of all people.” And that was the honest truth, probably for the first time she looked at him and admitted it. “I… I like you Alagos, but this was all very… fast, ok? I am not a fast person, and I don’t want this…,” she gestured at the room, “To affect our work. We need to… why are you laughing at me?” She pouted again, but this time she didn't feel the need to hide it. It somehow felt… right.

“I’m sorry,” he said, covering his mouth, “Cemi, I wish I could tell you that this won't affect our… “work”, but I can’t guarantee it.” He said in the stupidly smooth voice of his, “However, I do believe that it wouldn’t be a… bad thing. After all, maybe we can actually get some things done now if we aren’t butting heads all the time. I trust you to… Well, do your job. Just as I will; and I have no doubt in my mind that whatever is going on here,” He mimicked her gesture, “Between us, won’t keep us from disagreeing.”

“You're damn right it won’t,” she hissed, “You’re still a rash, overly confident, meathead.” Was it childish of her to insult him to cover her own embarrassment… probably; but in her defense, she wasn’t wrong. 

“And you're still the slow, overly cautious, woman with questionable taste in fashion.” He teased her, with a sly smile. Was he… flirting? 

Cemi… didn’t know how to handle a flirty Alagos. Well her mind didn’t. Her body clearly had ideas of its own as her stomach was instantly full of butterflies, and she was sure it was far too hot in her as her entire face turned bright red.

Her mouth fell open as she looked at him, with that sly grin on his thin lips a blush of his own blush painting his cheeks and ears an adorable shade of pink.

“Can you two flirt somewhere else?” A groggy voice called from behind Cemi and she was certain her heart stopped.

“Regi, let them flirt, it's cute.” Fea giggled as she cuddled with the other woman, “Though maybe you two could keep it down.” She added without even opening her eyes.

Alagos cleared his throat and just like that… The moment was gone. “Yes, well, we have work to do.” He said, trying to regain his composure, “We need to go talk to…”

“The delegation from Crown, yes.” Cemi finished his sentence, though she didn’t move. “Um… my clothes?” She blushed again.

And that is how a very tired Alagos and a flustered Cemi, wearing clothes that were far too large for her complements of Regi who was closer to Cemi’s size, ended up power walking to an inn on the other side of the city while they went over the plan. Step one, meet with the “entire” delegation. That was the easy part as Alagos nearly ran Himari over in the doorway to the inn.


Hello! this chapter... has nothing to really do with anything actully, minus Cemi being told about the twins, but it is for all intentes a side chapter. It... wasn't suposed to be this however, as Alagos telling Cemi about the twins was suposed to be a pargraph at most before i was going to move on to the next part of the story. i failed, i got carried away becuse i was injoying wrighting a flustered Cemi and next thing i knew... it was a four way! i got to the end and nearly deleted it becuse its... not really relvent, but then i reread it and went "aww thats fucking adorable" and now its part of the story! this also helps becuse i like Alagos and Cemi and if its not obvious there part of the stroy is comeing to and end. spoiler i know, but this is kind of there happy ending! also, i named a lot of charicters in the chapter, Cemi's daughter, and both of Alagos's wives, not to mention Fae's other husband was even mentioned! none of these charicters are important or will they play any part in the story; the reasion i am saying this however is... i may have named Alagos's first wife "Regi" before (as this is Rilitar's mother), and i have no idea if i did or what i had nammed her so she is Regi now! (i could go look it up and i probably will eventully but as for now i didnt have the time too and figgured it would be a nice place holder.) And, as always, Thank you all for reading!

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