Shattered Moonstone

Chapter 15

The northern wall was truly a sight, standing 16m tall and 3m thick; they were built as part of the original keep that used to separate the nation of Crown from Ecrein.  They overlooked the rest of the city proper on one side and an enormous flat plane on the other, while on the top of the walls one could see for miles in all directions, with clear line of sight to the thick forest about a days walk north that marked the border of the nation, to the west one could see the dragon maw mountain range dotting the horizon like jagged teeth trying to pierce the sky itself. When standing on one of the wall's many towers one truly felt like they were waiting for an invasion from all sides, it made Hecatolite feel sick to her stomach, the thought of enemy army’s marching towards the city brought memories of horrific wars from its old world. Young men and women marching to their deaths, trudging through rivers of mud and blood for pointless ideals of superiority over other lives. Millions of lives lost, wasted, for what? Land? Resources? Because “we” are better than them? 

“What a waste.” Hecatolite spoke softly as it took in the breathtaking view. “Such a beautiful sight scarred by the fear of men.” She pushed a loose stone off the wall letting it fall to the dirt below.

“What?” Alexa asked, looking down at it from her seated position on the wall.

When they arrived at the gate their parents told Alexa to take Hecatolite to the wall to see the view while they worked. Apparently, they actually had work to do aside from babysitting the two, but they said it should not take them long.

“Nothing.” Hecatolite stated but Alexa could see a deep sadness in her eyes. “Just the memories again.”

Hecatolite had told its family about its memories, ones from its past life… or lives. It couldn’t even tell if they were their own or not. Every time they came it felt as if it was someone else sometimes, they were gentle and pleasant, like the memories of playing with a family or winning some form of award. Other times however they were violent skull splitting endeavors, of fear, and pain. Hecatolite did not know where they came from or what caused it but sometimes it would catch a glimpse of a truly horrifying world, other times of a peaceful paradise. When it told them they did not seem shocked, they simply stated that it explains why it seemed to mature for simply being 10, apparently there were people on this world with the gift of “sight” that could see other worlds or even future events and given its abilities, they figured it must have had some form of this ability. though it felt different than any other skill it had, it did not feel like magic, it was all too real. To feel a lover's embrace that left it feeling hollow after knowing it will never feel that person again, or to feel as a bullet ripped its way through it leaving it dying and afraid, it was all too real to be a simple vision. That and it had these fleeting thoughts in the void, they just used to feel... detached. Now that it had a physical body however, the memories had something to stick to, no longer being just a thought but feelings attached, it could remember what wind felt like because it could now feel wind, but on the same hand it could now remember pain because it can feel pain.

It looked down the wall to the dirt road that led from the forest to the gate, noticing a small handful of carriages coming and going from the city. “What good is a wall if the gates are open?” it asked as it watched another cart get waved through.

“We are at peace Hecatolite.” Alexa said standing from her seated position and looking out over the city, “we have been for a long time, as long as anyone alive in this city can remember for sure. The empire of Crown has not been to war in hundreds of years. Sure, we have had a few skirmishes with neighboring nations but those have been nothing but basic disputes rarely ending in anything more than hurt feelings. We are a trading nation and we would not profit from war. I don’t think this gate has ever been closed, it was built around a time of high tensions between Crown and Ecrein as more of a show than anything else.”

“One hell of a show at that,” a voice called out, “who wastes millions of gold to build a wall they never fully intended to use.”

Both women looked to see an elderly guard standing a couple yards away, he was leaning on the wall with a bow sitting next to him. 

“Why do you think they were never going to use it?” Alexa asked, “seems to me like the intent was clear when they put enchanted oak doors up. This wall could have withstood a dragon attack.”

“Simple,” he said, picking at his ear, “if they intended to use it, we would share a border with the holy land, not Ecrein, instead here we are trading with demi-humans.” He gestured down to a carriage with what appeared to be a happy Feline family eagerly waiting to get into the city.

“The people of Ecrein have been very good trading partners and more than hospitable with us throughout history.” Alexa clenched her jaw as she spoke.

The man scoffed, finally turning his gaze to them, he appeared to be old, well older than anyone Hecatolite had met up to this point. His hair long since fallen out leaving nothing but a leather sun tanned scalp, his wrinkly face stuck in what seemed to be a scowl.

Why does no one here wear helmets? Hecatolite, though looking at his lightly armored frame, had a breastplate and thick leather bracers. Do they not realize how dumb all that armor is if your head is just flopping in the wind? Even a leather hood would be nice

“They are beast plain and simple,” he said, spitting over the wall, “smelly savig…” the man’s words were cut short as a rock bounced off the top of his skull.

“Helmets,” Hecatolite said, picking up a second rock. “It’s not a hard concept.” It pulled back its arm only to be stopped by Alexa.

“You little brat!” the man screamed as he whirled on them only to find his legs encased in ice.

“I think you will do well to mind your tone guard,” Alexa’s voice was cold as ice began to spread from her feet, her breath visible in the hot summer air. The man's eyes went wide in shock as it seemed to dawn on him who exactly he was speaking to. “I will overlook your slip of the tongue but less you forget that this is not Alamgir but Crown, I will remind you that all races are free here and such discrimination will not be tolerated” 

The man attempted to bow, “Yes Archmage Alexandrite,” he spoke through chattering teeth. Though he feigned respect his eyes screamed anger and fear. “I will keep that in mind from now on.”

“He's going to be a problem,” Hecatolite said, weighing the rock in its hand, “can’t teach an old dog new tricks and what not.” 

Alexa sighed releasing her spell, though she was no longer filling it with mana the ice would still take a few hours to melt away. Lucky for him it was summer, he could probably chip himself out if he wanted, if he could get his sword from his hip. “He has a right to his opinion as well” she said waving her hand causing the ice to turn into water, simply splashing down the wall, the man taking off down the wall the moment he was free “bigoted and arrogant as it is. It’s a cost of freedom, you can’t pick and choose who is free.” 

“I can’t say I get it,” Hecatolite said with a smile, “but I like diversity, beast-kin and all.” Alexa noticed black veins on her sister’s arm as she “casually” tossed the rock into the air. She decided it best not to ask where that rock was going to land as Hecatolite giggled muttering about helmets. 

An hour or so later they were greeted by Alastair who gave them the grand tour of the wall and its adjoined barracks, though Alexa had seen it all before the man never missed a chance to flaunt his children stating “Hecatolite hasn’t seen it yet” as he carried the small girl on his shoulders.

“We have to be on the lookout, a guard was found a few hours ago, nasty lump on his head and his weapon was gone.” Alastair mentioned casually, though the situation would be alarming any other time, he did happen to notice a large puddle of water with a bow in it not too far from where he found his daughters. “Strange though, we found him halfway down the stairs, a small ball sized rock next to him.”

“Really?” Alexa gasped, “should we be alarmed, who would attack a guard on the wall?” she glared at Hecatolite who was grinning like a fool.

“Totally unrelated, but do you give the guards helmets?” Hecatolite asked as it noticed no guards around had bothered to wear them.

“Of course, we do, what set of armor wouldn’t have head protection?” He asked, curious as to why she would ask, “though most men don’t wear them in the summer, they say it's too hot, the only guard I know who wears it year-round is the captain, thinking it’s more because of his rank than anything.”

“Smart man,” Hecatolite said ducking to avoid a hanging light fixture, “that man probably would be fine if he was wearing one.”

Alexa sighed, clearly done with this game as they rounded a corner to find Taaffeite and the guard captain speaking in front of a door.

“He says it was a beast-kin cat folk that jumped him.” The captain said as Taaffeite rubbed her temples.

“That's not what happened, and we both know it.” She stated, “we can’t just lock up a whole caravan Hans.”

“We damn well can if they are whacking my guards over the heads.”

Alastair felt Hecatolite tense on his shoulders as they approached, “on that unrelated note, see. Wears his helmet all the time.” His voice bleating his amusement.

“What?” the captain asked, turning to them, he was a tall man dressed in full armor. A dull metal helmet with a stripe of black fur running down the center ridge. His chest had the same simple chest plate all the guards wore but this one seemed to have the Lapidary crest imprinted on it, along with simple metal bracers and leg guards. The only thing that really stood out was the large red cape the man had draped over his shoulders, well that and even Hecatolite could tell though simple every piece of this man’s armor was enchanted to a sickening degree.

“And this, my lovely daughters, is the guard captain, Sir Hans Pensworth, Knight in service to our family.” Alastair beamed as the man groaned.

“Just Hans sir, no need for all the fanfare.” Hans said looking at the two girls, “and I have met your daughters?” His voice questioning as he looked back at Taaffeite who noticed a flash of inky black in both her daughters’ eyes as they made eye contact with him.

What greeted them was probably the simplest soul Hecatolite had seen thus far, it was no larger than the man himself, but it looked… regal? It stood at attention unwavering as it looked at them, its dull gray steely form unmoving as blue waves seemed to ripple through it. Alexa noticed them too and remembered that Hans specialized in barrier magic, a unique magic that was used only for defense.

“Yes you have.” Taaffeite’s voice calm as she glared at her husband, “Hardly time for games Alastair, or did you forget that one of your guards was attacked.”

“I have not,” he replied, setting Hecatolite down as it canceled its soul sight. “I just went to get our girls; I would hate for them to get caught up with some ruffians.” His wide smile as he patted Alexa’s head made her feel worse. “What's the situation?”

“Guardsmen Jaks was found unconscious and weaponless at the bottom of the stairs to the wall. He said he went down to investigate a noise and some Beast-kin Felines attacked him. His story seems to line up with a caravan entering the gates around the same time, but his story is…. Inconclusive given the blow to his head.” Hans reported, snapping his body to face Alastair and giving the soldiers salute of placing his right fist above his heart.

“About that…” Alexa started but was cut off.

Hecatolite let out a loud yawn to show its disinterest as it simply stated, “Should have thrown a bigger rock.” 

The reactions to this were mixed, Alexa stood slack jawed as she stared at her younger sister. Alastair nearly toppled in laughter, as Hans shook his head, his armor clanking quietly. 

“Would,” Taaffeite started as she looked down at the young woman, “you care to elaborate?” her unblinking glare could freeze fire as Hecatolite felt a very real sense of danger radiating off the woman.

One very short explanation, and a very long discussion later, Hecatolite found itself sitting at a desk in the commander’s office. Taaffeite rubbing the bridge of her nose as she sighed in an attempt to relieve her frustration. The two had been left in the office. Alexa let off the hook after explaining the situation, Alastair being asked to leave since he could not stop laughing and giving Hecatolite a thumbs up. Hans was tending to the guard Jaks who will be reprimanded for purposely misleading an investigation, Hans simply stating that “he will straighten the man out” before he left.  

“I am not saying you're wrong Hecatolite,” she spoke slowly, “I am however saying there are better ways to handle bigotry. You can’t just go throwing rocks at people.”

Hecatolite nodded, still not fully understanding how it was both not wrong and wrong at the same time. If one were to ask it, it would reply that its actions were a perfect solution to the problem at hand. “And here you thought you needed a weapon,” Taaffeite looked over a paper, a written account of the incident, “100 feet, how did you even know where he was?”

Hecatolite shrugged, “could see him from wall. Easy, should have worn a helmet.” The young woman keeps insisting that if the man simply wore all his armor this whole thing wouldn’t have happened, however Taaffeite was certain if the man had in fact been wearing his helmet the damage to his persons would be much greater. 

“His armor is not…” Taaffeite sighed in resignation, “you still don’t understand why you cannot just attack people do you?”

“don’t attack people,” Hecatolite repeated, nodding her head, “tell Taaffeite or Alastair of annoying people and they will take care of it.”

“And you want to raid the armory,” Taaffeite said, laying the paper down and rubbing her temple, “I’m going to level with you Hecatolite, I can’t say I’m fully comfortable giving you a weapon. Even less now that you have started throwing rocks at guards.”

“But need protection?” Hecatolite stated, “ran out of rocks.” Checking its pockets to emphasize the point.

“Exactly,” taaffeite replied, “protection, not aggression”

“I know. Weapons for safety,” Hecatolite said, suddenly becoming serious much to Taaffeite’s surprise. “Not toys. Swords, guns, all the same. Meant to kill, should not kill unless needed to. Only for safety.”

The sudden change in the girl’s attitude was slightly jarring at times but it was something they all had somewhat gotten used to over the last two weeks. Hecatolite would often change pace at the drop of the hat, sometimes just stopping for minutes at a time just staring off into space before changing its task completely. While they were working on the world screens, she had done that a lot, going from calmly mapping enchantments to violently throwing things about and back to just sitting as if nothing had happened. Taaffeite had explained to her family that it was most likely a byproduct of the “fractured mind” trait she had. 

Taaffeite had met people with that trait before, broken babbling men unable to carry on a conversation for more than a short sentence or two. With that in mind she was amazed Hecatolite seemed as put together as she was, one would hardly notice her… outbursts. Passing them off as a fleeting rebellion of a young child. But she did fear as the girl got older it might prove problematic if her condition worsens. 

“And did you mean to kill that guard?” Taaffeite asked, eyeing the young girl.

“No,” Hecatolite replied with a shake of her head. “Just bop him. Happy Crown did not war with Ecrein. Would rather have a wall never used, than one scarred from battle.”

Taaffeite couldn’t help but smirk, the sight of a 10-year-old girl saying such with a straight face amused her. For her to say something that much of the older generation found so controversial; many would pass off as the innocence of a young girl. Yet Taaffeite could see in Hecatolite eyes, there was no innocence, her words were heavy and deliberate, what she said she had meant with all of her being in that moment, enough for her to take such offense to someone threatening that ideal that she would literally throw stones.

“As am I,” Taaffeite spoke standing from the captain’s seat, “let’s go find your father and sister shall we, we will stop and see what the armory has as long as you promise not to “bop” any more guards.”

Hecatolite though for a moment before nodding.

Alexa and Hecatolite stood before a large, reinforced door. The girls left with Hans as their parents went on about their business, Alastair informing them that the captain was a weapon master of sorts and could help them with anything they needed. He, of course, said this while tossing a trainee across a dirt ring, a Babylon terminal displaying a large number 5 for the day next to them. 

Hans fumbling with a key to unlock the metal door, as the guard captain, he was one of only 3 people in the whole city with a key to the armory, one held by the second in command and acting quartermaster, and the final held by Alastair who hopefully left it at home, or they will have to change the lock… again.

“I won’t ask what you are looking for in here,” Hans said as the lock clicked open, “just be sure to notate anything you take.” The door swung open revealing a surprisingly clean enormous room lined with weapon racks and chest. Armor of all shapes and sizes lined the far wall, Hecatolite noticing all of them had helmets much to her odd pleasure as she inspected them from afar. 

“it's… very organized.” Alexa commented as she shifted through a section of daggers.

“Well of course it is” Hans stated incredulously “most of these are confiscated weapons some are still being used for ongoing investigations.”

“Investigations? Thought was armory?” Hecatolite said, picking up the end of a large bastard sword. “Not all guard weapons.”

“No, not at all. Guardsmen are issued armor and arms for their post and are told to always keep them with themselves.” Hans stated as he took up a position by the door. “We can't have all the guards fumbling to get into this room if an emergency arises. We call it an armory but it's more of a lock up really, all these weapons and armor are confiscated goods from people attempting to get into the city, or criminals.”

“Swords illegal?” Hecatolite gave up on the bastard sword, she knew she would never be able to use such a large sword but some part of her held out hope she would be able to lift it without magic at least.

“Not at all. But transporting a weapon for sale into the nation of Crown requires a royal order,” he said as he watched Hecatolite closely, the young girl seeming like a child, but something was very off about her. “However, a guard or adventure carrying a sword or two can enter unhindered.”

“So, most of this is likely mass-produced junk then.” Alexa shook her head as she realized that all the daggers she was looking through were slightly off balanced.

“I wouldn’t say that some of these are actually really dangerous.” Hans stated, “we have that bishop’s staff in here, thing is dripping with holy mana. Would you call that junk?”

“Really? Where is that?” Hecatolite beamed remembering the ugly golden staff the man had. “Not back to church?”

Hans strode into the room past Alexa and pulled a large item wrapped in cloth from a shelf. He unwrapped it to reveal the gaudy ornate staff, it seemed no worse for wear after its encounter with Taaffeite. Its solid gold shaft ends in a large red orb with what appeared to be a flame motif as its setting. He handed it to Hecatolite and backed away; Alexa noticing Hans never seemed to turn his back to her.

“What are you going to do with that Amethyst, you can’t use holy mana so it wouldn’t be a good focus for you.” Alexa purposely calling Amethyst's name to remind Hecatolite that she was supposed to be acting like her sister. 

Hecatolite did not answer as she inspected it, slowly prodding it with its aether as it felt out its enchantments. Hans was not wrong; the staff was infused with the sickening mana the man used, layered with enchantments for strengthening and weight reduction as well as a very powerful spell buff enchantment that seemed to store mana. it seemed its purpose was to store mana over time to be used later. Hecatolite also noted the staff did not seem to be solid gold, but was gilded mana steel.

Not a bad design really, Hecatolite thought as she turned the staff over in her hands, looks like it absorbs ambient mana and stores it over time too. What exactly makes it blessed though? Is it because it's full of holy mana? oh there it is. 

Hecatolite felt something deep in the staff, it was small and buried in the enchantments at the top. A single thread of… aether? Not mana like it expected. It was the same as its aether yet distinctly different. Where its aether was black and seemed somewhat fluid. This aether felt… hot, gold and sticky. It did not take long for it to realize that it was this strand of aether that held all the enchantments together locking them to only use radiant mana.

Why do they call radiant mana holy mana? it's clearly just sun magic, maybe a bit of purification. I wonder if it’s that God? It’s a good staff though, Alexa could use this. It has great mana conductivity. Hecatolite thought poking the sticky aether with its own. Maybe add a soul bind to it so only she could use it. Got to get this junk out of it first though.

Alexa and Hans watched as Hecatolite began muttering to herself and pacing with the staff black lines pulsing on her arms as she looked it over.

“I know it's none of my business,” Hans started as Hecatolite began drawing a rudimentary spell circle on the floor with the staff leaving a very clear scratch line behind as she dragged it across the stone floor. “But what happened to her?” He motioned to the young girl.

“What do you mean?” Alexa asked with a strained smile. “Just a young girl going through… a lot.”

“Alexa, I have worked for your family for 12 years now. I have been around Amethyst’s entire life, and I know for sure that,” he motioned as Hecatolite continued to carve into the stone, “is not her.”

“It’s really that obvious, isn’t it? Hecatolite really can’t act, can she?” Alexa sighed, shaking her head.

“Maybe if she never met Amethyst before,” Hans stated, eyeing the girl, “it's not just the acting, however there are a lot of things that add to it.”

“Care to elaborate? we might need to keep this up for a while longer.” She asked, leaning against the door and peaking out to be sure no one was eavesdropping.

“There is a list. The first being Amethyst's eyes are purple, and she doesn’t have those strange black lines on her neck and face.”

“Those come and go honestly. If she could keep herself under control for five seconds they would become unnoticeable.”

“That makes sense, I did not think your family so foolish to overlook something so obvious” he nodded, “that aside, its manner of speaking is… wrong. It’s like a toddler who read a dictionary. It knows all the words, just not where to put them.”

“Well, she has only had a week of learning the language so that’s fair. We were kind of hoping she wouldn’t talk to anyone.”

“How were you going to explain the mage bane arm bands? They kind of stand out, and they glow.”

“How do you know they are mage bane? They could just be normal enchanted decorations?”

There was a long silence as Hecatolite began beating the staff on the floor before finally summoning a claw and peeling away part of the gold plating that covered it simply saying, “ugly color will fix.” 

“And it has… claws.” Hans added as Alexa slapped her forehead. “Also, Alexa I’m the city guard captain, I see mage bane cuffs every day.” He lifted his cape, a pair of manacles hanging from his hip.

“Yes. Yes, she does. You should see what they do to a Babylon terminal, she can quite literally peel stone with them.” Alexa has given up at this point, simply answering the questions now hopefully the knight will understand and not cause a problem for them. 

“She also resists identification magic,” he emphasized this by casting a simple identity, his eyes flashing for a moment before returning to normal. “And I know that would take a very high-level deception skill. But all of that aside, do you want to know what really gave it all away, why I think whatever that is might be a danger to the city and your family?”

Alexa swallowed hard before asking “What?” she tried not to show it but she was preparing to attack Hans if needed.

“I know Taaffeite, her fighting style. I have trained with her for years.” He said not even blinking as he watched Hecatolite lay the staff in the middle of the now complete spell circle. “I don’t know what it did, or how it did it, but your mother can’t kill a man and not leave any wounds on him. We all watched as it ripped that man's eyes out and spoke in that strange tongue over the dead guardswoman, so I ask again Alexa, is that Hecatolite a demon?”

“No demon. Just Hecatolite and Amethyst in here, I checked.” Hecatolite spoke, catching both of them off guard as she continued with her… enchantment?

Hecatolite tuned the two out as it began overriding the enchantments of the staff, using its own stored mana to power the destruction of its Aether core. It had decided to speak to Hans as he questioned Alexa about it, realizing they would both dance around it forever, it felt no danger from Hans. Quite the opposite actually it felt as if it could trust him, so it did. 

It quickly drained all of the radiant mana that it had stored and began pouring its own aether into the enchantment rings, quickly over taking the sliver of golden aether that resided in the staff slightly disappointed how easy it was to snap the thread only then realizing that the strand of aether was what powered the mana absorption enchantment. 

Oops, I can fix that… I hope. Hecatolite thought as it quickly flooded the now empty enchantment with its own aether.

As Alexa explained to Hans what Hecatolite was, both watching intently as the young girl began. They watched as the spell circle she had drawn on the floor started to glow a holy gold as the blackened veins on her arms thrummed. Black liquid seemed to pulse out of her hand and slowly encase the staff, dripping onto the floor the golden glow slowly changing to a soft white glow. Then suddenly a bright gold flash filled the room, almost as if the sun itself was suddenly there, leaving both of them blinded as they heard a suppressed gasp followed by a quiet hiss. They managed to regain their sight only to find Hecatolite standing in the middle of the room holding the staff up proudly.

A soft ping in the back of her mind rang out, but she ignored it.

Its once golden shaft now black with white lightning-like lines tracing it, the golden fire motif now a very ominous black and white color, the once red orb was now white with what seemed like cracks running through it. 

“Alexa!” Hecatolite called out, a wide grin plastered on its sweat covered face. “I fixed, for you.” it held the twisted looking staff out to Alexa, Hans giving her a concerned look.

Alexa tentatively reached out and took it, “thanks Hecatolite… what did you do to it?”

“Empty now, soul bound. Fill with mana.” Hecatolite spoke excitedly all but pushing it into her hands. “Present, really strong. Should help.”

“Alexa, I can’t say that’s a good…” Hans spoke but Alexa raised her hand to stop him.

She knew what the soul bound enchantment Hecatolite made did, and she would be lying if she said she was not curious as to why Hecatolite seemed to think this rod would be strong. It honestly looked as if it was going to crumble in her hand and she couldn’t feel any mana from it.

She took a deep breath and pushed her mana into it, watching in amazement as the white lines on the staff began to glow blue and green webbing their way up to the blackened orb. She watched as the orb pulsed, the white lines changing than snapping shut leaving a solid blue orb with green wisp swirling in it, the black on the shaft chipping away to leave a sterling mana silver rod.

“How?” Hans whispered eyes wide as Alexa inspected her new staff.

“Left the same mostly. Drained mana from stick, replaced blessing.” Hecatolite stated in a matter-of-fact tone, crossing her arms and nodding. “Needed to burn gold off, was ugly. My turn need weapon, for safety.” Hecatolite dove back into the armory in earnest looking for anything it could use.

“She… with mage bane bands on…” Hans spoke mouth agape as he tried to find the words.

“Ripped the blessing of Valor out of a holy artifact and replaced it.” Alexa hung her head as she let her new staff come to rest at her side. Though it was just given to her she could feel a connection with it, and she just knew no one else would ever be able to use it. “That, Sir Hans, is Hecatolite.”

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