Shattered Moonstone

Chapter 19

Hecatolite rode on Alastair’s shoulders as the left the northern wall, Alexa had filled their parents in on the oddities Hecatolite had created in the search for a weapon and after an exhausting lecture on the safety of carrying such dangerous items the family had decided to head home for the day.

“We may want to make one more stop on the way.” Alastair said as the entered the crowded street. 

“It would most likely be for the best. Though I cannot say I am too sure of the outcome.” Taaffeite replied as she recast the illusion on Hecatolite to hide her more jarring features. “but Hazel herself asked if it would be possible for us to stop by, apparently Applejack has not been himself since the incident. Poor boy is sick with worry.”

“Applejack…” Hecatolite repeated the name in an attempt to remember who they were referring to, after a moment she gave up on that endeavor however to inspect the dense crowd of carts and people flooding into the city. The sun was now scraping the horizon and it would soon be night with that she couldn’t help but be curious. “Why so many people?”

There was a short silence as people recognized the family and slowly began to make way for them, though with how many people there were in the street the family would need to walk single filed to make it though.

“It is customary that during any crisis everyone who is able is transported into the walls for safety. A few of the nearby villages are quite a walk from here so when the earlier… discharge happen it is likely that most people began their way here looking for answers and safety from whatever had caused it.” Taaffeite replied as the family started their long track through the city, stopping to reassure people while they passed.

“But no danger? Why not send home?” Hecatolite asked.

“For some of them that is likely what they will do. However, for some it would be safer to spend the night behind the walls and then head home on the marrow. It is unsafe to travel at night, even more so this close to the northern wilds. Some of them live just past the border in villages in the forest, it would be unwise to enter the forest at night unprepared.” Alastair spoke as if warning his daughter of the dangers beyond the wall. 

“People of Ecrein?”

“Of course. We may not be formal allies, however Ecrein has always had close ties with Navratna we could hardly leave them outside of the city if there was danger.” Alexa replied as she healed a small child who had fallen in the crowd. “It would be inhumane to not help those in need if you could wouldn’t it?”

Alexa heard the slight ping of a notification in her mind but chose to ignore it. 

They walked like this for an hour or so, stopping to quell the unrest of the population when they passed until they exited the main road and left the gathering crowd. It was only a short while longer until they stood at what appeared to be a bakery. A sign hung above the door, what appeared to be a rabbit with the words “Luckyfoot Bake Shop” painted on it in bright letters.

Hecatolite had a very strange feeling as they approached the building, an odd… pulling deep inside of her mind.

“Food?” Hecatolite asked, sniffing the air, taking in the pleasant aroma of baked goods. “Smells good.”

The family all gave each other worried looks as Taaffeite cleared her throat. 

“Well of course Amethyst, you never come to the city without stopping here.” Alexa said, a somewhat strained smile on her face as Alastair set Hecatolite down. 

“I’ll wait out here.” Alastair said as he ushered the three women into the shop. 

Once in the door Hecatolite could feel Taaffeite’s hand on her shoulder as she leaned down and whispered into her ear. “Amethyst is… close with the family here. Their son was there when you got attacked.”

“Aww the young boy. Forgot to ask about him. Is, ok? Got kicked really hard.” Hecatolite spoke making no notion of whispering back.

“If it isn’t the Lapidary family,” a suppressed voice called out grabbing all their attention, “what can I get for you today?” They all turned to see a beaming Hazel standing behind the counter. “We were about to close up for the night so forgive the slim pickings but we have quite a few sweets that did not sell from…” her jovial voice was cut off by the tapping of small feet.

Hecatolite waltzed up to the counter and placed her small hand on it. “Donut?” she had completely forgotten the conversation she was having when she saw the flower coated woman.

Hazel stared wide eyed at the young woman; she had seen Amethyst hundreds if not thousands of times before, but never had the young noble woman been so… off. Her normally proper appearance was disheveled, her normally straight black hair looked as if it had not been brushed in days, and she stood with a slight hunch to her shoulders. Her vibrant purple eyes looked a bit sullen as if she had not been sleeping properly, and she stood skewed leaning drastically to one side or the other. as she walked up to the counter Hazel even noted a difference in the way she walked. Where Amethyst normally took very small well placed steps this girl lacked all the grace Hazel had been accustomed too, instead taking steps that were almost too long for her small body causing her footfalls to almost sound like stomping. 

When their eyes met, she could see black lines flash in the girls’ eyes for a moment before fading.

“umm yes, we have some donuts left.” She said, eyeing the girl then looking back to Taaffeite who stood shaking her head. Alexa let out a heavy sigh as she just left the building.

Hazel did not say any more as she handed the small woman a donut which she ate in a manner that made the motherly bunny-kin worried she might choke. 

Taaffeite went to speak but was stopped as Hecatolite held her hand out for a second time, this time however when she spoke it was a question. “boy, ok? Not hurt?”

Both women looked at each other. “He will live… Do you wish to see him?” Hazel asked, handing her another donut.

“I don’t know if that’s a great idea Hazel.” Taaffeite said as Hecatolite tried her best to fit the whole donut in her mouth. “Amethyst has been… different. Since the attack.”

“Oh, I can see that,” Hazel laughed as Hecatolite impersonated a chipmunk, “but even still…”

“whan…ho.. shee him.” Hecatolite's broken voice came through a mouthful of pastry. 

“don’t talk with your mouth full,” two very different but somehow similar motherly voices chastised as they both laughed. They gave her a moment to chew before continuing.

“Should see. Boy hurt because…” Hecatolite scrunched her face as she thought of the words, she took a deep breath savoring the sweet air of the bakery and nearly losing train of thought again before continuing. “Tried to save Amethyst, deserves to know he helped.” 

Taaffeite let out a long sigh as she looked at the confident young girl, the image was ruined by the sugar coating her face, but her resolve was still felt. She knelt down and wiped Hecatolite’s face as she canceled her illusion. “He may not see it that way if he meets you Hecatolite”

Hecatolite let out an annoyed sound as Taaffeite wiped her face. “Still, good boy. Deserves to know. Safe. Hare-kin nice.”

When Hecatolite soul sight activated she was shocked to see the women’s soul, it was not large, nor powerful like her family’s. No Hazel's soul was actually relatively small in comparison, standing only as tall as Taaffeites physical body, it was not plump like one would expect but quite lean and defined as if her soul belonged to an Olympic runner yet it lacked all the definition of color all the other souls seemed to have instead being a solid brown color its rabbit like features clearly defined by its powerful looking legs and long ears that gave it the extra height to scrape against the ceiling. Hecatolite noticed instantly that Hazel lacked magical power. Yet her soul felt… warm, Inviting. 

There was a long silence before Taaffeite went to correct her daughter only to be cut off by a thumping sound from the counter, she looked to see the smiling Hazel tapping her foot as if amused. 

“It has been a very long time since someone has called us that now,” she beamed as she scratched the side of her neck. “What gave it away? Most folks can’t tell the difference.”

“Bunny’s good magic but small. Hare’s large but bad magic.” Hecatolite shrugged. 

“I… I did not know there was a difference.” Taaffeite spoke as she looked back at Hazel. “I apologize if we have caused offense.”

“oh, don’t you mind it. Most people would never be able to tell the difference nowadays anyways.” Hazel said as she waved a large, padded hand before herself. “We don't go advertising it regardless it's easier for us all to just be bunnies anyway, people seem to like them dainty little bunny girls so they don’t question a family of them moving into their towns.”

“That makes sense. The Bunnies are one of the most popular beast- kin races.” Taaffeite replied as she stood, “however Hecatolite you can’t just go calling people out on their race like that. it’s very rude, we will talk about the misuse of your magic later.” Hecatolite felt a chill as Taaffeite spoke, she knew she was in for another long lecture.

“Aside from that, if Hecatolite wishes to meet with Applejack I will not stop her, but you need to properly ask Hazel.” Taaffeite nudged her forward. “Introduce yourself first.” 

Taaffeite insisted Alexa at least show Hecatolite how to do a proper introduction and this would be good practice.

Hecatolite stepped forward and dusted her hands on her blouse as she seemed to clear her throat. Hazel immediately noticed the difference in her appearance, her vibrant purple eyes now inky black, her skin going from a slightly pale to almost a sickly white. 

The air in the room seemed to become heavy as her small body seemed to snap upright, standing perfectly straight she spoke “I am Hecatolite Lapidary, it is a pleasure to meet you, Hazel.” She bowed as she extended her hand. 

“Only men bow, Hecatolite.” Taaffeite rubbed the bridge of her nose as she watched Hecatolite flawlessly introduce herself… as a noble man would.

Hazel however did not mind as she took the extended hand. “I am Hazel Luckyfoot, it is an honor Lady Lapidary.” 

“Please, Hecatolite will do fine.” Hecatolite's voice was different when she spoke, it lacked all the childishness it had previously as she raised the older woman’s hand up and gently kissed it. “I wish to speak to your son about my twin sister, it seems she has caused him some distress, and I wish to put his mind at ease.” She spoke so fluently that even Taaffeite was at a loss for words, Hazel however, was lost for a moment as Hecatolite voice seemed to wash over her, momentarily forgetting she was standing before a child not even half her size and young enough to be one of her own children.

Hazel took a deep breath as she withdrew her hand, considering what had just happened she wondered about denying the request, but she dismissed the thought. “You may, you will find him at the end of the hall, last door on the left.” She motioned to a hall behind the counter, hoping this strange... child, could help break her sons stupor. 

Both women watched as Hecatolite vanished into the hallway before Hazel turned to Taaffeite, she did not speak, just raised an eyebrow.

Taaffeite sighed as she started again with an abridged explanation of what Hecatolite was.

Hecatolite stood before the door blinking both eyes out of sync as her mind and body seemed to fight. Her heart raced as she stood frozen before the door.

I should see him, let him know Amethyst is safe. Hecatolite thought but her body refused to move as the strange pressure in her mind built up. Come on stupid body move, it’s like when I first got here, why won’t my arm move.

It took more will than Hecatolite would like to admit getting her hand to knock on the door.

“go away.” A hoarse voice called.

What was his name again? I forgot, I'm sure they said it while I was eating… Those donuts were good… I should get more donuts. I wonder if they have cake? God I would love a nice cake. Focus, damn it. 

Hecatolite cleared her throat as before speaking. “Apple snack?” 

What a weird name. Maybe it’s a hare-kin thing.

There was a long silence before she could hear the handle rattle. 

“Amethyst?” a shy reply came as the door crept open.

Applejack had spent the last few weeks replaying that day over and over in his mind. Running with Amethyst in his arms, watching as her demeanor changed, catching only a glimpse of her as the entire alley was bathed in light.

If I was stronger, if I had carried her further, if I could have fought for her. Thoughts haunted him, even in his dreams he watched as she was erased behind a wall of golden light. 

He looked up, his eyes locking with hers, instantly he could tell that was not Amethyst. This was whatever she had become before the light hit her. His stomach clenched as he looked into the black void like eyes.

“You are not her.” He said coldly as Hecatolite tilted her head.

What’s this… feeling… Hecatolite could feel her throat tighten as she looked at the young boy, her heart raced as she felt the pressure from before slamming into the back of her mind.

“I… I am not.” Hecatolite replied as she nodded. “I am Hecatolite, Amethyst is my… twin. She is safe. Wanted you to know.”

“What happened to her?” He asked, Hecatolite could see his jaw clench as he spoke. “And what are you?” 

“I said… Hecatolite is twin… she resting. Safe.” Hecatolite found it harder to find the words as the boy scrutinized her.

Why is my body acting up…? Is… is Amethyst waking up? Hecatolite eyes opened wide in realization. How much aether did making two relics take?

Applejack watched as… Hecatolite turned her head, her broken speech off putting coming from the well spoken Amethyst. Before her eyes widened in shock.

“listen I don’t know what’s going on…” Applejack swallowed hard. “I am sorry Amethyst if… if only I was stronger. I could have helped fight. I could have protected…”

Hecatolite let out a low growl cutting him off, “blaa helped fight? No need, Hecatolite protect.” Her words cut deep into the psyche of the young boy. “Not all protection is through fighting.” She poked him in the head. “Not what you can’t do. But what you can do. No fight, that’s good, fighting bad. Make food, be happy. That protect too…. Stupid words… ” 

I can’t… think, he’s wrong. He can help her now… how. How do I coax a 10 year old girl to assert… well that might work… or she will kill me… will try?

Taaffeite and Hazel both watched anxiously from the end of the hall, they did not mean to pry but Hecatolite and Applejack were both very young… and standing in the hallway. Taaffeite had given the other woman a very basic rundown of what was going on while Hecatolite struggled to knock on the door, and they watched while the two spoke. 

“Hecatolite seems to be struggling.” Hazel whispered, confused on where the confidence and power from the introduction had gone.

“Something is wrong.” Taaffeite watched as Hecatolite's head seemed to snap side to side, “she’s normally blunt but makes more sense than that.” Her words seemed all mixed up, Taaffeite could gather she was trying to tell Applejack to focus on what he can do and not what he can’t. You don’t need to be a warrior to protect someone. “Her advice is… what is wrong with her.” She motioned to step forward, after the earlier display she was worried Hecatolite might actually explode if she had another episode.

They watched as Hecatolite seemed to take a deep breath, her voice low barely audible. “Want to help Amethyst?” She rolled her shoulders; the mage bane bands around her arms clamoring to the floor.

Everyone took a step back as the full blunt of Hecatolite power flooded the small building, her stifling pressure washing over them like a tidal wave.

“forgive” she whispered as she grabbed the young man by the collar and pressed her face against his. 

Everyone was stunned, the two mothers watched as the two children kissed in the hall, a strange sense of… embarrassment yet happiness washed over the both of them as both turned their heads. 

“I did not expect that.” Taaffeite spoke as she heard a soft laugh from beside her.

“No, surely not. They grow up so fast.” Hazel said.

They could not hear anything as the moment seemed to drag on before they heard a light pop followed by a clanging sound and a concerned yell. The feeling of Hecatolite’s magical power seemed to vanish all at once causing Taaffeite's heart to sink as the front door to the bakery all but exploded inwards announcing the entry of the rest of the family.

They snapped to see Applejack holding a limp girl in his arms, his ears burning red with embarrassment, and an oddly cute small handprint on his cheek.

ok, so this chapter was meant to show a clear disconnect between Hectoliter and her body witch happens to be amethyst body. I do apologize so may people seem to be misunderstanding it, I do not have any intentions to include any encounters with men in the story that I feel will require the "bisexual" tag

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