Shattered Moonstone

Chapter 24

Han’s breath caught as he stood on the docks, he recognized that he stood in the shipping yard of Sandstone. Yet the world seemed hazy, as if covered in by a thin veil. His eyes scanned the surroundings as he watched a group of sailors loaded what seemed to be a cart onto a large ship with sails emblazoned with a golden sun symbol. Time seemed to bend as the ship quickly sped off and the city around him burst into flames; a strange black figure darting between the flames followed by explosions, finally coming to a stop at the end of the dock. A blackened form stood staring down the knight, its clawed hands dripping with blood. He found himself unable to even ready himself as it vanished, appearing before him, its clawed hand digging into his chest. As he felt the pain wash over him, he went to yell before the world warped again and he again found himself standing on a calm dock. The same group of sailors loading the cart onto the ship. Over and over this image replayed before finally something changed, he changed. The final time when he saw the sailors, he couldn’t help but call to them, causing them to dissolve into mist, and again the blackened figure appeared beside him. He watched as it slowly climbed into the strange cart, the sun beginning to set as it climbed back out. It looked no different yet somehow, he could tell that this strange creature did not mean him any harm as it waved at him with a clawed hand before it dissolved just as the sailors had, leaving him alone on the docks. He watched as the sun that was setting moments before began to rise once more moving backwards across the sky, tracking it the whole way as he watched it set, only to reappear on the opposite horizon once more. Three times, he watched the sun rise on the wrong horizon and set, finally on the third time a booming voice echoed across the ocean.


With a start, Hans lurched from his bed, sweat dripping from him as he struggled to stand. His chest burning as the memories of the dream replayed in his mind.

“What’s wrong?” A gruff yet womanly voice called from his bed besides him.  

He took a deep breath as he attempted to steady himself. “Bad dreams.” He replied bluntly. “Nothing to be concerned about… I hope.” He said as he sank back into his bed, the strange burning in his chest not subsiding as he felt his wife’s large, padded hand on his chest.

“One should never ignore dreams, my love.” Her voice almost whispered. He could feel her warm breath on his bare skin as she pulled him closer. “Do you wish to tell me about it?”

He could feel her large form slowly begin to encase him as she pulled the man into her chest, though he could not see in the dark, he could feel her nude form as her fur brushed against him. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he looked up to where he believed her face was only to be met by two glowing yellow eyes. He let out a sigh as he sank into her. “In the morning love.”

He could feel her nod, yet she did not release him as she rested her snout on his head as her breathing steadied and she drifted to sleep, him shortly following. An unread notification blinking in the back of his mind.

Title acquired; Champion of Soter. Trait lost: Baptized in the name of Soter. Trait gained: Blessing of Soter. Skill acquired, Impregnable fortress.

Alexa stood motionless in a large empty warehouse, the far wall had the number 48 carved into it followed by three sets of sun and moons. She was rooted in place as she heard footsteps from behind her, a very strange creature appearing in the corner of her eye. If it had been just a few weeks ago she would never have guessed what it was yet now she recognized it immediately as a soul, yet it was wrong. It moved in strange motions as it came to stand before her allowing her to take it in, a creeping familiarity to it as she inspected it. It was clearly a young woman, yet she was split down the middle one half was a deep smooth purple, the other half however was a charred black. She recognized Hecatolite after a moment as the soul before her seemed to pulse, the blacked side seemed to grow as it began to seep into the purple half. It was then she realized that the other half must have been Amethyst as the half that was Hecatolite began to grow; slowly at first, gradually speeding up before it completely covered the entirety of the soul before disappearing.

A strange cart appeared before her and again the footsteps announcing the presence of her sister’s souls. This time it did not stop before her and began walking towards the cart as it began to pulsate, the blackness slowly covering the purple as it climbed into the cart only for it to dissolve as soon as she entered leaving the soul standing in the middle of the warehouse split perfectly down the middle. It seemed to stretch as it waved at her before it too disappeared.

“Balance.” A musical womanly voice rang out in the empty room as a splitting pressure erupted in her head jolting her awake.

She bolted upright in her bed sending a Babylon terminal careening across her room as it was launched from her lap. her eyes seemed too unfocused as her head throbbed in pain. It felt as if her very mind was splitting as she let out a soundless cry. Then suddenly, it dulled to nothing more than an uncomfortable throb as she heard a slight dinging sound in her mind. 

Title acquired: Chosen of Siofra. Trait lost: Baptized in the name of Siofra. Trait gained: Blessed by Siofra. Skill acquired: Parallel thought.

“What?” She whispered as she called her terminal.

Name: Alexandrite Lapidary

Age: 20

Race: Human

Titles: Archmage, Scholar, Ice mage, Medic, Chosen of Siofra.

Traits: Ice affinity, healing affinity, Dual affinity, inquisitive, strong will, Bilingual, ancient knowledge, short tempered, Mana bathed, well educated, Blessed by Siofra.

Skills; Frost magic, Healing magic, spell circle creation greater, inspection, spell chant negation, mana mastery, first aid, etiquette, housework lesser, Alchemy, enchanting greater, teaching, Soul sight, Parallel though.

Lapidary Bloodline skill personal: Babylon “Bable”

Hidden traits: Blessed by X47, Aether touched, God seed, Dual Blessings.

“What!” she yelled this time as she read the updated soul page.

Why would the elven goddess of knowledge pick me as a chosen?

When did I become a god seed?

Her mind stopped as two separate thoughts ran through it at the same time, a very odd dizziness washed over her as she closed her eyes.

One thing at a time. She thought. 

God seed is most likely just the next step to the “seedling” trait. The dizziness came back as her mind replied. But why would Siofra bless me? 

I chose her on a whim during baptism because I figured the goddess of knowledge would make the most sense given, I had the scholar trait and it felt right at the time. 

When was the last time I even prayed to her?... I’m going to be sick.

Alexa threw herself off her bed as she emptied her stomach, she did not even need to inspect the skill she acquired to guess what it did given she was now having a mental conversation with herself. The whole experience was… unsettling as she spent the next few hours of the early morning attempting to quell the dizziness that came with two separate trains of thoughts, both of which seemed to have distinctly different ideas on what was most important given the new changes to her soul page.

It was nearly noon when Alexa finally made her way down into the dining room, shocked to find both of her parents as well as Hans talking at the table. The room fell silent as she entered, and she could feel them all looking at her.

“Rough night?” Alastair asked as he looked over the slightly pale form of his daughter, her eyes had dark bags under them, and her hair sat in a mess covering her face. 

“You could say that.” She said, sweeping a hand through her hair as she straightened herself. “I was not expecting company this early, forgive my appearance.” She said as attempted to make herself presentable only to realize the slightly curious gazes had now become full blown stares. “What is it?”

Hans pointed at his chest and asked, “so, have any strange dreams?”

She paused for a moment recalling the strange… 



She swayed slightly when she thought, leaning against the wall.

“You could say that.” she answered weakly. “Why do you ask?” 

He sighed as he undid his breastplate and opened his shirt. In the middle of his chest was what seemed like a tattoo of a shield with a black full mask helmet on it.

“Never pegged you as the overly religious type. Isn’t it blasphemy to get a holy symbol as a tattoo?” She said as she recognized the symbol of Soter. “Wait, you didn’t have that yesterday.”

“He did not.” Taaffeite said as she pointed at her own forehead. “And neither did you.” Taaffeite could tell Alexa was confused by her statement as she snapped her fingers. “Mirror.” She muttered as a silver smoke appeared before Alexa, condensing into a crystalline like mirror. 

Alexa was stunned as she looked at her own reflection, a green vine like tattoo crown sat just below her hairline the center seemed to be adorned with dark blue gem.

“Alas my daughter has entered her rebellious faze.” Alastair mocked as he laid his head on the table. “Sneaking out in the night to get a tattoo like some tribal…” he was cut short by a swift smack from Taaffeite. 

Alexa sighed as she used the mirror her mother created to position her hair to cover the marking. “Dammed gods, just putting marks on… why didn’t Hecatolite's blessing leave a tattoo?” Her heart sank, she had two blessings yet only one mark that she knew of… “can…. someone check my back?”

“Hecatolite can give blessings?” Hans asked before clearing his throat. “Why would you need…” he stopped himself realizing that Alexa had no way nor need of seeing her back. 

A tense minute later Alexa and Taaffeite returned, one with a smug grin as they sat.

“This is why you don’t test strange magics on yourself.” Taaffeite said as Alexa laid her head on the table. 

It did not take long for them to find Hecatolite’s mark, a broken half circle with a jagged claw mark carved through it. The problem was the location, in the center of her lower back was where the fist sized tattoo was located. 

“How was I supposed to know blessings left such markings?” Alexa said as Taaffeite informed Alastair of the second mark causing him to laugh. Alexa sighed as she turned her head to Hans, “why are you here anyway?”

Hans scratched his chin as he replied. “Had a dream.” He paused as if trying to recall it. “In three… suns. A ship will load a cart and sail from Sandstone. If that happens… something will happen.” He sighed before beginning the explanation of his dream again having just finished explaining it to Taaffeite and Alastair. after Alexa herself shared her own dream that came along with her blessing.

“A black figure with claws… that’s definitely Hecatolite.” Alexa said, “strange though… why would the human god of protection and the elven goddess of knowledge both pick a chosen at the same time and send out premonitions’ to… help her?”

“They both are essentially the same,” Hans thought out loud. “Three days from now there will be a cart that we need to get Hecatolite into. The only difference is the location, mine is in a dock, yours was in a warehouse.”

They sat in silence before Alastair spoke. “I don’t think they are different; they are two halves. With them both we know the exact location, Sandstones docks warehouse 48 there is a cart that is being shipped away in 3 days. The contents of that cart will help Hecatolite and Amethyst.”

“I also don’t think it is to help her.” Taaffeite interjected. “Given that in both dreams this “cart” keeps her from destroying the city or consuming Amethyst, it seems more like two different gods have not only taken notice of her but want to keep her in check.” She couldn’t help but frown at the implications. “I can’t say I don’t like the more optimistic view but given our recent run in with a church I don’t think this is simply the gods lending a helping hand. Not to mention they specifically chose two people close to her, it’s safe to assume you both only received these blessings because of Hecatolite.” 

“The world seems to just move around her, doesn’t it? Bloodline skills, and now gods.” Alexa sighed. “It’s all speculation anyway.” Alexa said, ringing a bell next to the table to summon a maid. “We have no way of knowing what the gods meant when they sent the premonitions. We don’t even know exactly when it will happen, three suns from today? Or three cycles from yesterday?

“Three days from yesterday. So, two days from now.” A quiet voice called causing them all to turn to the door.

What stood there was… Amethyst, they all almost immediately noticed her bright purple eyes and spotless healthy completion. “And the god’s have taken an interest in…” she was cut short as she was ripped from the ground into her fathers’ arms. His bear-like grip almost smothering the small girl before her mother managed to pry her free from his grasp. She thought herself free before finding herself in a completely different airless environment as her head was buried into her mother’s chest. 

This went on for longer than anyone will admit, as the family passed the young girl around all getting a hug. Even Hans gave her a firm pat on the back.

“Ok I am happy to see you all too… though for me it was only yesterday.” Amethyst said as she was finally seated at the table. 

“So… is she still… you know? In there?” Hans was the first person to brave asking; as the rest of the family held their breath.

Amethyst nodded as she replied. “Yes… and no... she said something about… blowing off some steam after the show and ran into the forest. So, she is still in the soul space, but I don’t know where exactly. I hadn’t seen her in a while, but I found the spell circle for the “soul possession” spell and with Babylon was able to use it.” They all let out a sigh of relief. 

They all looked puzzled before Alexa summoned her Babylon terminal “We are going to need you to tell us everything. Starting with what’s a soul space?” She said in what Amethyst would come to call her “crazy magic” voice. 

One more exhausting explanation later, that surprisingly even Hans stayed for; they all sat in silence.

“So… did you tell her who they were?” Alexa asked, clearly somewhat shaken by the story.

“Are you crazy!” Amethyst almost yelled. “of course, I didn’t! Siofra clearly did not want her to know!”

Silence once again filled the room as a maid brought in a lunch platter and informed them that the main course will be out shortly, reminding all of them of the time. 

“So two days from now we will all go to Sandstone to get this cart?” Hans asked, looking at Taaffeite.

“I don’t know if that’s a great idea, Soter specifically said “You’ll get to mess with more Valor followers”.” Amethyst answered before her mother. “We now have a way for us to become separate people, and it’s not like I will die, it's really just like sleeping, I fell asleep and woke up three… weeks… later. I don’t know if continuously attacking a god’s followers is, you know, smart.” 

“Are you so sure about that? it sounds like your “soul space” is being warped by her.” Alexa replied. “It also might be harder to wake you if you're suppressed again. Besides they are the ones who attacked us first, you might not remember it, but that golden eyed man almost killed you. if not for Hecatolite you would be dead.”

“If not for Hecatolite I don’t think he would have attacked me.” Amethyst spoke in a calm, even tone unbefitting of a 10-year-old, “I don’t want you all to think I am not grateful that she saved me, or happy that I have another sister. It's just… she killed that priest… and Dora… I don’t want us all to have to fight again.” They watched as her eyes filled with tears. “She is strong, I can feel that. When she spoke to the gods, they seemed… uneasy about her. If she fights, she will… we will kill people. A lot of people.” Her voice cracked as her hand shook. “Why should people have to die if all I need to do is wait until she can make a body and she will, I know she will. Why do…” she broke into tears as the memory she watched of the bishop’s death replayed in her mind, the callousness of her sister when she brought it up. “She was able to joke about it, killing that man. As if it was natural….”

The three in the room knew what she was feeling, they all had felt it too the first time they were forced to take another life. Hans as a trained soldier knew well what it was like to execute someone, Alastair and Taaffeite had both taken bandit extermination orders from the adventurer's guild in the past, even Alexa had her fair share of run ins with unsavory people while traveling and been forced to take a life before. Yet all of them were much older by the time they had to draw blood. And all of them having met Hecatolite did not find it hard to believe that the young woman also had no qualms with taking a life. 

They did not speak as both Taaffeite and Alastair moved in to hug their daughter, her soft sobs could be heard through the tight bundle they formed around her.

“You can’t blame yourself or Hecatolite for what she did Amethyst.” Her mothers soft voice seemed to sooth the young girl. “You are young, and very kind but sometimes the world is a very cruel place.” She said as she kissed the top of her daughter’s head.

“Never forget that kindness. No matter what, always remember how you feel now. Every life carries weight, but you can’t let that keep you from protecting yourself my precious girl.” Alastair had a much harder time finding the right words, he did not want his daughter to have to fight or kill, but he knew the darkness in the world would not allow such a thing. Not for a powerful noble family like theirs. 

They stayed like that for a while as she slowly calmed down. They knew this will not be the last time this weighs on the young woman, but it was all they could do at the moment to keep the weight of the world off her.

“We will have to at least go look, if the gods are going to point it out so blatantly and it is tied to the church of Valor, we cannot just leave it be.” Taaffeite declared, “this might just be what we need to remove them from our territory on top of helping Amethyst and Hecatolite coexist for the foreseeable future. Hans prepares the guard for a raid in the docks of Sandstone but be discreet about it.”

“Yes ma’am.” Hans said as he stood from his seat and saluted. He turned to leave before stopping and looking back at the young woman in her parents’ arms. “Dora was a good guard. She will be deeply missed, and never forgotten.” His words were not of a guard captain or a knight, but as a man who had felt the pain of losing a friend in the past. 

She nodded to him with tear-soaked cheeks as he left. 

“Ok, I have to prepare as well.” Alexa said as she stood, “need to…” she swayed as she sat back down. “Get both my thoughts in order. What a weird skill.”

“What skill?” Amethyst asked curiously as she wiped her cheeks, pushing her own thoughts from her mind. 

“Parallel thoughts; it allows someone to focus on two separate things at once. In theory it will allow someone to cast two separate spells at the same time. In practice it feels like I have two of me in my head both trying to figure out different things.” Alexa stopped when she realized that Amethyst actually did have two people in her head both with very different personalities.

“I wonder if that’s like Hecatolite's fractured mind trait, that seems to make her have a lot of scattered thoughts at once.”

“Not even a little bit.” Alexa snapped as her parents chuckled. “Parallel thoughts is a skill, a very powerful one, fractured mind is a negative trait most people wouldn’t wish on their enemies. Honestly, I don’t know how she manages to focus on anything with it.”

“I think she just ignores it honestly. As long as someone keeps her on track, she seems to only get a little distracted. Or while she was talking to Siofra, she did not seem to have very many focus issues then… I wonder if it was something to do with her being the goddess of knowledge, maybe she could help her.”

When Amethyst told them of the exchange Alastair was the first to notice Hecatolite change in behavior after the description of the elven goddess, “I don’t think it was because she was a goddess darling. I think….”

“Maybe she could,” Taaffeite glared at her husband, she had also noticed the implications’ in Hecatolite behavior, and though she had no feeling one way or another about it. She did not wish to have this particular conversation with their young daughter on top of everything else. “But that’s a problem for another time.” It was not uncommon for a noble woman to enjoy the company of other women, the same way it was not uncommon for noble men to enjoy the company of many women and men as well; given a lot of noble marriages were political, a lot of people found themselves… unsatisfied, with who they ended up with. The real takeaway Taaffeite took from it all was the Hecatolite was much older than she originally thought, at first, she believed her daughter had a hidden sight skill, but one does not show such blatant lust that even a 10-year-old can see it without knowing what it was lusting for. 

“She called me a pervert and had to run through a forest because she saw an elf.” Alexa muttered under her breath; it took her slightly longer than her parents to connect the dots. Alexa wasn’t unfamiliar with love, but she also was not practiced in it either, she had a fling or two in the past as many girls her age had but nothing that stuck longer than passing fancy. For her, lust and love was much like religion, she studied it, partook in it, when necessary, but did not seek it out. “I’ve seen her soul, she doesn’t even have the parts to “blow off steam”.”

“That’s enough of that.” Taaffeite's stern voice cut her mutterings short. “We have more important things to deal with, you go get your skills under control, Alastair go help Hans prepare the guard. Amethyst,” she picked her daughter up and held her much like one would a baby. “Come with me.” Taaffeite did not really have anything for Amethyst to do but found herself unwilling to part with her daughter. A sinking feeling in her heart made her fear if she let her out of her sight again, she would not find her, and knowing if she left her with either of the other two, she would have to have a very long discussion about the birds and the bees, and the birds and sometimes other birds, possibly even the bees and the bees. Then a thought came to her that she never really even considered, “was… was Hecatolite a man?” that would explain her somewhat crass behavior, everything about her screamed boy, yet she referred to herself as a girl several times after she stopped calling herself a it.

“What? She says she’s a girl. Why? Is it because of the blowing off steam?” A quiet voice asked from her arms, it was hard to remember sometimes that Amethyst was just a child.

“We clearly need to have a talk.” Taaffeite sighed mentally kicking herself, she tried to avoid it but her own habit of muttering when she thought betrayed her.

Sorry only one chapter at the moment. I am also having trouble deciding on what happens next, not in the grand plot or anything just whos point of view to go with before the real plot happens, surprise spoiler! the next chapter or so will be kind of filler kind of plot bs that will act as world building or something. Really I just think "2 days latter" would be crappy opening line for a chapter and refuse to use it, and a lot of little parts can be shown; some very useful, others not so much. Pulse I now have enough readers to actually do a poll and I am super exited to try it! So here we are, one chapter, one choice. I will give it 2-3 days and write what is voted. then upload the results Sunday or Monday.  P.S. what's in the cart? Guesses?

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