Shattered Moonstone

Chapter 29

“I don’t see what you're so worried about Bolin,” Robert said, a golden dagger glinting in the setting sun as he spun it in his hand, “we are Chosen heroes. Besides this is the first mission, like a tutorial you know, it’s going to be a walk in the park.”

Bolin let out a long sigh as he looked at the crowded docks, “if you had paid attention during the meeting Robert, you would understand why I am concerned about this task.” He glanced over at Yaroslav who was resting against a cloth wrapped shield. 

Yaroslav gave a grunt as he stood hoisting the shield onto his back, a glimpse of gold seemed to flash as he adjusted the wrapping. “We should move soon before the sun sets.” His thick ascent not matching his childlike face, “be on your guard boy, this is not the holy land.” He reminded Robert as he motioned for them to disembark. 

“It’s just a walk through a town,” Robert laughed, “you scared we are going to get mugged by the locals?” he stepped up beside the larger boy with a grin.

Yaroslav the Chosen Shield was a stalky boy who could easily be mistaken for a dwarf if one were to see him. Even at the young age of 12 the boy already had patches of facial hair and over developed muscles; in a few years Bolin had no doubt he would be enormous. Yaroslav was apparently Russian in his last life, a young man who was working as a border guard for the Motherland before he was chosen for a higher destiny, one which the soldier took to like a fish to water. 

Robert the Chosen Dagger, however, was almost the complete opposite. He fit the role of a normal child to the letter, thin lanky arms that he keeps hidden in a black cloak. The only thing that broke the image was that sickening grin of his, the pure definition of a con-man's smile. Robert however was much too young for his own good, if Bolin had to guess, he was just an edgy teen with visions of grandeur, but he had yet to get a concessive answer out of the boy.

That just left Bolin the Chosen Sword. He was currently the smallest of the Chosen, standing a head shorter than Robert and only half the size of Yaroslav. He was a Chinese American immigrant in his last life, working as a translator he was more than happy to accept a higher calling even if it was in this underdeveloped world. Easily using his training as a government translator and negotiator to secure a nice position as the head of the Chosen. 

“Robert, take watch,” Bolin ordered as he gripped the handle of the sword at his hip. The long sword was much too large for any normal child to use yet with his enhancements it felt more like a toy than a deadly relic. “don’t let anything sneak up on us, got it?”

Robert gave a mocking salute as his body seemed to dissolve into a near shadow, “you got it boss man.” His voice became distant as his form faded from existence right before their eyes.

Bolin knew it was a simple conceal spell, one to trick the perception of onlookers, yet it was still a shock to see a child melt into the shadows so effectively it made one question if they were ever there to begin with.

“Yaroslav,” Bolin turned to the large boy who replied with a nod, “keep your eyes peeled for anything that seems out of place. We don’t want to end up like Alexander.”

“Yes sir.” Yaroslav gave a proper full salute, even clicking his heels as he snapped to attention.

“Good, you take point.”

The three disembarked from the ship, Bolin giving directions as they skirted the late day crowd. They had been given a crude map when they arrived, with very simple instructions. Go to the warehouse, dispose of the package and the heretic who delivers it. Then return to the ship quickly and head back to the holy lands. 

They are right, it should be a quick and easy mission, yet. Bolin couldn’t help this feeling building in his gut, one that was reminiscent of walking into a hostile negotiation. Who in this city killed Alexander? And just where is his Relic? He couldn’t calm his nerves as he remembered the bishop.

He had met Alexander once, a brief exchange before he departed. Yet even with only meeting him in passing Bolin knew that Alexander was no push over, on top of having the Staff of Valor. Nothing short of a hero should have been able to kill him yet. He absentmindedly ran his hand over his sword's pommel, if he hadn’t died with such an important item we could have had all six Chosen here to clean up this mess. He sighed remembering that the Spear, Bow, and Staff had all been sent to retrieve a replacement relic just before their departure from the holy lands. 

“If you spend all your time thinking you’ll miss the obvious, you know.” Yaroslav’s voice pulled him from his thoughts as he realized it came from behind him. 

He hadn’t noticed that the large boy stopped at an intersection waiting for directions causing him to simply pass him. “Sorry you're right,” he scratched his head as he recalled the map. “We should head to the left; we are looking for building 43.”

“Just keep vigilant friend.” Yaroslav patted Bolin on the back as he resumed his position. 

Bolin nodded as he banished the thoughts from his mind to focus on the task at hand only to be interrupted again as Robert appeared beside him.

“Looks like we got a group of people going to the warehouse.” He whispered as he stepped from Bolin’s own shadow.

“You got any more information?” Yaroslav asked as he pulled the shield from his back. “or did you think saying “a group” would be enough.” He mocked.

Robert rolled his eyes as he spoke “5 or six. A giant with red hair and a bastard sword. A smaller man in full armor with a tower shield. A bombshell chick with a silver staff; total looker man, tall with a great rack. And a hottie with a thin sword giving off total MILF vibes. Just wait till you see them, man why can't any of the nuns look like that.”

Bolin sighed. “And the other 2?” He tried to ignore Robert's comments, trying to give the boy the benefit of the doubt given he was going through puberty again. Apparently being reincarnated made their body much stronger in every aspect including hormone production so many of the heroes had been struggling with urges that come with being at this age.

“Oh yea, some kid. Can’t be any older than us, she did not have any weapons, but something was weird about her, kept muttering to herself while they moved. Kept saying they will get to the cart soon, and asking someone to be quiet… Might have only been five…”

“Robert” Yaroslav snapped, “you have the best detection skill of all the Chosen, how could you miscount five people.” He unwrapped his shield and strapped it to his arm. The golden kite shield that seemed to radiate a soft golden light could easily cover the boy's entire body forcing him to hold it at an odd angle as he walked. 

“Who brings a child to… you said our age?” Bolin stopped as he grabbed the other two. 

“I don’t know, she looked young. Tiny, probably younger than us, why?”

“Would you bring a child to a dangerous area of town? More less to a dock warehouse?”

“If I was walking around 5 guards deep, sure.” Robert said with a grin, “maybe they couldn’t find a babysitter.”

“You really don’t see a connection here. Yaroslav?” Bolin looked to the older soldier who shrugged. Bolin sighed and gestured to his own body “Unless she’s stronger than she looks.”

“You think she’s one of the missing heroes?” Robert laughed, “seriously what are the odds?”

“What are the odds that a group of 5-armed people are walking around looking for a “cart” the same day we have our mission, and one of them just happens to be a “strange girl”? The only people who know what is in that warehouse is the Holy Father, us, and the heretic we are supposed to dispose of, and it just so happens to be an enchanted cart. So why are they even here?” He motioned to the empty street, the sun had now set leaving the city dark minuses the dim glow of the moons above. “Nothing is ever a coincidence Robert; those people are definitely here for the same reason we are.”

“You want to negotiate?” Yaroslav asked as he eyed Bolin who grinned.

“Sure, negotiate.” He pulled three orbs from his pocket and handed one to each of them. “If she’s a missing hero then she is more important than some rogue priest. Robert, listen carefully. This is a teleportation crystal, if it looks like we are in trouble grab the girl and crush the crystal, got it.”

“Wait, you want to kidnap her!” Yaroslav nearly yelled as he looked at the nearly translucent crystal.

“I mean sure, but wouldn’t it be easier just to kill the rest of them?” Robert asked, flashing his daggers in a stabbing motion.

“Only if we can’t negotiate with them then yes. If she’s not a hero and they insist on standing in our way, we can use her as leverage. If she is a hero than she will need our protection from people in this world who would abuse her power.” Bolin looked at his two comrades and nodded, “it's not the most honorable plan but it's all we have. Even with three of us if all 5 of them can fight, or have more people hidden around we might have a hard time fighting them in our current state,” he tapped on Yaroslav’s shield, “or did you forget that only your shield is indestructible.”

Yaroslav sighed, “you're right, we may be chosen but they could overwhelm us with numbers but to use a hostage? We aren’t some common thugs Bolin; wouldn’t it be better to just grab her and go then?”

“Maybe, but we still need to attempt to complete the mission. So, we try to talk to them. If that doesn’t work, Robert grabs the girl and we will try to get them to leave us alone. If they attack us, we fight, if it seems we can’t win then we teleport out.”

“If she struggles? I mean if she is a hero then she should be able to fight some, even the rejected heroes are stronger than the average person here apparently.”

“Do what you must, just try not to kill her. You can’t bargain with a corpse.” Bolin said as he motioned for them to continue. “And if they aren’t here for the same reason we are; well we will cross that bridge when we get to it.”

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