Shattered Moonstone

Chapter 31

Bolin made short work of breaking the ice wall that had formed, only to find themselves under siege by a nearly constant barrage of ice spikes that shattered against Yaroslava’s shield. His “domed protection” seemed to be more than enough to negate the spells, but any time he attempted to peek around the shield he found his vision blurred by shards of ice.

“That is enough!” He yelled blindly, swinging his sword, a gout of fire blasted from the blade as he sent a blast towards the mage. 

The ice barrage ceased as he looked out to see he had missed the mage, yet the armored man now stood with his shield a flame as the woman attempted to help put the fire out.

Bolin lunged, bringing his sword around in an ark as he swung at the woman, he knew fighting a experienced mage in a prolonged battle at range would likely not end well for them. 

Alexa managed to put out the fire that had clung to Hans’s shield just before a glint of light from beside her caught her eye. She instinctively raised her staff only to have her arms buckle as a flaming sword collided with its silver shaft. She looked to see the boy with a wide-eyed expression as he looked at her.

“How?” he asked in disbelief as he looked at the staff. His sword, a relic of a god, had cut though everything up to this point. He was even forbidden from using it during training given its ability to even shear lesser swords in half, yet this woman’s staff had blocked it causing a painful vibration to resonate up his arm as he leaped back.

“Amethyst, stay here. Do not move, understand me.” Hans tried his best to sound calm as he looked down at the young woman who was trembling. The sound of metal hitting metal rang out again as Alexa barely managed to defend against the swordsmen. His eyes met hers as she gave a weak nod and against his best judgment he spoke again, “Hecatolite, keep her safe.” 

You got it big guy, go be a gallant knight… Hecatolite watched through her sister's eyes as Hans stepped out of view leaving his shield locked behind them. hey, wait take your shield dumb ass what kind of tank doesn’t have their shield! She yelled in her sister’s mind. 

“Will they… be ok?” Amethyst cried as she sank to the ground.

Them? Yea they will be fine. Alexa has her safety stick, and Hans is… well he’s a knight right? He has got to be strong right.

The sight that greeted Hans was quite spectacular, Bolin kept advancing on Alexa who was desperately attempting to create space between them, firing rapid weak ice spikes to attempt to slow the man. Any time she attempted to fire a larger spell the Yaroslav would come sprinting in to defend, blocking her attack. In the few moments of fighting the entire street was coated in frost, large patches of ice had formed walls around the area where her larger spells had been stopped. After a quick assessment Hans decided his best bet would be to block the shield user so Alexa could deal with the swordsman as he sprinted in.

Hans let out an intentional battle cry as he charged, grabbing the attention of the two boys for a moment as Alexa used the opening to create her much needed space.

Her arms burned as they trembled, she quickly realized that though her staff may be unbreakable, she still needed to be able to support it as she cursed under her breath. “Really going to need to work out more.” She had barely managed to fend off Bolin by firing small icicles at him to keep him from being able to get proper footing, however even without being able to use his full power the boy who barely came up to her chest was still able to push her back every time their weapons collided.

Hans charged Yaroslav making no attempt to hide his intent as he brought his short sword up over his head. He couldn’t help but smile as the young man raised his shield, angling it up showing his inexperience as Hans, using his full weight, lifted his leg and planted his foot firmly into the boy's now exposed chest. The sensation rocked up his leg as it felt as if he had just kicked a stone wall, yet the boy was thrown back just barely managing to land on his feet as he wheezed for breath. Hans did not bother looking back as he descended on the boy with a flurry of strikes. 

Yaroslav managed to keep his shield between himself and the deadly sword, yet Hans was more adept with a shield. Every time Yaroslav moved to block the sword, Hans' unarmed fist would collide with the now exposed body part slowly wildling away at the young man's endurance as he pushed him back away from the other fight.

Bolin did attempt to help his comrade only to find himself assaulted by another barrage of icicles. 

“Frost prison!” Alexa yelled, stomping her foot, a trail of ice flashing at a blinding speed towards Bolin.

He attempted to jump aside, but he was a moment too late as ice crept up his leg causing him to stumble as his legs became frozen in place. He yelled in aggravation as he turned the burning sword in his hand and plunged it into the ground beneath him, the earth erupting in flames as the ice quickly boiled away.

“How is she casting these spells so fast!” He cursed as he batted another volley of icicles out of the air. While Alexa had managed to keep a constant magical assault on him, he found himself unable to even begin forming a spell circle before needing to dodge or parry a blow.

We are going to run out of magic if we keep this up. Alexa’s parallel mind called as it formed another spell.

I am aware. We will need something big to take him down though. Her main mind as they had come to call it focused on moving around the battlefield and dodging the boy. 

Bolin pulled his sword back again, leaving himself exposed as he tried to force a spell into existence. “Flaming ooff.” An icicle slammed into him, breaking his focus.

If we could chant properly that would have ended this. Alexa’s sub mind hissed as it formed another icicle. 

Just keep firing at him. Alexa thought as she circled the agitated boy. Her own stamina was starting to waver as she stumbled. And next time dad wants us to come for a run for the love of god say yes.

“Hecatolite… I’m scared. I am really scared.” Amethyst whimpered as she pulled her legs to her chest, the sounds of the battle just on the other side of the shield drilling into her mind. “What if they get hurt?”

They will be fine Amethyst, don’t worry. Be strong and have faith in them. remember they are fighting for us. She tried to calm her sister as the feelings of fear seeped into her very soul. She couldn’t use her spells like this to calm her sister but that did not keep her from trying. Would you feel better if you peaked out? Then we could see that they are safe. Hecatolite was positive Hans and Alexa were safe simply because she could still hear fighting. Two distinct sounds rang out, one the sound of shattering glass she believed to be ice, and the other the clanging of metal followed by some unbecoming masculine grunts.

“What if they are not? Then what?” she asked, unable to keep herself from shaking. “They are heroes, the people of legends.” Her voice cracked as she spoke.

Legends are stories, Amethyst. I think you will find they rarely live up to the real thing. Besides, even the Goat-king was a legend, and he eats grass.

Amethyst couldn’t help but laugh at her sister's words. “you do know…” she wiped her eyes. “he isn’t an actual goat”

No he definitely was, I am 99% sure, just like there is a sun in the sky… wait it night right now, so just as I'm sure there is a moon.

“There are two moons.” Amethyst sighed not even noticing her trembling had stopped as her sister's voice drowned out the fighting. 

What do you mean two moons! How the hell did I not notice two moons! Hecatolite bellowed as Amethyst could feel her sister invading her memories. Holy crap there are two moons here… weird. Feeling better? Want to check on them yet?

Her body tensed as she nodded. “Ok, just a peak.” She steadied herself against the unmovable shield as she stood, taking deep breaths as she gripped the edge.

She tentatively looked around the edge of the shield only to freeze as she saw the battlefield before her.

Get a good look at the “legends”. Hecatolite cackled as they looked at the one-sided battle.

Hans had managed to push Yaroslav to the edge of the road, goading the boy to raise his shield at awkward angles before assaulting him with his fist and feet. Hans wore a disappointed scowl as he slammed foot into the boy’s leg, looking almost as if he wanted to shout at the boy for improperly using his shield. Though it looked like he wasn’t doing any real damage to the boy simply keeping him at bay as Alexa battled Bolin.

Bolin stood ankle deep in water inside of a smoking crater, the water constantly freezing as he fought to keep it from encasing him. Every time he motioned to leave a wall of icicles would rain on him locking him in place. Alexa stood painting in the edge of the as she dodged his few pitiful attempts to fire flaming spears at her.

If he was smart, he would simply let her freeze his legs and fire something bigger at her. And the Shield boy is damn near useless, I mean that’s a relic, right? Shouldn’t he have some magic.

What she didn’t know is that neither of the boys had any form of spell chant negation, Bolin only managing to fire spears because of the enchantments on his sword. Yaroslav however did not have any leeway, the only attack enchantment on his shield required him to pray, and every time he attempted to start the chant, he found himself again assaulted by Hans.

“Finally.” A barely audible voice filled her ear as she felt a sudden pressure appear behind her. 

Alarm bells blared in her mind as she felt a cold object press against her neck.

O I hear those too. That’s not good.

“Why don’t you be a doll and tell your friends to drop their weapons.” A voice hissed as she felt a arm wrap around her waist and pull her from her cover, she could barely see the glimmer of gold out of the bottom of her vision as what she assumed to be a dagger was pressed against her skin.

O that thing feels nasty, Hecatolite could feel the vile golden aether radiating from the dagger as it contacted their flesh. 

Amethyst let out a weak cry as she was lifted violently from the ground and held aloft. Her cry though nearly silent still cut through the night as the world seemed to freeze.

All four of the fighters froze as all eyes fell on the girl, a black cloaked figure holding her from behind with a golden dagger to her throat. Though the figure behind her was only a bit taller than her he seemed to loom over the girl as he laughed.

“Well, that will work I guess.” He spoke.

“What the hell took you so long Robert?” Bolin asked, still holding his sword at the ready.

“Sorry boss, that she wouldn’t leave cover.” The figure shrugged as he pulled her back further from the group. He didn’t want to admit he was too afraid to attempt to grab the strange girl from the front after their little conversation. “Now why don’t you two drop your weapons nice and slow like.”

Hans complied instantly, tossing his shorts sword aside as he gritted his teeth. It had been careless to leave her alone, and he couldn’t help but feel it was his fault if she got injured.  

Alexa was stunned, standing mouth agape as she looked at the pleading eyes of her sister held with a dagger to her neck. Her entire body locked up as her minds reeled with a way to save her. She did not notice Bolin coming up behind her, she let out a pained yell as he slammed the back of his sword down on her shoulder with a crunching sound forcing her to her knee dropping her staff.

“Now, then” Bolin huffed as he walked around the stunned woman, “We are the chosen heroes of the one true god Valor.” He stood before her with his sword tip pointed at her.

Hans was led to kneel next to her before Bolin continued. “We are the saviors of this world, and you dared to attack us.” He attempted to kick the staff away from them only to let out a pained yelp as it limply rolled a few inches at his kick. “what the fuck is that thing!” He yelled as Yaroslav attempted to pick it up, grunting as he only barely managed to lift it.

“Is it made of lead?” he grunted as he identified the strange staff.

Safety stick of “unknown”

This enchanted staff is a relic in the name of “unknown”, granted with the power to gather and store ambient mana to be expelled at the wielder's will. It is attuned to use “error” type of mana and will be locked to only use spells of the “error” school.  This staff is imbued with the will of “unknown” and as such will be unbreakable by mortal means. It is currently “soul bound” to Alexandrite Lapidary and will reject use by anyone other than Alexandrite Lapidary.

He read the staff out loud distracting the heroes, “it’s a relic, but what the hell is soul bound?” They whispered as the two of them inspected it.

“What now?” Hans whispered glancing at Alexa who was holding her limp arm.

“Where are mom and dad… Why isn’t Hecatolite doing anything.” She whispered through clenched teeth as she contemplated healing her arm, afraid it would cause the heroes to do something to her sister.

“What do we do?” Amethyst asked, causing the man behind her to laugh.

Unless you suddenly learn combat magic, we do nothing. Hecatolite sighed. I could probably reinforce our skin enough to survive the slash, but if I take control you’ll go to sleep.

“Whatever you're told and no one gets hurt.” He replied, not noticing the girl had ignored him completely.

“will…” she swallowed hard, feeling the knife on her throat. “Will you kill them?”

They have a knife to our neck, Alexa and Hans are moments away from being executed… yes. I will protect us at all costs.

“naa Bolin is probably thinking of a way to use them. Hopefully he takes that hot chick with us.” The boy replied again as Bolin launched into a monologue.

Why do they always monolog? What? He thinks he’s safe now, so we all must listen to him ramble. Amethyst, Hecatolite’s voice became stern. This isn’t a story, there are no heroes, just survivors. And we will survive. No matter the cost, I will not let you die. Please, let me take care of this.

“You're wrong.” Amethyst shivered, “if there are no heroes then those capable should become the heroes.” Her voice was weak as tears streamed down her face.

Hecatolite growled in her mind as she spoke. Being a hero sounds annoying, she was assaulted by memories of Alastair eagerly telling stories of heroes of the world. Their unwavering morals and good deeds caused her to scowl as they continued to assault her.   

“What are you talking about? Bolin, I think this girl is a nutter.” Robert called a slight southern accent showing for the first time. His voice interrupting the overly passionate speech about the chosen heroes.

Bolin looked back; he hadn’t noticed that no one present was actually listening to his speech. “What?” He called, his eyes locking on to the purple eyes of the girl, tears streaking her face as she looked at him with clear defiance in her eyes.

“Please… don’t… kill.” She muttered as her whole body seemed to go limp in Robert’s arm, causing him to quickly pull the dagger away as he caught her.

“We weren’t going to kill them, damn it. I think she fainted.”

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