Shattered Moonstone

Chapter 9

Alexa had done as she was told, going to the wall at the northern edge of the city to retrieve her father only to meet the giant of a man halfway, escorted by what appeared to be the captain of the city guard, a tail of guards behind them clearly incapable of keeping pace with two men as they sprinted up the packed street. 

“Father!” Alexa called as she descended upon the men, her fear clear in her voice as another beam of light tore through the air above the city, parting the clouds as it pierced the sky.

The man’s stride did not slow as he simply scooped the woman up and continued, dodging carriages and civilians with ease even with the extra weight. 

“Good evening to you as well my lovely daughter,” the man beamed through his wiry facial hair, “come to see your old man at work, have you?” his smiling face devoid of the concern her mother had displayed minutes before, either he did not understand the destructive capabilities of the spells that have been raining in the city or he simply did not care.

“Amethyst is being attacked,” she yelled, and his face dropped. 

His jovial smile seemed to melt off his face, she winced as his grip on her tightened. His pace amazing picking up, Alexa could feel a pulse of mana as her father activated a skill and began to simply jump over obstacles now.

“I see.” He said in a stern voice, “I am going to set you down, Alexa, follow the guard captain.” 

She did not get a chance to reply as he leaped over a covered wagon, simply opening his arms, and letting her fall onto the covered fabric. She was awe stuck as she watched her father after her release, expecting to see him fall back to the ground. The giant of a man simply keep his trajectory running through the sky as if it were solid ground.

“Sky walk?” Alexa murmured, her father was a magic swordsman, focusing on self-reinforcement, and a flame mage at that, how was he using a high-level air spell like sky walk. She knew he could simply have cast the spell at an increased cost but to cast a spell wordlessly and so quickly he would have to have it at master level and given his flame affinity it should be harder for him to cast spells outside of that element.

What Alexa did not know is that her father had trained his air magic for many years with the simple understanding that more air made larger and hotter flames. He did not understand it himself, but Taaffeite had insisted that he acquire at least a dual affinity before she would marry him and he figured air magic would be easiest though he rarely used it, it was simply too overpowering to use both elements in a fight and would cut his fun short.

Alastair Lapidary for the first time since becoming a Marquess felt an old emotion welling in his chest as he blazed through the sky above his city, one he thought he had long since outgrown the need for. Even when his wife was attacked in the streets it had not stirred the long dormant part of his soul that he now welcomed in full force as another blinding light cut through his city.

“Burn all who cross me,” Alastair hissed through gritted teeth, smoke rising from him as he ran “to cinders.” Unbridled rage.

At the unspoken command he burst into a ball of flames, streaking across the sky like a comet no longer the gentle giant he was moments before now was the manifestation of rage. 

Taaffeite stood holding the now limp form of Hecatolite who seemed to drastically underestimated the damage it took from begin slammed into a wall, now that the adrenaline of combat had worn off. The compiled injuries and its own inability to control its body, have left the young creature all but unable to move. It also did not help that the young girl seemed to be having…. a problem as it began to violently heave before vomiting up golden liquid, managing to speak what Taaffeite could recognize as swears between violent expulsions as the matriarch rubbed her back much like one would do with a baby.

“Is that… holy mana?” Taaffeite pondered as the young girl convulsed again. Only to be surprised by a flicker of color from the Babylon screen rooted in the street besides them

“Hecatolite has ingested the soul of Bishop Alexander Von Helix, and though it has the capability to utilize the soul mass to repair its own soul it is incapable of using the mana that accompanied it.” The screen informed her. “Thus, Hecatolite is expelling the excess mana from its body to avoid contamination to both its and Amethyst soul. This process, though uncomfortable, is necessary for their continued cohabitation of the physical body; it should subside in a few minutes.”

So Hecatolite and Amethyst are sharing a body like I thought, that would mean that Hecatolite is the unborn twin wouldn’t it? Taaffeite pondered as she reread the prompt not wanting to miss any details. And Hecatolite ingested that man's soul… and how did she end up with a damaged soul in the first place.

“Babylon, can you translate what she is saying?” Taaffeite asked, “Clearly she can read, would it be possible to use you as an intermediary?”

The terminal flashed a much brighter color as it responded. “Yes, I would be delighted to Matriarch… however I find it would be of little use at this exact moment, Hecatolite seems to have forgone language all together and is now growling like an animal.”

 Taaffeite looked at the small woman in her arms, who indeed was growling between the discharges that seemed to be growing in intensity. 

“Fair enough, but answer me this, is Amethyst safe?” the woman asked as she continued to hold Hecatolite in the fetal position.

“Matriarch, I can reply with the utmost certainty, that no harm has or will befall Amethyst while Hecatolite still lives.” The screen replied, “It has shown a strange desire to protect Amethyst despite any harm it brings upon itself, this is now twice Hecatolite has found itself in a less than desirable position after recklessly shielding Amethyst soul from harm.”

Just then the street was bathed in flames as Alastair descended, buildings around them shaking from the impact as the ground itself seemed to yield to the man as he cratered the street mere feet from them. Taaffeite recognized the flaming image of her husband immediately, it had been years since she had seen him in such a form bringing back memories of the struggles against the dragon they fought all those years ago. 

He strode into the street stone melting with each step as flames licked the buildings on either side of the street causing her to let out an exasperated sigh as she shielded their daughter from the flames.

“Are you trying to burn the whole city down?” She called out in a very un-monarchal tone, “enough with the whole flames of rage shtick.” She threw her rapier at the flaming man causing the flames to wink out existence as the sword bounced harmlessly off his now bare chest.

Alastair stood taking in the scene before him before letting out a bellowing laugh. “It seems I got worked up for nothing!” his whole-body shook as smoke rose from him. 

Though he was laughing as he walked towards them Taaffeite could see the clear concern in her husband’s face, fear dripped from him as he gazed upon their daughter who was now limp in her arms unmoving as saliva dripped from her chin, the vomiting seemed to be done for the time being, a large puddle of the strange golden mana now pooling at her feet.

“She will live,” she did not get to finish as he scooped them both up in a tight hug, his shoulders still shaking but no laugh could be heard as he held them.

“I should have been faster.” Were the only words he whispered to them as they stood, Hecatolite seemed to cough but it was muffled by the tight embrace. 

Well, everything about that sucked, note to self, don't eat souls you find on the street. Me thought as it was sandwiched between the lady and a new giant that had appeared. They know each other, wasn’t that guy on fire a minute ago? doesn’t that hurt? Can I be on fire and not get hurt? God this guy smells like a burnt ash tray. Maybe I don’t want to be on fire if I have to smell like that after.

Its string of thoughts went on as it was very carefully set down, its legs giving out under its weight.

I knew it, human bodies are weak! Should have asked Eryl if I could be something else, maybe with a tail… or wings? Me thought as it was again caught by the woman who helped stabilize it.

It looked around tentatively gazing up at the giant that had appeared, locking eyes with it as he and the lady spoke. Its Soul sight activating causing it to become locked in place as it took in the blazing inferno that was the man's soul, unlike the lady or the pervert’s soul this man's soul was nothing short of a raging wildfire loosely crammed into a humanoid form, the flames seemed to reach into the sky as they twisted from it in small tornados the very vague image of flaming wings branching from his back. Me quickly deactivated the skill swearing internally to figure out how to turn off the auto function of that skill.

“That,” Alastair started looking down at the wide-eyed creature his wife held in her arms, “is a lot to take in my love.” She had just finished explaining what she believed she knew of the situation, how Hecatolite was the unborn twin of Amethyst, and somehow had survived inside her sister for these last 10 years.

They both knew how one became a twin soul, and it was not having two souls normally. For one to be a “twin soul” was simply a set of twins where one had absorbed the other before birth, leading the surviving child to have roughly twice the amount of mana and mana channels that a normal person would have. This was always mourned when a child with the title was born however never had there been a case where the second soul survived somehow.

“I know it sounds mad Alastair,” she said quickly, causing him to look up from the creature inhabiting his daughter, “but I truly cannot come up with a different explanation. If you can, I would love to hear it. Even ask the voice of the world if you like.” She finished gesturing at the Babylon terminal that sat feet away. 

“I never said I do not believe you Taaffeite,” he said raising his hands defensively, “it’s just… a lot.” His shoulder dropped as his head fell, “are you sure Amethyst is safe… in there with it?”

“The voice of the world told me she is, it even told me that Hecatolite had protected her, and I do believe that.” She gestured again this time to the fallen bishop, “if it weren’t for her, we would both be little more than ashes in the wind right now. Surely you saw the divine judgment spell, that is not a spell one just walks away from you know that.”

He was aware, that’s what had triggered his rage, the legends of the pillars of godly light that left nothing left of heretics were known to everyone. It was one of the main factors in choosing to get baptized for most people in a city where a Valor church was located and the thought that such a spell was directed at his wife and daughter caused him to lose himself momentarily before Taaffeite placed a loving hand on his chest.

“It is fine my love,” she spoke softly, noticing the smoke beginning to rise from him again, “we managed to survive” Her voice placated his rage as the street was flooded with armored guards. “However, we should find you both some proper clothes before we do anything else.” She motioned to his nearly nude form, all that remained of his uniform was a few scraps of his pants that clung to his waist only just hiding his dignity. Hecatolite was in much worse condition; her once vibrant dress had been torn from her back, leaving it to nearly fall from her if she moved.

As if to answer her the guard captain appeared with Alexa in toe, bringing blankets to wrap around the two near naked members of her family. Alastair let out a hearty laugh.

“I care not if the men see me, however anyone who looks at my daughter will have their eyes plucked out” he called, causing all the guards to snap to attention, all looking in different directions. One practically overzealous guard even stated how lovely the clouds were today as he looked into the sky.

Me watched as the armored men and women quickly began cleaning the street of all signs of battle. A few had brought the unconscious boy to the family but after the woman that arrived with the soldiers seemed to cast a spell that shown with a brilliant green light, they carted him away. It was surprised to see them cleaning its mana discharge from the street by carefully scooping it into jars and carrying it off. 

Wouldn’t it be easier just to hose it off the street, it’s just puke? It thought as it was carried like a doll by the protective lady. 

Inutil flashed at its thoughts, scarring the nearby guards, “It is condensed pure radiant mana, a very valuable resource.”

“Valuable? Its vomit?” Me replied craning its neck to try and see the box before canceling the skill and recasting only to frown when it saw its vandalism had vanished. “Hey, are you a different box?”

“I assure you I am the same terminal” it flashed yellow as it floated before it, the only one who did not stand slack jawed at this development was Taaffeite “and the Mana is not simply vomit, however it does contain traces of whatever food Amethyst had in her stomach… blueberry muffins it would seem. A proper alchemist would be able to make mana potions, healing salves, magical ink, any number of mana infused items from it and an enchanter would be able to use it as a medium for enchantments. Pure mana is an extremely useful and versatile resource.”

Me was silent for a long moment before it lashed out from Taaffeite’s arm, a now clawed finger dragging across the screen soliciting a gasp from the onlooking guards. 

“Better,” Me stated looking at the words “stupid box Inutil 11” carved in elven along the bottom of the screen. “Erase it again and I’ll send you back to Eryl in tiny little pieces.”

The box flashed a multitude of colors before settling back on the crimson red, “Why do you ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to Hecatolite?” 

“What? Whose Hecatolite?” Me asked as it tapped on the screen, “and what questions are they asking you? I thought you were my box?”

There was a long pause before the screen seemed to shrink down, no longer the 5foot by 5foot screen but a simple tablet size only visible to Me and the woman who held her.

Name; Hecatolite Lapidary

Age; 10

Race; unknown

Titles; Twin soul, Me, X47, Soul Sorcerer, Enchanter, Soul eater.

Traits: Aether body, Marred soul, Abomination, shared body, Twin soul, Soul magic affinity, Enemy of boxes, Arduous, Indomitable will, Weak focus, fractured mind, Scholar, Forbidden Knowledge, Polyglot literate non-fluent, Albinism.

Skills: Soul magic mastery, Enchantment mastery, Skill override greater, Spell circle creation, Spell chant negation, Aether mastery, Deception greater, Blessed by “error”, danger sense greater.

Lapidary Bloodline skill personal: Babylon “Inutil”

Locked spells; Moonlit devourer 

“You are Hecatolite Lapidary.” 

“Since when! I have always been Me, you think I would notice naming myself after a rock.” Hecatolite bellowed swatting at the floating tablet before it.

“Since your mother named you, after you ate the soul of the bishop.” The small screen stated as it dodged the clawed hand. “shouldn’t you be more concerned about the changes in your soul page.”

“My mother?” Hecatolite asked, finally grabbing the elusive box. “Who’s my mother, I don’t have a mother? And changes? It changes every time I look at it! You keep making things up and adding them to it every time, are you trying to confuse me!” it bellowed, tapping a clawed finger against the screen. 

“Your mother is Taaffeite Lapidary, the woman who is currently holding you.” It replied flashing its annoyed yellow at it, “and the changes in your soul. The changes caused by plugging the hole in your chest with that poor soul you destroyed with that spell you created. Never has a spell been created and banned so quickly in all recorded history, congratulations.” It scrolled as Me started digging its clawed hand into the screen. Surprised to find out that this box seems much sturdier than it was used to. “And no, I already informed you that Babylon cannot make changes to the system, it can merely access the soul page of anyone who possesses the bloodline skill. It can also display notifications from the system like so.”

“Title acquired: soul eater. Soul Alexander Von Helix, bishop of valor consumed. Traits lost, shattered soul, Leaking soul. Trait gained, Marred Soul. Spell created, moonlit devour… Spell moonlit devour, locked by system for being a soul-destroying spell.”

Hecatolite barely had time to read it before the screen vanished causing it to let out a string of expletives that were unbecoming of its young noble woman appearance.


Alastair and Alexa watched as the young woman squirmed in Taaffeite’s arm, the matriarch letting out a sigh as the creature seemed to argue with the voice of the world after vandalizing the screen with a strange claw that it grew.

“She doesn’t get along with Babylon,” Taaffeite said with a strained smile.

“Babylon?” Alastair replied, looking at Alexa who shrugged in response.

“Our new Bloodline Skill.” Taaffeite stated as the screen seemed to shrink, relieved that the skill seemed to know that one’s soul page should not be displayed openly in the street. “It seems to summon a version of the Voice of the world, a terminal I believe it is called.”

Alastair went to speak only to be cut off by a muffled pop as Alexa summoned her Babylon screen beside him.

“Hello Alexandrite Lapidary,” it displayed, “how may I assist you?”

Alexa was almost vibrating as she inspected the terminal, wondering just what kind of magic it was before remembering realizing it was a one-of-a-kind skill. One that could communicate, she could, in theory just ask. “What are the capabilities of the skill Babylon?”

“Bloodline skill Babylon is a unique ability granted to the Lapidary family by the world system. Its main function is an information terminal with the library of Babylon saved to its system. It can be used to access the library, take notes, as an intermediate for information-based skills, access any skill holder’s soul page, and send communications to anyone with access to a Babylon or world terminal. Though the Babylon terminal is of the same design as the world voice terminals it should be noted that they are different and do not have the same capabilities, they are two separate systems that though can communicate with one another cannot influence one another.”

The archmage was beaming with excitement, forgetting all the events that had transpired as she launched into a series of questions as she inspected the screen from multiple angles.

“Well, that’s convenient,” Alastair said as his daughter began taking notes of the skill… with the skill itself. “When did we get a bloodline ability?”

It was at this time that Hecatolite began hissing as the screen she held vanished.

“When the voice of the world crashed through my desk, probably around the same time one crushed that paladin.” Taaffeite said placing Hecatolite on the ground causing the small girl to comically lose balance and fall. Taaffeite gestured to a group of guards carrying two covered bodies towards the group. 

Everyone fell silent as the guards placed the bodies down, even Hecatolite stopped thrashing as it looked at the two covered corpses before letting out a low growl.

“Inutil.” Hecatolite hissed as it looked at the bodies, the screen returning. “Is that the woman who was helping Amethyst?” its tone even, as it stood on shaky legs.

“It would appear that that is the body of Dora, no last name found.” Inutil scrolled as Hecatolite began a terribly slow walk towards the covered body.

Taaffeite asked Alexa’s Babylon screen to translate as they watched the trembling form of Hecatolite make its way to Dora’s body, Alastair motioning for the guards men to step aside.

“is… is there anything I can do for her?” Hecatolite asked as she finally reached the body.

“You wish to assist Dora?”  Inutil asked.

“She gave her life to save Amethyst,” its small voice seemed to crack as it spoke, “she deserves better than this. There has to be some kind of magic, a spell, anything.”

Inutil began flashing colors as if thinking before replying, “there are several spells to revive the dead, however the damage to the body is too great, and too much time has passed. There is not enough of the residual soul to call the whole of it back to this world. Even if you were successful in recalling the soul, the body would no longer be able to house it, she would simp…”

“Enough.” Hecatolite hissed, ramming a claw into the screen causing it to flicker before vanishing. “Useless box.” It said as it clenched its aching fist, it knew it was right, its soul sight showed that barely a remnant of the woman’s soul remained in this world and even now it was dissipating. 

Looking around it spotted the golden eyed man, sending aether to enhance legs it bound over to the corpse, everyone watching in horror as the small woman ripped two golden orbs from the man's head before anyone could attempt to stop her. They watched as she walked back to the woman’s body, stumbling along the way as it stopped supplying its legs with aether, hand now dripping with cold blood as she knelt next to it. It did not know where the words came from, or why it felt they needed to be spoken but something deep inside of it forced them out.

“When you meet the ferry man you give him these,” it said placing the golden orbs into the woman’s hand, “you tell him that whatever stupid god that bastard followed can cover what’s left.” It stood looking down at the body noticing a sword laying across the woman's chest, it made a clicking noise before taking the sword. “I’m taking this, I pray wherever you end up in your next life you will have no need for such a thing. Rest easy now Dora, know that you will never be forgotten.” It could feel a draw on its aether as it spoke, the final reminisces of the woman’s soul vanishing from this world.

The street was silent as the lapidary family stood, reading the Babylon screen as the young woman limped back to them on shaky legs using the new sword that was nearly as large as it as a walking stick. A guard went to stop Hecatolite, clearly in an attempt to stop the young woman from taking the sword but found himself blocked by her father.

“Sir it is dishonor…” 

“Dora would want her to take it in her stead.” Alastair stated coldly as the small girl passed them into the waiting arms of its mother. 

No more was said on the matter as the family began their long and silent walk home, cautiously carrying their newest family member with them back to their mansion. A flashing screen floating behind them,

“Skill, Blessing acquired.” Were the only words on it.

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