She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: confusing.

“I’m willing to fight for you,” Etienne said, “but I’m just a weak priest, I’m afraid I can’t use a sword.”

The gods gave Etienne a generous promise:

“As long as you have such a desire, I will give you infinite power. Besides, I don’t want you to go to the front line…your battlefield is here.”

Why did the royal capital become a battlefield? Etienne was puzzled by what the **** said. The God of Light quietly said what he wanted him to do in his ear. Etienne opened his eyes wide, and was very surprised by God of Light’s decision. He stammered and asked:

“But…what you said…how can it be achieved?”

The **** did not directly answer his question:

“For devout believers like you, I have never hesitated to give rewards. I have chosen you and want you to stand above all people… In short, don’t hesitate.”

After the **** said this sentence, he disappeared. Etienne called out a few more times, but never responded, almost making people suspect that this was just a dream. But when Etienne turned his head…he found that a sword appeared on the altar temporarily erected for the inauguration ceremony of the temple priest.

It was not a popular enchanted weapon. It didn’t have the faint blue light familiar to Etienne, but it shone with golden light. This is obviously a weapon with the power of the God of Light. Such a weapon has never appeared in this world before. Now, it is bestowed on the most pious believers.

Etienne picked it up.


The God of Guangming quietly completed his deployment in the capital, waiting for the effect to show satisfaction. Although Alice and Cecilian could guess that the God of Light would act, they were not in the whirlpool of the royal capital, and they didn’t know that the royal capital was already in an extremely tense state at this time. Although there are messengers from the royal capital every day to inform about various important situations,

Although the Northland where they are located is in the midst of a war, it makes people feel relaxed because of the power of the army. Judging from the current situation, in about two or three months, Alice and her army will be able to return to the court.

Earl Rachel had already been escorted back to the royal capital, but Mrs. Olivia was still in the barracks, with Alice. This is mainly because her body is not strong enough, I am afraid that she cannot withstand the fatigue of the journey. Besides, apart from Alice, there is no more appropriate person who can take up the responsibility and properly send Mrs. Olivia back to the Duchess. In this case, it is better to let her stay here temporarily and save her body. Let’s talk about it after raising it.

Cecilian stayed by Alice’s side in a human form.

He no longer needs to preach in person. There are already many devout believers in the North, spreading his name everywhere.

Among these populations, Cecilian is a greater **** than the Great Mother God or the God of Light. He is more compassionate and closer to mankind. After breaking the belief in God of Light, what will usher in is not the end, but a new dawn.

The word “new dawn” was chosen well. After experiencing the war, what the people of the North need most is a little new hope, which has increased the number of followers of Circirian. Although this belief is still only quietly spread underground and has not been preached in public, the number of believers has gradually increased a lot.

But these things seem to have nothing to do with Alice or the humanoid Cecillian.

After the initial period of chaos, Cecilian gradually adapted to living in a human form…that is, he looked more like a human.

People who see him will no longer faint, and most people will not think that he looks any different from ordinary people. If you are a more sensitive person, you may be aware that he is somewhat “different”, but if you ask them what the difference is, they won’t be able to answer.

But in Alice’s eyes, he didn’t seem to be any particularly noticeable difference, just a little less halo.

Alice has been in a particularly happy state of excitement since she just learned that he woke up from a dream and began to appear as a human being. However, as time passed, the excitement gradually subsided, and Alice realized that she needed to reorganize her relationship with Cecilian.

After that kiss, the atmosphere between the two people began to become a bit…subtle.

Excluding those kisses that were made on the seal of the agreement made with Alice before Circelian woke up, this should be regarded as Alice’s first kiss.

This kiss is very beautiful and worthy of recollection. It’s just… Alice is confused and doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Her heartbeat became a little faster, and for a short while, Alice suspected that she was sick. But when she carefully searched for the rhythm of her heartbeat, she found that this kind of abnormal beating would only appear when Cecilian was standing in front of her. Whenever she saw him, her heart began to beat wildly uncontrollably.

This feeling… is it love?

When she realized this, Alice’s first reaction was surprise.

She knew that she and Cecilian had already surpassed the relationship between ordinary gods and believers. But whether this kind of feeling can be summarized into the category of love feelings… is really a questionable matter. Alice occasionally remembered the previous conversation with the Faun in Sifelix, who once described to her that a very special homology can be achieved between the **** and the believer.

Alice and Cecilian had only been in the same tune once, and it was difficult to confirm what the Faun had said. And she felt that the relationship between them was somewhat different from that of the Faun and his followers…

Because of this chaotic state of mind, Alice avoided Circillian a bit, as if she didn’t have to face her confusion as long as she reduced the number of times she saw him. But considering that they actually live in the same camp… this kind of evasion is actually quite difficult.

Cecilian could clearly see that she was deliberately avoiding him, but he didn’t have any particular reaction to it. Alice secretly suspected that, in fact, he had already read her thoughts before she didn’t know, and he might even secretly laugh at her.

To be too close to the gods is such a disadvantage.

While Alice was still struggling with faith or love and feelings, shocking news came from the capital:

At the inauguration ceremony of the chief priest of the Royal Capital Temple, the newly appointed chief priest Etienne used a golden sword to chop off the head of the high priest in public.

There was only one message from the royal capital, and nothing happened after that. The news did not mention whether the temple priest who had made such an astonishing act was punished for this, nor did it say whether Damian’s identity was revealed as a result. Alice had read the news a dozen times, but still couldn’t find any other valid information from it. Although the news sent to the army is often relatively brief, but to such a degree of simplicity, it will still make people think whether there are some other reasons for this.

Perhaps this news was sent to her specifically, just to shock Circillian.

Alice and Cecilian exchanged a look:

The God of Light started to act.

Damian’s death was almost expected by Alice. He was a necromancer and could not occupy the position of high priest for a long time. In other words, it is surprising enough that he can sit in this position for a full year. Alice often suspects that even if other people don’t have the courage to look directly at the high priest’s face, it is impossible for His Majesty to fail to see that the high priest has changed.

Maybe he thought this change would be beneficial to him, so he acquiesced.

Alice always thought that Damian would eventually be assassinated by His Majesty because of inconsistency with His Majesty’s philosophy. She never expected that the Light God would use such a fierce method to chop off Damian’s head in full view.

This is probably just an announcement, in order to remind the gods of the dark night system and the future **** Cecillian who just woke up, the **** of light is still the most powerful **** in the world, and he will never allow the center of the king’s capital to be invaded by the dark night. dye.

If the priest of the temple who killed people in public was someone Alice didn’t know before, she probably wouldn’t care much. But the name Etienne was so familiar that Alice couldn’t help but pursed her lips.

Because of her childhood, Alice always had special feelings for this benefactor. At this time, this person is on the cusp of the storm, and it is difficult to say what the end will be.

Will he be executed for murdering the high priest in full view, or will he be rewarded for killing the necromancer who impersonated the high priest? Alice thought of his flowing blonde hair. The Duchess had concluded that he was the illegitimate son of His Majesty the King. Perhaps His Majesty would spare his life for the sake of this matter?

Alice wrote a letter to the capital, requesting the capital to continue to send her information on this aspect, but the letter fell like a stone, and she did not get the response she wanted.

Did someone deliberately withhold the information, or was it because the capital was already in chaos? Alice in the Northland couldn’t imagine what happened there. She asked Cecilian, hoping to get some clues, but the capital did not have any followers of Cecilian. It was the realm of the God of Light, not a place where Cecilian could easily invade.

While Alice urgently wanted to know Etienne’s situation, the war in the North was about to end.

Alice’s army stayed here to do some finishing work, and could return soon. Alice is already writing a letter to the Duchess, asking her whether she should return to the royal capital or the West Felix, or simply lead her army to the western part of the Northland, lest His Majesty the King repents and does not take the agreed land. Put under West Felix… But at this moment, Alice received news from West Felix:

The duchess was assassinated and returned quickly.

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