She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Enchant armor.

The duke knows that Alice will agree. She doesn’t like being rejected. When negotiating with people, she likes to make a proposal that the other party can’t resist. This would certainly cost a lot more, but she didn’t mind these.

At this moment she took a step forward and stared at Alice closely:

“You have to swear to me that you will never tell anyone what you hear here, let alone report it to the Mercenary Guild.”

The duke’s tone brought a sense of oppression, and Alice also stood up, swallowed her saliva, and raised her hand:

“I swear.”

The mercenary’s oath is actually not effective. Generally speaking, it is generally believed that they are a group of people with no moral values, and it is common for them to betray their promises. There should not be too much expectation on their oaths. The Duchess looked into her eyes:

“You have to know that my power is not smaller than that of a mercenary. If you break the oath, I can guarantee that you will not die so happy.”

“I understand.”

The duke has been watching her, seeming to assess her credibility. Alice was motionless, just let her watch. Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and even the air began to become heavy. Alice wanted to take a big breath, but she controlled herself.

I don’t know how long it took, the Duchess looked away, sat down again, and took a sip of tea:

“I believe you,” she said.

The tense atmosphere just disappeared at this time, and the duchess’ expression became calm:

“Now we can talk about what I want you to do-I want you to go to the Northland, find something for me at Earl Rachel’s house.”

The pedigree of aristocrats is a complicated science. Alice doesn’t know the surnames of the aristocrats at all, but the name of Earl Rachel is like a thunderbolt, even Alice knows it perfectly. After hearing this name, it became clear why the Duchess refused to entrust the Mercenary Guild.

Earl Rachel is the owner of the mercenary guild. Who would be so stupid to find someone from the mercenary guild and go to the house of the owner of the mercenary guild… to find something?

The Duchess continued to say:

“What I want you to find is a crown of pearls.”

“Pearl crown?”

The Duchess nodded:

“That was a gift I gave to my sister before. My sister is twelve years younger than me, and she is very beautiful. When she married Earl Rachel, I was already a duchess, so I ordered the craftsman to make the bead crown Give it to her. It is an invaluable treasure, and it matches her perfectly.”

Speaking of her younger sister, the Duchess’ expression changed, and her voice appeared low. She seemed to recall some good times, and she seemed to regret those times that had disappeared.

“I thought she would get happiness, at least something similar to happiness. I didn’t expect that after she married in the Northland, she died within three years. Earl Rachel insisted that she was not adapted to the climate in the Northland. I was sick and died, and the journey to the north was far away, so I couldn’t verify it.

I missed her very much, so I asked Earl Rachel for the crown, hoping to see things and think about people. He claimed that it was a precious souvenir of his beloved wife and refused to return it to me. Now I am older, and my energy is not as good as before. I don’t want to entangle with him about the cause of my sister’s death anymore. I just want to return to the bead crown. For this I can pay all the price. ”

While the Duchess was telling these stories, Alice had been listening quietly. If it’s just a general commission, the Duchess actually doesn’t need to tell the whole story completely. But Alice listened to the story and realized that she had told her specifically.

Perhaps it is because the Duchess usually has no one to talk about, and she doesn’t vomit at this time; perhaps she is trying to arouse Alice’s sympathy and add a piece of insurance to her promise. In any case, at this moment, they are not mercenaries and countesses, they are just women, and it is always easier for women to understand each other.

The girl looked at the woman in front of her, and made the most sincere promise:

“His Royal Highness, I will definitely retrieve the crown for you.”

The Duchess smiled:

“In this case, please go back and wait first. I will ask Mrs. Meredith to pay the agreed deposit. After you receive the deposit, please pack up and go to the North. In order to hide your eyes, you don’t have to go before you leave. Come to me.”

Alice did not know who Mrs. Meredith was, but since the Duchess said so, she took the order.

The two negotiated, and the Duchess sent a carriage to send Alice back to Roma’s farm. Along the way, Alice was thinking about the Duchess. Unexpectedly, such a woman in a high position would have such pain that can never be remedied. Seeing her look different, Roma asked:

“Why, not having fun at the banquet of the nobles?”

Alice shook her head:

“The Duchess entrusted me with a job, and I don’t know if it can be done.”

“What kind of job?”

“I can’t say, but the Duchess promised me that if I can complete this work for her, she will make me a knight.”

“Are you still hesitating?”

“No, I have promised her… Shouldn’t I be so rash?”

“Perhaps.” Roma sat at the table and drank half a glass of red wine in one sip. “People like us, if they get involved in the vortex of disputes between the nobles, they might be crushed in it.”

“Master thinks my decision is wrong?”

“I don’t know.” Undead Roma closed his eyes, looking a little haggard, “I have had many friends in my life, and now I have almost no one left. I’m already scared, and I can’t suggest anything positive. Suggestion, but you are still young and have a future for you. You shouldn’t listen to old men like me talking nonsense.”

Roma seems to be determined not to give any advice to the apprentice who has been a teacher, everything is up to her own decision. Alice kept thinking about what happened that night, and couldn’t fall asleep after a long time.

The next day, Mrs. Meredith’s commission arrived.

This commission was sent through a mercenary guild. It is said that the famous magician Mrs. Meredith named her to go northwest to find a precious lotus that can be used as a magic item. Because the journey is so long and the lotus flower is hard to find, Mrs. Meredith pays one hundred gold coins first, and after the task is completed, she will give her another thirty gold coins as the balance.

Compared with ordinary tasks, the bid for this task is really not low. However, considering that magicians are the richest group on the entire continent, this price is not particularly unusual.

The people in the guild also brought a drawing of a lotus flower. I heard that this picture was drawn by Mrs. Meredith herself, and there was a magic seal on it to ensure that only the recipient could see it. People from the Mercenary Guild said that magicians are very concerned about privacy, and the lotus that Mrs. Meredith commissioned her to search for may be a rare species that has not been discovered by others.

The people from the Mercenary Guild left after handing over their things and money. Alice opened the magic seal and saw that the pattern on the paper was not a lotus flower, but a gorgeous bead crown.

It only takes a look at it to understand that this is a commission from the Duchess at all. Alice has just become a special mercenary, and there must be many people who want to entrust her to do things. Now she has accepted Mrs. Meredith’s commission through the Mercenary Guild. Even if she has crossed the clear road, she can leave the capital and head north in the name of completing the commission without being suspected.

At that time, if Alice successfully obtains the crown, she will go to West Felix and be knighted in the domain of the duchess. When this matter came out, Mrs. Meredith could cancel the entrustment on the grounds that Alice had left the mercenary guild and get back the money except for the down payment of one hundred gold coins.

The whole plan is perfect.

With a hundred gold coins in her pocket, Alice finally felt at ease.

Although she already had a horse and a sword, she still lacked a suitable set of armor. But now that I have money, my vision naturally becomes a bit high. The armor that I thought was pretty good, but now it’s more or less inconspicuous; if it’s better, I think the price is too high, and there won’t be enough after buying it. The money is used as travel expenses. It’s really annoying whether high is not low or not. Seeing that the armor would not be available for a while, she had to spend 20 gold coins to buy a small enchanted gem to be embedded in the dagger Lena gave her, and replace the gem that had been completely broken.

The craftsman who enchanted the gemstone for Alice said that the size of this gemstone is too small, and the stored magic power is only enough for three times. In this way, the cost of using this enchanted weapon is really high enough. If it hadn’t been for the fact that this dagger was a gift from Lena, and it had saved Alice’s life, she really didn’t want to spend money on it. But this time when she went to the Northland, she didn’t know what dangers she would encounter, so she had better be prepared.

She finished the jewels, and it was getting late. Alice returned to Roma’s farm, ready to try her luck tomorrow, only to find that she actually received a gift.

I heard Roma said that it was a package sent by a nobleman’s servant who ran errands and named it for her. The person who delivered the item left without saying a word, not knowing where it came from.

Alice opened the package curiously and found that it was a beautifully made chain mail.

The chain mail is made of metal rings. It is relatively thin and light. It can be worn inside the clothes to prevent people from seeing it. It can also be worn on the outside of the leather armor to guard against bows and swords when fighting. This chain mail is very finely woven and the materials used are exquisite. Alice took it in her hand, only feeling that it was light and tough, shining with a light blue light in the sun-there was enchantment on it.

She has been in and out of weapon shops and armor shops in recent days, and she has learned a little bit about the market, and understands that armor enchants are different from weapons. As long as the weapon is embedded with enchanted gems, it will be effective. However, there is no place for gems to be embedded on the armor. If you want to enchant, you need to give it to a skilled magician to make it specially. As long as the armor is not completely damaged, the effect of the enchantment can be maintained, unlike the enchantment on the weapon, it is not as easy to use up.

However, if you want to ask a smart magician to enchant the armor, it is not something that can be easily done by just spending a few hundred gold coins. This kind of enchanted armor is actually priceless, and even if it occasionally appears on the market for any special reason, it will soon be bought by more sophisticated people. Alice has gone to so many armor shops and hasn’t seen a good thing like this yet.

There is only a note attached to this gift:

“When I was still young, I imagined that I would become a knight in the future, so I prepared this chain mail especially for myself. Then I entered the temple, and this thing was no longer needed, and I just kept it there. It’s a pity. Now I give it to you to find a good owner for it. I hope you can survive under its protection.”

There is no signature on the note, but Alice only needs to read the words written on it to know that it must have been sent by Master Etienne.

Master Etienne was always like this. Although she didn’t talk much, she always helped her. She was so kind and didn’t know how to repay her. She wanted to bring a few words back to Master Etienne, but she didn’t even know where he lived temporarily now.

If you want to go to the temple, you should be able to inquire about him. However, Alice had concerns about this and was worried that it would have any bad influence on him, so she had to dispel this idea.

There is probably always a chance to repay the kindness of Mr. Etienne in the coming days.

With such a chain mail, no matter what tough battle she wants to fight, she doesn’t need to be afraid anymore.

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