She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Under the dungeon.

This is the voice of the future god.

Alice inserted the dagger back into the scabbard tied to her thigh.

“I will go with you,” she said.

Her words made the guards standing here breathe a sigh of relief, and a big man reached out and pushed her from behind.

Although Alice decided to surrender, she did not intend to become a little sheep. She was already agile, grabbed the big man’s hand and threw him over the shoulder:

“Don’t use your hands.”

She moved so fast that no one had time to stop her. The big man who fell to the ground was smashed to the ground so hard that it seemed to hurt his back. After struggling for a few times, he couldn’t get up. The atmosphere at this time was extremely tense, and no one cared to pull him for a while.

Everyone’s eyes were on Alice.

She looked a little embarrassed and looked like a sleepy beast. Although he wanted to surrender, he was still in a defensive posture. For convenience, her skirt has been torn apart by her and tied around her waist. It was originally meant to wear a seductive dress. At this time, some pieces of cloth were missing, and instead it became like a battle robe.

Prostitute|The woman’s clothes can’t hide the chain mail. Her flesh and blood body can’t resist the sword at all. In fact, she only has such a small dagger in her hand. Although it is enchanted, she can’t cope with it. There were many people, but these guards were caught by her gaze, and no one dared to do it anymore, so they all looked at Count Rachel and waited for his instruction.

Count Rachel stood in the corner of the room and looked at the scene, with no expression on his face:

“Since Miss Alice is willing to stay, please ask her to live in the dungeon for a while, and you will accompany her…Don’t hurt her.”

The last sentence is not so much the preferential treatment of the prisoners by Earl Rachel, it is better to say that he saw the cowardice in these people’s eyes, so he found a step for his men.

Count Rachel spoke, and the guards maintained the posture of surrounding her and took her to the dungeon. Half of this state was like leading the way, and half like escorting. In short, no one dared to touch her again. Of course, no one dared to search her body and still let her carry a dagger.

All in all, when she entered the dungeon and locked the door, everyone was relieved.

Rachel’s mansion was originally a castle. In recent years, the alliance of the northern nobles has become more stable. Rachel has not encountered war for many years. The castle’s defense function has declined. Live more comfortably. However, the underground dungeons and the like are still preserved. There is another prison in the city, and ordinary prisoners are not locked here, and now there is only one prisoner like Alice in this dungeon.

Perhaps thanks to Earl Rachel, he had anticipated that a young lady was about to live in the dungeon. But now the weather hasn’t really warmed up, there is no fire in the dungeon, and it’s still colder after all. Alice regretted that she didn’t bring her new tufts of fur when she went out. Fortunately, there are a lot of straw, and it can barely be enclosed to keep out the cold.

The earl’s guards took away the only light source when they left, and the dungeon was dark, and they couldn’t see their fingers. Alice turned her ear to listen to the movement outside the cell, and the sound of those people’s footsteps gradually disappeared, leaving her alone. There is no jailer to look after in the dungeon, and she seems to be able to relax a little bit at last,

She wanted to think about the future god, but she was too sleepy, tired, and bored today, and fell asleep wrapped in straw before she could think about anything.

She didn’t know how long she slept. When she woke up, it was still pitch black everywhere, but after she woke up, her eyes adapted to the pitch black environment somewhat, and a little outline could be vaguely seen everywhere.

There was no movement outside, but the scent of the food could be smelled. She opened her eyes wide and looked desperately. Following a little memory and impression from the past, she walked to the door and found soup and bread in the window. I don’t know when they were delivered. These foods are probably made by the chef in the mansion, and the taste is not bad. Alice gobbled it up and ate it, and she finally had enough energy.

She was locked in this dungeon with nothing to do, and she couldn’t see anything. There is only one thing that can be done at this time, it is just waiting. But what is she waiting for? Alice didn’t know it herself.

Waiting in this dark and cold place is also tough enough.

Fortunately, although nothing can be done, there are at least two things to think about: The first is where the special beaded crown is-she knows too little information about this matter, and guessing is useless, so she has to let it go. ; The other thing is the God of the future who has been uttering again after disappearing for a few months.

Before she heard the voice of the future **** reappearing in her ears, her first reaction was naturally a surprise. It’s just that the scene at that time didn’t allow her to be happy, and it wasn’t until now that she finally had the energy to think about the scene carefully.

The situation was critical at the time. If it weren’t for that sentence, she was eager and might not have made any decision yet. The instruction of the future **** made her give up resistance and be locked here. It’s just that she is sitting in this dungeon at this time, but she doesn’t know why he gave this instruction.

Ordinarily, since he is called the “future”, his thoughts must be longer than her. And she is now his only believer, and he will not harm her.

Alice thought for a while, and began to bow her head in prayer as usual.

This time, she used a universal prayer, which can be used on any deity as long as it replaces the object. This is a prayer for the coming of the gods, and it is not commonly used by most people. For some reason, when Alice’s mother was alive, she would say it every day, praying for Fogna to come. Unfortunately, in Alice’s memory, her mother never succeeded.

But Alice believed that the gentle **** of apocalypse should be called more easily than Fogna. Sure enough, after a while, she felt that the air in the cold dungeon gradually became warmer, as if there was suddenly another person sitting in front of her.

Alice opened her eyes.

The dungeon is so dark, whether you open your eyes or close your eyes, the effect seems to be the same, you can’t see anything, even if you think you see something, you can’t do it accurately. Although she knew this, she still vaguely felt that there was a human-like silhouette in front of her, and she couldn’t be sure whether this was real or was it just a kind of illusion caused by the desire in her heart.

Alice stretched out her hand cautiously, trying to touch the figure in front of her, but she felt empty. The palm of her hand passed through where she thought there was someone, cutting through the silhouette like a figure, she didn’t feel anything.

She was about to feel lost, but the voice of the **** appeared in her ears again:

“Alice, don’t be afraid.”

The dungeon was extremely silent, and there was no second person. And this voice is also his unique tenderness, so clear, it can’t be a hallucination in any case.

Alice’s heart suddenly settled.

“I’m not afraid.” She said.

She wanted to say a few more words to the god, but hesitated after answering this sentence. I don’t know what to say. She had a thousand words, and she choked in her throat for a while. I thought of saying thank you for a few months, but it seemed that I couldn’t say it at this time. After all, if you use words to thank you for your life-saving kindness, it would seem too shabby.

Fortunately, the one she wanted to thank was not an ordinary human being, and he had insight into her words without having to say anything.

“You don’t need to thank me, and don’t be embarrassed.” His voice was always like the wind, “You are the only one who can become my believer. If I don’t save you, I don’t know if I will have to wait for hundreds of years before I have a chance to meet. Next person.”

“Why?” She blurted out, “There are so many children going to the temple every year. Could it be that there are not one or two naughty ghosts who would deliberately talk to you like me?”

After asking this sentence, she heard the laughter of the gods:

“You guessed it right, naughty ghosts are naturally there. It’s just that… you are the only one who can truly become my believer.”

Alice doesn’t know how the gods came to such a conclusion, but the “unique” matter is more or less touching. When Alice heard this, she was a little delighted, but also a little cramped, and she mumbled in her mouth:

“Said you are a believer, but in fact you don’t even know your god’s name…”

The voice of the future **** sounded in the void:

“I’m here this time to hold a ceremony for you, so that you formally become my believer. It is said that such a ceremony should be held in the prayer room of the sacred temple, with a priest next to it, just like you are twelve years old. The ceremony I attended was just average. It’s a pity that I don’t have a temple, let alone a priest. Such an important ceremony can only be held in this dungeon. It’s really…too wrong to you.”

At the end of this sentence, in the voice of the **** of doomsday, it vaguely seemed a little lost.

“It’s okay!” Alice said quickly. “It is my long-cherished wish to become your believer. It doesn’t matter where the ceremony is held.”

When these words were spoken, Alice herself was stunned for a moment. A few months ago, she hadn’t thought about it at all. She was only determined to be his believer after being saved by Him. At this time, she said her lifelong wish seemed to be too flattering, and… also not so in line with the facts.

Probably she just didn’t want to hear him lost.

It is a pity that her thoughts are always invisible to him, no matter what she thinks, he can fully understand it.

“You don’t need to feel embarrassed about this. A **** without a believer can’t be called a true god. I need you more than you need me. Whether it’s healing your wounds on the battlefield last time, or boosting your energy. , Are just a reward. If I can’t provide you with a little benefit, then I am ashamed of the name of the god. But if you don’t officially belong to my name, what I can do for you is limited. Today I am here in response to your call because although this dungeon is simple, the quiet and closed environment is suitable for your ceremony… Now I want to ask you, are you ready?”

The words of the gods are always so gentle, making Alice feel the whole person warm. She stood up, patted the straw scraps on her body, and looked forward:

“I’m ready.”

It was pitch black all around, and Alice could not see anything, but she could feel that the God of the future, who never showed up, seemed to have turned into an entity at this time, standing opposite her.

The voice of the **** rang from the opposite side, and his attitude was more solemn than usual:

“Today I am here to preside over the ceremony and accept you as my believer. This dungeon is our temple, your body is the altar used for sacrifice, and the flame in your heart is our lamp. I am your priest, also It’s the **** you decided to serve.”


“Please kneel down and let me bless you.”

Alice knelt on one knee, feeling as if a hand was placed on her head:

“I, the **** of the future, the lord of the doomsday, Moira Otmundroy Cheristana Elliot Circian, are here today to accept my believers. Believers, offer your name. ”


“I accept your name and connect it with my name. I admit that you are my follower. From now on and on, you will fight for me and pray for me. Your name is associated with my glory.”


“I also promise that I will love you, my eyes will be on you, and I will give you blessings and blessings. I give you permission so that you can call me by Cecilia’s name. As long as you call, I will come to you. Around.”

“I use a kiss as the seal of my agreement. As long as the color of the lips is still bright red, as long as there is still blood flowing in this body, you will still be my believer.”

Alice felt that her lips seemed to be touched by something, and there seemed to be electricity flowing through that moment. She was startled and her body trembled. It felt like fire was burning on his lips, but he couldn’t figure out whether the heat was a ritual reaction, or it was out of shyness.

Before she could react, the voice of the **** came from the other side:

“The ceremony is over.”

Oh, so this is the end.

The hot sensation on lovely Lisi’s lips did not disappear at all. She thought and thought, and finally asked:

“You… are you awake?”

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