She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Underground priest.

Olivia Quint, now named Olivia Rachel.

She has lived in this windowless building for more than ten years. Except for the garden at the back, she had never been outside. The garden is very small, but the wall is three meters high. Standing in it, you can only see a little sunshine and a small sky.

She can’t stay in the garden for more than one hour a day, preferably not more than half an hour. If one day she stays a little longer, the maid will remind you:

“You should go back.”

Olivia is always alone for most of the day. In fact, she doesn’t have much time of her own, but when she can control her thoughts by herself, she will remember when she was a girl. At that time, she lived in a villa on the outskirts of the capital. After dealing with the tutor every day, she ran outside to play, picking roses in the rose garden, and being careful to pierce her hands. Her favorite is the social season. Although she was not yet at the social age at the time, her married sister Sylvie would return from West Felix to see her in the Wangdu during the social season. Give her all kinds of fun gifts.

Olivia likes her eldest sister the most, thinking she is gentle and beautiful. When at home, her father, Earl Quint, often talked about her, saying that she was lucky and married well. Duke Felix is not a young man, but he is also a handsome man. Although he had been married once before, but his ex-wife was dead and left no children, it is not a shortcoming.

Although Sylvie failed to give birth to a child, it was a good thing for her. According to the customs and laws of West Felix, after the death of the Duke, she could inherit all his property and titles and become West Felix. Duchess, she will become the most powerful woman in this country by then, and even the queen cannot be compared with her.

Whenever he finished talking about Sylvie, Earl Quint would always pick up little Olivia and put it on his lap:

“My little princess Olivia, she will definitely be able to find the best husband in the future.”

Olivia believed her father’s words. But thinking about it now, at that time her father was indeed qualified to say that. He leads the messenger in the court and is the favor of His Majesty the King. Many veteran aristocrats want to climb relatives with him. She will not worry about marrying anyway.

But a perfect widower like Duke Felix is not so easy to find, and Olivia is so beautiful that when she reaches the age when she should be married, Earl Quint is not willing to marry her to an old man. He chose to choose, and finally decided to let Count Claude Rachel of the Northland be her husband. Although Rachel is only an earl, his territory is vast and rich, the northern political situation is stable, and there are few wars. Although the upstarts like the Quint family are highly valued before His Majesty the King, they are not as good as the old aristocrats who have accumulated more than ten generations in terms of family background. In short, no matter how you look at them, this person is a good target for marriage.

Olivia met him for the first time at a dance in the royal capital. At that time, he was only nineteen years old, his father had just died, and he was still in mourning. Even when he came to the dance, he was wearing black clothes, and his cheeks lined up like a pink and white rose, just as beautiful as her. Olivia fell in love with him as soon as she saw him.

From the point of view at the time, if there were any flaws in this marriage, it was that the Rachel family had always believed in pagan gods, and they did not convert to the **** of light until they were converted. However, Earl Quint has a naive pragmatic view of belief, and believes that it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, as long as others believe you believe it. Since Count Rachel came to the royal capital, he has always been very enthusiastic about the God of Light, and he often enters and exits the temple. In the eyes of Count Quint, this is enough.

The two sides hit it off. The marriage was decided very quickly. They met in April and they were about to get married in August. Far away after Felix’s Sylvie heard that the marriage had been settled, he asked the jeweler to create an extremely gorgeous bead crown and give it to his sister as a wedding gift.

Olivia was married wearing this crown. At that time she was seventeen years old, and Earl Rachel was nineteen years old. Both of them were of the same age, both young and good-looking, and both were enviable. Their wedding was the biggest event in the royal capital that year. For a long time, there are still people talking about it.

A wedding was held in the royal capital, and Olivia followed Claude Rachel to the Northland.

Before the wedding, Olivia’s mother had told her about the things that a woman must experience after getting married. The few days before and after the wedding were a mess, and it was normal not to do that, Olivia didn’t care much. But when he followed him back to Rachel’s Mansion in the Northland, everything was settled, he still hadn’t touched her.

Even so, he cared for her in every possible way. It was autumn, and Claude Rachel took her to see the red leaves in the Northland in a carriage and was extremely gentle with her. Whenever he was always by her side, Olivia was relieved, thinking that he was caring for her youth, so that he was not in a hurry in this regard.

Except for that incident, he treated her very well. Not only did he often take her to play, he also specially sent people to bring uncommon ingredients from the south to the north, so that the cook could make her hometown dishes and change her way to please her. .

But when she passed the second winter in the Northland, everything changed a bit.

He first forbade her to go out, and the excuse he began to make was also appropriate: the Northland was too cold in winter, and she came from the south for fear of freezing her. She did have a cough after going to play in the snow last year, so she followed him. But when spring came, he still forbidden her to go out, at most he allowed her to stroll in the garden.

She had a quarrel with him, saying it was a quarrel, but in fact it was only her dissatisfaction unilaterally vented. Count Claude Rachel listened silently, without saying a word. But after this happened, she couldn’t get out of the bedroom. There were always two strong maids watching over the bedroom door. Whenever she wanted to leave the room, one would follow her closely, and the other would immediately follow her. Go to the earl, as soon as he comes, he will inevitably coax her and send her back to the house semi-forcibly.

He locked her in the mansion and told the public that she was not in good health.

She couldn’t ask for help. Everyone in Rachel’s mansion was his servant, and the nobles of the entire Northland Alliance were his allies. Claude Rachel allowed her to write to the family, but every letter she wrote was reviewed by him. Sometimes he looked unsatisfied and would simply ask her to write down what he dictated. He knows her so well, the words and tone of the letter are what she usually likes to use, and no one can see the slightest omission.

After a while, Olivia finally broke down.

She knelt in front of Crowder crying and asked him why he wanted to marry her, why he locked her up, and why he didn’t touch her. She kept crying, but Claude just watched quietly across from her, letting her cry, the expression on her face did not change at all.

His attitude was too calm, until the end of crying, even Olivia herself felt that her collapse was like a joke, but she still asked questions that she had never dared to ask:

“Do you like me even a little bit?”

Crowder squatted down, wiped the tears from Olivia’s face with his fingers, and kissed her lips:

“I like you, I always like you.”

Even if he said this, his face was still indifferent. He looked at her like a cute little rabbit, without much emotion.

Olivia found that even so, she seemed unable to defy him. He was as calm as a piece of ice, and as charming as a viper. She liked him and hated him. She tried to refuse his request, but he always had a way to make her bow her head to him. Sometimes he felt that she was doing well and would give her a kiss as a reward, but he never touched her, she didn’t know why.

In the third year of their marriage, he sent her here.

Olivia had heard before that the nobles of the Northland believed in a **** completely different from the **** of light. After surrendering to His Majesty the King, they demolished the temple of the pagan gods, built a temple of light like the capital, and announced their conversion to the **** of light. But she never knew, and perhaps no outsider knew about it. They built a new temple underground and still worshipped the old gods in the secret temple.

In the old temple, a priestess moved into the ground with the temple. Olivia was brought to her and followed her to learn what she must know to become a priestess. Here, many things have answers, and Olivia understands what they want her to do—the priestess is already very old, and when she dies, Olivia will become her successor.

According to the canon, to become a priestess, a woman must be a virgin before the ceremony.

The deity believed by the nobles of the Northland is called the Great Mother God, and in the teachings of the Northland, she is called the mother of all gods and the mother of all things. The nobles in the north believed that the **** of light was also her child. They also fear the God of Light, but they don’t think the God of Light has the ability to rule the Northland. The sunlight in the North is always dimmer than other places, which proves that the God of Light has insufficient control over here.

The Great Mother God is an older **** than the Guangming God, which means that compared with other gods, she appears more primitive and cruel. Priests who serve the God of Light only need to understand the doctrines, preside over ceremonies, and serve the gods through these; but the priestess of the Great Mother God must dedicate everything to the gods, taking her body as an altar and tribute, as a place for the Great Mother God to reside Container.

In the ceremony of taking over the priestess, Olivia stood in the hall with the moon and stars painted on the roof, dressed in a newly made priestly robe, and drank the red liquid from the gold cup, which was made with the blood of the former priest and hallucinogenic. Blended with herbs and wine. The will of the great mother **** enters her body through the blood, controlling her spirit with hallucinogenic drugs, making her a container of the will of the gods. While drinking the blood wine, Claude Rachel was standing opposite her.

He has been looking at her, looking dazzled and drunk. There was a flame in his eyes, they were so strange that she had never seen them before. At this moment, no words are needed, she knows that he loves her.

Who is he so much in love? She didn’t have the time to think about such a problem. The priestess’s blood passed through her stomach to her whole body, and the herbs worked. Olivia felt a blur in front of her eyes and began to lose the distinction between herself and the mother god.

He hugged her and kissed her. She told her that the priestess is the container for the great mother **** to stay in the world, and every priestess must have a designated servant, and her servant is him. He is her child, her partner, and her servant; he will sow her seeds so that she can become a mother; he will dedicate everything he has to her and fulfill all her wishes, never Cheating on her, he will love her until he dies.

He is her servant and her jailer. As long as he lives for one day, she will never be able to leave.

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