She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: The oracle comes.

Since her birth, Alice has never experienced such kindness outside.

She is an illegitimate daughter, such an identity, even in Dark River Street will not be popular. Those women who call themselves “chaste women” do not allow their daughters to communicate with girls of “unknown origin”. As for the boys, there is no such restriction, but it is worse for Alice, because they will run after her and sing songs that ridicule illegitimate children. After her mother died. The landlady took good care of her, but she just helped her by the way when solving her own problems, and did not stand up to protect her like Master Etienne. What’s more, he is still a priest. Generally speaking, a priest cannot lie.

He is so good, Alice raised her head to look at him, his golden hair is extremely beautiful, like a prince or a saint in a fairy tale.

However, Etienne did not look at her, but looked around at the apprentices in the temple, and taught seriously:

“That’s how it is, don’t make a fuss-the temple apprentice must keep his manners at all times.”

The apprentices had a correct attitude, honestly agreed, and each returned to their position to continue working. The children who came to participate in the ceremony looked at Alice curiously, and then bowed their heads to recite the prayer to be used for a while. Alice looked around for a while, noticing that no one was looking at her anymore, then she lowered her head and began to recite the prayers that the temple apprentice had stuffed into her hands.

Perhaps in order to take care of those Beltchi believers who are brave and wiser, this prayer is also very concise, even shorter than that of the God of the Future. But because of the episode just now, Alice was a little distracted, just such a short prayer, she didn’t recite it several times.

But the team in front of her moved fast, and it seemed that Beltach was dissatisfied with this year’s new believers and refused to give them a few words of blessing. So when Alice came back to her senses, there was only one person left in front of her line.

She looked around, only to realize that most of the children had finished their prayers and left with the temple apprentices, leaving only a few people in line with the business goddess. This goddess has always been generous, and it seems that she just came to the temple today and has given blessings to several new believers one after another. At the moment, most of the temple apprentices are concentrated there, busy offering her favorite gems and incense in front of the statue of the goddess of commerce.

Master Etienne directed the temple apprentices to carry the sacrifices, but he did not forget to pay attention to the situation on Alice’s side. He turned his head to look around, and met Alice’s blank eyes. He glanced at the temple apprentices who were busy arranging sacrifices, and then walked towards her from the center of the temple.

“It seems that you like to distract yourself.” He said in a very gentle tone. “Do you need me to recite prayers for you again?”

“No need.” Alice’s face was a little red, “I’m fine.”

After saying this, the person who happened to be in front of her had already come out of the small prayer room. She nodded to Master Etienne quickly, glanced down at the prayer in her hand, and walked into the prayer room quickly.

The small prayer room here is specially prepared for believers to have a place to communicate with the gods alone. Although most believers will not receive a response from the gods when they pray, there will always be some lucky ones who are favored by the gods. Get extra blessings or special revelations, such people will often be looked at in a different light

She walked in a little dazedly, the door closed behind her, and the prayer room suddenly became very quiet, with no sound at all. Alice saw a shrine in the prayer room on which a small statue of Bertrach was enshrined. The style was no different from the one outside, except that it was smaller in size.

She knelt down in front of the shrine, glanced down at the card in her hand, and then began to pray:

“Bertucci, please give me courage, I would like to be your believer.”

At the end of the prayer, nothing happened. Alice turned the card in her hand to the back to confirm that she did not recite a prayer.

According to the apprentices of the temple, when the gods choose her, there will be a clear sign. Alice knelt on the kneeling mat, wondering when this sign would come. Could it be that Beltach is also unwilling to choose her because she is a girl? Or is it because she has already sworn allegiance to the God of the Future, so Beltache doesn’t want to bless her? Or… something must have gone wrong, so Beltach was unwilling to accept her.

Although Alice’s attitude towards gods is not the same as others, she is still just a child, facing this situation, she is really at a loss. The kneeling pad under her knee was very old, and it was crushed thinly by the person in front of her. She was not used to this posture, the floor hurt her knee… She didn’t know whether she should stand up and turn back.

Just when she hesitated, she suddenly heard someone call her name:


She thought it was Master Etienne calling her, and hurriedly agreed:

“Okay, I will come out now.”

Alice realized that she had only heard the voice of Etienne at all, and it was said that this small prayer room was very soundproof, and there was absolutely no sound from outside.

A thought flashed through her mind like a spark, she hesitated a little, and asked carefully:

“Are you Beltache… Your lord?”

It doesn’t seem very good to call God directly, but adding the suffix “adult” after the name of God seems a bit awkward. But Alice really didn’t know what to call it. She is not an apprentice in the temple, she has never been trained in this aspect, and she doesn’t know how to be polite when facing gods.

Before Alice had time to think through the question, she heard the voice asking her back:

“Why, are you waiting for Beltache? I thought you were waiting for me.”

The voice is extremely soft, the tone is difficult to distinguish between male and female, and the tone seems to be a little reproachful, which makes it hard to imagine that this is the words pouring out of the mouth of the gods. But the voice of a mortal cannot be transmitted into this closed chamber, it can only be the **** who makes this sound.

Alice was puzzled and asked:

“Who are you?”

“My name is not known to the world, but the additional title is spread very widely-they call me the **** of the future, or the **** of the doomsday, or they simply call me the tenth in the order that humans think. The three gods. There is no certain rule in the choice of address, and it is only human beings do what they want, but no matter how you call it, I am me, and there is no substantial change.”

Alice was excited, her heart pounding, almost popping out of her chest:

“They said you have been asleep.”

“I have been asleep, but when I heard your call in my deep sleep, I created a dream for myself. Taking advantage of Bertrach’s time to participate in the feast, I sneaked into his prayer room to meet You meet-I know you want to be my believer. I haven’t encountered anything like this in a long time.”

The things the **** of the doomsday said were so mysterious that Alice couldn’t keep up with his thoughts, and could only grasp the most incomprehensible point:

“You said you are dreaming right now?”

“I haven’t woken up yet, of course this is my dream. Today’s dialogue between you and me, including Beltach and even the Lord of Light, whom you admire in particular, is in my dream.”

Alice’s mouth was open, unable to understand his explanation. Just listen to the voice of the future **** with a little smile:

We live in different realms, and our perception of everything is completely different. Even if I try to use your vocabulary to explain, you can’t fully understand it. Let’s say something else. ”

Although the God of Doom said such words, Alice still felt that she could not completely put this question aside. If the doubts in her heart are not answered, she must be awake at night. She thought for a moment, then asked the **** again:

“Master Etienne said that when you wake up, the gods will perish, and the order will be destroyed; you also said that the Lord of Light is also in your dream. This means that the realm you are in is better than the others. Is God taller?”

The thirteenth **** was silent for a while, as if thinking about how to answer her question. Then he said:

“Although you are young, your mind is quite clever. But your understanding is not completely correct. My realm, the realm of the other gods, and the realm you are in at this moment are not distinct, but intertwined with each other, in a state of chaos. . Until I wake up, everything will really become clear, that will be a new world.”

Speaking of the end, the tone of the future **** became a little lighter, and the voice appeared more beautiful.

Alice tried her best to digest what he said, even if she didn’t understand it well, she tried her best to remember. The future **** waited for her to remember, and after a while, he said again:

“Leave aside those complicated things. I am here today to convey my joy to you. I have very few believers, and no one wants to believe in me for a long time.”

This statement was different from what Alice knew, and she immediately questioned:

“Master Etienne just said that no one has become your believer before.”

The **** of the future gave a chuckle:

“What do the priests know? They only repeat those silly sentences in the holy book. Where does he know, but just three hundred years ago, there was a sect that secretly believed in me, and they lived in seclusion. I set up my altar in the cave under the cliff and prayed day and night… It was a pleasant day. I could roam freely and shuttle in their dreams at will. Although the order has completely disappeared, their old prayers, Let me use the power in my dreams at will, and let me have the opportunity to meet you.”

The future god’s tone was filled with joy, making Alice feel that her wish was about to come true. She opened her eyes and asked him:

“Are you accepting me as your believer?”

“I love children, you belong to the future, and it is easier to link with me, but I do not accept children as believers.” The voice of the **** of the future has some arrogance. There is no such habit. I cannot accept you now, but if you grow up and have sufficient strength and judgment and are willing to become my believer, I will definitely accept you and put you under my wings.”

Alice received this promise, but was not happy:

“Do you want me to wait until I turn seventeen? I have no parents to rely on, and no friends to help. I will most likely die before I turn seventeen.”

The future **** laughed again:

“I won’t let you die. Now although you can’t be counted as my believer, you are the child who called me in a dream and made me beloved. Although I can’t bless you, I can show you an apocalypse. As a gift—close your eyes now.”

Alice closed her eyes, and an image of an unfamiliar middle-aged man appeared in front of her eyes. There was a long scar on his face, and her eyes were sharp and a little rough.

“This man is called the’Undead Roma’ and is a mercenary. He is a collection of all coincidences between the Chaos Heavenly Court and the world. He does not believe in gods, but is more fortunate than all believers. Remember his appearance, one year Within half a year, your destiny will inevitably cross with him. As long as you can find a way to follow him, you can always be safe. In short, seize this opportunity and don’t let it run away.”

The voice of the future **** fell, and the undead Roma’s intelligence instantly poured into Alice’s mind, and Alice tried her best to remember his face and all kinds of events. When all the information disappeared, she opened her eyes, and there was silence all around—he was no longer here.

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