She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Heads-up duel. …

“It’s me.” Alice replied, “You are the Reynolds they said? The duke gave me the land here. Would you like to see the documents?”

“No need.” Reynolds replied decisively. “The land in this village was given to my uncle by Duke Felix, and now it belongs to me. No documentary proof is needed.”

“It doesn’t make sense for you to say that,” Alice said. “Whether it is Duke Felix or your uncle, they are dead now, and now the Duchess has the final say.”

What Alice said are all obvious facts. Reynolds flushed, and shouted at Alice coarsely:

“I don’t care who is alive and who is dead. This village has always belonged to me, and no one wants to take it away.”

“Then let’s fight.” Alice knew that this situation was unavoidable, and calmly offered a suggestion. “Whoever loses, he will leave from here immediately, and never set foot on the land of this village…what do you think? ”

Reynolds let out a short sneer:

“You want to fight me?”

“Yes, it’s me.” Alice said, “I used to be a special mercenary of the Mercenary Guild, and now I am a knight promoted by the Duchess herself. There is no branch of the Mercenary Guild on West Felix, you may not I’ve heard my name…but I’m quite famous in the capital. Generally speaking, if you want to do something with me, it’s best to weigh your own weight first.”

Reynolds listened to Alice’s words, looked at her up and down, and did not give up the cruel words:

“I don’t care what reputation you have, you are unlucky if you meet me.”

Both sides are trying their best to show off their strength, seem to want to scare the other back by words alone, but in fact, both sides know very clearly-this game is indispensable. To outsiders, they seem to be just frightening each other, but in fact, both of them are taking advantage of this opportunity to observe their opponents.

Alice seldom meets such a huge opponent, and she has only encountered a silver-helmed DeWitt for so many years. The fact that DeWitt was almost killed at the beginning left a lot of shadow on Alice, and the figure of this guy in front of her was even bigger than that of DeWitt’s Hercules.

Even so, Alice could see that the guy in front of her was far worse than DeWitt. DeWitt is a tried and tested mercenary, but this guy is just big. In fact, it will never be as powerful as Silver Helmet DeWitt.

But when it comes to fighting, being big is an advantage in itself. And his plate armor is really thick, with heraldic imprints on it, and you can see that it is a treasure from the knight’s family. Although Alice’s giant sword is very heavy, but the giant sword that has not been enchanted meets this type of plate armor, even if it hits it, it will have a sharp edge. It is said that this kind of plate armor should be used by cavalry, but in fact it is not suitable for close combat. However, looking at Reynolds’s posture, he was obviously self-reliant, thinking that he could fully support this armor, so even though he was not fighting on horseback, he still put on this armor to fight the enemy. Alice thought that maybe he wanted to increase his deterrence, or because he was afraid of getting hurt, so he wore this look.

The weapon Reynolds was holding was not a sword, but a chain hammer that was much larger than normal. The chain hammer in his hand is specially made, it is a solid iron ball, there are many raised iron thorns on it, it is deadly heavy. No matter how powerful the enchantment on Alice’s chain mail is, if she really takes it so hard, she has to vomit blood.

Alice was determined to make a quick battle, not only to defeat Reynolds, but also to completely dispel his self-confidence, so that he would never dare to come back. Thinking of this, she hooked towards the other side:

“bring it on.”

Reynolds took a step forward, set his posture, and danced the chain hammer vigorously. Judging from his proficiency in using the chain hammer, this guy is not a complete idiot. Alice didn’t try to block, she just stepped back a few steps to avoid being swept by the heavy chain hammer. Her movements have always been light, and there is an empty field around it, so it is not difficult to avoid this chain hammer.

Reynolds was dissatisfied with her negative evasion.

“Draw your sword!” He provoke her, “What are you waiting for? Are you too scared to move? For the sake of a girl, if you surrender now, I won’t kill you.”

He said words to persuade her to surrender, but he didn’t show any mercy in his hands, and smashed the heavy chain hammer against her head fiercely. Alice ducked gently and skillfully, and came behind him in a flash.

Reynolds was already cumbersome, but now wearing heavy plate armor, he couldn’t even turn around quickly. Alice grabbed him from behind and tried to push him down.

This idea is good, but Reynolds is like a mountain of meat. His own weight plus the plate armor is estimated to be at least more than two hundred kilograms. Alice pushed it, but only pushed him forward. After a long time, it stopped moving.

It seems that the super stamina given to her by Cecilian has its limits.

Ordinarily, under such circumstances, Alice should abandon this plan and think of other ways to deal with the tinned meat in front of her body. But at this moment, Alice found that she was reluctant to think of other ways. An anger surged from her heart, blood was screaming in her ears, and an impulse happened from the inside out, screaming in her mind to make her do something more amazing, she hadn’t thought of saying something. I blurted out instantly:

“In the name of Cecilian!”

The name of the **** brought a special power that the human body could not possess, and the impulse drove her to make an action that was impossible to try normally—she grabbed Reynolds and lifted him with human armor over her head.

Reynolds was more than three times her size, and Alice at this time looked like a god. She lifted him up as if to be seen by everyone, and then smashed him to the ground. Reynolds’ helmet was dropped, and his plate armor was squashed.

Alice stood condescendingly, waiting for him to get up, but the plate itself was very heavy, and Reynolds herself was a big fat man. When Alice fell, she was dizzy and could not struggle at all.

Seeing that he was no longer able to fight, Alice took out the land certificate that the Duchess gave her from her arms, and poked the bright red stamp on the tip of Reynolds’s nose:

“Look carefully. This is the stamp of the Duchess. The land in Ronald Village should belong to me. You’d better pack up and get rid of me.”

Reynolds didn’t answer her. In fact, his face was flushing, and he didn’t even want to look at the documents in her hand:

“Help me! I’m out of breath! Help!”

Reynolds’s voice was sharp, calling for help, looking particularly stern.

Alice kicked him. It was found that the place where the plate armor was hit on the ground and squashed just pressed his neck. It is also considered that he is lucky. If the plate armor is deformed a little bit more, I am afraid he will suffocate on the spot.

This pair of plate armor probably belonged to his uncle. Although the size of the men of the Reynolds family has always been different from that of ordinary people, the size of the plate armor passed from his uncle is much larger than the general plate armor, but all Reynolds’s body must be fattened. It was actually a bit reluctant to put the meat in, so this thing was only slightly deformed, it stuck him inside, and he couldn’t move at all.

When the two had just started to confront each other, there were many people watching around. The little hooligans around here are almost all Reynolds’s subordinates, and there were originally people who applauded him. But when Alice lifted him up high, many of the guys who had been around to cheer for Reynolds all slipped away now, for fear that they would be noticed by this young, beautiful and terrifying knight. arrive. As for the remaining ordinary villagers, they were afraid and hated Reynolds, and of course it was impossible to take the initiative to rescue him.

Alice was very happy to watch him suffocate to death like this, but Kent’s previous advice still remained in Alice’s heart. People like her who didn’t know anything about politics didn’t want to get into any trouble. So she still extended her fingers from the collar of the armor with compassion, grabbed the sides of the plate armor with both hands, and worked hard. Pull the plate armor directly from the middle, turning this treasure into a pile of scrap iron.

This plate armor is made of steel, and anyone who has a little knowledge of the strength of the knight’s plate armor will understand that the power displayed by Alice is actually greater than the power required to lift Reynolds. However, the visual impact of this action was not that strong, and there were no knowledgeable blacksmiths or soldiers among the onlookers, so they were not surprised after seeing Alice lift Reynolds above their heads.

She rescued Reynolds from the plate armor and pointed to his nose with a warning:

If you let me hear in the future, if you reappear in this village, your fate will be the same as this plate armor. ”

Of course Reynolds knew what this meant. He was so scared that he had lost control of his body. He didn’t know when he was incontinent, and he peeed under him. He looks ugly no matter who looks at it.

Alice covered her nose in disgust:

“Get out!”

Reynolds had never seen this kind of power before, and it frightened him. He didn’t care that he was only wearing underwear, and he ran away scramblingly, without even having time to pick up the broken plate armor.

The old village head kept hiding and watching until Reynolds ran away, and then he stepped forward:

“Oh my God! Bless the **** of farming, it was not my dazzling, right? You are really strong!”

“It’s nothing,” Alice stretched her arms, kneading her sore muscles, “he is too weak.”

Alice’s words are actually a little bragging. She herself knows that Cecilian must have temporarily bestowed her new supernatural powers just now, but in any case, the effect of this sentence is very good. The sound of teeth trembling sounded.

“You don’t need to be so nervous,” Alice said, “I am a reasonable person and don’t like violence.”

Speaking of this, even Alice herself didn’t believe it very much, but there was still some effect, and it calmed these simple villagers very well, and the sound of the teeth trembling around was obviously smaller than before.

Everyone was looking at the old village chief at this time—they were a little afraid to look at Alice, and the old village chief was the backbone of everyone.

The old village chief is indeed much calmer than other villagers. He is a very practical person. He has seen the world and will not make a fuss no matter what he sees. He thought for a while and said to Alice:

“You just fought like this. You are probably exhausted. Let’s rest at my house for a while, and I will ask them to get you some lunch.”

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