She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Tournament Conference (3)…

The sword fighting competition in the knight tournament is the most anticipated event for the audience.

Although the archery competition is quite tense, for safety reasons, the distance between the venue and the audience is a little far away. It is difficult for the audience to see exactly where the arrow falls. They can only understand the situation of the game through the changes in the scoreboard. Sword fighting is different. It does not require too much space and is only limited between two people. The audience can clearly see the movements of the two people up close, and the front row audience can see the expressions of the knights clearly. Chu, it was even more exciting than the immediate martial arts competition in the third game.

The sword fight will take three days in total. Forty-five knights will be divided into 22 pairs for competition, and the winner can enter the next round. After the four rounds of the competition, on the third day, the remaining three players competed against each other to determine the final winner.

In order to increase the enjoyment of the sword fighting game, the two sides of the first round of the competition were not decided by drawing lots, but were drawn up by the duke and other nobles, and tried to put opponents of similar level together. All the foils used in the competition are without blades and with a small round ball embedded in the tip. The body of the sword is stained with potion-filled red paint, which can clearly determine the winner or loser. Before the game, both parties must swear to show that they have no enmity with each other, and will not temporarily replace the bladed sword or murder each other in other ways.

Alice’s opponent in the first game was a wandering knight, who looked like she was in her twenties. Kent’s opponent is from a remote area, and he is also a young man under the age of twenty. As we all know, the training of knights from remote areas is far less than that of Yunqi Castle, and the average level is much worse than the elites of Yunqi Castle. This arrangement makes Kent very dissatisfied, thinking that the duchess and their arrangements are denying him. Ability.

Philo Knight rebuked him:

“Don’t waste your energy here, I won’t talk about it after winning this game.”

Philo Knight was the oldest of all the participating knights and had a reputation as a master of sword fighting, so he was able to skip the first two games and start directly from the third game. He was worried about Kent, so he stayed by Kent’s side all the time.

Although Kent had a bad temper, at least he was still obedient, and he settled down to deal with his opponent. The knight from a remote area was two years older than Kent. He was by no means as easy to deal with as Kent thought. Although Kent had poor swordsmanship, his luck was not bad. His opponent tripped by himself, allowing him to easily win the victory. . But Kent was not at all happy, thinking that the victory came too easy and damaged his reputation.

There is nothing to say about the situation on Alice’s side. Before the game, Philo Knight summarized the information of the knights from various castles, but everyone knew nothing about the lives of these wandering knights before they came to participate in the game. Alice was one hundred and twenty minutes vigilant, but the wandering knight she met was too puffy. Alice pierced his shoulder with the first sword, his wrist with the second, and his throat with the third. , Forcing him to surrender, this kind of victory is somewhat of a lack of interest, but fortunately this is only the preliminary round, waiting for the afternoon, they will face a stronger opponent.

After watching them finish the first game, the Philo Cavaliers remained silent, just silently preparing for the next game. After the previous months of training, Alice and Kent were quite familiar with Philo Knight. After eating at noon, Kent smashed to Philo Knight’s side and talked to him:

“Father Philo hasn’t worked with anyone in a long time? Are you nervous?”

The Philo knight glanced at him:

“Every time I draw a sword, I get nervous, it has nothing to do with how long I haven’t touched someone.”

Although Philo Knight said so, in the eyes of others, words like “nervous” didn’t seem to match him very much-Philo Knight was known for his murderous face.

Looking at Kent’s seemingly incomprehensible expression, Philo Knight continued:

“When I was young, I used real swords in swordsmanship competitions, not these unskilled things. However, the mortality rate in the competition was too high, and later I switched to practice swords. But in my opinion, real swords and practice There is no difference in the actual sense of the sword. You must have the same level of awareness when you use it. The sword must always have the consciousness that it is killing when it hits the opponent’s key. When it is pricked in the throat, it must also understand that it is dead. Once.”

The Philo knight seemed very indifferent when talking about this, but under this plain tone, some truly terrible things were revealed, which made Kent, who had never really participated in a **** battle, shivered. Alice was listening beside her, vaguely feeling as if she understood something, but she didn’t seem to be able to catch it.

Lunch time passed, and the list of the afternoon matchup was posted. The number of knights eligible to continue the game suddenly dropped by half, but the situation did not appear to be more clear. Except for the Philo knights who have not participated in the competition for the time being, all eight knights under the Duchess have advanced. In addition, there are six knights from larger territories and four knights from remote territories. Surprisingly, nine Among the wandering knights, four have also advanced. It seems that the standards of the wandering knights are also uneven, and perhaps there are some difficult masters among them.

The level of knights under the Duchess is obviously higher than that of knights from other territories. In order to give the knights from remote territories more opportunities, in the second game, Alice and Kent’s opponents are old acquaintances of the castle of Yunqi.

The last game has screened out those who are not qualified enough, and those who can appear here have already won one. There are always some merits, no matter how strong or weak, and it must be taken seriously. Alice was a little worried about Kent, and paid more attention to him for a while before the game. Maybe it was because his last victory came too lightly, or the words of the Philo Knights played a role, but Kent seemed tighter now. This is not a bad thing for him, and Alice feels a little relieved and focuses on her opponent.

Alice’s opponent is the big-mouthed Horton who lives next door to her. Compared with the many knights in Yunji Castle who are strongly hostile to Alice, this guy is actually not too bad, but he talks too much and has relatively average abilities. He stood opposite Alice, looking a little trembling. But Alice doubted that no matter who his opponent was, he might look like this. It’s really hard to imagine how he won the last game.

However, when the fight really started, Horton felt completely different.

Under the usually careless and nonsense appearance, there is a cunning concealed. This guy is particularly good at sneak attacks. He often changes the original sword path abruptly, allowing Jian Feng to appear in various unexpected places. Perhaps it was because he thought that Alice was accustomed to using heavy swords, and his reaction ability would be slightly weaker, so he chose this style of play. If he knew more about Alice, he should know that Alice used a light sword first. Alice is strong, young, far more flexible than him, and even better at sneak attacks, and can block his sudden attacks every time.

The two of them played not too long this time, at least shorter than Alice thought. She felt that this was mainly because Horton had been blocked from several sneak attacks and began to lose confidence, which allowed her to seize the opportunity and defeat him in one fell swoop. Defeating Big Mouth Horton in the sword fighting competition may not be a particularly worthy result, but Alice is still very happy to let the knights of Yunqi Castle see her true strength.

Kent has also been promoted, which cannot but be said to be a surprise. After all, it is recognized that his swordsmanship is relatively weak in Yun Hao Castle. But when it comes to popularity, he can probably be regarded as the number one in Yunji Castle. The ladies in the stands don’t really mind who is strong and who is weak. They only like young and handsome teenagers. When the referee judged that Kent won, the ladies in the stands threw the small bouquets they held at him. Some women The child even plucked the flowers dotted with the buttonholes on his chest and threw them on the stage, almost drowning Kent.

Kent came out of the sea of flowers and slapped Alice. There are very few women in Yunji Castle. He has never been surrounded by so many girls before, and he looks dizzy. Alice couldn’t help laughing when she saw him like this.

She really wanted to laugh, mainly not at Kent’s stupidity, but at how things went too smoothly. After the second game, there were only twelve people left with the Philo Cavaliers, and all three of them were still on the field. As long as the Philo Cavaliers who have not played yet do not lose in the next game, all three of them will score in the top third, in other words, they will not delay the overall score.

That night, Alice wanted to go to the village outside to see what happened to the list. She also wanted to see Kent and give him more encouragement. But she is too tired and tired. The exhaustion caused by the nervousness was heavier than the physical fatigue, which made her collapse on the bed, not wanting to move.

“The momentum is good.” Cecilian, who appeared at some point, whispered in her ear, “I think you can win.”

If someone else said this, it could only be regarded as encouragement, but the same words came from Circillian, it seemed to be a kind of prophecy, and it really lifted people’s spirits.

“Tomorrow morning, I will play against the Santan Cavaliers from Crosh Territory. If I win, I may have to face a wandering knight in the afternoon.” Alice recalled the schedule she had seen before. self-mumbling.

“These people are not to be afraid of.” Cecilian said, “Tomorrow’s game will definitely go smoothly. What you should worry about is the third day.”

When Alice wanted to ask him again, he disappeared again. There seemed to be a higher standard here that required him not to reveal too much information related to the future. Alice thought for a while, but she felt tired and fell asleep.

As Cecilia said, the next day’s game was extremely smooth, at least on Alice’s side. Kent and Philo knights were not so lucky. Kent encountered a wandering knight in the morning and was quickly defeated. Philo Cavaliers struggled in his first game. He was good at subduing opponents within a few moves, but the opponent spotted him being old and weak and deliberately tried to delay. Although the Philo Cavaliers eventually hit his vital part, the opponent almost ran out of his energy, which eventually led to his defeat in the afternoon game.

Alice originally thought that Philo Knight could enter the top three, but he didn’t expect him to stop at the top six, which is really a pity. This incident also reminded her: the opponent she will face tomorrow is probably different from the one she met before.

While Alice was thinking about her opponent the next day, Kent was worrying about something else.

Although Kent lost, the young ladies who were obsessed with him did not abandon him. After all, he was the number one in the previous archery competition, and he has high expectations in the immediate competition. Although a temporary loss, it will not change his popularity. The disappointed expression brought about by the failure made the ladies feel a lot of pity for him. At noon, many ladies even boldly ran to the side of the castle barracks and dropped countless handkerchiefs in front of him.

When Kent won yesterday, he was very happy to accept the blessings of the ladies. Today he lost, but felt embarrassed to death. Faced with the enthusiasm of the ladies, he didn’t know what to do and just wanted to leave. Alice helped him pick up the handkerchiefs on the ground one by one, stuffing them all into his hands, and joking with him:

“You don’t need to buy a handkerchief for two years.”

The two went back to their rooms to rest, Alice changed out of the dusty clothes outside, and lay back on the bed to think about tomorrow’s game.

The loudest among the top three is the 26-year-old knight Arnold. This knight is the high foot of the first knight under the Duchess of Polan, and he can be called the leader of the new generation of Yunqi Castle. It is generally believed that he is the strongest combat power of Yunqi Castle. Most people think that he will become a sword fighting player. First name on the one hand. The other is the completely unknown wandering knight Bennett, he can be regarded as a dark horse, all the way through the siege and defeated many promising players, even the old knight Philo was also defeated by him.

Alice is not very worried about Arnold. She has lived in Yunqi Castle for so long and knows his sword skills, but the wandering knight makes her even more nervous. A wandering knight who can always win the top three is definitely not based on luck. Such a person has not undergone systematic training in the castle, but may encounter some special experiences and possess swordsmanship that no one else can imagine.

After Alice was about to rest for a while, she went to the Philo knight outside the castle and talked to him about the wandering knight. I don’t want to hear a knock on the door suddenly. Alice thought it was Kent, so she called out:

“The door is unlocked, come in!”

The door was opened from the outside, and Alice raised her head to look at the door, but saw that it was not Kent standing at the door, but a young noble lady. Looking at her attire, it should be a guest invited by the duke to watch the competition.

Alice didn’t think she was here to find herself, after all, she had never had a female supporter. However, the number of maids and young ladies dangling in front of Kent’s door recently was quite large, and Alice was a little bit strange. She pointed to the wall beside:

“You got the wrong door, Kent lives over there.”

Hearing her saying this, the lady was taken aback for a moment, but didn’t immediately turn around and leave as she thought. Instead, he stood there and nodded:

“Um…Miss Quint, I’m actually here to find you.”

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