She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Immediately compete.

Although many spectators at the competition held that sword fighting is the most enjoyable of the three events, there are also quite a few younger audiences who said that the competition right away is the most exciting event. After all, the sword without blade has reduced the danger of the sword fight a lot, and the immediate competition will really bleed. The magicians and caregivers who have had nothing to do before are now waiting in the tent on the side of the venue.Even the most hated outdoor magician, Mrs. Meredith, is here on standby, sitting in the shadows and watching the stadium. On the situation, he couldn’t help shaking while holding a small delicate feather fan.

Most people who fail in the immediate martial arts competition will suffer a little bit of injury. It is not uncommon to fall off a horse and break one or two ribs, and it is not uncommon for a wooden spear to pierce through the seams of the armor and stab the lungs. Fortunately, the Duchess prepared a sufficient amount of potion for this competition. As long as she did not break her cervical spine immediately, she was probably saved. Audiences who are keen to compete immediately generally believe that switching to sword-fighting competitions with foils that are not sharp and sharp has reduced the fun of the competition. If there is no blood in the immediate competition, it would be too boring.

You can see the knights in full armor sprinting relative to each other with spears. This scene is more beautiful than anything else.

Knights participating in the immediate martial arts tournament need to wear a full set of armor from head to toe. In order to increase their popularity, most knights will do their best to decorate their armor. Knights who are noble and well-stocked usually pay to paint their armor in beautiful colors. , People will also be asked to draw very eye-catching family crests and other decorative patterns on it, striving to be eye-catching, so that people can recognize it at a glance. Even the poorest knight would at least find a place to plant a few wild flowers.

But not everyone knows about things like family crests and coats of arms. Therefore, before this time, everyone especially likes to sit with people who have studied heraldry in order to figure out who it is. With whom to fight, you can quickly calculate the winning percentage of the Cavaliers or team that you bought the lottery. Some hawkers took advantage of this business opportunity and sold race schedules with various heraldic patterns everywhere, making a fortune.

If there is any regrettable part of the competition right away, it is probably that the full armor of the knights will cover all the heads, and this means that the ladies watching the game cannot see the handsome faces of the knights.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, some particularly young and handsome knights will deliberately choose helmets with liftable masks, and lift the masks toward the auditorium when riding into the arena. This usually evokes cheers and bouquets thrown by the ladies. If he did this when he exited the game after winning, he would get even more bouquets.

Alice’s armor was borrowed from the arsenal of Yunji Castle. The painting is very simple, with only the coat of arms of Yunji Castle. This armor is relatively old, so the heraldic pattern originally drawn on it is also somewhat peeled off. It is completely incomparable with those knights with bright armors. Fortunately, the armors worn by her opponents are probably sponsored by the lord. The two are half a catty, nothing to say. . However, Circelian was a few inches taller than the opponent’s horse, which perfectly made up the difference between Alice’s own height and the opponent’s height, making her look quite imposing.

Alice’s immediate martial arts technique is the result of assault training in recent months, but during this time, she has basically mastered the essence of the immediate martial arts. In this sport, skills are not as important as other games. For all knights who have not participated in actual combat, the presence of opponents will bring a lot of additional oppression. Charging facing an immovable target and charging towards the same menacing rider are completely two concepts. Participating in the horse competition is a challenge for the riders and their horses. The key point is to have courage and never retreat; other than that, you must keep yourself from falling off the horse.

Frankly speaking, the most important thing Alice lacks is courage. As for the ability to not fall from the moment… This is a little bit uncertain. Apart from technology, she needs a little bit of luck.

Since the Duke of Felix used various means to unify the West Felix collar, most areas of Felix have not fought for more than a decade. Therefore, most of the knights participating in the competition here have never sprinted on the battlefield. Thinking about it this way, although Alice has little experience, she is actually not much worse than others.

At this time, both sides of the battle were already holding wooden spears and were ready to charge. Just listening to the referee blowing the whistle, the two rode horses and rushed towards the opponent, while stabling their spears at the opponent, while trying to avoid being hit.

Cecilian ran very steadily and sent Alice to the opponent. She dodges the opponent’s attack flexibly, poking a spear on his armor. The thrust generated by the spear piercing the armor made her fall backward. It should be said that fortunately, Cecilian slowed down in time, she quickly withdrew the spear to adjust the center of gravity, and finally did not fall.

According to the rules of this game, Alice can score one point for hitting the opponent’s armor, and if she can score two more points, or if the opponent loses the horse, she will win.

The two knights rushed to the edge of the field, turned their horses’ heads and began to prepare for the next charge. Alice’s opponent seems to absolutely not want to be prodded again. When sprinting, let the horse be a little farther away from Alice, which makes Alice not so skilled in her skill practice. She did not find the right time to attack, but her opponent raised from the side. The spear pierced her.

The position chosen by the other party was very tricky, and Alice tried to avoid it, but it seemed difficult to avoid it, but at this moment. Cecilian backed away suddenly, avoiding the tendency of the opponent to attack. It moved so fast that the audience could not see its movements at all, and even Alice herself did not fully understand what was going on.

The tip of the knight’s spear slid down on Alice’s armor, and it didn’t really cause any shock. Alice saw that he lost his balance too hard, and she fell off the horse from the front. According to the rules that Alice knows, if one party falls down, it must be considered a loss.

This is… over?

Alice stopped where she was, somewhat dazed. There was a boo from the audience, obviously thinking that the other party had lost a bit too badly.

The paramedics on standby rushed forward to rescue, Alice won the first victory under this inexplicable situation, which seemed a bit unreal, but after all, winning means winning.

She raised her spear to the audience.

The cheers she received were not many, after all, from the audience’s point of view, one party fell off the horse by himself, which was much more boring than being beaten off the horse. However, this is only the first preliminary game, and the audience’s expectations are actually not very high.

The caregivers carried away the knight who had fallen off the horse, and Alice was also carried back to the preparation area by Circe.

Kent was waiting for her there. Unlike the audience’s reaction, he seemed quite excited:

“That guy actually fell on his own. It’s amazing! Sure enough, only the preliminary matches will encounter such a thing. It will be my turn to play later. I want to meet such an opponent too! But speaking of yours The horse is really good. With such a horse, no matter what kind of opponent you face, you will definitely not lose!”

Alice was still dumbfounded, and patted Kent on the shoulder, wishing him a smooth game later.

Kent’s game is also very smooth. He is young and has never been on the battlefield, but he has the aura of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. His “Lightning” character is the same as the owner, full of vitality and running fast, regardless of how many shares he has. The energy. The pair came on the court and kicked off their opponents in the first round, welcoming a full house of applause. There was no open visor on Kent’s helmet, so he simply took off the entire helmet and threw it into the air abruptly. This recklessly handsome posture ushered in the second round of applause, and of course there were many bouquets. But being handsome also has a price. Kent failed to catch the helmet after throwing it away, causing it to fall to the ground and squashed.

No matter this is a trivial matter, winning is the most important thing. Kent took the smashed helmet and went to the audience with Alice to find a place. After watching the last few games of the preliminary round, he went to visit the Philo Cavaliers with her.

According to the schedule, he can take one more day off. Philo’s knight spirit is good, and it is estimated that he should be able to play the game the day after tomorrow. He heard the two talk about the situation during the game and smiled:

“Anyway, I won, and I didn’t teach you both in vain.”

“Of course!” Kent won a huge victory and was in a bad mood. “I am a student taught by the royal capital’s immediate martial arts champion. How can those people compare to it!”

Kent was very energetic and said this to the Philo knight, and told him about the mysterious steed that Alice had gotten from nowhere. Alice didn’t make much noise on the side, there was something serious about it.

Philo Knight kept smiling while listening to Kent’s speech, without judging it. Until he talked about addiction, he said:

“Kent, I have something to tell Alice, you go back first.”

Kent was taken aback:

“I knew that Old Man Philo had something to say, I won’t say it for so long! I saw Alice’s performance on the court today, and it was actually pretty good. But she still looked a little timid, if she dared to rush forward like me , It will definitely be more powerful!”

He is a straightforward temper, and after greeted the Philo knight and Alice, he left first, leaving Alice to accompany the Philo knight.

Philo knight turned to Alice:

“Kent has been talking for so long, but you didn’t say a word. What are you thinking?”

Alice shook her head:

“Nothing, just a little worried about your body.”

Philo knight waved his hand:

“There is nothing to worry about. It’s not unusual for a person my age to be weaker than a young person, and it won’t affect the day after tomorrow’s game.”

After saying this, his voice went low again:

“Anyway, it won’t let me die in the hospital bed.”

He said this very lightly, and Alice did not notice. She was a little restless, and soon said goodbye to Philo Knight. The Philo knight saw that she had other concerns, and did not keep her.

Alice spent the whole day out of the sky, thinking about the scene of the previous game.

As she walked to the castle, she kept repeating the scenes in her mind, carefully pondering every minute and every second of the scene. At this moment, she walked halfway and seemed to have finally determined something, so she called out. The name of the **** asked her the question that had been struggling for a whole afternoon:

“Cecilian, during the game today, did you… cheat for me?”

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