She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: New mission.

Of course the duke was talking about Etienne’s deputy chief priest, but when she heard her sigh, Alice felt her heart and eyelids jump at the same time.

She couldn’t control herself not to think about her father.

Alice knew her father must be alive, at least he must be alive when her mother left him. After all, if he was dead, her mother would not have to keep secret, and resolutely refused to pretend that name in front of her.

There was a time when Alice wanted to know who her father was, but since her mother’s death, she seldom thinks about her father. On the one hand, because she really didn’t have that free time, on the other hand, that person had never looked for her, and Alice felt that there was no need to look for him. It would be better if there was no such person in the world. Accept a little.

After she received the surname from the Duchess, it became even more unnecessary to consider her father. She left it completely behind her head and thought she had forgotten. She adapts well to the fact that she doesn’t have a father, and doesn’t feel there is any need to change this situation.

Alice originally thought that things would continue like this without any change. However, she did not expect that when she followed the duchess to meet with His Majesty the King, the King only gave a surname and destroyed all the balance she had worked hard to build.

She couldn’t control herself not to think about it.

The carriage was traveling on the road in the royal capital, and the three people in the carriage did not speak for a long time. I don’t know how long it took, Alice pursed her lips, and said to the Duchess:

“His Royal Highness… I want to go to the Frammel Mage Tower.”

The Duchess was not surprised by this, she didn’t even change her expression, just asked:

“Have you considered?”

Alice nodded.

“Maybe you don’t need to make a decision so quickly.” The Duchess said, “I will give you three days off so that you can have time to think about it. Then tell me your answer, and I will give it three days later. His Majesty replied.”

Alice felt that she didn’t need to think any more, but she did need a little time to prepare. Since the Duchess said so, she nodded and agreed. After the carriage returned the three of them to the Duchess’ residence, Alice returned to the stables, pulled “awkward”, and rode out of the city.

Alice went to the farm of Undead Roma.

A year has passed, and Roma’s farms are generally run. From a distance, they seem to be more regular than last year, but compared to other farms nearby, they still seem a bit sloppy. Considering that Roma has never done anything like running a farm, he can do it this way, probably already considered pretty good.

She rode up and saw Roma sitting in front of the house basking in the sun.

Roma, who heard the sound of horseshoes, raised his head, squinted in the sun, and saw the girl riding a horse:

“Ah, you are back.”

Master Roma’s tone was normal, as if she hadn’t been away for a year, but had just walked a horse outside. His attitude, somehow, made Alice feel a little relieved.

“I’m back,” she said.

Alice got off the horse, came to Master Roma, and gave him a big hug.

Master Roma held her shoulders to pull her away, and looked at her face carefully.

“Become good-looking.” He commented. “But I have grown up so much after I haven’t seen each other for a year. It’s incredible for a child.”

Alice wanted to tell Master Roma that she was no longer a child, but she was crying and laughing, and she had no time to say those things. When she came here, she originally wanted to tell Master Roma about her father and listen to his views on the matter, but when she saw Master Roma, she suddenly realized that those seemed unnecessary. With Master Roma, just talk about things related to Master Roma.

“Look at you, it’s really embarrassing that such a big girl is still crying.” Master Roma said something disgusting, and wiped her tears away with her fingers. “I will stay here this time. how long?”

“Three days.” Alice said, “Three days later, I will set off from here to the Frammel Mage Tower in the east to complete the task entrusted by His Majesty the King.”

“Does Your Majesty the King want to entrust you to do things now? As expected, I am the apprentice of Immortal Roma!” Even if Master Roma is a complier, he must also praise himself by the way. “However, the mage tower in the east is not a thing. Even if your majesty sends you to a place that is easy to go to, you must be up to 1.2 million points.”

“Have Master been there?”

“I’ve only been there once.” Master Roma said, “It was to pay a mage for the task. It shouldn’t be a risk, but in fact… it was almost the most dangerous part of my life. All in all, there is an area under the control of the Night God, and it is much more dangerous than all the places you have been to. Before heading to the east, you must be fully prepared.”

Master Roma took the matter so seriously that Alice was a little surprised:

“More dangerous than the battlefield?”

“It’s more dangerous than the battlefield.” Master Roma’s attitude is very serious. “On the battlefield, you at least know what you should guard against. But in the area under the control of the God of Night, anything can happen, even if you sleep. Nor can you relax your vigilance. There are no rules and regulations, just the weak and the strong, and the mages are very crazy. If you are a little careless, you won’t even know how you died.”

Having said this, Master Roma seemed to think of something particularly uncomfortable, with a particularly disgusting expression on his face:

“Moreover, there are’crows’ everywhere.”

Master Roma said that, Alice felt a little strange. They always come and go on the battlefield, and they have long been used to seeing “crows.” Why would Master Roma mention this kind of thing especially at this time?

“It’s not an ordinary’crow’.” Master Roma told her, “In the area controlled by the night god, the’crows’ will be extraordinarily unscrupulous. They will even actually make the dead people into puppets and make them wear black. Wearing a mask and walking around in the street, unless they take off the mask, you don’t know whether the “crow” you meet on the road is alive or dead.”

Alice never thought that the horrible legends of ‘crow’ circulating in the world would actually be true. Although she is not particularly afraid of dead people, she probably can’t easily accept this kind of creepy thing.

Alice shivered.

“But as long as you are careful enough, with your strength, you shouldn’t really die there.” Master Roma summed it up, “Although it is a place where people go once and don’t want to go a second time. No. The past trip was not entirely unprofitable, at least it can give you a little understanding of the world and see how weird it can be.”

Master Roma’s reminder is not enough to make Alice dispel the idea of going to the east, and Master Roma’s original intention is not here, just to remind Alice. Alice stayed with Master Roma for three days. The two masters and disciples did not have any serious conversations, but lived together naturally, as before.

In the past few days, Alice did not always consider matters related to her father. After the initial shock, she thought more about the life experience of Lord Etienne, as the Duchess said. Alice never thought that Etienne-sama would encounter such a problem in her life. Even the situation he faced was more complicated than hers.

Does he know that His Majesty the King is his father?

Alice could hardly imagine what kind of mood Master Etienne was facing the king. At the same time, she was also imagining, if she really found her father, what kind of expression she would face that person. But she never imagined it. Perhaps the answer to this question could only be obtained when she really faced her father.

Alice has made up her mind.

On the morning of the fourth day, Alice returned to the Duchess’ mansion and found her in the study. The duke looked into Alice’s eyes and asked seriously:

“The journey of finding your own place is often unpleasant. The answers you can find may not be what you want to know. Have you made up your mind?”

“Yes, I have already decided.”

The Duchess nodded:

“Do you know why His Majesty the King sent you to the Northland?”

“You want to form an alliance with the magicians headed by the Flamel family to fight against Earl Rachel in the North?”

The Duchess nodded:

“The Northland Alliance with Earl Rachel at its core has always been a confidant of His Majesty. In recent years, Earl Rachel’s power has been so great that His Majesty also feels uneasy, so he wants it. Alliance with the magicians in the east. I think he thinks that it will be easier to send someone with the same color hair as the Flamel family. But you also need to know that Count Rachel is in the palace. The news of is very well-informed. Although no one else was present when His Majesty the King said about it, Earl Rachel will definitely learn about this from other sources and try to prevent you from sending this letter to His Majesty the King. On hand…do you understand?”

The situation related to her own life experience may make Alice feel hesitant, and the obstacles that the task itself may encounter may not make Alice feel particularly troublesome. She agreed:


The duchess looked at her expression and knew that her determination would not change, so she turned around:

“In addition to the tasks of His Majesty the King, I also have something to leave to you.”

The Duchess took out the box that Alice was very familiar with, and handed it to Alice:

“The beaded crown you brought back for me from the north had a protective spell, but unfortunately it has been broken. After it returned to my hands, I asked Mrs. Meredith to help me restore the protective spell above, but Mrs. Meredith told me that only an extremely high-level wizard has the ability to reconnect this broken spell. So I ask you to take it to the east and ask the archmage of the wizard tower to re-enchant it and restore the original appearance.”

Alice did not expect that the bead crown that she had experienced so many difficulties in the first place would be handed over to her. Alice held the box and made a solemn promise to the Duchess:

“Your Highness, rest assured, I will do it.”

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