She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Beauty Lena.

On the first day of working in the tavern, Alice hardly did much work, she just kept introducing herself to the regular customers here.

In fact, self-introduction seems to be useless. The mercenaries asked her name, but when they turned their heads, they forgot. They called her “Red Hair Beauty” when they ordered. Alice is too young, they are obviously just joking. Alice is a little bit shy about this, but she is still willing to accept it. In any case, “Red-haired Beauty” is better than “Red-haired Witch”.

The guests here are not as scary as Alice originally imagined. Those craftsmen who look terrible, after a few glasses of wine, seem to be particularly easy-going. Seeing that she is a newcomer, sometimes she will be given extra tips. She found that this job is actually much better than doing chores in the kitchen, because the salary is higher and she can also receive some tips. She had almost forgotten what her mother had told her when she was alive.

Or Lena reminded her:

“You have to be careful, in two more hours, when they are all drunk, they won’t be so talkative. If you can’t deal with it then, just leave it to me or Ruth to deal with it.”

Lena’s reminder made Alice more cautious again, but perhaps because of her young age, the mercenaries were not very interested in her, at most they cursed and said a few nasty things when she served food too slowly. But she did see someone move to Ruth. Ruth is obviously very experienced and tried to resolve it a few times, but there was a guy who seemed to be drunk and behaved very noisy, and she wanted to drink Ruth. Ruth couldn’t refuse it anyway.

Alice wanted to step forward to help, but she was just a child and had no experience. Even in the past, she didn’t know what to do, so she could only look at Mr. Hewlett.

Mr. Hewlett shook his head at her.

Mr. Hewlett doesn’t want to control either? Is it just looking at it like this?

Alice stood by the bar at a loss, terrified in her heart.

At this moment, a dart flew towards the mercenary and pierced his hat. Alice recognized that it was a dart used in the tavern for guests to pass the time.

The mercenary was taken aback, but after all he had fumbled on the battlefield, he quickly recovered, grabbed his hat, and looked around for the culprit. At this time, the second dart flew from the same direction and was inserted between his fingers.

Lena stood in front of the target with a handful of darts in her hand:

“If you don’t go anymore, the next dart will pierce your eyes.”

Lena’s tone was very calm, but no one who heard her would think she was just talking casually, and no one would doubt her ability. There is a power in her words that is naturally convincing.

The mercenary’s face turned pale in fright, and quickly took his paws off Ruth’s waist, and while watching Lena’s movements, he moved towards the door. Lena yelled at him:

“Hey! You haven’t checked out yet!”

The sound made him shiver and almost fell. He hurriedly reached into his arms and took out two silver coins and threw them on the ground, then ran away.

Alice looked at the situation before her in surprise, and turned her head over to the bar to see Mr. Hewlett. Mr. Hewlett’s expression was calm:

“Although I am the owner of the shop, Lena is the queen of this shop. That guy is lucky. If it was Lena he was molesting just now, his head is probably already blooming by now.”

Alice looked at Mr. Hewlett’s face specifically, it was obvious that he was not joking.

Lena walked over and picked up the silver coins thrown by the mercenary. Excluding the cost of his order, there were six copper coins left. Lena stuffed the copper coins in Ruth’s hand:

“Count it as your tip.”

Perhaps because of Lena’s sudden madness, the drunks were quite honest in the last two hours before the tavern closed, and there was no more trouble behind. Alice’s first day of work in the tavern ended so safely.

Alice won’t get her salary until the end of the week, but the tips she received tonight are all hers. Before she left, the cook put the leftover potato wedges and onion rings in a paper bag. she:

“You young people tend to be hungry at night, take it back as a snack.”

Alice’s life seems to have suddenly become richer. She can eat two meals a day in the tavern, and in addition to her salary, she also has tip income. It feels that she can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

She hasn’t completely given up her job in the laundry room, and goes to wash a few clothes every morning. Although this job is not highly profitable, it is not easy to come by. But the work in the tavern is very tiring and busy on weekends, Alice can no longer accompany the proprietress to the temple. Although the wife of the laundry room often complains, it makes no difference whether she has her in the laundry room. However, the work of washing clothes was originally billed on a piece-by-piece basis, and the proprietress actually did not lose much. In addition, Alice would bring her a little sour ale from the tavern from time to time to drink, and she had no complaints.

Life gradually got on the right track, but during this time, Alice really lived alone for a while, only to realize that besides food and accommodation, there were many expenses that she hadn’t realized before. Not to mention anything else, just buying the coal for the stove every day is a big expense, and the money is spent like running water, almost impossible to save at all. Fortunately, after she went to work in the tavern, her income was much higher than before, and she could finally cover these expenses.

She worked for a few months and finally got a little money in her hands. I decided to buy something to make myself happy. Instead of going to the laundry room, she went to the thrift store. She bought an old wooden box, a kerosene lamp and an old blanket. The box can be used as a table with a kerosene lamp placed on it. The house where Alice lives is small and empty, and adding these things makes people feel a bit like home.

She packed the kerosene lamp and old blankets into a wooden box, walked home holding the wooden box, and ran into Burke not far from home.

If Alice has a friend in Dark River Street, it is probably only Burke. Burke is a few months older than her. He is the carpenter’s son. He is strong, tall, and beautiful. He never laughed at Alice because of her birth, and treated her very tenderly.

Although both of them live in Dark River Street, they have never seen each other since Alice returned from the temple. Burke worked as an apprentice in the carpenter’s room and was very busy every day. Alice has always been busy with her livelihood, and the two have never met. Although both of them had a lot of things in their hands this time, they ran into them so rarely that they both stopped talking.

“I heard about you.” Burke asked sympathetically. “It’s not going well in the laundry room, is it?”

The information Burke heard seemed a bit outdated, and Alice smiled at him:

“It doesn’t matter, I recently got a job in a tavern.”

“Tavern?” Burke hesitated when he heard this word. “Is it really okay to work in that kind of place?”

“It’s not that bad.” Alice stuck out her tongue and made a face, “I am young, and everyone takes care of me.”

“It’s very hard to do handyman, can you do it?”

When Alice heard him say this, she knew that he had misunderstood. Speaking of it, it might be better for him to keep this misunderstanding, but Alice didn’t want to lie to Burke.

“Ah… I’m not a handyman, I’m actually a barmaid.”

Burke’s eyes widened:

“How come! Can underage children also be taverns?”

Alice felt a little embarrassed, but she told the truth:

“The boss asked me to say that I was seventeen… You know, I don’t have much choice.”

Burke looked a little embarrassed, as if he didn’t know whether he should speak for comfort. Alice shook her head:

“The tavern is not as scary as you normally think. Wouldn’t Burke’s chef usually go there? In a few years, when Burke can also go, I will give you fried onion rings.”

“It will take a long time for me to be an adult. My master will definitely not take me in advance… Maybe before that, I can also find a chance to see you secretly.”

At this point, Burke looked happy again, and Alice smiled at him:

“Then put it like this. If you want to find me, you can come through the side door and ask the people in the kitchen to call me.”

After the two made an appointment like this, they parted. Alice sighed long as she walked home:

Burke is really nice. If Alice’s mother were still alive, when she grew up, she might marry him. But this is probably impossible now.

A man from a serious craftsman family like Burke will never marry a woman who has worked in a tavern.

Perhaps we can’t blame the women on Dark River Street for wearing tinted glasses to see the waitresses in the tavern. The women who work here are indeed more likely to go astray. Alice had seen a pregnant woman who came to Hewlett before the opening of the tavern. She looked horribly haggard and Hewlett gave her money. She and Ruth originally guessed that the man was the woman Hewlett provoked, but Lena told them that it was a waitress who had worked here in the past. She ran away with a mercenary, and then the mercenary dumped her. Where she went, she had to come back alone,

“I can’t work in a tavern anymore like her.” Maybe it’s because there are too many things like this, Lena’s tone did not show much sympathy, “The money Hewlett gave her will not last long, and she can only go. Fireworks Street.”

Although there are such examples before, Ruth, who works with Alice, is not cautious. Ruth’s salary is not much higher than that of Alice, but she always has money to buy silver earrings and even rings with precious stones. Once when Alice got off work, she saw the mercenary who was driven away by Lena waiting at the side door.

Alice backed away nervously, but saw Ruth smile a little awkwardly:

“He is here to wait for me.”

Alice watched as Ruth smiled and took the man’s arm and walked into the night with him.

Alice didn’t understand why Ruth would do this, but she did look enviable and enviable. But this time did not last long. Not long after, all the gold necklaces, silver earrings, and rings with gems disappeared one by one, and the smile on Ruth’s face disappeared. In a few days, Ruth left without saying goodbye, just like the woman Alice had met before.

Alice would not naively think that she was married to that mercenary. Just listen to the chats of regular customers here and you will know that most of the girls who left the tavern ended up in Fireworks Street. Some regular customers even talk in the store unscrupulously about the skills of the girl who resigned before in bed.

Such stories happen all the time and seem to never end.

From this perspective, perhaps the landlord’s wife and Grizzy are right. A girl who believes in Fergna will never go to be a waitress in a tavern. Being a waitress is the beginning of degeneration.

But Lena didn’t think so, she said to Alice:

“It’s no different from Dark River Street where you grew up, but the girls who work here have fewer choices in life.”

At Alice’s age, he still couldn’t fully understand Lena’s words. She didn’t know whether she would stay here forever in the future or be thrown away by fate. However, she has made up her mind not to fall into the fireworks street like the girls who have left the post of waitress. It’s a terrible place, even someone like Lena who is used to seeing the world and doesn’t make a fuss about anything would comment this way:

“When you get to that kind of place, your life is probably over.”

Lena never persuaded the waitress who was gradually going to the end, but just looked at it coldly. The waitresses changed and changed, but Lena seemed to stay here forever, she was different from others.

Anyone with eyes can tell that Mr. Hewlett likes her. But he never confessed, Lena never lied to him, treating him is the same as treating others. But between the two, there always seems to be a subtle tacit understanding that surpasses ordinary love.

The tavern is not in the Fireworks Street, but in the eyes of most people, entering the tavern is the first step into the Fireworks Street. A woman who works as a waitress in the tavern will fall into the Fireworks Street sooner or later.

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