She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Between life and death.

Coming out of the tower owner’s office, Alice’s legs were almost soft, almost as if stepping on cotton step by step.

Miss Anne heard the door ring, raised her eyes and looked at her for a moment, then quickly lowered her head.

She really knew everything, but she didn’t want to show anything, just sitting here like a background board, maybe the secretary should be a character like this, but at this moment, Alice really wants her to say something. what.

In the tower owner’s office just now, Alice agreed to the proposal of the Archmage Tales and decided to find her mother’s body with his help. She relied on her instinct to make the decision. At this moment, she was only confused, not knowing whether her decision was right or wrong. She left the tower owner’s office and walked down the spiral staircase that seemed endless.

The tower owner’s office is located in a separate tower, at the highest point of the entire mage tower. If you want to leave here, you have to go through a very long spiral staircase. If someone is summoned by the tower master because of a very serious mistake, this part of the journey can almost be called a torture. Alice was young and strong. She ran away every time she was called before, and she came back easily. She had never been like this before, realizing that the stairs were so long.

She called Cecilia, and Cecilia’s voice sounded from the air:

“If you let me make the decision, I don’t recommend that you meet your mother.”


“Because she is no longer your mother, she has crossed the gap between life and death, to the world controlled by the **** of death Heldis. Even if you find her body, you can see It’s just her legacy in the world… After seeing those, you will be disappointed.”

“I just want to see her again.” Alice said, “Whether it is life or death. She is my mother. I didn’t even have time to say goodbye to her. If I have a chance to make up for this regret, I am willing Pay all the price.”

“Then, please promise me one thing.”

Cecilian hadn’t asked her for anything, which surprised Alice:


“When you see your mother’s widow in the followers of Hordis, don’t have any delusions and try to resurrect the dead.”

“how come!”

“Ordinary people tend to lose their minds and go astray when facing the corpse that has been processed by the Necromancer.” Cecilian told her, “The corpse manipulated by the Necromancer is too much like a living person and will allow you to see that scene. People have delusions, thinking that their own efforts can make miracles happen and do the impossible… Anyway, you have to remember that there is a clear line between life and death, which cannot be crossed easily. Only the Necromancer Standing between the two, the Necromancer…mostly can no longer be counted as human.

“Be sure to remember what I said today, because I can’t be by your side when you go to see your mother.”


“Herdis values the area under his control.” Cecilian said, “If I rush into his field, it will probably bring very bad consequences.”

Alice didn’t ask what the “bad consequences” of Cecilian were. Although Cecilian was also a god, judging from their current situation, it was not a wise thing to conflict with other gods.

Alice nodded:

“I promise you.”

The moment she finished speaking, she received an invisible kiss on her lips.

Circelian seemed to have to use the kiss as the seal of their agreement, which was already very natural between them. But… will he make an agreement with others in this way?

It feels so strange.

Alice didn’t have time to think about it, because by this time she was almost at the bottom of the tower. A group of young apprentices of the mage had just finished class, laughing together. Their laughter broke the weird and solemn atmosphere in the air. A sharp-eyed girl saw Alice coming down the stairs of the main tower and raised her head and asked her loudly:

“Alice, what clothes did the tower master wear today?”

They are probably making a bet again. The bet may be an opportunity to enter a special laboratory, a dinner in the cafeteria, and sometimes it may even be just a candy. But they have been doing this kind of tricks happily, as if they would never get bored. The carefree energy is really enviable.

The girls all raised their heads and looked up the stairs, looking at Alice seriously. Alice didn’t want to answer them, but in her current state of mind, she really didn’t have the mood to participate in this kind of nonsense. But looking at the bright and expectant eyes of the girls, she still couldn’t help but answered them:

“Wearing a triple robe.”

The girls shouted and shouted, cheering in victory and complaining in frustration. Alice passed between them and was about to go back to the guest room where she lived when she suddenly heard someone calling her:

“Hey! Alice, do you want to go to the cafeteria with us?”

She froze for a moment:

“it is good.”

With these carefree girls, the total amount of worries in this world seems to be much reduced.

Calculating the time it took to find her father before, Alice thought that she would stay here for at least half a year for this matter. Unexpectedly, a week later, she received the notice of the tower master’s call.

This time, it was Miss Anne who came to see her in person. At the time, Alice was having afternoon tea with a group of apprentices in the canteen. Halfway through the meal, she found that everyone next to her had stopped.

She turned her head and saw that Miss Anne had been standing behind her for some time.

Alice was a mercenary knight, and she should have the ability to see and listen to all directions. When she first met with His Majesty the King, she failed to discover Lilière’s existence in time, which made her frustrated for a long time. However, when she reached the Mage Tower, she discovered that many wizards walked without a sound, just like cats, which was really scary.

“The Lord of the Tower is looking for you.”

Miss Anne was stern, refused to reward her with an extra expression, and refused to say one more word. After saying these words, she floated away like a ghost again. The female apprentices who were eating with Alice looked at each other for a while, before someone said:

“I have never seen Miss Anne leave her office.”

“Me too.”

“I also.”

Then they looked at Alice together and said in unison:

“Your Excellency Tower Master must have something particularly important to look for you.”

Is it particularly important?

She put the last piece of cake into her mouth, and then hurried to the tower owner’s office. Winter afternoons are always very short. When she stood in the tower master’s office, it was already dusk. The glass skylights of the wizard tower showed the orange red of the sunset, which stained the whole house yellow.

The Archmage Talus was still wearing his triple robe. The difference was that he was wearing a black cloak over the triple robe that day, and he was about to put the hood on his head. Seeing Alice coming in, he turned his head to look at her:

“Alice, your mother has been found. Tonight, we will go out of the tower to find her together.”


“Now.” The archmage made a certain expression, “For the Death God’s family, this time will be more convenient.”

The archmage pointed to a black cloak next to her and motioned to her to change it. She put on her cloak, pulled her hood on like Archmage Talus, and wore the pendant that she had bought from “The Crow”.

“Is this dress okay?”

“Very good.” The Archmage Talus said, “You can show your respect for the relatives of the dead. Remember when you get there, don’t call them “crows”. This is not formal. Some grumpy necromancers regard this as It’s an insult.”

“I remember.”

The two were about to stop. Alice walked to the door and was about to push the door to go out, but listened to the Archmage Talus calling her from behind:

“Let’s go from here.”

The archmage came to behind his seat, flipped a mechanism on the wall, and opened a secret door. Alice followed him in and saw the magic circle engraved on the stone slab glowing.

“The magic circle here needs the identity of the tower owner to activate,” he explained to her, “others can’t use it.”

As soon as his voice fell, Alice felt the stone slab under their feet begin to drop rapidly. Before she could feel nervous, the slate stopped. The archmage opened another secret door and came out of the mage tower.

The sky was completely dark by now. The moon has just risen, and it looks strangely big.

There was already a carriage waiting for them at the door.

Do you want to go in a carriage with the archmage?

This carriage is a bit narrow. Although it can seat two people, it is obviously only prepared for the tower owner to travel alone. Alice does not want to ride the carriage with her father she is not familiar with, and hesitates somewhat.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from a distance.

Alice looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw the black steed that Circelian transformed into was running towards her, looking very beautiful under the moon.

“I want to ride my own horse.” She said.

Archmage Talus nodded, and did not object.

He got into the cart, and the cart without a driver started running, as if the two horses knew the road. Alice spotted a small light on the carriage and followed closely behind.

Alice seldom drives at night, and the night wind blows across her cheeks, looking very cold. Fortunately, the cloak that the archmage prepared for her was very thick, which kept her body warm. Although the east is the territory of the night god, at night, there are not many people on the street. There was only a loud voice from one of the taverns, and apricot light from the glass windows.

Alice ran with the carriage for an unknown amount of time, and gradually, people could be seen on the road.

Although they are human figures, they are actually “crows”, and they go back and forth on the street, and some are still pulling suspicious cars. The “crow”‘s car was about two meters long, and it was packed full and covered with black cloth. As for what kind of goods were in these cars, Alice didn’t dare to think about it.

Alice has never seen so many “crows” somewhere.

Among the “crows” walking on the street, how many are living and how many are dead?

The horse ran so fast, Alice could not tell the difference between the dead and the living. Perhaps, as Cecilian said, they exist between life and death, and their state is ambiguous. Thinking that her mother might also be one of these crows at this time, Alice’s aversion to “crows” seemed to have diminished.

The carriage turned a corner, and the “crow” seemed to be less. Alice saw that there seemed to be a big house in front, and there were two “crows” standing at the door, seeming to be waiting for them.

is it here?

Before Alice could think about it, the carriage stopped and they arrived.

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