She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 114

Chapter 113 – Earring

A long night, a night of ups and downs.

There was silence all around, Lu Yinxi lay sideways on the bed, pillowing his arm.

The quilt was warm and soft with a sun-baked scent.

She sniffed hard.

The smell of the sun is also like the smell of home.

In the winter when I was a child, every sunny day, her grandmother would carry the quilt on the bed to the yard to expose it to the sun. When she went to sleep at night, the whole quilt smelled like the sun.

This familiar smell gradually dispelled the uneasiness in my heart.

Once again, living in an unfamiliar environment.

This time, she was the one who begged for nothing to live in.

It began to rain again outside the window.

The sound of the rain was pattering and rhythmic. It should be a good sleep aid, but Lu Yinxi did not feel sleepy. He tossed and turned for a long time, sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, listened to the sound of the rain, and recalled everything that happened tonight.

She recalled Jian Qing’s character and demeanor, which was a gesture she was all too familiar with.

Recalling Jane’s bare back, the two shoulder blades are like butterfly wings, the curves are smooth, the skin is like fat, and there is a very familiar flower tattooed on it. She also kissed that flower in the ambiguous night.

The temperament, appearance, features, and the feeling she gave her were exactly the same as the person in the dream.

Can you really confirm it’s the same person?

Lu Yinxi reached out and touched the mole at the end of his eye.

In that virtual world, her body had the same tear mole at the end of her eyes.

It doesn’t seem to explain anything.

It can only be explained that Jian Qing in reality also has the experience of aiding foreign countries and being hit by fragments of stray bullets.

Is there any way to further confirm that she is my sweetheart?

In the master bedroom separated by a wall, Jian Qing was also sleepless.

She is used to sleeping with the light on, the bedroom is brightly lit, and there is a sharp dagger on the bedside table.

She leaned against the head of the bed, holding a note in her hand, looking at the dark night outside the window, thinking.

There are only one or three words on the paper—

Deer drinking stream.

That day, after giving up her life, she wrote down the name with her own hands. Every time she looked at it, her heart throbbed inexplicably, but she couldn’t remember the motive for writing it anyway.

Jian Qing withdrew her gaze from the window, looked down at the name, closed her eyes, and said the name silently, a face gradually appeared in her mind.

It’s not exactly like the gentle and beautiful face next door, it seems to be more immature and green.

Thinking about it further, his face became blurred, like frosted glass covered with a layer of fog, hazy.

Jian Qing opened her eyes, rubbed her aching head from lack of sleep, and sighed inaudibly.

There was a void in her heart, as if she had forgotten something very important.

Emotional turmoil, throbbing, stagnation, sourness, sadness, loss…

In clinical work, seeing many joys and sorrows, her emotional threshold has become very high, and she has not had such complicated feelings for a long time.

Since when did you become emotionally sensitive again?

—“It is also good to be delicate and sensitive. Be more emotional. Look at a tree, a flower, a leaf, or a piece of text, and you can get a good emotional experience.”

— “I’ll give you a piece of ginkgo leaf, Teacher Jian, be happy, experience more emotions, and don’t always live so depressed. How about I tell you a few tongue twisters?”

Two lines of dialogue were retrieved from my mind.

Who told her? When did you say that?

Jian Qing gets up at 6:00 every morning, leaves for the hospital at 7:30, and takes a 20-minute lunch break.

Lu Yinxi is familiar with her work and rest habits, so she wakes up ten minutes early and goes to the kitchen to cook oatmeal and toast sandwiches.

The habit of placing kitchen items is consistent with the virtual world, so she can get started directly without fumbling.

After Jane washed and changed her clothes, when she came out, she saw Lu Yinxi busy in the kitchen, and she was a little dazed.

Did she pick up a snail girl and go home?

“Are you up?” Lu Yinxi put the cooked oatmeal on the table, and smiled, “To express my gratitude last night, I prepared breakfast for you this morning. You don’t mind if I eat with you, do you?”

Jian Qing didn’t speak, but expressed it with actions—pull away the chair opposite and invite her to take a seat.

Lu Yinxi is left-handed and habitually eats with his left hand.

Seeing Lu Yinxi’s movements, Jian Qing was not surprised at all.

It was as if the knowledge had already existed, although she didn’t know where it came from.

She didn’t even feel much surprise.

A popular actress who was only seen on TV on weekdays suddenly came to her home, slept next to her, and had breakfast with her.

She is used to the absurd and unreal scenes, as if it should be so.

She and her should have lived together, loving each other, getting along day and night.

“I’m going to work, you…” Jian Qing put on her bag and was about to go out.

Lu Yinxi followed quickly: “I’m going out too, thank you for taking care of me.”

Jian Qing glanced at her earlobe and said nothing.

Lu Yinxi tilted his head: “What’s wrong?”

Jian Qing shook her head and said lightly, “It’s okay, let’s go.”

The earrings were missing from her ears.

Jian Qing was inexplicable and didn’t want to remind her.

Lu Yinxi hummed, put on a mask, took an umbrella, and followed Jian Qing out.

Umbrella is simple and clear.

Jian Qing is obsessed with cleanliness, and she doesn’t want to take back the clothes she lent others to wear. Lu Yinxi was afraid that she wouldn’t want the umbrella she lent, so she left the earrings at her house on purpose.

If she said she didn’t want the umbrella anymore, she would have a reason to come back at night to pick up the earrings.

It’s better to come later, so that she might worry about her own safety and let herself stay again.

After leaving the gate of the community, Lu Yinxi still followed Jian Qing closely.

Jian Qing stopped, turned around and looked at the person behind him, slightly raising his eyebrows.

Lu Yinxi was afraid of being regarded as a pervert who followed others, so he casually pointed to the shopping mall in front of him: “Just drop by, just drop by, I’m going to the mall.”

Jian Qing glanced at the mall, turned around, and continued walking.

Walking under the overpass where they met yesterday, Lu Yinxi glanced at the hospital opposite.

In the early morning, it was already overcrowded and the traffic flow was endless.

She stopped, no longer followed Jian Qing, and watched Jian Qing go up the overpass.

When Jian Qing walked down the bridge, she turned around again.

There was nothing behind.

Looking up, a certain person has disappeared into the sea of people and cannot be found.

She stood there for half a minute before turning around and going to work in the hospital.

Lu Yinxi took a taxi to a friend’s house in the suburbs.

Her friend was picked up by her early in the morning to watch her skating around in her own skating rink.

When skating in front of her, her friend supported her head and asked her: “When did you learn to skate? Last month I held a party and invited you to my villa. Don’t you still know how to skate?”

“Maybe I learned it in a dream.” Lu Yinxi stopped after skating smoothly for a few laps, and took off his skates, “I’m leaving now, thank you for the venue.”

The friend scolded her angrily: “Your forehead is squeezed? Come to Shanghai, wake me up early in the morning, come to my skating rink for a few laps and then leave?”

Lu Yinxi laughed: “I’ll treat you to a big meal another day!”

In that virtual world, after she confirmed her relationship with Jian Qing, she would go to the skating rink several times a month.

Her skating skills have also changed from ignorance to practice makes perfect now. She is slipping, slipping, accelerating and decelerating, and is flexible.

She wanted to test in the skating rink of the shopping mall to see if she still remembered what she learned in the virtual world, but firstly, the shopping mall didn’t open until 9 o’clock, and secondly, there were too many people in the shopping mall. .

I had no choice but to harm my friends and borrow the skating rink from my friend’s house to test.

The skills learned in that world are still valid in this world.

In the morning rounds, the TV in the ward was playing a certain youth idol drama.

The old man on the hospital bed watched with relish.

Jane glanced over.

On the TV screen, the hero squatted down and tied the shoelaces for the heroine. While tying, he looked up at the heroine and smiled…

Jian Qing mocked secretly in her heart: Do you have no hands? Fall in love and don’t even know the basic life skills?

The next second, the camera turned, and Lu Yinxi’s pure and moving face appeared on the screen.

Jian Qing stared at the screen for a while, then looked away.

If you ナナック, it is not impossible to help tie a shoelace…

In the afternoon, when she was about to go to work, Jian Qing went to show her

Usually, there will be some students who have finished their break at the meeting place, and a few classmates will make an appointment to play games together.

When Jian Qing walked in, the students took the initiative to say hello and put down their phones anxiously.

“You haven’t gone to work yet, you guys are playing with your stuff, I’ll take something and leave.” Jian Qing signaled them not to be nervous, took the materials, turned around and left.

The students continued to play, communicating with each other with each other.

“Yao, jump on me and protect me!”

“Save the shooter! Keep the shooter!”

Some students turned on the voice speaker, and the sound effects of the game were clearly transmitted to Jian Qing’s ears.

Jian Qing hardly touches games, and she used to be completely incomprehensible to the weird game sound effects coming out of the students’ mobile phones. Now, she hears “the fetters disappear without a trace, and the vines will be broken as soon as they are cut”, “Gods dream in the daytime, the sun Rising from the west”, “What little deer girl, she must be the most unlovable child in the world”, she was stunned, stopped, and subconsciously looked at the student’s mobile phone screen.

Even if she didn’t see the game characters clearly, when she heard these voices, a cute girl who would turn into a deer after being attacked could emerge in her mind…

Did she, when and where, come into contact with this game and this game character?

Research class in the afternoon.

Jian Qing took the materials and went to the tumor center laboratory to see the cells he had cultivated.

People in their department often need to raise some cancer cells for experiments and publishing articles, and colleagues in other departments gave them the nickname of “Gu King” for the oncology department.

Their department director is the biggest “Gu King”, she is the “Little Gu King”, and there are a bunch of younger brothers, younger sisters and nephews underneath.

King Gu is also the vice-principal’s administrative affairs, and he is too busy with work. Most of the time, it is the older senior brothers and sisters who are leading some new disciples.

When Jian Qing entered the laboratory, he saw a certain junior holding a manual, looking at it seriously and frowning.

She thought that her junior brother had encountered some kind of problem, so she leaned over to look, but it turned out to be the instruction manual and probability calculation formula of some claw machine.

“Has the experimental data come out?” She asked her junior.

The younger brother who was fishing was terrified by her, and put away the instruction manual for the claw machine: “Senior sister, when did you come?”

Jian Qing tapped the table lightly with her fingertips, and said coldly: “Don’t play around with things, don’t work harder, be careful and delay.”

“Hey!” The younger brother scratched his head, “I’ve been busy recently, and I don’t have much time to spend with my girlfriend. She likes to catch dolls, so I just want to learn and play with her when I’m on vacation.”

Jian Qing hummed, stopped admonishing him, and turned to look at the lung cancer cells she raised.

What’s the point of grabbing a doll? It’s better to raise small cells.

They raised lung cancer cells, liver cancer cells, breast cancer cells… almost hundreds of millions of cells.

These cells are very delicate, they must be kept at a suitable temperature to survive, and they must be fed regularly to avoid starvation or malnutrition, and those apoptotic cells must be cleaned up frequently, just like keeping a small pet, which needs to be bathed regularly .

Jian Qing stayed in the laboratory until nine o’clock in the evening before leaving.

When she is working or doing experiments, she can concentrate on nothing else. Once she is off work, there will be a blank area in her mind.

There is a vague sense of worrying about gains and losses in my heart, and no matter what I do, I can’t satisfy it.

When returning to the gate of the community, a person suddenly jumped out from the security room——

“Mr. Jian, good evening. I accidentally left my earrings at your house. I want to go to your house again to pick them up.”

Lu Yinxi took off his mask, clasped his hands, his nose turned red from the cold, and when he saw Jian Qing, a sweet and warm smile bloomed on his lips.

Without thinking about it, Jian Qing lowered her head and subconsciously wanted to take off her gloves and hand them to Lu Yinxi.

Only when the gloves fell to her fingertips did she realize how strange this movement was.

She looked up, looked at Lu Yinxi, and asked, “How long have you been waiting?”

There was still a smile on the corner of Lu Yinxi’s lips: “Not long ago, I just came over from a friend’s house and found that the earring fell off.”

In fact, I have been waiting for her to get off work since the evening.

During the day, she sat in a coffee shop and dealt with some work matters. At 5 o’clock in the evening, she put aside her work and went to squat near the community. When Jian Qing came back from work, she wanted to see Jian Qing more.

Although they are in the same city, as long as Jian Qing is not around, she will miss her infinitely.

Even just looking at it once is enough.

Unexpectedly, Jian Qing worked overtime again today, she wandered outside for several hours, finally couldn’t stand the severe cold, ran into the security room, made friends with the security uncle, and turned on the heat in the security room.

Jian Qing took off her scarf and wrapped it around Lu Yinxi’s neck: “You’re lying again.”

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