She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 19

Chapter 18 – Co-Sleeping (Into V Three-In-One)

“What do you do if you don’t sleep in the middle of the night?”

In the silent night, a cold voice sounded, like a clear spring in a mountain stream, with a hint of hoarseness after waking up after a deep sleep, diluting the coolness and adding a bit of laziness.

“I, I…” Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing’s eyes that suddenly opened, trying to find a trace of surprise, but in the bright eyes, there was only the usual calmness and self-control.

No panic, no surprise, no ambiguity.

She didn’t seem to notice…didn’t realize that she kissed her secretly…

The heart that was hanging in the air fell to the ground, and Lu Yinxi swallowed the truth and sourness together, and lied, “I just want to cover you with a blanket.”

“Really?” Jian Qing obviously didn’t believe it, “The last time you woke up in the middle of the night, you were sneaking up on me without saying a word.”

“I—” His eyes fell on Jian Qing’s chest, Lu Yinxi recalled the night when he first met, when he was stretching, he accidentally touched it, it was warm and soft, and his cheeks flushed quickly: “I didn’t mean to…”

Jian Qing understated: “Is that intentional? That night you were the one who knocked on my door with your pillow in your arms, saying that you were cold and afraid of the dark, and wanted to watch the moon with me and sleep with me.”

In the end she was slapped.

Hearing this at first, Lu Yinxi blushed to the base of his neck, almost blurting out: I didn’t say that!

It was said by the original owner.

This kind of words, just thinking about it, makes her panic. How can she say it?

“How did you remember until now…” After murmuring for a while, really not knowing how to refute it, Lu Yinxi smashed the jar and said, “Even if I did it on purpose, you will be seduced by me. It can only mean that you, you The will is very weak…”

It’s shameless to say such preposterous words, but Jian Qing didn’t refute after hearing this. Looking at Lu Yinxi, her eyes slowly swept across her eyes, bridge of nose, red lips, collarbone, and then…

Then he didn’t go any further, turned his face slightly, and looked away.

She was lying on the sofa, her long hair spread casually on her shoulders, and the blanket covered her whole body, only a large piece of white skin was exposed on her neck, her cheeks were pale and rosy, her sharp eyes were out of focus, weakening the coldness and strength in the daytime aura.

Lu Yinxi took advantage of Xinghui to scrutinize her expression carefully, then bent down again, leaned closer, and sniffed her neck. There was no smell of alcohol, and the clear and cold fragrance covered everything.

Jian Qing glanced at Lu Yinxi: “Why do you look like a puppy?”

Lu Yinxi sniffed again, and asked her in a low voice, “Are you drunk?”

While speaking, the warm breath fell on the sensitive neck. Jian Qing was stunned for a moment, then reached out and pressed the head on the chest, rubbed it lightly, and retorted: “No.”

His voice was still a little hoarse, and it sounded particularly nice in the dark night.

Lu Yinxi buried her head in Jianqing’s chest, touched the soft and fragrant body, her mind went blank.

She blushed, almost suffocating from the suffocation, and struggled to stand up. Just as she pulled away a little distance, the hand locked around her waist suddenly exerted force, and as time went by, she became the one lying on the sofa.

She looked at Jian Qing from below, and Jian Qing stared straight at her, with the bright galaxy behind him.

“You…you can’t do bad things…” She was a little scared, her voice trembling with nervousness, “Even if you are drunk, you, you do bad things, I will beat you…”

Jian Qing stared at her silently, without saying a word, looked at each other for a moment, bent down, and dropped a gentle kiss on the tear mole at the end of her eyes.

No more extraneous actions.

He just pressed his soft lips against the moles at the end of her eyes.

The overwhelming cold fragrance penetrated into the lungs, Lu Yinxi closed his eyes, his heart was beating violently, hesitated for a moment, summoned up his courage, stretched out his hand, hooked Jian Qing’s neck, moved his body slightly, raised his head, and kissed her chin.

There is no reason, only instinct.

Joy, bitterness, and throbbing are all buried, she just wants to get close to her, get close to her, the closer the better.

The body on top was getting heavier and heavier, and Lu Yinxi kissed her along the jaw line, but the person on her body gradually became silent.

Lu Yinxi opened his eyes blankly, with thick long eyelashes in his eyes.

She opened her lips in disbelief: “You, why are you asleep again?”

In the silent living room, no one answered her question.

“Can you still fall asleep by kissing me? You, you—” The lingering atmosphere was swept away, and Lu Yinxi couldn’t laugh or cry, “You said you weren’t drunk…”

She sighed, lying on the sofa, her eyes fell on the bright galaxy above her head, and she stroked the long hair of the person on her body one by one, with infinite love and affection, slowly reminiscing about the intimate kisses of each other.

The mind became soft and delicate, and the joy seemed to overflow.

Extremely happy, but also gave birth to traces of fear and uneasiness.

She knew very little about this world and this person, and the only ending she knew was an unhappy ending.

A sense of stagnation clogged her heart, and Lu Yinxi became more and more out of breath. With all her strength, she pushed away the sleeping person on her body, got up from the sofa, and covered Jian Qing with the blanket again.

She squatted beside her, under the starlight, watched it over and over again, but was a little reluctant to leave.

But some things must be done.

Just like a clinician discovers a disease, thinks about the cause, and treats a disease, emotionality cannot solve the problem. When a problem is discovered, one must act, think, and solve it.

Lu Yinxi stood up, took out the pen and paper and lamp from the room, squatted on the tea table in front of the sofa, took a few deep breaths to calm down, and began to scribble on the paper.

The anxiety in her heart stems from her ignorance of the plot.

In the past, she didn’t care about the ending of the plot, she just wanted to escape far away, protect herself wisely, and return to reality.

Now, she put aside her escape psychology and tried to deduce and guess the plot for the first time.

Jian Qing is set up as a villain who will murder others in the later stage.

From the analysis of criminal motives, murder is nothing more than murder for love, murder for money, murder for rape, and murder for vendetta.

The word “rape. Kill” was directly drawn with a big X by Lu Yinxi, and it was excluded.

Love kills, in the original text, Jian Qing has only one ambiguous object from beginning to end, and that is Lu Yinxi herself.

Lu Yinxi recalled her own image in the book, it was not really a positive one, let alone a weak dodder flower, and would put several green hats on Jian Qing…

She rubbed the bridge of her nose, thinking that the author must be her black fan.

She has indeed been picked up several CPs, but they are all in line with the normal operation of marketing on-screen couples during the show, and it is not true that she has been in love countless times, and she is still on N boats.

To actually write her as that virtue…

Lu Yinxi snorted softly in his heart.

But putting aside her question, from a short-term contact, Jian Qing is not the kind of person who commits crimes for love.

She is not a love supremacist, and sometimes even ignores Lu Yinxi because of her work. She has made achievements in her professional field, has the ideal of scientific research, and has the belief in curing diseases and saving lives. She will not destroy her future for love.

Love killings are excluded.

Killing money… is impossible. She is not short of money, and she is not a greedy person. Not to mention that she is from the second generation of the rich, even if she has a normal relationship with her family, she has a stable income, which is enough for food and clothing.

Financial killings are excluded.

Only vendetta remained, and Lu Yinxi circled it, not daring to rule it out.

Whether it’s the character setting of the original book or the perception obtained after real contact, Lu Yinxi feels that Jian Qing has a temperament that must be revenged.

She seems indifferent, but her love and hatred are stronger than ordinary people.

If you love someone deeply, you will not let go until death; if someone has a deep hatred with her, she will do everything possible to get revenge, and it is not a problem to burn everything.

Lu Yinxi put a big question mark next to the circled word “vendetta”.

If it is a vendetta, there are also new and old grievances.

If it is a new enmity, it should happen some time in the future.

If old grudges…

Lu Yinxi recalled the night when they first met, Jian Qing drew a knife and a lamp on the paper with the dagger beside the bed and the psychological shadow of being afraid of the dark.

To be honest, up to now, she can’t see who Jian Qing has had any grudges with.

Jian Qing’s interpersonal relationship is very simple, she keeps a close distance with anyone, and occasionally treats people sincerely, but never opens her heart to others, including herself.

She completely closed herself up, wrapped tightly, like a cocoon, alive and closed.

In the past, Lu Yinxi didn’t want to strip her because he wasn’t interested.

Today, Lu Yinxi still doesn’t want to peel her off, for fear of accidentally pulling her wound, and just wants to wait for her to open up to him.

When she really likes someone, she is willing to accept all her past, good and bad, just accept it.

The train of thought was deduced to this point, and it temporarily froze, and Lu Yinxi couldn’t think of any more reasons.

She put down the pen and paper, squatted in front of Jian Qing, gently stroked her long hair, and made a promise in a low voice: “Even if one day I leave you and this world, I will definitely protect you first. Let no one hurt you.”

In the past twenty-five years, Lu Yinxi has not made such a promise to anyone.

The person on the sofa is demure, but not weak, and never shows weakness, and never shows any expression of loss, sadness, or sadness on his face, as if he is born without feeling negative emotions, and endures all pain without saying a word. It will not make people have any desire for protection, but only a sense of alienation.

She actually felt pity and tenderness towards such a cold woman.

Human emotions are really strange.

She was helpless in this strange world, and knew very little. This person brought her into a familiar environment, and there seemed to be a subtle concern for each other.

Leaving aside the feelings of liking, because of that subtlety, Jian Qing is also a special existence to her.

Lu Yinxi leaned against the sofa, sat on the ground, bowed his head and smiled.

Tonight, she experienced too many emotions, heartbeat, joy, bitterness, lingering, rationality, pity, chaos, defeat, and no sleepiness.

He couldn’t just sit by the sofa all night, so Lu Yinxi had no choice but to pick up the pen again, pull out a clean piece of paper, and sketch Jian Qing’s sleeping appearance stroke by stroke on the paper.

This is the second time drawing her.

When he painted her for the first time, Lu Yinxi didn’t treat her as a real person, didn’t care about her attitude, didn’t care about her life or death, just wanted to use her so that he could survive in this strange world.

The second time he painted her, Lu Yinxi had her in his heart and wanted to protect her, so his brushstrokes became gentler than ever.

She wants to hide these paintings and not show them to anyone.

It’s like hiding the secret love in my heart and not telling anyone.

The morning sun was shining on his body, and in a daze, Lu Yinxi felt the warmth, opened his eyes, and picked up the mobile phone beside his head.

9 am.

She got up and looked at Jian Qing on the other side of the sofa.

Jian Qing is still asleep.

It’s rare to see a late sleep.

Jian Qing is used to getting up early, no matter whether she is on vacation or not, she always gets up at 6 o’clock every day, but today she still hasn’t woken up until 9 o’clock.

It seemed that he was really drunk last night.

Lu Yinxi smiled, and worried if she was sick, crawled over and touched her forehead.

normal temperature.

The sleeper was disturbed, his brows were wrinkled, and he seemed to be waking up.

Lu Yinxi was stunned for a moment, and immediately possessed himself with drama, tore the collar of his nightgown a little, messed up his hair, took out a tissue, sat on the corner of the sofa with his knees in his arms, his eyes were red easily, and wiped it with a tissue Tears that don’t exist.

When Jian Qing opened his eyes, he looked at the ceiling and squinted, feeling a little strange, not the familiar environment when he woke up.

Her limbs were in a limp and weak state after waking up after a deep sleep. She struggled to get up, and bumped into the scene of Lu Yinxi’s red eyes wiping tears in her eyes.

It was the first time Jian Qing encountered this kind of scene where she woke up with a haggard face and sobbing, but it wasn’t the first time she saw it.

When the children in the department played all kinds of rich and powerful TV series on their mobile phones, she glanced at them once or twice.

She looked down at her dressing gown.

Pretty neat.

She looked at Lu Yinxi’s nightgown, which was a little messy.

Before Lu Yinxi could utter the classic line “You have to be responsible to me” with red eyes, Jian Qing first picked up the phone, checked if there were any missed calls from the hospital, then turned on the camera, and took a picture of her cheek

— No slap prints.

She put down her cell phone, walked over, arranged the nightgown for Lu Yinxi, and asked softly, “Is it fun?”

“It’s not fun, you don’t cooperate at all…”

“You leave a mark on my face, maybe I will be deceived by you for a while longer.”

Lu Yinxi snorted coldly: “I can hear it, you are hurting me in disguise, you think I am fierce, don’t you?”

Jian Qing reached out and tapped her forehead lightly: “I’m haggard, didn’t you sleep well?”

Lu Yinxi lied: “Last night, I drank too much, so I covered you with a blanket, and I fell asleep on the sofa. No one covered me, and I was freezing.”

No mention of intimate kisses and sleepless nights.

Jian Qing reached out to touch the faint dark circles under her eyes, said nothing, and turned to wash in the bathroom.

Lu Yinxi turned into a little tail, holding a toothbrush with a cup and a fur mop, and squeezed into the bathroom of Jian Qing’s bedroom.

Jian Qing was squeezing toothpaste, when she saw her coming, she raised her eyebrows slightly.

Lu Yinxi snatched the toothpaste in her hand, squeezed it onto his own toothbrush, and asked, “Do you remember what happened last night?”

Jian Qing remained unchanged, rinsed her mouth, spit out water, looked at Lu Yinxi in the mirror, and said calmly, “I didn’t sleep with you.”

Choked by her blunt words, Lu Yinxi also looked at Jian Qing in the mirror, and asked softly: “Except for not sleeping, do you remember anything else?”

Jian Qing was silent for a moment, then calmly said: “If you want to have something happen, you can come and sleep with me tonight.”

Start brushing your teeth after speaking.

Every time she said to sleep with, she just said it verbally, and didn’t really threaten anyone to do anything. Lu Yinxi was almost immune to this word, and just ignored it.

It seems that I really don’t remember anything.

The two stopped talking and stood side by side in front of the sink brushing their teeth.

The only sound in the bathroom was the hum of an electric toothbrush.

While brushing, the two suddenly looked at each other in the mirror, and Lu Yinxi couldn’t help but smile, the smile was bright, and the corners of the lips were still covered with foam from toothpaste.

Jian Qing looked at her smile, as if the frost and snow had melted, and gradually there was a faint smile in her eyes.

After breakfast, Jian Qing took out the computer to write a thesis, while Lu Yinxi clutched the corner of her clothes and wanted to go out.

Jian Qing asked, “Where are you going?”

She always has a plan and purpose when she goes out, and she won’t wander around aimlessly like Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi gave the purpose and plan: “I want to buy some potted plants and dolls, and by the way, go to the flower and bird market together, buy some flowers and plants, and decorate the house.”

Jian Qing’s apartment is like Guanghan Palace, it is too clean and simple, without any breath of life.

She is going to buy trinkets to decorate her apartment.

I was planning to go directly to the mall to buy some dolls, but when I passed by a store with a claw machine at the door, Lu Yinxi stopped, and said to Jian Qing confidently: “Look, I will give you the dolls in the most economical way.” Take it home and say, which one of these dolls do you want?”

Jian Qing casually pointed to the topmost and largest rabbit.

“Wait, I’m going to grab it into your arms.” Lu Yinxi rubbed her hands, put in a coin, manipulated the joystick, fixed her eyes on the rabbit doll, and her paw landed on the rabbit. She immediately pressed “grab”, The paw trembled and fell, and seeing that it was about to grab the rabbit’s ear, the paw trembled and let go as if it had Parkinson’s syndrome.

Lu Yinxi patted his thigh: “I’ll try again.”

in a minute…

“do it again!”

five minutes later…

“One last try! You trust me!”

ten minutes later…

Lu Yinxi was still empty-handed.

Jian Qing stood aside, folded his arms, and said honestly: “People are still addicted to vegetables.”

Lu Yinxi snorted and yelled at her: “You do what you want.”

Jian Qing pulled her away, walked to the claw machine, and operated it calmly

— nothing came out.

With a sound of “clang”, Lu Yinxi dropped 5 coins and said softly, “Doctor Jane, continue.”

Jian Qing glanced at her and repeated the operation 5 times.

Still nothing was caught.

Lu Yinxi wanted to insert coins, Jian Qing stopped her movements, pondered for a while, and said expressionlessly, “I can’t.”

It was the first time seeing her confess, Lu Yinxi laughed loudly, patted her on the shoulder, walked into the store, talked to the owner for a few words, coaxed the owner to be elated, walked out, and used the key Turn on the claw machine, grab the rabbit doll, and hand it to Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi stuffed the doll into Jian Qing’s arms: “No, it’s yours, let it sleep with you in the future.”

Jian Qing poked the rabbit’s cheek, grabbed the rabbit’s ears and walked with Lu Yinxi to the shopping mall, bought a bunch of dolls and pillows, and drove around to the nearby flower and bird market.

Lu Yinxi asked her: “Do you have any flowers you like?”

Jian Qing thought about it for a while, then shook her head: “You can choose.”

Luyinxi did not choose flowers with bright red and purple colors, but mostly green plants that are resistant to cold and drought and easy to feed.

There are also various insects, fish, birds and animals in the market, and Lu Yinxi stopped in front of a colorful parrot.

Jian Qing thoughtfully said: “If you want to buy it, buy it.”

Lu Yinxi shook his head.

She didn’t plan to buy small animals. First, she didn’t have time to take care of them. Second, Jian Qing didn’t seem like a person who liked small animals. It was probably enough to raise experimental animals such as mice and rabbits in the laboratory.

After returning to the apartment with a bunch of gadgets, Luyinxi arranged it all afternoon. Hanging ornaments were hung on the walls of the living room, pillows and furry dolls were placed on the sofa, and the balcony was covered with Boston ferns and brocade bamboos.

She specially placed two hydroponic vines and green radishes at the entrance of the door, and said to Jian Qing: “When you come back from get off work in the hospital, you will see emerald green plants as soon as you enter the house, and you will definitely think: Wow, good It has vitality.”

Jian Qing doesn’t have such literary ideas, and thinks very practically: “What should I do if I die?”

Lu Yinxi said: “This thing is grown hydroponically and it is easy to feed. It doesn’t need to be watered frequently. Just see if there is no water in the bottle and just water it. It doesn’t need much sunlight. Put it here and receive the scattered light from the glass. Good.” He smiled and boasted, “It’s as easy to support as I am.”

Jian Qing looked at her and smiled.

“What are you laughing at? It’s easy to feed yourself. As long as there is light and water, you can live anywhere.”

Jian Qing shook her head and remained silent.

She thought she had picked up a soft and delicate dodder and brought it home, but the dodder told her that it was a very good pothos, and it didn’t need to be attached to parasites, as long as it was given a little water and a little light.

Really, cute.

Lu Yinxi got used to her silence, didn’t ask any more questions, and said softly: “You can do whatever you want, you can laugh if you want, anyway, you look pretty when you smile, hey, you can smile again.”

However, Jian Qing stopped smiling and turned around to go about her own business.

Lu Yinxi also looked away, squatted down, and carefully wiped the leaves of the green radish.

She hoped that Jian Qing could live a happier life.

She doesn’t want to peel off her past scars, she doesn’t expect to be together, she just hopes that she will be happy for the rest of her life.

It’s workday again.

Lu Yinxi helped the nurse send blood samples to the laboratory, and on the way back to the oncology department met Zhang Yue who had returned from the consultation.

Zhang Yue was accompanied by a young doctor with handsome features and outstanding temperament.

After the three greeted each other, Lu Yinxi saw clearly the words on the young doctor’s badge

—The First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Attending Physician, Chu Yan.

Oh, man.

Lu Yinxi stared at him twice more.

She had been avoiding contact with the main characters in the book before, and she didn’t care about the male and female protagonists, and didn’t pay attention to their existence.

Chu Yan and Jian Qing are classmates in the university. They are about the same age, but one majors in surgery and the other in internal medicine.

The Department of Thoracic Surgery and Medical Oncology will have some business conflicts. Both departments can diagnose and treat thoracic tumors. In some small hospitals, sometimes there is an unhealthy atmosphere of intercepting patients from each other.

There is no shortage of patients in Jiangzhou First Affiliated Hospital. Patients from various cities and counties keep pouring in. Sometimes it takes a week or two to get a bed. The tumor center has also set up a special multidisciplinary consultation team. Discuss the best treatment plan for the patient.

Logically, there would be no business conflicts, but Jian Qing and Chu Yan seemed to be at odds with each other by nature.

It was described in the book that the two of them are golden boys and girls who are talented and beautiful in the eyes of the two departments.

In Lu Yinxi’s impression, the male protagonist in this world doesn’t have any major shortcomings, but he likes to unbutton the buttons, wear the white coat as a windbreaker, block the female protagonist in the corner, pinch the female protagonist’s waist, and say in a hoarse voice: “I gave you my life.”

After Chu Yan left, Zhang Yue poked Lu Yinxi’s arm: “Did you fall in love with him? That’s the famous grass of our hospital.”

Lu Yinxi chuckled, shook his head, and half-truthfully said: “Compared to him, I’m more likely to fall in love with your senior sister.”

The male protagonist belongs to the female protagonist, and there is no good fruit to eat from the female protagonist.

Zhang Yue thought that Lu Yinxi was joking, so he laughed and joked, “I really don’t know any man who is worthy of my senior sister, and you two look good together.”

Lu Yinxi heard these words comfortably, and gave Zhang Yue a look of “you have a good eye”, and asked again: “Brother Zhang, are there many people chasing your senior sister?”

“It’s not much. My senior sister is like the icy little dragon girl in the Ancient Tomb School, but she can’t be approached from a distance, and she feels too far away. Most men don’t dare to chase her, and those who dare to take the initiative to chase her are rich young masters.” .”

After hearing this metaphor, Lu Yinxi shook his head and smiled: “She is Li Mochou.”

Gentle and beautiful, duplicity.

Zhang Yue clicked his tongue and defended: “Sister, you are jealous, I understand, the comparison between beautiful women, my ex-girlfriend also knows it, and used to ask me who is better looking, her or my senior sister.”

“How did you answer?”

“I’m not stupid, of course my girlfriend is pretty.”

This time it was Lu Yinxi’s maintenance: “Obviously your senior sister is more beautiful. I have seen so many celebrities, but she has the most special temperament.”

“You kids don’t understand. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even if my girlfriend is only 7 points beautiful, when I like her, she is a perfect score in my eyes.”

Leng Buding was stuffed with a mouthful of expired dog food, and Lu Yinxi knocked on his forehead: “I can’t see it, Brother Zhang, you are still an infatuated kind.”

“Of course, Xiaolu, you have to keep your eyes open when picking a boyfriend. If you want to pick someone like me who is dedicated, don’t be kidnapped by the **** brother. How about Brother Zhang introduce you to some juniors?”

“I don’t want to study medicine. You are too busy to accompany me.” Lu Yinxi shook his head like a rattle, and continued to turn the topic back to Jian Qing, “Why isn’t your senior sister married? I think she was in the same period as her.” The second child is coming soon.”

She developed a strong curiosity about Jian Qing, and when she met someone who was familiar with Jian Qing, she couldn’t help but want to talk a little more, beating around the bush, turning all the topics on her, wishing to find out how many strands of hair there were. .

Zhang Yue said: “That’s different. My senior sister went to school early. She went to university at the age of 16. She came back to the hospital at the age of 24. She was a lot younger than the same period. From the time she entered the hospital, those who introduced her to her partner can start from Our office is located at the south gate of the hospital. Later she said that she had an ex-boyfriend who died of leukemia. She studied medicine for him. She only had him in her heart, and she decided not to marry for him, so everyone calmed down a little. “

Lu Yinxi was dubious: “Is it true?”

“It should be true. My senior sister won’t lie. Alas, she is the kind of infatuation. For a man, she put herself in it all her life.”

Lu Yinxi felt sour in his heart when he heard it, and didn’t want to continue the chat.

A few words cut off the topic, and she and Zhang Yue returned to the department, looking at the materials with their heads bowed, unable to read a word.

Last time, she said that she didn’t have a white moonlight… Heh, it turned out that she had an unforgettable cinnabar mole, and she studied medicine for him and never married for him.

It’s as deep as the sea.

Seeing Lu Yinxi came back, Jian Qing sat beside her and turned on the computer: “Who bullied you?”

“Nobody bullied me.”

“What’s the matter?”

With low eyebrows and downcast eyes, like an abandoned kitten, aggrieved and pitiful.

Lu Yinxi sneered softly: “You still know how to care about me?”

Don’t you just pretend to be your ex-boyfriend?

Jian Qing glanced at her, and silently reflected for a moment, unable to think of what he had done recently to make her angry.

There is also no medical record for clinical research, no time to care about the inexplicable yin and yang, Jian Qing looked at the computer screen, and said in a low voice: “Speak directly if you have something to say.”

Stabbed by her indifferent attitude, Lu Yinxi endured the bitterness in his heart and lowered his head: “Nothing.”

Stop looking at her and look down at the information.

Looking at it, I couldn’t help but look up again, wondering what she was doing.

Unexpectedly, he ran into a pair of beautiful eyes.

Jian Qing seemed to guess that Lu Yinxi would not be able to help but look over, watching her silently.

Their gazes collided, and there were faint smiles in the eyes like autumn water and cold stars.

The bitterness in his heart was washed away by this little tacit understanding, Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing, and smiled, his clear eyes became extremely soft: “What are you peeking at me for?”

Jian Qing’s expression was indifferent: “If you don’t peek at me, how do you know that I’m peeping at you?”

Lu Yinxi pointed to the information: “I have encountered a problem, and I want to ask you for advice.”


Where can I tell what the problem is, I haven’t read a few lines of information.

Jian Qing didn’t expose her, and looked at her quietly, with a half-smile in his eyes.

Lu Yinxi rubbed the space between his eyebrows, his brain was running fast, and he came up with a question: “I know that solid tumors such as lung cancer and liver cancer use the RECIST standard to evaluate the efficacy of treatment, but what standard is used to evaluate the treatment of non-solid tumors, such as leukemia and lymphoma?” Effect?”

Leukemia is specifically emphasized.

Jian Qing took a piece of draft paper casually, wrote down the letters PD, SD, PR, CR, Lugano, etc. on the paper, and explained slowly: “PD disease progression, SD disease stable, PR partial remission, CR complete remission, these few The concept is general, and lymphoma is evaluated by Lugano criteria, and I will print it out for you to see.”

As he spoke, he printed out two sides of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Curative Effect Evaluation Criteria for Lu Yinxi on a computer on the external network.

Lu Yinxi looked at the dense knowledge points and rubbed his forehead, feeling a little headache.

While having a headache, there was also a subtle sense of happiness.

Jian Qing had no special reaction to the word “leukemia”.

There is an unforgettable ex-boyfriend or something, there is a high probability that it is a lie, right?

Lu Yinxi bowed her head contentedly, and continued to study the materials. There was the familiar sound of keyboard tapping in her ears, “Da da, da da”, one by one, as if hitting her heart.

Jian Qing’s university advisor, Hu Jianjun, was a master in the field of lung cancer. He is now the vice president of Jiangzhou First Affiliated Hospital and the director of the comprehensive tumor treatment center.

In the past two years, Hu Jianjun has been obsessed with the struggle for administrative power. He has released all the doctoral students under his name, and met at the beginning of the semester. After that, he can hardly find anyone. The new disciples rely on senior brothers and sisters.

Zhang Yue was brought up by Jian Qing, and he also taught clinical practice and led scientific research. Every time Jian Qing was on duty, he could still get free lunch and dinner.

He knew that it was the senior sister who wanted to take care of him, the junior brother.

The growth cycle of studying medicine is long, and his peers are all married and buying houses. As a doctor, he is still working hard as a doctor.

The last time his father was sick, he couldn’t give much money. Jian Qing knew that there was nothing to comfort him, so he directly transferred 50,000 yuan, saying that he owed it first and would pay it back after graduation.

He was so moved by a big man that he wished he could be a cow and a horse to agree with him, but Jian Qing put a mirror on his face coldly and asked him to take a look at himself.

He knew he wasn’t good enough, so he let it go with a smile.

After working together for many years, he has never seen anyone who can make his senior sister care. Today, after work, his senior sister blocked the door of the duty room, and asked coldly, “Are you bullying the people under me?”

“Senior sister, how dare I? It would be good if Wei Mingming didn’t step on my head… Did she speak ill of me in front of you again?”

“Not obviously, another one.”

“Xiaolu? Then I dare not, isn’t that your distant cousin? She is obedient and beautiful, and it’s too late for me to spoil her.”

Jian Qing crossed her arms, and glanced over coldly: “Why is she so unhappy after she came back with you?”

“How can I guess a little girl’s mind?” Under the high-pressure gaze, Zhang Yue almost wanted to squat in the corner with his head in his arms, “I guess it’s Sichun, I just met the handsome Chu from the thoracic surgery department. Every year there is a little girl who is seduced by a handsome guy. By the way, senior sister, don’t you have an academic conference next week? Chu Yan seems to be going too. You take Xiaolu with you to create opportunities for them, maybe Chu Yan That kid will become your cousin-in-law, and you will overwhelm him—”

Before he finished speaking, Jian Qing interrupted the conversation in a rare way, and said coldly: “Go change your thesis, stop talking nonsense.”

Zhang Yue pointed to his dark circles: “Senior sister, I haven’t slept for 24 hours, and if I revise my thesis, I will die suddenly. You have the heart to torture your little brother like this?”

Jian Qing turned around and left directly: “When I give you first aid, I will specially ask the anesthesiologist to come over and intubate your trachea.”

In the evening, when the two returned home, Jian Qing suddenly said, “I have an academic conference next weekend, and Wei Mingming is going to take an exam. You and I will go to City C together and be in charge of the docking work.”

The advantage of acknowledging one’s identity is that Lu Yinxi can show her true self generously, reducing a lot of communication costs.

She opened the memo on her mobile phone and asked, “Can the courseware be given to the organizer in advance?”

The organizers of academic conferences will 100% urge the experts to prepare courseware before the conference. Some experts with strong intellectual property awareness do not like to provide their own PPT in advance for debugging at the conference site. delete.

“It can be given in advance. I have no taboos. I can come out on Wednesday.”

“Is Continuing Medical Education Credit Needed?”

The promotion of medical professional titles needs to obtain certain credits for many years in a row. Credits are obtained by publishing papers and attending academic conferences. Sometimes people scramble to attend academic lectures, not because they love academics, but because they are rushing to get credits.

At the end of every year, a bunch of doctors find that they haven’t accumulated enough credits this year, so they rush to run around the province and city to attend academic lectures.

Due to the limited number of credits, the organizers of academic lectures usually ask the lecturers whether they need credits in advance, and if necessary, they will reserve places for experts in advance.

“I’ve had enough this year, leave it to others.”

“Friday night? Or Saturday morning?”

“Friday night.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Ends around 12 am on Sunday, buy tickets for 13 o’clock.”

After clearing up all the trivial matters, Lu Yinxi lowered his head and recorded everything clearly in the memo on his mobile phone, then raised his head, made an “ok” gesture, and said with a smile: “Teacher Jian, leave it to me, you are in charge of the lecture it is good.”

Jian Qing looked at her smile, nodded, and stretched out his hand to help her push the broken hair behind her ears. When she was about to withdraw her hand, her eyes fell on her snow-white earlobe, and she couldn’t help it, and stretched out her hand to gently pinch it.

Lu Yinxi was stunned for a moment, smiled, covered his ears and took a step back, staring viciously over.

Jian Qing looked away as if nothing had happened, her face was calm, but the tips of her ears were rosy.

Lu Yinxi covered her ears, turned her back to Jian Qing, swiped on the phone, and cursed in her heart.

Scum, duplicity, blinded a good face in vain.

While cursing, he felt his ears getting hotter and hotter.

Most of the academic conferences are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers, and sometimes it is not necessarily the hospital staff but the sponsors who are responsible for the docking.

Sponsors will cover travel and board expenses for experts.

City C is a prefecture-level city. Assistant Qian from the sponsor quickly bought the high-speed rail ticket and booked a hotel to connect with Luyinxi.

Lu Yinxi confirmed them one by one, and when he saw that only one room was reserved, he told Manager Qian: “Hello, Manager, there are two people who need to stay in the hotel. Teacher Jian will bring a female assistant.”

Manager Qian crackled and typed back: “Teacher

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