She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 37

Chapter 36 – Die

ICU, the last line of defense of life.

If the position here is lost, there is a high probability that the place waiting for the patients will be a cold morgue.

There are tragic stories here every day. There are groups of family members standing at the base of the wall outside the door. Some people don’t want to leave in the middle of the night. They just sit in the corner of the wall and wait for their relatives inside through the thick door.

The deceased in the next bed was wrapped in a white cloth and sent to the mortuary. The family members outside the door were crying out of breath.

The doctors around the bed spread out, and the nurses skillfully put on brand-new bedding, waiting for the arrival of the next patient.

The doctors and nurses here don’t have time to feel the death of a patient, to experience the grief of his parents and children, and they can’t waste time here.

What can be done at this time is to invest in the treatment of the next patient.

Lu Yinxi’s memory still stays in the teaching rounds on the morning of the fifth day of the fifth day of junior high school. At this moment, he heard a soft pleading in his ears, and quietly answered in his heart: “Okay, I will survive, and I can’t die so vaguely…

She was willing to be a teaching patient, but she didn’t want to appear in their discussion of the deaths.

At 6 o’clock in the evening, after work, Jian Qing did not go to the ICU to accompany her immediately, but went to the conference hall on the 7th floor of the administrative building to participate in the hospital-level discussion of death cases.

Usually, each department has its own time for discussion of death cases. The death discussion at the hospital level is a model that a certain leader has gone abroad and brought back from a foreign hospital. It is only held once a quarter. This is the third time.

Organized by the director of the medical department, each department takes turns to share, and sometimes experts from other hospitals related specialties are invited to come.

Inspection, diagnosis, medication, rescue, each step will be judged whether it is reasonable or not, clinical, medical technology, pharmacy, blood supply room… every department may be analyzed for inadequacy.

The death of a patient is a very common thing for doctors, but it is not a glorious thing. It takes a certain amount of courage to stand here to accept discussion and even criticism.

It takes a certain amount of courage to tell the truth here.

In the discussion of death cases in the department, it is easy for the superior to guide the subordinate, and to speak up when something is not done well, but the discussion at the hospital level is based on the department as a unit, and the directors are all at the same level.

When evaluating each other at the same level, you need to weigh the human relationship, otherwise if you refute the director’s face in front of the whole hospital today, he will dare to tear down your platform tomorrow.

Therefore, when discussing, it is necessary to focus on the light and fear the heavy, and the leader needs to emphasize again and again that it is not criticism, but discussion and improvement.

Sometimes the effect is not as good as the discussion within the department, but the leader has his own ideas, and the subordinates can only cooperate.

This time it is the turn of the Department of Cardiology to share cases.

A doctor in the Department of Cardiology stood on the stage and opened the PPT: “Good evening, leaders and colleagues. I am Ding Xiaomai from the first area of the heart. The death case shared today is a 20-year-old female with viral myocarditis (VMC) He was admitted to the hospital, and his condition improved after being treated in the ICU. On the 10th, he was transferred to the Department of Cardiology, and his condition was stable. On the 15th, he returned to the hospital for examination and found that his heart failure had worsened, and he developed dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) with hypotension. On the 15th, at 9:30 p.m. , Sudden cardiac arrest…”

In the case sharing, the patient’s name is hidden, and only the hospital number, 52104, is displayed.

Sitting under the stage, Jian Qing couldn’t remember who the string of numbers represented, but seeing the medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, admission diagnosis, and treatment process displayed on the PPT, she guessed who the patient was—

He Bei, who collapsed in the park that day, finally rescued the patient for nearly three hours in conjunction with the emergency department, severe disease, and cardiac surgery.

Jian Qing felt that life and death were impermanent inadvertently, but frowned in thought.

He was rescued at the most dangerous time. Why did he suddenly develop dilated cardiomyopathy after his condition stabilized? Cardiac arrest also occurred, rescue failed?

Nine p.m.

Lu Yinxi lay on the ICU bed, opened his eyes, his eyes were clear.

It was as if the mountain that was pressing on his chest was removed, his breathing became smoother, and his chaotic mind became clearer.

Isn’t it a flashback?

She turned to look at the data on her monitor.

All indicators were within the normal range, and vital signs were stable.

“Woke up?”

Someone came to her bed and asked her softly.

She moved her head and saw Jian Qing standing by the bed.

Jian Qing wore a mask, only showing a pair of eyes, and looked at her calmly: “The tube can be extubated tomorrow.”

Lu Yinxi felt that his wrist could exert strength, so he lifted it up and made a posture of holding a pen and writing.

Jian Qing understood, raised the head of the bed, handed her the magnetic pen, and put the magnetic board in front of her: “What do you want to say?”

Usually it is Lu Yinxi who talks non-stop, but now she can’t speak, and Jian Qing has become the one who talks a lot.

Lu Yinxi glanced at Jian Qing, then wrote and drew on the magnetic board—

[Patient’s needle wound: —IIIIIIIII—

Disassemble in half with teaching instructions: —I-I-I-I-I—

Students split it in half: —IIIIII—]

There is a classic medical joke about a patient whose wound is about to heal after being stitched. The instructor instructs the students to remove half of the threads. The normal operation is to remove every other thread. As a result, the inexperienced student only removed the right half of the threads.

She was telling jokes to make Jian Qing happy, and she wanted to make her happy, not the solemn and serious appearance now.

Jian Qing was expressionless.

Lu Yinxi frowned and stared at her.

Isn’t it funny?

Under the threat, Jian Qing pulled off the mask, hung it on one ear, hooked the corner of her mouth, showed a forced and short smile to Lu Yinxi, and then put on the mask again.

Lu Yinxi stopped teasing her and just looked at her.

Jian Qing also looked at Lu Yinxi. After a long time, there was a smile in his eyes, revealing a sincere smile.

The next day, Lu Yinxi pulled out the tube, put on an oxygen mask, and observed for another day. After the doctor assessed that his signs were stable, he was transferred out of the ICU, freed up a bed, and transferred to the Department of Respiratory Medicine.

This day, Jian Qing was on duty in the scientific research class, instead of staying in the laboratory, she was holding the computer and keeping statistics by Lu Yinxi’s bedside.

In the general ward, she also wore a mask, but instead of a white coat, she wore ordinary clothes.

Lu Yinxi stared at her, refusing to rest and sleep.

When Wei Mingming was running errands to deliver things, he stopped by to visit Lu Yinxi, and sat on the bedside of Lu Yinxi, laughing and laughing: “I am your lifesaver, when you recover, give me a dance.”

Lu Yinxi smiled and nodded in agreement.

In the middle of the night, Jian Qing didn’t go back, and planned to continue guarding Luyinxi in the ward.

Lu Yinxi typed on her mobile phone and showed her: [Go back and rest, your condition is almost stable, with doctors and nurses here, I will be fine. 】

Jian Qing took a look, looked away, ignored her, borrowed the bathroom in the duty room of the respiratory physician, washed up briefly, and returned to the ward, intending to lie down on the bedside to sleep.

Lu Yinxi poked the whirlpool above Jian Qing’s head.

Jian Qing grabbed her hand, stuffed it back into the bed, looked up at her, and said nothing.

She had no choice but to type on the phone again: 【Why am I so serious? Is my upper respiratory tract mucosal barrier function too weak? Or is there something wrong with the immune system? 】

In the absence of an underlying disease, it takes a certain amount of time for a cold to develop into pneumonia. Even if it is a Streptococcus pneumoniae infection, it is mostly 1 to 3 days after the onset of the disease, without any medication or treatment, before it may cause severe pneumonia.

After she got caught in the rain and got cold, she got infected, had a fever, and went into shock just in the middle of the night, which is too rare. Could it be that her immune system turned against all fronts and allowed the bacteria to invade?

It was as if the **** of death was pulling the progress bar of her life.

Jian Qing shook her head: “I have done a lot of inspections, but no problem has been found for the time being. It may be that your constitution is quite special.”

Just like most people in this world need a certain amount of sleep, but some people can be energetic after only sleeping for 2 or 3 hours.

“Wait for a while, continue to check and find out the reason slowly, you go to bed first.”

Lu Yinxi: [Can’t sleep, I’ve slept for so long, I’m going to be on the bed. 】

Jian Qing flicked Lu Yinxi’s forehead lightly, and said lightly, “I’ll let you lie in bed.”

Lu Yinxi smiled, grabbed her hand and held on.

Jian Qing let Lu Yinxi lead her, stared into her clear eyes, and made a promise: “In the future, I will not leave you alone.”

It is said that no coincidence makes a book. Sometimes, her life and the experiences of the people around her are so coincidental that it really looks like a book.

She didn’t want to experience such a coincidence again.

She wanted this person by her side, and she was never allowed to leave her.

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing, didn’t respond, just smiled slightly.

After a few more days, I gradually became able to speak and walk on the ground.

After Lu Yinxi walked around the ward a few times, he couldn’t stand being locked up in the ward anymore, so he talked to the nurse in charge and went downstairs for a walk.

The green design of Jiangzhou Fuyi No. 1 is good. Although it is not as green as the campus next door, there are still many flower beds, kiosks, and corridors for patients to take a walk, watch and rest.

At noon, in the evening, and at night, people in the ward like to come down for a walk and sit on the stone benches in the corridor to chat.

Lu Yinxi was sitting in the pavilion, observing the species of trees. Jian Qing came over with lunch and asked softly, “Why did you run out without saying a word?”

“I told the nurse.” Lu Yinxi turned around, “Should I still have noodles for lunch today? When can I eat hairy crabs, deep-fried shrimps, lamb chops with cumin…”

After hearing her list of dishes, Jian Qing still had no expression on his face, and opened the lunch box: “Eat this meal first.”

Lu Yinxi muttered, “You treat me like a child…”

“Don’t you like to pretend to be tender?”

Lu Yinxi snorted softly, bowed his head and ate obediently.

Beside the flower bed, sat two chatting students: “The teacher in our group hasn’t come to work for several days, and I heard that he took half a month’s leave.”

“Teacher Chu Yan? Is something wrong?”

“It seems that the fiancée died of illness, hey, she originally said that she would give us wedding candies.”

The chatting words drifted into Lu Yinxi’s ears intermittently. Lu Yinxi slowed down his chewing and swallowing speed, and was stunned for a few seconds. After realizing it, he asked Jian Qing: “You said last time that Dr. Chu has a fiancee. , he… When did he have a fiancee?”

Jian Qing’s face was calm: “After Miss He woke up, he proposed to her in the ICU emergency room, and Miss He agreed.”

They were neighbors who had known each other for a long time. After going through a thrilling rescue and almost parting with each other, they put aside their age scruples and planned to get together.

Lu Yinxi put down his chopsticks and tried hard to swallow the food in his mouth, but he couldn’t swallow it anyway. After several mouthfuls of soup, he rushed down and asked again: “He Bei, died of illness?”

Jane nodded coldly.

She didn’t have any extra feelings for others, and she had seen too many life and death partings in the oncology department, and she couldn’t express any emotion, and the slightest regret had already been diluted.

“When did this happen?”

“On the fourth day of junior high school, the night you entered the ICU.”

On the night of her death, rumors should have spread among colleagues in the hospital, but in those few days, Jian Qing almost focused all her attention on Lu Yinxi, and her face was not very good-looking during the class. Dare to chat with her about that.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t believe it: “How could this be? She has already been transferred out of the ICU. I went to visit her the day before New Year’s Eve, and she is in good condition.”

“On the second day of the new year, she was able to walk, eat, and drink. She seemed to have recovered almost. Her family asked for leave from the hospital and wanted to take her home for a reunion dinner. The hospital refused. On the third day of the new year, they took advantage of the nurse’s absence Note that when I sneaked home, the hospital kept calling, and I didn’t come back until the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. When I came back for an examination, I found that my heart failure had worsened.

Most of the patients don’t like to stay in the hospital for the New Year. They think it’s bad luck. They would rather take the risk and sneak back home, and spend a traditional festival with their families.

Lu Yinxi was speechless for a moment.

Jian Qing continued to explain softly: “The cause of death may be that on the day I returned home in the third grade of junior high school, I didn’t bring any medicine and suddenly stopped taking Betaloc, which caused myocardium infarction.”

He Bei once used Betaloc for tachycardia. Betaloc has the effect of slowing down the heart rate and dilating blood vessels, and is a type of β-blocker drug. Such drugs should not be stopped suddenly, but can only be reduced sequentially, otherwise it will easily cause rebound phenomenon, aggravate the original symptoms, induce angina pectoris and even myocardial infarction.

Lu Yinxi suddenly lost his appetite and couldn’t eat anything.

She coughed a few times, stood up, turned her back to Jian Qing, and looked at the green trees outside the pavilion.

The tree looks old, and its roots are intertwined and criss-crossed.

She looked at the green tree, her mind was in a mess.

Going around and going around, how come you still haven’t bypassed the ending of death?

The author has something to say: Sickly promise—

Mingmian: I will not leave you alone

Subtext: don’t leave, die in front of me

Worked overtime, came back late, sorry, everyone~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2207:28:44~2021-02-2401:21:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 cloud shadow under the boat;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 429188777; 4 for bread today; 3 for pork belly; 2 for meat buns; , Offer blessings to the beautiful world, mimomomo, Tian Zaishui updated 1 today;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 70 bottles of meat buns; 23 bottles of flowing wind; 10 bottles of An Yu, wanie, offering blessings to a beautiful world; 5 bottles of He, Forever Antler, Li Xiaojin; 4 bottles of Flowers, Plants, Miss You, Zuo Yan; 1 bottle of Mommu’s Premium Hand Wheat, Yuan Yu, Mochiyue Ningxiang, and Laobai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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