She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 52

Chapter 51 – Quarrel

There was a crowd of people around the door of Jian Qing’s consulting room. A man in a black jacket stood by the door of the consulting room, swearing and banging on the door to make a loud noise.

“My number is number 2? My number is ahead of his, why should he go in first!”

“Does your hospital follow the rules? I brought my dad here at 9 o’clock and you can’t see it!”

“You mother, how do you, a doctor, treat people? Is it reasonable?”

“It was the same last time, just because I saw a cold and gave me a bunch of checkups! The party has raised you trash, and you know how to bully the common people! That face still smells like a latrine! How can the patient be cured with such a poor service attitude?”

Lu Yinxi probably understood that there was a quarrel because of the queuing up to call the number.

Outpatient clinics often encounter people who do not follow the order of calling and jump in line to see a doctor, especially in the emergency department. There are often frictions between patients and patients, and between patients and doctors. The oncology department is relatively rare. Most of the patients in the oncology department are people with half a foot in the coffin. They don’t have the energy to make a scene. The family members of the cancer patients are under a lot of pressure to accompany them, and they tend to be irritable and take their anger out on others.

Lu Yinxi took off his white coat, took off his mask, put it on the consultation table, rolled up the simple and clear tutor manual as a medical record, turned on his mobile phone, turned on the recording, and walked over to act as a patient waiting in line.

In case of a fight, it would be inconvenient for her to do it while wearing a white coat, and the effect would be bad…

She leaned over and asked a big sister who was watching: “Sister, what’s going on?”

“This man has passed the number. The doctor asked others to go in first. After he came, he waited for a while, and before he was told to go in, he started to yell and curse.”

Jian Qing in the consultation room was still prescribing medicines and examinations for other patients, and calmly explained to the man at the door: “It’s useless for you to quarrel with me. According to the hospital’s regulations, those who pass the number are all at the bottom of the queue.”

The man in the jacket took out his phone, turned on the camera, and took a picture of Jian Qing: “Okay, don’t you care? I’m a big V on the **** video platform, and I have millions of fans. I’ll expose it to you on the Internet right now.” Go, let fans and netizens judge and see what kind of virtue your hospital is? My dad is in poor health and has been waiting until now, and people outside have been ganging up on you. You can’t make money with no conscience like this. Don’t we ordinary people have human rights?”

The nurse scolded him: “Don’t take pictures, don’t take pictures! Don’t take pictures!”

Jian Qing gestured to Wei Mingming: “Call the security department to come up.”

Lu Yinxi took a deep breath, adjusted his facial expression, rolled up his sleeves, rushed into the crowd, blocked the man in the jacket who was taking pictures with his mobile phone, grabbed his mobile phone, and deleted the video.

The man snatched the phone back: “Are you crazy, you? What’s the matter with you?”

Lu Yinxi showed the aura of a shrew cursing the street, and yelled: “I really want to slap you on the head! You pass by yourself, and who are you here to turn upside down and pretend to be confused? Who is not following the rules? You What happened at 9 o’clock? I got up at 5 o’clock, squatted at the door at 7 o’clock, went out to use the toilet, and came back to see you arguing? Why are you arguing? What’s so noisy, we still have to see a doctor if you don’t see a doctor! Don’t Wasting the big guy’s time! Do you think so?”

She has received professional line training, her dantian utters, her voice is resonant, a series of words are very clear, coupled with a domineering expression, her arrogance is particularly arrogant, and she deliberately draws the contradictions to everyone, arousing the silence of the crowd. Watching the excitement turned into a voice.

“Yes, stop arguing, we still have to see a doctor.”

“It’s not easy for everyone. After you pass the number, follow the hospital’s regulations.”

“Can you blame the doctor for not being punctual yourself? The doctor also follows the rules.”

Human nature seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. It is not a matter of personal concern. It is not a big deal to watch the excitement. Only when one’s own interests are damaged, will one stand up and speak out for help.

Besieged by the crowd, the man in the jacket turned red and white: “My appointment is number 2! I was ten minutes late due to the traffic jam on the morning rush hour!! Why did you let me be last because of ten minutes! You are not late pass!”

Lu Yinxi retorted loudly: “What do you mean it’s ten minutes late? You don’t know that three minutes in a hospital can save a life? What can the hospital do? If you have money, you can buy the hospital and let the whole hospital The doctor sees your father? Why do you waste our time if you are not punctual? Your time is money, but everyone’s time is not money? Why do you want us to pay for your mistakes? We all owe you? You want Is it louder than anyone else? Who can’t speak loudly? If you really want to take your dad to see a doctor, why don’t you get up earlier when you know that the morning rush hour is congested? Are you really taking your dad to see a doctor? You offended the doctor by leaving it here , is the doctor still in the mood to help your dad? Are you trying to kill your dad on purpose? “

In the early years, some black fans insulted and scolded Lu Yinxi under Weibo, and Lu Yinxi opened a trumpet to gossip, and over time, he developed a rhythmic technique that fanned the flames of yin and yang.

The man couldn’t talk to her, and raised his hand high: “You **** shut up, if I didn’t see you as a woman, I’d slap you in the face!”

Jian Qing took off her glasses, walked over, and pulled Lu Yinxi behind her to protect her: “Do you dare to try?”

Lu Yinxi did not show timidity, and poked his head out from behind Jian Qing: “I tell you, I am a patient, and I have a bad heart. If you don’t let me see a doctor, you will beat me. If something happens to me, my seven big Aunt Gu Ba will hang wreaths and burn paper money at your door if she doesn’t look for anyone else!”

Doctors and patients love to do this, and they are assigned according to the situation.

He pointed at Jian Qing, pretending not to know him: “How is your hospital managed? What about the security guards, drag him out, I still need to see a doctor!”

An old man in a wheelchair coughed a few times in the crowd, his face was extremely ugly, his voice was hoarse, and he shouted: “Zhigang, come back, stop making noise!”

During the peak period of medical visits, many security guards were downstairs to maintain the order of the elevators. When the nurses called out, they rushed up with electric prods.

Several tall and burly guards wearing helmets and holding electric prods and batons appeared, and the voice of the man in the jacket immediately quieted down.

Lu Yinxi snorted: “A coward who bullies the soft and fears the hard.”

One of the leading security guards took out a notebook to register the situation, asked questions, and persuaded: “If you can’t explain clearly, we will go to the security room or the doctor-patient mediation office to explain to you. Don’t delay other people’s medical treatment here now.”

The man fell silent, and sat back on the chair, muttering obscenities with a stinky face.

The nurse dismissed the crowd of onlookers, and the remaining two security guards stood guard at the door of Jian Qing’s consultation room, standing one on the left and one on the right, intending to wait for the dangerous person to finish the consultation before evacuating.

Lu Yinxi had no choice but to sit in the waiting area for a while, continuing to pretend to be a patient.

Wei Mingming sent a message; [The boss asked you to go back to the ward first. 】

Lu Yinxi replied: 【I won’t reply. 】

She was afraid that the man in the jacket would swear again later. Doctors and nurses were not allowed to swear. She wanted to stay here and help Doctor Jane swear.

Thinking of what happened to Jian Qing, he was very angry again. Clay figurines still have a temper, a profession that relies on knowledge for a living, and they are so humble that they can’t fight back when they are scolded or beaten. What kind of world is this?

She glared at the man in the jacket viciously, and the man stared back fiercely. The old man beside him was so angry that he kept beating his chest and coughing.

Lu Yinxi looked at the old man, and slowly softened his eyes.

Cough, lung cancer patient?

The coughing became more and more intense, and the man in the jacket scolded Lu Yinxi: “Why the **** are you staring at my dad?”

Lu Yinxi said angrily: “You see how angry your dad is? He has phlegm in his throat, give him a piece of paper!”

“Meddle your own **** business!” the man cursed, looking around for a tissue.

He had just made a big fuss, and people around him were avoiding his eyes. A kind aunt took out a pack of tissues for him, and he didn’t say thank you. Patting his dad on the shoulder: “Dad, are you okay?”

The old man’s hair was gray, his face was flushed from coughing, and he seemed to be short of breath. He kept beating his chest and coughed up a lot of sputum, which was bloodshot.

In what appears to be a central lung cancer, a small amount of hemoptysis occurs.

When Lu Yinxi saw the blood, his stomach churned, and he quickly turned his eyes away.

Suddenly, with a plop, the old man fell off the wheelchair and lay prostrate on the ground, spitting out bright red and sticky blood.

“Dad! Dad! What’s wrong with you?” The man in the jacket quickly fell to his knees, trying to hug him up.

Seeing so much blood, Lu Yinxi’s eyes went dark, resisting the strong urge to vomit, stood up, and shouted: “Hemoptysis, put him on the ground and lie down! Don’t follow the wrong way in the TV series and howl while hugging him!”

The man panicked and lost his mind, he did exactly what Lu Yinxi yelled.

Jian Qing and Wei Mingming heard the movement, and ran out of the consulting room in a hurry: “Wei Mingming, call the cart; Lu Yinxi, call the elevator dispatcher, number 600016, come to the sixth floor.” Kneeling beside the old man again, while checking, He asked the man in the jacket, “Is the left lung sick or the right lung sick?”

The man was trembling nervously: “Lung, cancer, right, right lung! Doctor, I, I beg you, save my dad!”

The tumor lesion invades the blood vessels, and the blood vessels rupture, causing massive hemoptysis. If not treated in time, the blood will not be excreted in time, which will cause respiratory obstruction and suffocation.

If there is massive hemoptysis, you should not move around. It is not advisable to take a sitting position. If there is a clear bleeding side, you should take a side lying position.

Jian Qing said calmly: “Calm down, we are going to send him downstairs to the emergency department now.”

Wei Mingming and the nurse hurried over pushing the flat car, and everyone worked together to lift it up and push it to the elevator.

The hospital’s medical elevators are equipped with fixed telephones. There are special elevator personnel in the elevator who are usually responsible for pressing the floor buttons, maintaining order, and guiding the crowd. Once there is an emergency, the elevator will be dispatched, and the sensors on other floors will be turned off to avoid stop-and-go. Direct access to floors, efficient operation of patients.

Jian Qing and several nurses sent the old man to the emergency department, while Wei Mingming and Lu Yinxi stayed in the outpatient clinic.

Wei Mingming grabbed Lu Yinxi and sighed: “Xiaolu, Xiaolu, you have hidden deep enough, I just found out today that you are so good at cursing…”

On weekdays, she always looks like a gentle and soft kitten who can fall over when the wind blows, but she never expected to be so fierce and vicious when she scolded people, becoming a tigress with fur.

Lu Yinxi smiled slightly, trying to pick up the burden of being an idol, and explained in a soft voice: “It’s all to protect you… I’m really not aggressive. The one just now was not the real me, but the me in the show. I will perform with you An arrogant and domineering image is all acting, I am good at acting, you can’t tell, my heart is also beating, I’m afraid he will hit me…”

Wei Mingming was thoughtful: “Why do I have an intuition… Did you slap the slap on my boss’s face last month?”

Lu Yinxi waved his hand, daring to do it or not: “That’s your illusion…”

Before Wei Mingming could say anything more, Lu Yinxi looked serious and said, “I’m going to the emergency department too. That person doesn’t look like a good person at first glance. What if his father doesn’t come back, what should I do if I vent my anger on Dr. Jian?”

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