She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 60

Chapter 59 – Game

The life of the crew is boring, except for filming, just waiting for filming.

The announcements are always changing. Sometimes it is said that there will be a few scenes in the morning, and when it comes to the scene, due to endless accidents such as weather, actors’ health, actors’ schedules, equipment, etc., the scenes are forced to be adjusted, and the actors have to wait from morning to night.

In order to catch up with the shooting schedule, start work early, finish work late, and stay up late is commonplace. The extras are used to bringing a small bench to the set, fully charged the power bank, holding their mobile phones, and waiting for the assistant director to come and call someone to come on stage. all day.

A crew is a microcosm of the society. The group performers are the bottom-level people, followed by the field management and coordinating staff, and the producers, directors, and leading actors are at the top of the food chain.

Most of the staff’s cultural level is not high, and some of them have joined the production team after graduating from high school. Although the production team’s wages are low, they are provided with food and housing, and they can travel all over the country with different teams.

They have seen a lot of celebrities and big names, and they can post photos with many celebrities on Moments and Weibo.

They are the ones who consume the most physical energy. Sometimes they finish work at 11 o’clock in the evening and have to get up again at 3 o’clock in the morning.

On the set, you can often see the staff resting directly on the concrete floor.

The production director of the production department is a leader of the Propaganda Department, but it is only a name, and only appeared in the two days when the machine was launched. When shooting, the production director of Galaxy Culture Film and Television was the executive producer, and the production assistants below were in charge. Run errands for reimbursement and ask the leader to sign the document.

Director Zhou Hongmao is a teacher of the Film and Television Academy. He has a good temper and doesn’t show off. When he is resting, he likes to play with young people and teach young actors acting skills.

From top to bottom, the atmosphere of the entire crew is activated.

In a crew with a good atmosphere, there are not so many intrigues and twists and turns, and you can learn a lot.

But like a hospital, it has the characteristics of distinct levels and seniority.

Such as makeup.

The order of makeup is very particular. Usually, the youngest actors are the first to be picked up to put on makeup, and the big stars and old actors can sleep until six or seven in the morning and then get up to put on makeup.

Lu Yinxi is young and has low qualifications. He is often caught early at four or five o’clock to put on makeup.

She and a few classmates organized a group to buy a few reclining chairs online. When resting, a few of them lay on the reclining chairs like salted fish, catching up on sleep when they were lacking in energy, and playing games when they were energetic.

Lu Yinxi spends most of the time catching up on sleep, and occasionally gets up to play a game to clear his mind and prepare for the shooting later.

Tonight was filming a big night scene, and she waited from one o’clock in the afternoon to seven o’clock in the evening, and the plan kept changing.

The senior sister next to her saw her wake up and threw a bottle of coffee for her.

Coffee, Red Bull, and milk tea are the most refreshing drinks on set.

Lu Yinxi took it: “Thank you, Senior Sister, where is it?”

“Group A filmed Xiao Yiheng’s thoracotomy operation, the patient was bleeding heavily, and the hospital’s blood bank was insufficient; group B filmed Lan Zhou driving to the center of the blood station to adjust the blood. They went outside to take pictures on the road, but they haven’t come back yet.” Senior Sister Shaking the phone, he invited Lu Yinxi, “Junior Sister, do you want to eat chicken?”

Chicken Eater is a nickname for a competitive shooting survival game.

Lu Yinxi took a big sip of coffee and said, “Over there in Group A, it’s my turn for the next game. I’m afraid that if I’m called over suddenly, I’ll hang up the game and cheat my teammates.”

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, the assistant director came over and asked her to come on stage.

She played the role of a medical oncologist whose father was bleeding heavily on the operating table of the thoracic surgery department. She had just donated blood and returned to the tumor ward when she ran into a stomach cancer patient with hypovolemic shock transferred from the emergency department. , Immediately put into rescue, and finally, the patient came back, but her father was lying on the operating table forever, unable to wake up again.

It’s a rather tragic play.

Two hours later, Lu Yinxi came back from the filming with reddened eyes, red and swollen eye sockets, and teardrops on the eyelashes.

She was immersed in a low and sad mood, and when she lowered her head, tears fell again.

She is experiential, and she will mobilize similar past experiences and emotions when acting.

Her father, Lu Ming, died when she was very young.

Lu Ming is a doctor in oncology. Compared with Gu Mingyu in surgery, the internal medicine department has a more stable commute time, so he usually takes her out to play, washes her clothes and cooks for her, and will not leave her alone when he is on duty at night. At home, he would take her to the department, where he would write the medical records, and she would sit next to him, quietly drawing on the paper.

She has been left-handed since she was a child. When Gu Mingyu saw that she was eating with a spoon in her left hand, she would hit the back of her hand with the head of the chopsticks and asked her to use her right hand instead. However, Lu Ming took out a document saying that left-handedness is normal and should not be forcibly corrected. It will affect the mental health of the child. , and comforted her by touching her head, “Don’t be afraid, there is no need to change it. In the future, if other people say that you are abnormal, you can go home and find your father, and your father will argue with them.”

When she was 5 years old, there was an earthquake in a certain city, and Lu Ming was sent to support the disaster area. Before leaving, she made a promise that she would take her to the zoo to see tigers, pandas, and deer…

But he missed the appointment, and she never waited for him to come home.

He worked day and night in the disaster area, and eventually died at his post due to overwork.

That year, Gu Mingyu was exhausted physically and mentally, and was busy with work, studies, and promotion. He didn’t have time to take her with him, so he threw her to the countryside to be raised by his grandmother.

People in the country are more superstitious. When they see her left hand, they will point and say that she is abnormal. The teacher will beat her palm with a bamboo board and ask her to change it. Because she was left-handed, Gu Mingyu threw her to the countryside after killing her father, and joked, “Your mother found you a new father and gave birth to a younger brother, so I don’t want you.”

She thought of the experience of Gu Mingyu hitting the back of her hand with the tip of a chopstick when she was a child, she believed it was true, and held back tears to practice writing and eating with her right hand.

In fact, being slapped on the palm, ridiculed by classmates, gossiped by relatives, it doesn’t matter, it will only feel a little sad, she is just afraid, afraid that Gu Mingyu will really dislike her because she is left-handed, and don’t want her.

Lu Yinxi wiped away the tears from her face. Seeing her pitiful appearance, the senior sister next to her hurriedly handed her a tissue. Just as she was about to speak to persuade her, someone came over and called the senior sister to get ready to play. Tomorrow night, senior sisters and buddies will take you to open a small stove, the Sichuan restaurant at Nanjiekou is delicious.”

Lu Yinxi nodded with red eyes, and said with a smile: “Thank you, senior sister, go quickly, I will rush you later.”

The senior sister hurried over to wait, while Lu Yinxi sat on the recliner, silent for a long time, took out her phone, and started the game.

There are many ways for actors to play, some rely on food, some rely on travel, and some rely on changing looks.

After Lu Yinxi finished a movie, she also used to travel for a period of time, but after finishing a movie on the set, she usually relies on playing games to get out of negative emotions.

This is the way she learned to divert attention from a senior on the set when she was filming for the first time, and she also learned a lot of skills of swearing without swearing from the game.

After playing a game, Lu Yinxi calmed down a lot.

She twisted a bottle of coffee bottle and took a few sips.

Coffee, Red Bull, and tea are the most common refreshing drinks on set.

A game invitation popped up on the phone interface. Lu Yinxi took a closer look and found that it was sent by Zhang Yue.

She agreed to the invitation, and typed to ask: [Brother Zhang, are you so free? Steal a game? [surprised expression]]

Zhang Yue: 【Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. There is a doctor on duty, and your cousin is also there. [Emoji picking nose]]

The superstition of the hospital is that when you are on the night shift, you must never say that tonight is peaceful or free. Once you say it, it is likely to usher in a restless night.

Lu Yinxi was attracted by the second half of the sentence, and asked: [What is she doing? 】

Zhang Yue: [Let’s do PPT, next week we will go abroad with Deputy Hu to attend an academic conference. 】

After hearing what Jian Qing said, these Lu Yinxi didn’t ask much, but instead reacted: [You invited me to open a blackout, then there are patients and consultations to be dealt with, don’t you want to hang up and trick me? 】

Zhang Yue: [That’s why I invited acquaintances to form a team! You, Mingming, Sister Wenqian, have a conscience and don’t cheat strangers. [Emoji picking nose]]

Only cheat acquaintances.

Lu Yinxi: [! ! 】

Zhang Yue came and went in groups, but only 4 people were in the group. He was used to playing tricks on his teammates.

He looked around, and boldly asked Jian Qing who was doing the PPT next to him: “Senior Sister? Are you playing games?”

“No.” Jian Qing coldly refused, and asked, “Do you have time to play games? Have you finished writing the opening report? Send it over for inspection.”

Zhang Yue: “Don’t tell me, you always have to combine work and rest. I have been working for 14 hours in a row, and I don’t have the energy to use my brain to write papers. Come on, senior sister, relax and play a game. Mingming, Wenqian sister , and Xiaolu are here, let’s build a cloud group.”

When Jian Qing heard the second half of the sentence, he swallowed the sarcasm he was about to say, and asked him, “What game?”

Zhang Yue gave his mobile phone to Jian Qing, opened the drawer, and took out an old mobile phone: “Glory of the King, senior sister, you play my account, I play the trumpet, wait a few minutes, my mobile phone needs to be updated.”

Lu Yinxi on the other side didn’t know that Zhang Yue’s account had been operated by a different person, so he continued to type and asked: [Why is your senior sister on duty at the hospital today? Are there many critically ill patients in your group today? 】

Her game id is called “Frost Falling Bear Rising Tree”, which is easy to identify.

Jian Qing observed the interface, and typed a reply on Zhang Yue’s mobile phone: 【Work overtime, do PPT. not much. 】

Lu Yinxi was taken aback when he saw these words.

The style of this concise language, could it be…

She tentatively asked: [What did you have for dinner tonight? 】

Zhang Yue likes spicy and delicious, while Jianqing has a light taste.

Jian Qing saw it, but didn’t reply for a while, and asked Zhang Yue quietly: “You chatted with her, and what’s for dinner?”

Zhang Yue was still updating the game, and turned his head when he heard the words: “Where did you talk about dinner? She watched me for two months and didn’t see it clearly? Isn’t it just taking turns ordering boiled fish fillets, boiled Sliced meat, spicy hot pot, maocai…”

Jian Qing raised her hand to stop Zhang Yue from reporting the menu, and replied to Lu Yinxi: [Boiled fish. 】

Seeing the reply, Lu Yinxi said to himself, it seems that it was an illusion just now.

Why do you think it’s Jian Qing…

she never played games…

Lu Yinxi shook his head, smiled self-deprecatingly, and continued to type and asked: 【Have you found anyone else in the group? Why don’t you ask your senior sister if she wants to play, although she has never played before, and her skills may be very good, but with my skills, I can definitely take her flying [cool expression]]

Seeing the phrase “very good at technology”, Jian Qing was silent for a moment, and replied with Zhang Yue’s mobile phone: 【…】

Lu Yinxi said: [Anyway, I don’t play ranked, it’s just an entertainment game to play casually, so you can ask her, if you say I’m here, she might come to play, but you can’t tell her what these words are I said so. 】

For those who can’t see her, it’s also great to play a game with her online.

Jian Qing continued to use Zhang Yue’s account to reply: 【Okay, don’t tell her. 】

Lu Yinxi put on his earphones, walked to a place where there were few people, coughed a few times, cleared his voice, and prepared to speak on the mic later.

In the team formation on the mobile interface, an account soon came in with the id of “Iron-Blooded True Man”.

Lu Yinxi looked at that id, and thought that this is not like Jian Qing’s style…

After Zhang Yue updated, he logged in with his trumpet account, entered the team, and opened the team mic and said, “I’ve been waiting for a long time, everyone. This is my trumpet, and the big sister is playing. Everyone is acquaintances, let’s talk through the mic!”

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