She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 95

Chapter 94 – Bad Thing

Jian Qing raised her head and stared at Jian Yan for a few seconds, then ignored her and led Lu Yinxi to leave.

At night, the lights come on.

Pushing open the glass door of Galaxy Shopping Mall, Lu Yinxi looked at the busy traffic, and asked Jian Qing beside him: “What do you want for dinner?”

Jian Qing is not picky: “Look at you.”

Lu Yinxi gave a choice: “Chinese food? Western food? Buffet? I heard that there is a good buffet steak restaurant nearby. Do you want to try it?”


After finalizing the dinner in a few words, Lu Yinxi opened the map navigation, searched for the specific location of the restaurant, and opened the app to make a reservation.

“How’s your relationship with Boss Jian?” While waiting for the food to be served, Lu Yinxi opened up the topic, asking about Jian Qing’s sister relationship.


No hatred, no love, no desire to be close.

In her previous life, only Ruan Xi and Ruan Sheng were put in her heart.

She only cared about these two people, and only hated those who hurt them.

In addition, she doesn’t have too strong emotional color for everyone here, as if she is always wandering outside of this world, watching them lively, she can’t blend in, and she doesn’t want to blend in, ten years like a day, lonely live in this world.

If she hadn’t met Lu Yinxi, she would have planned to spend her whole life alone like this.

“Well… so-so, today is our first official date, ignore other messy people.” Lu Yinxi changed the topic, raised his red wine glass, “Come on, let’s clink.”

Jian Qing clinked glasses with her lightly: “Want to see my family?”

“Family…Aunt Ruan has passed away…Did you say it was your father? I can do anything, just listen to you. If you want to take me to see him, I will go to see him. If you don’t want to take me to see him, I will not see you.”

“Then I won’t see you.”

Her father, Jian Zhenghe, would not allow the two of them to be together, and she had a weak sense of family affection, so she didn’t need his permission.

Lu Yinxi asked her: “You don’t have much contact with your father, is the relationship between father and daughter bad?”

“Not to mention.” Jian Qing shook his head, “It’s just that there is no emotion. Parents don’t have to love their children, and children don’t have to love their parents.”

This concept is a bit cold and contrary to the traditional concept of loyalty and filial piety.

Lu Yinxi thought for a while and said: “I love my parents. My father is very good. Although my mother rarely communicates with me, I know she loves me too. I have a different point of view from yours. But I can understand your point of view.”

Perhaps because of the prejudice and narrowness she experienced in her childhood, her mind is extremely sensitive and delicate, and she can easily understand other people’s small emotions, think about problems from the perspective of the other party, and can’t bear to hurt others. Subconsciously, she learns Tolerance and understanding of different ideas.

Jian Qing joked: “What ideas do I have that you can’t understand?”

Lu Yinxi hesitated for a while, and said softly: “Illegal and criminal. If you do illegal and criminal things, no matter how much I like you, I will not understand you. To be a man, you must follow the right path…”

Jian Qing was amused by the almost innocent words, with a faint smile on the corner of her lips, she asked, “What is the right way?”

Lu Yinxi explained to her earnestly: “Impartial, in line with the law, regardless of deeds. People may have wild and dark thoughts in their hearts, but they don’t put them into practice and don’t take the initiative to hurt innocent people. To be an ordinary law-abiding citizen is to follow the right path.”

It is also the path of most ordinary people.

The world is not black and white, there are too many gray areas, bad people will become good people, good people will become bad people, there is no eternal good, the law is the bottom line, and morality is the requirement.

Jian Qing asked: “If the other party hurts the person you love, do you want to hurt him?”

Lu Yinxi thought about it for a while, and said honestly: “Yes, hatred is human nature.”

She continued: “But I will also weigh it—do I want to be quick, dirty my hands, and spend the rest of my life in it? You can hand it over to the law, and use laws and rules to sanction it.”

Jian Qing said: “Goodness does not necessarily have good rewards, and evil does not necessarily have evil rewards.”

Lu Yinxi nodded: “I know that there is no absolute fairness and justice, good people may not be rewarded, and bad people may be free, but I just want to be a rule-abiding cell.”

She took cancer as an example, “Like cancer, there is a set of fixed rules in our body. Those cancer cells, in essence, are normal cells that have mutated and become cells that do not follow the rules. They can differentiate randomly at will.

Some may be discovered by immune cells and extinguished;

Some may not be caught, expand and grow, attack and kill normal cells, and seize the nutrition of normal cells;

But in the long run, the final result is either it is extinguished, or it is eliminated together with the human body. “

Jian Qing is much older, and Lu Yinxi knows that with just a few words, she can’t shake the three views that she has already formed.

She just wanted to share such a concept with her.

Jian Qing didn’t try to persuade Lu Yinxi to accept her point of view, she listened quietly, smiled lightly, and didn’t say anything else.

Most people’s lives are very ordinary, there are no darkest moments, and no bright spots. Everyone is an ordinary good person, but as long as there is a bad person who abandons moral conscience, one can fall into hell.

The kinder a person is, the weaker he is.

Fortunately, her little girl is not weak. She learned to protect herself, fight back, and pretend when she was a child.

This kindness is not cowardly, but a choice.

She is not kind, but she likes kind little girls.

After dinner, the two took a walk by the lake in the park.

The street lamps reflected a warm yellow light, the light was hazy and ambiguous, the night wind was blowing, the bushes around made rustling sounds, and the lake surface rippled.

Lu Yinxi hooked Jian Qing’s little finger, and turned to look at her.

She was covered with a faint warm glow.

Lu Yinxi whispered: “Why do you want to take a walk in the park?”

Like a retired old man, he walks a hundred steps after a meal.

Jane glanced at her lightly: “Quiet, there are few people.”

The shopping mall was crowded and noisy, she had already been there for several hours today, and for the rest of the time, she had to go to a quiet place with few people to recover her energy.

Lu Yinxi let go of her hand, imitating a veteran cadre, with her hands behind her back: “Comrade Jian Qing, let’s talk about a sunset red love.”

Jian Qing raised her eyelids: “Show me a square dance first.”

“Dream, why don’t you sing a folk song to the party first?”

Lu Yinxi couldn’t help thinking about their old age life, maybe every night, they would come out after dinner, take a walk with their hands behind their backs, watch the old ladies dancing in the square, watch the old men gather at the chess table, thinking hard about the next step…

Thinking about it, I always felt that there was something missing in my hand.

She asked Jian Qing: “Do you want to raise a big dog when you get old? The one that you can take out for a walk.”

Without further ado, Jian Qing refused: “If you don’t raise it, you will lose your hair.”

The floor of her house must be clean and spotless.

Lu Yinxi snorted softly: “What about the cat?”

Jian Qing said: “Cats will shed even more, and they can’t slip.”

“But I want to raise it.”

“That can be raised.”

All principles are compromised for her.

After hearing this, Lu Yinxi looked around and saw that there were not many people, so she couldn’t help but leaned over and kissed Jian Qing’s cheek.

This ice cube doesn’t know how to say nice sweet words, but a word that comes out inadvertently can always make her heart skip a beat.

After playing on the skating rink for several hours, at night, Lu Yinxi rubbed his calf and said, “My legs are a little sore.”

Jian Qing heard it, like a cat smelling the smell of meat, walked over lightly, without changing expression, and asked, “Knead for you?”

Seeing her eyes, Lu Yinxi silently put down the hem of the bathrobe to cover her calf: “No need…”

I’m afraid that if she rubs it, it will be even more sour tomorrow.

Jian Qing let out a cry, picked up a bottle of medicinal oil and threw it to Lu Yinxi, turned around and went to the balcony to water the flowers, and after two minutes, turned back and asked Lu Yinxi who was applying the medicinal oil: “Can you help me?”

It’s hard for such a cold-eyed and cold-faced person to put on such a warm-hearted appearance.

Lu Yinxi chuckled, but still refused: “No need.”

Jian Qing flicked her forehead lightly, and left again.

At night, he lay on the bed without bothering anyone, and obediently hugged her to sleep.

The next morning, a patient left the hospice ward.

People often leave here, nothing unusual, Jian Qing went to the hospice ward after talking with the patient, to visit the patient who was covered in white cloth, Lan Bin.

He was in critical condition the day before yesterday.

When she saw the critical illness notification on the computer, she went to his bedside after get off work, told him about his biological daughter, and said to him, “I’ll bring her over to see you tomorrow.”

Once people have feelings, they have weaknesses and become easy to handle.

Lan Bin has been waiting, desperately, holding his breath, waiting for Jian Qing to bring his daughter to see him.

Waiting until this morning, I finally breathed my last, but I still haven’t waited, and passed away with endless pain and regret.

Jian Qing watched the nurse carry his body, with his hands behind his back, his fingertips resting on his wrists, and he tapped lightly, feeling a little happy.

She did a bad thing.

One thing, there is no bad thing about breaking the law.

It’s a bad thing, but for her, it’s a good thing to celebrate.

After get off work in the evening, Jian Qing went to the restaurant to order Lu Yinxi’s favorite dishes, and took them home.

When I got home, the house was silent.

Lu Yinxi leaned against the window, her forehead was pressed against the cold glass window, and her slender figure was reflected in the window.

She was holding a paternity test report that had not been stamped with an official seal and seemed to have been done secretly.

Jian Qing called her name softly.

She turned and looked back.

Jian Qing saw the document in her hand, her eyes froze for a second, she walked over step by step, and asked softly, “Have you looked through the things in the drawer in my study?”

Lu Yinxi wanted to retreat subconsciously, but behind him was the floor-to-ceiling glass window, so he couldn’t retreat.

She explained: “It wasn’t intentional. When I opened the drawer to find a pen, I accidentally turned it over…”

Jian Qing reached out and took away the document, threw it on the ground, took Lu Yinxi’s hand, pressed her against the glass, lightly touched the brown tear mole at the end of her eye with her lips, and explained to her in turn: ” I didn’t do anything wrong…”

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