She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 97

Chapter 96 – Lay Down

I didn’t sleep well this time.

Intruded by dreams, the images of the real world and the virtual world intertwine and reflect each other.

Lu Yinxi dreamed of a fork in the road. Her mother Gu Mingyu and Jian Qing appeared at the intersection at the same time. The two roads seemed to lead to different worlds.

She stood between the two, in a dilemma, making it difficult to make a choice.

Finally, both of them turned and left.

She subconsciously chose to hold Jian Qing’s wrist.

How unfilial…

She spurned herself inwardly.

Consciousness was ups and downs, chills came from the body, and the sound of lightning and thunder was faintly heard in the ears.

It’s raining.

A flash of lightning flashed across, and the consciousness was awakened for a while. Lu Yinxi stretched out his hand wearily, groped the bedside table, found the remote control of the air conditioner, and turned off the air conditioner with a “beep”.

Consciousness gradually woke up from deep sleep, and she recalled the dream with extremely obvious symbolic meaning.

Dreams are an expression of the subconscious mind. It is self-evident who she is inclined to in the depths of her heart.

Emotion can be biased, but reason and morality are a kind of bondage.

What’s more, she still doesn’t know whether she has the choice to leave or stay in the end.

Lu Yinxi was sleepy, and turned on the starry sky lamp beside the bed.

She has been sleeping in Jian Qing’s master bedroom recently.

Xinghui filled the room, without Jian Qing’s company.

The cell phone on the bedside table has disappeared, only Jian Qing’s watch is lying there.

Lu Yinxi rubbed her eyes and got out of bed, and went to the living room to find someone.

The living room was as black as ink, there was thunder and lightning outside, and it was raining heavily.

“Doctor Jane…”

“Teacher Jane…”

“Jian Qing, are you home?”

Lu Yinxi called her name softly.

Jian Qing doesn’t know how to give others nicknames, nor is she used to being called by her nickname. Usually, in the department, if someone at the same level calls “Ah Qing”, she will not be used to it.

She is used to being alone, deep down in her heart, she is not used to this kind of intimacy.

Lu Yinxi noticed this, and always called him by his first name, or doctor or teacher.

In the dark room, no one responded.

“Pa-ta”, “Pa-ta”, Lu Yinxi pressed the switches of the indoor lights one by one, but there was no response, and it was still dark.

power outage? Or trip?

The first thought that popped up in my heart was that luckily Jian Qing was not at home, otherwise, she would be afraid in such a dark place.

Lu Yinxi returned to the bedroom in the dark, came out with a desk lamp, looked around for her mobile phone, wanted to call Jian Qing, and asked her, where did she go so late?

Is there an emergency at the hospital?

Her mobile phone was never turned off, and sometimes the hospital would call in the middle of the night and call her over.

But today she is not in the second class.

Lu Yinxi searched around the sofa, coffee table, and table with the lamp, but he couldn’t find his mobile phone.

She clearly remembered that she put it on the bedside table before going to bed.

Did Jian Qing take her mobile phone with her when she went out?

But their mobile phones, one white and one black, are easy to identify, so they won’t take them by mistake.

Lu Yinxi groped in the dark for a while, but couldn’t find the phone. He sat on the sofa and fiddled with his hair helplessly.

The identification report she put on the coffee table is also gone…

Lu Yinxi naturally had negative associations.

But she wanted to trust Jian Qing more, and she didn’t want to think too badly about people.

At that time in the evening, she pondered Jian Qing’s behavior for a while, she didn’t say anything, but hesitated to speak, Jian Qing saw through her, her eyes suddenly became cold, as if she had been hurt by something, and she entered a state of alert .

She had no choice but to give a hug to appease.

She can only trust Jian Qing and will not do anything out of the ordinary.

Otherwise, they have no future to speak of.

Always do something.

It’s too boring to be in a dark environment.

No electricity, no internet.

Lu Yinxi changed out of his pajamas, put on plain clothes, **** his long hair, put away the clothes on the balcony, turned off all the electrical appliances in the house, unplugged all the sockets, took the desk lamp, took the keys, put on rubber gloves, and went out to check the switch.

The electrical box is at the corner of the corridor.

Lu Yinxi inserted the key, opened the box door, checked the lines one by one, and found that it was a trip.

Leakage trip reset button does not pop up, it should not be a trip caused by leakage.

Lu Yinxi turned on the switch, returned home, turned on the light, and searched for the phone again under the light, but still couldn’t find it.

She took out her computer, logged into the social software, contacted Jian Qing, and sent a few messages.

[Doctor Jane, did you take my phone away? 】

[The home just tripped, and tomorrow I will call a master to check the circuit at home. 】

【I’m at home, waiting for you to come back. 】

Jian Qing’s online status, but there was no reply for a long time.

Lu Yinxi sat alone on the sofa, waiting for her reply, waiting for her to come back.

It was raining heavily outside, I don’t know if she took an umbrella when she went out.

Now that there is light in the house, she can come back with peace of mind.

Why hasn’t she come back yet?

The rain hit the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Lu Yinxi looked over, and it was dark outside.

She thought of the absurdity by the french window in the daytime, and a tinge of red appeared on her face.

Jian Qing did not reply for a long time, and the shame in Lu Yinxi’s heart was quickly replaced by bitterness.

She put on the computer headset and made a video call to Jian Qing.

After a few seconds of ringing, the phone was connected.

Lu Yinxi heard the sound of rain on the other side, and asked softly, “Where are you?”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and he replied, “I’m on my way back.”

The tone is calm, without any emotion.

Lu Yinxi asked again: “Where have you been?”

“Wait for me to come back.” Jian Qing didn’t answer Lu Yinxi’s question, and hung up the phone.

Lu Yinxi closed the computer screen, sat on the sofa, and sighed.

She stood up, walked around the living room twice, went back to the room, took an umbrella, and put it on the shelf at the door.

She plans to put it in Jian Qing’s car as a backup when she goes out tomorrow, in case Jian Qing goes out without an umbrella in the future.

Then I went to the kitchen and fried a delicious poached egg, and cooked a small half pot of **** soup.

Jian Qing didn’t eat anything tonight, and at this point, she will feel hungry.

After preparing food for her, Lu Yinxi put on a thin coat, opened the door, and stood at the door, waiting for Jian Qing to come back.

Not long after, she saw the elevator numbers jumping from floor to floor diagonally opposite the door.

With a “ding”, the elevator reached the 27th floor, and the numbers stopped beating.

Lu Yinxi stared at the elevator door.

The elevator door opened slowly. Jian Qing was dressed in black, with a cold face, dripping water all over her body, and walked out of the elevator with a white file bag in her hand.

He still had the attitude of refusing to be thousands of miles away, but when he saw Lu Yinxi, he showed a bit of gentleness.

Seeing her embarrassed appearance, Lu Yinxi sighed heavily, took off his coat, and wanted to put it on her.

Jian Qing shook her head, stood at the door, did not go in: “Bring me a bath towel here.”

She was covered in rain and didn’t want to wet the living room floor.

Lu Yinxi ran into the room and brought her a dry bath towel.

Jian Qing took the bath towel, handed the document bag in her hand to Lu Yinxi, then slipped off her shoes, stood in the entrance, closed the door, and stripped off the soaked clothes one by one in front of Lu Yinxi.

“Lychee?” Lu Yinxi picked up the file bag to look, “Did you go out in the middle of the night just to…buy lychees?”

The voice gradually died down, Lu Yinxi put down the lychees, and saw Jian Qing take off all her clothes.

The long black hair was attached to her shoulders, and the water droplets slipped from her shoulders, slowly flowing over her body, and the bright white light in the living room hit her body, making her skin look more and more smooth.

The graceful figure of a woman is unobstructed under the light.

His head seemed to be a pot of boiling water, gurgling and steaming, Lu Yinxi rubbed the bridge of his nose, reluctantly looked away, turned his back to Jian Qing, so as not to affect the next accountability: “Old, tell me honestly, Mr. Jian, you What did you do tonight?”

“Go back to school and steal lychees.”

A cold voice, and the rustling sound of wiping his body, came from behind, Lu Yinxi hugged the lychees in his arms, and asked: “You ran out in the middle of the night just to steal the lychees by the lakeside of the school for me? “

Jian Qing hummed and didn’t say any more.

It was pouring rain on the campus, and she drove by the lake, remembering the promise she had made a few months ago to pick lychees for Luyinxi to eat, so she stopped the car, got off, and picked lychees in the drowsy night and the cold and torrential rain. The lychees from the bushes are put into the file bag.

At that time, while she was picking it, she prayed blankly for the patrolling security guards not to come over, lest the gentleness sweep the floor.

Lu Yinxi didn’t believe her rhetoric, hesitated for a few seconds, turned around, picked up the wet clothes on the ground, and sniffed lightly.

The body fragrance like thin snow, the freshness of rain, and, if there is no smell of formalin.

She went back to school, went to steal lychees, and possibly, went to the anatomy building…

“Dog nose.” Seeing her movements, Jian Qing smiled faintly, wrapped up the towel, walked into the room with bare feet, went straight to the bathroom, and took a shower.

Lu Yinxi said nothing, put down the simple clothes, took them to the laundry room, and threw them into the washing machine for washing.

She went to heat up the soup, then poured out the lychees in the file bag, washed them again and again, put them into the fruit basket, and placed them on the coffee table.

The lychees were plump and round, Lu Yinxi peeled one and sent it to his lips.

The juice is sweet and the meat is thick.

There are only lychee trees planted in the campus of the university town. It is rare that these lychees have not been picked by the school workers and students.

Jian Qing took a shower and walked to the living room. Lu Yinxi had already prepared a hair dryer. Seeing her coming, she pointed to the dining table and said, “Go and drink the soup to warm your stomach.”

She glanced at Lu Yinxi, and obediently went to drink the soup.

There was a piece of golden fried egg floating on the **** soup. Jian Qing drank the soup and ate the egg spoon by spoon.

Lu Yinxi sat on the sofa, peeled and ate lychees one by one, thinking about how to ask her a question.

Jian Qing poured the soup into his stomach, picked up the hair dryer, dried his hair, and glanced at Luyinxi from time to time.

Lu Yinxi held a panda doll in his arms, fiddled with the panda’s paws in boredom.

After Jian Qing finished drying her hair, she walked over, removed the doll from her arms, and lay down on it by herself.

Like a child seeking comfort from his mother, he lays on her lap docilely, with his forehead resting on her belly, his brows and eyes are quiet, and he caresses slowly.

Lu Yinxi looked down at the person in her arms, her eyes were soft, and her palm was pressed against her hair, stroking gently.

Relying on her, being regarded as a safe haven by her.

“Lan Bin’s body was donated to our college. Tonight I will give that document to Lan Zhou and take her to see her father’s body.”

Jian Qing opened her mouth, explaining very things tonight in a gentle voice.

Lu Yinxi sighed softly: “You must have scared her.”

For a layman without any experience in anatomy, entering the anatomy building in the middle of the night, he might feel chills all over his body.

Jian Qing didn’t take it seriously: “She said she wanted to see it, so I took her to see it.”

Although, before taking her to see, she thought her father was still alive.

Jian Qing deliberately did not tell her that Lan Bin had become a corpse.

Lu Yinxi asked softly: “Are you the only one who takes her to see it?”

“And a taxidermist.”

Lan Bin’s body was transported from the hospital today.

The general teacher who has just been sent over is registered and received by the human specimen maker, cleaned and disinfected, perfused with tissue preservation solution, and then submerged in the formalin pool for future teaching or experimental use.

An unrefrigerated corpse needs to be made into a specimen within 6 to 8 hours. When Jian Qing took Lan Zhou there, the human specimen maker was still working overtime in the anatomy building.

In the formalin-smelling workshop, Lan Zhou was so frightened when he saw the dead body that he vomited on the spot.

Jian Qingzheng looked down on her a little bit, but saw that after she vomited, she bent down for a while, took the initiative to clean it up, then knelt tremblingly in front of the specimen, and kowtowed three times.

That contempt turned into a trace of respect.

Lu Yinxi didn’t speak, and planned to visit Lan Zhou tomorrow.

The person in her arms committed crimes, she went to help her accumulate virtue.

Jian Qing reached out, picked up a lychee, peeled it off, and brought it to Lu Yinxi’s lips: “From now on, we will live in peace and stability.”

She let go of all hatred, and only hoped that in the future, each other will be safe and happy, and stay together for a lifetime.

Lu Yinxi ate the lychee and spit out the core, knowing that she had heard what he said in the evening, smiled slightly, bent down, and kissed her forehead.

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