She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 99

Chapter 98 – To Paint

In midsummer, in coastal cities, the nights are rainy.

The rain wets the flowers in the corner, and the flowers hang tremblingly, soaked in the water.

It was raining at night outside, and the deer drinking the stream indoors. I picked up the drawing paper from the water, entered the bedroom, and painted carefully.

There was already a flirtatious flower on the back of the drawing paper. She traced the outline of the flower with her fingertips, and then gently turned the drawing paper.

Flatten, unfold, pick up the pen, stare quietly, with infinite tenderness in the eyes.

She wants to learn to draw a picture of snowy mountains and rivers on this piece of paper.

Hanging the wrist to paint, the pen falls to the snow peak, full and meandering, high and low, and appropriate shades.

Two red plums dotted on the snow peak, bright red and white, extremely eye-catching.

Lu Yinxi especially loves the two red plum plants, hooking, pointing and pressing them with a lot of ink.

The ink stained the paper.

In the world of ice and snow, stepping on the snow to find plums, but my heart is like a raging fire.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Lu Yinxi’s forehead. She held the brush very lightly and dared not use force for fear of damaging the drawing paper.

“Don’t be afraid, you can use some strength.” Jian Qing was blindfolded, but she did not forget to give guidance.

“Oh, okay…” Lu Yinxi’s cheeks were burning hot with shame, and his voice was trembling with nervousness, “What I didn’t do well, you have to tell me…”

She closed her eyes, adjusted her breathing rate, and gradually increased her writing force.

Open your eyes again.

The pen falls to the plain, with graceful curves, meandering down, secluded forests and deep streams, and gurgling streams.

Jian Qing gave the most authentic reaction based on her painting.

The sound of rain is blocked out of the window, and only the sound of each other’s breathing and the sound of painting on the rice paper remain in the room.

Jian Qing sneered suddenly, her voice trembling: “You really…it’s time to call me teacher.”

Unconvinced, the painting student snorted softly, covered her mouth with his right hand, and continued to paint with his left hand, vowing secretly that he would give her some color to see.

Tick, crack, dot, dye…

The students learned the basic skills of painting from the teacher before, and they are naturally intelligent. Now they know how to draw inferences from one instance, and the strokes are orderly, light at first and then heavy, from shallow to deep, dripping with ink, with endless ups and downs.

Snow water comes out of the deep stream and gathers to form a moor, and the rice paper is moistened accordingly.

After holding the pen for too long, the left arm became more and more sore. The student switched to the right hand, patiently and meticulously, and continued to turn the paper upside down.

In the dead of night, the teacher who gave the guidance just now was very tired: “Do you want to continue?”

“Continue.” Sweat dripped from the tip of Lu Yinxi’s nose, dripping on the snowy peaks on the drawing paper.

Jian Qing sighed in a low voice: “You are so studious…”

Let her toss until late at night, get up for work the next day, Jian Qing is almost late.

Lu Yinxi woke up before her and made steak sandwiches and hot milk for her.

Jian Qing hastily packed her bags and took them away. Before leaving, in order to retaliate against Lu Yinxi for causing her to be late, she coldly assigned a task: “Face the wall for ten minutes, come back at night and silently recite “Red Cliff Fu” to me.”

Lu Yinxi kneaded her sore arms, and wanted to retort that I didn’t punish you last time to blame you. After thinking about it, adults don’t remember villains, and they don’t have the same knowledge as her, so they held back and obediently said “oh”, Watch her go out.

Fortunately, the hospital is only one road away from home.

Jian Qing arrived at the office before the head of the department, Hu Jianjun.

Doctors do not need to clock in, but early shifts in departments are not allowed to be absent without reason.

The nurse on duty reported on the patient’s condition last night. After listening to it, Hu Jianjun talked clichédly, emphasizing the medical quality and medical safety issues.

Today there was no department head rounds, after attending the early shift, Hu Jianjun hurried out, intending to attend a meeting in the city.

When he reached the door, he was stopped by a young couple.

“Professor Hu, are you free to help my wife take a look?”

Hu Jianjun recognized the young couple.

The husband’s surname is He, and his wife’s surname is Li. A few years ago, Ms. Li was diagnosed with lung cancer in their hospital during her pregnancy.

He and the multidisciplinary consultation team gave a treatment plan for terminating the pregnancy. Ms. Li refused. After undergoing surgery in the thoracic surgery department, she did not receive further postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and insisted on giving birth to the unborn child. Later, the lung cancer recurred and was transferred to the medical oncology department for treatment.

Hu Jianjun glanced at the time, and hurriedly asked: “The doctor in the department has reported your wife’s condition to me. Have you considered continuing to receive treatment?”

When she returned to the hospital for evaluation last time, Jian Qing gave the evaluation result of PR (progression of disease), and Ms. Li was disheartened for a while and wanted to give up treatment.

When the nurse in the oncology department called for a return visit, after a few words of persuasion, Mr. He brought his wife over again.

“It’s difficult at home. We’ll get over it after a while. The child is too young to live without a mother. Professor Hu, please help her take a look.”

Mr. He begged Hu Jianjun in a low voice, while Ms. Li beside her had red and swollen eyes and looked at Hu Jianjun expectantly.

Hu Jianjun looked at his watch again: “Well, I have a meeting to attend now, I’ll let the doctor in our department take a look at it for you first.” He turned his head and shouted into the office, “Ah Qing, admit the patient.”

When Jian Qing was an intern, she worked under Hu Jianjun’s group. At that time, she was responsible for admitting Hu Jianjun’s patients to the hospital and recording them in the hospital records.

Even though she no longer needs to take patients in person, Hu Jianjun is still used to calling her.

She called Zhang Yue again.

Zhang Yue calls interns and graduate students.

One level presses one level.

Jian Qing saw the couple and quickly recognized them.

“Have you decided to continue the treatment?” She asked straight to the point.

The husband said: “I plan to try again. The children in the family are too young to live without their mother.”

Jian Qing took Ms. Li’s medical card, swiped the card, and registered: “To treat this disease, your family must be prepared for long-term treatment. Your family members should not put too much psychological pressure on her, and pay more attention to her emotions. .”

She still remembers that Ms. Li saw a doctor alone last time.

Cancer treatment relies heavily on family support.

A family’s attitude towards disease and treatment directly affects the patient’s mental health and treatment compliance.

Especially the treatment of internal medicine is not as vigorous as surgery, but a long treatment process, which requires mutual trust between doctors and patients, and mutual support between family members.

Otherwise, it is difficult to get across.

Jian Qing asked about Ms. Li’s recent situation, prescribed some painkillers, and said, “I’ll prescribe some painkillers for you. At present, there are no beds in our department. It will take about a week or two. Call you to come over to go through the hospitalization procedures, and then arrange some examinations and second-line treatment plans for you.”

Mr. He asked worriedly: “Is it the treatment plan determined by Professor Hu?”

They were transferred to the oncology department because of Hu Jianjun’s fame. The female doctor in front of them was relatively young.

Medical care depends on age and qualifications, and patients naturally do not trust doctors who are too young.

Jian Qing said: “Professor Hu is my superior, he will check the treatment plan of our group, don’t worry.”

After speaking, she took out the prescription slip and wrote some nutritional support drugs on the slip.

Due to the burden of disease and myelosuppression, vomiting, and diarrhea after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, most cancer patients face malnutrition and need nutritional support.

“Go to the pharmacy and get these.”

Mr. He asked: “Is there no hospital?”

Jane explained in a calm voice: “For medical insurance, our hospital warehouse does not have these medicines, and she has bought them at the pharmacy before.”

Ms. Li took the prescription form: “I bought it, I bought it, I know where to buy it.”

After Ms. Li’s cancer recurred, her husband basically only accompanied her to the hospital once, and she did most of the follow-up medicine and medical treatment by herself.

Mr. He glanced at Jian Qing, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

Of course Jian Qing knew what he was doubting.

Prescribing a prescription and asking the patient to go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine is easy to misunderstand that she took the kickback from the pharmacy and deliberately introduced the patient to buy the medicine there.

However, it is indeed because of medical insurance negotiations and medical insurance fund control issues that hospitals do not buy these drugs at all.

“You can go to any pharmacy to buy it, as long as there is one that sells this.” She didn’t specify which pharmacy to go to, and she didn’t have time to explain too much to him. Students and interns conduct teaching rounds.

After a teaching round, you have to stand for at least 2 to 3 hours, ask questions uninterruptedly, guide the teaching ideas,

Every time she asked a question, the students lowered their heads like quails, not daring to meet her eyes.

She was happy to ask more questions to frighten these students.

After the ward round, Wei Mingming was checking the course of the ward round, and Zhang Yue was helping the patient with the admission procedures.

Jian Qing had a sore back from standing, sat in the office drinking coffee, and lightly thumped her back.

The physical strength of young people is indeed better, so next time we can’t let the kid at home do whatever we want…

At noon, a patient in the group was seriously ill and had to be rescued suddenly. Jian Qing stayed to work overtime and did not go home for dinner.

Lu Yinxi went to a nearby restaurant to pack her favorite bento and sent it to her office. By the way, she also helped Wei Mingming and Zhang Yue pack a box.

There was a small blue love note on the takeaway box. After returning to the office, Jian Qing washed her hands, sat down, tore off the note and threw it into the trash can, and opened the lunch box to eat.

After tidying up the ward, Wei Mingming also sat down to eat when he came back.

Love notes are usually some blessings written by merchants, and Wei Mingming will habitually glance at them.

She looked at the note and said with a smile, “This note must have been left by Xiao Lu.”

Upon hearing this, Jian Qing stretched out her hand to grab it.

A sketch of Wei Mingming with a baby face was drawn on the note.

She looked at it for a few seconds, then stared at the trash can under the table with a look of disgust.

The trash can under the table is not for medical waste, but for paper scraps.

The garbage bag has just been changed, and there is no other garbage for the time being, only the note she discarded.

Jian Qing was disgusted for a few seconds, made up her mind, bent down, and picked up the blue note from the trash can.

There is a poem on the paper:

[Last night, the red candles were stopped in the bridal chamber, and we waited for the Xiaotang to pay respects to our uncle and aunt.

After finishing makeup, I asked my husband and son-in-law in a low voice, whether the thrush is dark or light. 】

Jian Qing read it again and again, but didn’t understand what it meant.

She turned on her mobile phone to search for allusions, and the Internet said that after the imperial examination, the poet asked the examiner’s opinion on the article by borrowing whether the bride’s thrush was suitable or not.

As for what Lu Yinxi meant when he wrote this poem…

After Jian Qing figured out what she meant, she smiled lightly and sent her a message

[From 0 to 10 points, you get 8 points. 】

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