She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 105 - The heroine\\\'s vicious sister (5)

The corridor outside the classroom is semi-open. After schools in other cities reported that students were too stressed and jumped off the building, a teacher suggested at the meeting to close the corridor.

Teachers in the school were organized to study together in a famous college entrance examination factory. At that time, many teachers were shocked by the closed teaching building of the other party. Naturally, they took this opportunity to make suggestions. However, this suggestion was not adopted by the principal. For a private school, the beauty of the campus is always a very important part. This wraps the periphery of the teaching building. It looks too depressing. Besides, the school’s teaching building is only up to the third floor, and there are green lawns around it. , the risk factor is not too high.

Therefore, the corridor has become a space for everyone to relax and hang out after class every day. During the evening self-study period, there are always students who can’t sit still.

“Ning Chuxia, someone is looking for it!” The girl who had been leaning outside the door leaned in through the window, shouted at the top of her voice, and ignored it.

Ning Chuxia, who was called, looked out the window and saw Shen Fangyun who was waving outside. She also waved at him, took out the pre-packed bag from her schoolbag and walked out.

There were many people in the get out of class who were called out during the class break, but this time Ning Chuxia was called out, many people raised their heads in unison.

Instead, Wu Fan lay down on the table, as if he was sleeping, but he was actually staring at the two who were smiling at each other outside the window.

Too many strange things have happened to Ning Chuxia recently.

First of all, she was the first in the test. At first, everyone suspected that she was lucky, but whether it was these small tests or the teacher asked her to answer the questions, she answered the questions fluently, and was even selected by the teacher. Competition classes in schools specially prepared for competitions.

Wu Fan secretly observed Ning Chuxia near the water tower, no, how can it be called a peek when it comes to scholars? Wu Fan thought he was learning from the scriptures! The Tang monks have to go to the West to get scriptures. Isn’t it normal for him and the same table to learn scriptures?

But after observation, he was still puzzled. Looking at it horizontally and vertically, Ning Chuxia was just reading hard.

She is never perfunctory in her homework. The classmates are often lazy to copy the answers after class, and she also completes the questions by herself. She also completes the compilation of various exercise books and exam papers that the teacher requires to buy but does not force completion. Question mark, this is just a question, how can it have such a big effect, besides, the speed of Ning Chuxia’s question is too fast, right? Why didn’t he find out before, that this inhuman speed can complete all the work every day and organize notes, and also do the work of composing questions for himself, but how can this be reproduced.

If she can barely study, it is estimated that she is taking notes. Wu Fan has carefully read the way Ning Chuxia takes notes. It is so neat and tidy, as if the whole book was printed in her mind, systematically presented on paper. On, Rao is that Wu Fan looks at it like this, and he can feel that the thinking in it is clear, but he can’t go to Ning Chuxia to borrow notes, right? Before asking for a homework, he had to muster up his courage. If he did, wouldn’t it be the same as admitting defeat?

While Ning Chuxia’s grades were impressive, even her previous poor oral English was almost improved by her.

Regarding this point, Wu Fan witnessed the whole process of Ning Chuxia’s change. He came to the class early to copy homework, and he also witnessed the whole process of how Ning Chuxia corrected his accent. She didn’t know where to find one. The MP3 that was eliminated for N+1 years, with an earphone plugged in, he was quietly correcting the pronunciation of his own words.

The MP3 looks very old, and the paint on the surface has been worn away. The reason why Wu Fan can conclude that this is definitely a version that has been outdated for a long time is very simple. That pitiful memory is definitely not a product of this era.

He didn’t complain directly, and the Ning family was not poor. He understood that Ning Chuxia didn’t dare to bring a mobile phone, but it was too funny to have to bring such an MP3? And this method is too stupid. If it works, why didn’t Ning Chuxia use it in his hometown.

Wu Fan really couldn’t hold back, and asked when there were few students in the class—

At that time, Ning Chuxia just glanced at him slightly unexpectedly: “Because there was no computer at home before.”

Wu Fan can no longer recall his shock and surprise at that time.

“The listening teachers in the school have all passed it on to the QQ group. I don’t have a mobile phone or a computer. It’s inconvenient to download and it’s very troublesome.”

“But don’t you have MP3s? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone save it for you?”

“Yes, but it’s not good to trouble others, isn’t it? I asked my classmate to save it when I was in the first year of junior high school, but her computer was broken, and it was not repaired later, so I didn’t bother others anymore. Before I came here, I felt I’m good at listening, but I’m just not very good at speaking.”

What Ning Chuxia said was what actually happened to the original body.

The educational environment in her hometown is backward, coupled with the loss of the local labor force, half of her classes were left-behind children.

It is understandable to spend money for children to go to school, but if it is said that they are equipped with a computer for their children to go to school, everyone thinks it is a bit baffling. Many local students go to college for four years without even buying a laptop. If something was said at S City Foreign Language Middle School, no one would understand it.

As for what to say in English, there is no such thing in the school before the original body. If you can listen, you can almost speak a few words. It is enough to pass the oral test of the college entrance examination. It’s not quite the same, but everyone doesn’t take it too seriously. You can almost understand it. What’s the difference? Isn’t there a lot of British and American accents in English?

What was even stranger than the grades was that Ning Chuxia, who always regarded herself as an air man in class, suddenly made a friend.

She had done such an attempt when she first entered school, but in the face of everyone’s indifference, she quickly stopped this game of being friends and tried her best to reduce her sense of existence. According to what everyone joked in the group, it was Ning Chuxia was probably in the whole class, and there was only one “boyfriend” like Ren Zhengyin.

It’s surprising enough that she has a friend, and this friend is actually a classmate of Class 12 and 12, who dislikes Shen Fangyun!

God knows how notorious Shen Fangyun is, and even the students in their class sometimes turn their eyes away in disgust when they see Shen Fangyun passing by. Such a monster is destined to be a toy for the classmates and not wishful thinking about friends.

That day, Shen Fangyun went to the door of the class and talked to Ning Chuxia happily, and immediately set off the discussion in the small group. Everyone talked and quickly reached a consensus that “this is the group of people who hate people to keep warm”, they are all people without friends , no wonder you can only choose the other side.

Unexpectedly, the two people’s cuddling together for warmth has lasted for so long. For more than a week, Shen Fangyun has been reporting to their class door every day to exchange “gifts” with Ning Chuxia, and even sometimes the two go home together after school. Couldn’t be more aboveboard.

This made everyone who was conscientiously dating Ning Chuxia suspicious – “Is this Ning Chuxia cheating?” !

Wu Fan followed the movement of lying down and looked into the desk bucket, and sure enough, the group had started to swipe the screen again, and they were all discussing Ning Chuxia and Shen Fangyun.

[Clearly: What is the relationship between Ning Chuxia and Shen Fangyun? It’s been a few days, Shen Fangyun comes to her every day, she just doesn’t choose? 】

【. : I don’t think she should be judged ugly, right? Please, Ren Zhengyin and Shen Fangyun both know who to choose. 】

[Jesus: I still think it’s too crazy, who would have thought that Ren Zhengyin would be cheated on? Not sure yet, but is this the resonance of neuropathy and neuropathy? Love love love! 】

If it was in the past, Wu Fan would definitely join it, but for some reason, he seems to feel more and more wrong recently.

This Ning Chuxia, is there such a discussion? So… why did they organize Ning Chuxia in the first place?

He didn’t understand.

The scene of two famous “weird people” standing in the corridor chatting is destined to attract a lot of attention, and many people can’t accept this kind of glance.

However, neither Ning Chuxia nor Shen Fangyun cared about it.

“I’ve read the story you wrote yesterday, it’s very nice, I tried to draw the characters!” Shen Fangyun was flipping through the sketchbook he was holding, and found exactly the two pages of character settings he created last night. , “Look!”

He was like a puppy who had picked up a flying saucer that was thrown out and came back happily to show off to its owner, with wet eyes that made people want to laugh.

The original body started school early because of the month of birth, and later was delayed because of the transfer. She was older than many students in her age. She did not ask Shen Fangyun’s age, but the other party’s temperament was extraordinarily childish, she just looked at it like this , Ning Chuxia will often feel that she is looking at a younger brother.

“I’ll take a look.” Ning Chuxia took the book from Shen Fangyun’s hand easily. She saw that Shen Fangyun’s ability to build stories was weak, so she helped build the setting of the story.

Speaking of which, Shen Fangyun’s “innocence” played a big role in the construction of the story.

Because he is not bound, he can always come up with different settings in a wild way, and things that seem to be inconsistent can be assembled through his ideas.

Sometimes Ning Chuxia couldn’t help but sigh, this probably belongs to the imagination of “children”, Shen Fangyun sees the world from a different angle, and can see a completely different world of fragments.

Ning Chuxia skillfully took out the pencil that Shen Fangyun had put in from the coil on the sketchbook, and made a few notes on it.

Shen Fangyun’s cherishing of his “works” is unparalleled. No matter who touches his works, even his parents, he will show his antagonistic side, but he has never had this taboo towards Ning Chuxia. On the contrary, he leaned over curiously, completely unaware that the distance between the two was a little too close.

“How about you say Mo’s hair is designed to look like an octopus? Didn’t you say before that you couldn’t imagine his abilities? He can control the sea, but when he uses his abilities, his body will be deformed, and his originally docile hair will fly like an octopus? “

Shen Fangyun’s eyes lit up, as if he had suddenly found inspiration, he hurriedly took the book, and hurriedly added marks that only he could understand.

“And this light, didn’t we all think that the traditional light-based abilities were too old-fashioned? What if we create visual differences through the changes of light? There is also convergence of all the light that the other party can see, depriving the other party of vision. Woolen cloth?”

This was a field that Shen Fangyun didn’t know much about. He looked at Ning Chuxia expectantly: “I don’t understand this!” During this time, through the world Ning Chuxia described for him, he began to develop a great interest in learning.

He likes to see different worlds, and different people are born under his pen, and among the many stories, what Shen Fangyun likes most is all stories related to fighting.

But how to fight well and how to fight coolly, that is important.

In the past, Shen Fangyun was an imitator of the animations and special films he watched when he was a child. He simply and rudely gave all the villains “aggressive” and “violent” characters, and then the protagonist came on stage, using hand-to-hand combat or some qigong, rays to kill each other Defeated, although occasionally he wondered if there was something missing or too repetitive, but Shen Fangyun’s “foundation” was not enough, he didn’t have enough accumulation, Kong had the ability to show the picture, but he didn’t know what to paint.

His accumulation method is clumsy and unpretentious, that is, after determining what he wants, he constantly rummages through pictures, or converts it into a painting against a control object.

For example, in this simplest human body, what he saw the most was the **** and body statues carved by artists, as well as textbooks for medical students, as well as the influence of every muscle when he studied his movements against the mirror.

And the buildings with the background are similar, basically they are looking for aerial photos and various online photography works. After constant pondering, I find my favorite angle, and then break away from the basis of reality, and build the background I want in my heart out of thin air. architecture.

Ning Chuxia discovered this when she saw Shen Fangyun’s work, and she naturally threw out her bait.

You must know that Ning Chuxia was a character who once took part in a special film, and knew a lot about comics. Naturally, she could open a new world to Shen Fangyun.

“That’s why I said to read books.” Ning Chuxia handed the bag to Shen Fangyun. She knew Shen Fangyun’s personality, but she didn’t explain it too clearly. She waited for him to study it by himself.

Shen Fangyun is an independent personality, although Ning Chuxia hopes to let him know the world as much as possible, but he does not intend to force him to learn and improve.

“Okay.” Shen Fangyun nodded earnestly and made an important agreement. He always kept his word.

What Ning Chuxia exchanged from Shen Fangyun was a collection of Shen Fangyun’s works that she had not seen yet. Shen Fangyun would send Ning Chuxia’s works that she had not seen yet to share every day.

Just after taking the bag, Shen Fangyun looked at it eagerly again, Ning Chuxia couldn’t help laughing, and pointed to the folded paper in the bag: “After reading it, I put it in it.”

Ning Chuxia had already thought about how to make friends with Shen Fangyun from the first day she got Shen Fangyun’s works.

Shen Fangyun is an extremely simple person. He doesn’t need you to take care of him, and he doesn’t need you to give him any gifts. You just need to treat him as an equal person, respect him, and listen to him.

Naturally, Ning Chuxia can do these things. Besides, after reading Shen Fangyun’s works, she earnestly wrote down her first post-reading thoughts and gave her own suggestions, which is why she quickly became Shen Fangyun’s “Co-author” reason.

The sunlight from outside slanted in, and it just shone on half of the boy’s face.

He narrowed his eyes uncomfortably, but he still had that satisfied smile on his face, as if nothing in this world could bother him.

— though he’s had more unhappy things than most.


“By the way, don’t come over tomorrow.”

Shen Fangyun lowered his eyes and suddenly lost his mind. He was clearly unhappy with this sentence, but he had learned from many lessons that he should not be greedy.

“Did you forget that there is an exam tomorrow? Everyone’s time will not match during the exam, and the exam is very important. I’m afraid I don’t have time to watch it.”

Shen Fangyun’s face was like the kind of rewritable drawing board that children like to play with, and the loss that had just disappeared on his face just now: “Then the day after tomorrow…”

Ning Chuxia couldn’t help laughing: “I’ll see you the night after tomorrow, I’ll be in the classroom when I’m grading the exam papers. I’m going to class, you go back quickly, and you’ll do well for the exam.”

“Okay, so do you.” Shen Fangyun had some questions he wanted to ask, but when he heard that class was about to start, he obediently left. He knew that he would be criticized by the teacher for being late for class.

Many people do not know that they will quietly become the scenery in the eyes of others.

“Is your sister crazy?” Meng Jiayue couldn’t help complaining, “I said what your sister is trying to get along with Shen Fangyun every day.”

Meng Jiayue has been wanting to talk about this for a long time, but she just felt that the old sister was not good, and she had been holding it back before.

Ning Xinxin didn’t respond, so she said naturally, “I don’t understand anyway, what is she trying to do? Don’t you feel disgusted?”

Meng Jiayue did not feel that her words were excessive.

Yes, it is not good to say that others are disgusting, but that is Shen Fangyun!

Meng Jiayue felt goosebumps all over her body as long as she thought of that perverted day YY when others didn’t wear clothes and painted nudes and women.

There are several art students in the class, and they also learn to paint, and they also paint the human body, but the way of painting the human body is…realistic, at most Meng Jiayue can’t bear to look directly, but she doesn’t seem to think so.

But Shen Fangyun draws differently! totally different.

And this person still has problems with his mind. What is there from top to bottom that is worth Ning Xinxin’s sister going crazy and wanting to be friends with him?

“Is it because Shen Fangyun is rich?” Meng Jiayue racked her brains to find an answer with difficulty, and was quickly distracted, “Speaking of Xinxin, have you heard that Shen Fangyun’s family is very rich.”

This time, it turned from complaining to sharing gossip.

Meng Jiayue has countless gossips in her hands, and when she mentions these, she is very excited: “This is still in the junior high school, people from other schools told me! They told me that at that time, Shen Fangyun’s pocket money for a week was one or two thousand. Piece, that was when I was in junior high school, and everyone didn’t eat in the cafeteria.”

“A lot.” Ning Xinxin replied indifferently.

“It’s a lot! He’s really pocket money, but he’s so stupid. My friend said that Shen Fangyun didn’t spend a penny himself. Running errands, the kind who won’t push the pot even if caught by the teacher, and then it is estimated that he is going to be fierce when he asks for money, and his family knows about it, so they won’t give him pocket money.”

During the study period, it is supposed to be simple, but it seems that many people are born with the ability to see through the “real” and compare.

Although most people don’t quite understand the specific meaning of identity, in school, my father is the boss of XX, my mother is the director of XX, and my family runs XX company. Will secretly compare.

“That’s pretty pitiful.”

“What a pity, what can he do if he is so stupid? He has to tell others how much money he has, but he doesn’t know how to refuse. Isn’t this a good thing to wait for someone to get it?” Meng Jiayue rolled her eyes first, and then continued this The topic, “Did you know? Shen Fangyun’s house and yours live in the same community, but he seems to live in the first phase of the house. A senior sister met him when he came home! I also heard a boy in the class say that Shen Fangyun Several pairs of shoes are very expensive and limited edition shoes, someone in the class tried to coax him to take it off and have a look, but he didn’t agree.”

She reluctantly boasted: “This is getting smarter.”

Ning Xinxin listened to her friend’s words and frowned. When Meng Jiayue said so, she seemed to remember it. Her father had complained before that the location of the first phase of the house was the best. The degree of freedom is very high, many people have remodeled it themselves, and the houses there are also the most expensive.

She inevitably associated Meng Jiayue’s words with the scene she had seen before.

“So…Ning Chuxia won’t be…”

The telepathy between friends was used at this time, and Meng Jiayue reacted immediately, with a look of surprise: “Your sister won’t lie to a fool, right? Is her character too bad?” She The more I thought about it, the more I thought, “Does your sister have no pocket money and a bunch of things she wants to buy, so she came to Shen Fangyun? But Shen Fangyun has no money now…”

Meng Jiayue couldn’t convince herself. After all, Shen Fangyun could always ask her parents for money. She looked at Ning Xinxin cautiously: “Actually, that’s not necessarily the case. Your sister may not be short of money, right?”

Ning Xinxin didn’t answer, her heart was heavy.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother were poor back then, so they also attached great importance to Ning Xinxin, a child who grew up under their noses. When Ning’s father was on a business trip, he would often open books in the airport bookstore. He read a bunch of books about success learning pedagogy, one of which was about cultivating children’s concept of saving and financial management from an early age.

It was for this reason that Ning Xinxin had her own passbook when she was very young. Later, the passbook was inconvenient, so she directly used the bank account in the name of her parents.

Every year, parents will make a fixed sum of money in September. As Ning Xinxin’s expenses throughout the year, the remaining money is Ning Xinxin’s own savings. Parents have plenty of money, and Ning Xinxin doesn’t have much money to spend. Over the years, she has saved more and more.

But does Ning Chuxia have this?

Ning Xinxin had the impression that Ning Chuxia had hardly gotten along with her parents, so what Meng Jiayue said was really possible.

After the five flavors are mixed, there is a little secret joy. She is indeed happy for her sister’s shortcomings, so that a sister who has “problems” can be surpassed.

Soon Ning Xinxin tightened her face and her expression became serious.

“Xinxin, what’s wrong with you?”

“I’ll go find Shen Fangyun.” Just as Shen Fangyun and Ning Chuxia waved goodbye, Ning Xinxin broke free from Meng Jiayue’s arm, and walked forward quickly, ready to intercept the other.

It’s wrong for my sister to do this, she can’t let her make mistakes again and again.

Meng Jiayue stared blankly at the hand that was thrown away.

What just happened? Why does she feel that her script is missing a large plot, why is Ning Xinxin looking for Shen Fangyun?

Ning Xinxin, who said what she said, rushed to Shen Fangyun in a timely manner. She hesitated for a moment, but still did not choose to touch Shen Fangyun: “Shen Fangyun, please stop!”

She used to be very close to Shen Fangyun, and received an indiscriminate smile from Shen Fangyun. Ning Xinxin pursed her lips, but still felt that her sister was too extreme.

After some debate that night, Ning Xinxin had already reflected on it. My sister was angry with their family, so she would say so many angry words. After all, her sister had been left alone in the countryside all these years.

But the question of whether the parents love her or not is not important, what is important is the principled mistake made by the sister in front of her.

How can you not tell your parents just because you are angry with your parents and lack money, and then think about deceiving people? Even if Shen Fangyun was a fool, he shouldn’t be like this, right?

“What’s the matter?” Shen Fangyun was a little anxious holding the book, and wanted to go back to the classroom as soon as possible to complete the advice he just told him in Chuxia, and Chuxia also said, I wish him good luck in the exam, although Shen Fangyun doesn’t think the exam is very important, but since this new Friends want him to do well in the exam, he is still willing to be serious.

“Me.” Ning Xinxin was a little hard to speak, but she didn’t think she would hesitate for a while, so Shen Fangyun immediately turned around to leave, she hurriedly took another step forward and stopped Shen Fangyun.

Shen Fangyun didn’t speak, just looked at her, the doubts in his eyes were clear.

“I’m Ning Chuxia’s younger sister.” Ning Xinxin noticed that after she said this, the other party’s eyes relaxed, and her conscience ached.

I didn’t expect Ning Chuxia to be this kind of person. I guess she also picked Shen Fangyun, who is as unpopular as her. No one can help, right? But this is wrong!

Ning Xinxin felt that she had to talk to her parents about this at night. She remembered the gossip she had seen in other schools before, saying that some students in the school had stolen the entire dormitory, which made everyone panic. It seems ridiculous, but now that I think about it, maybe this is the lack of education.

Maybe my sister is like those people. I think it doesn’t matter if I cheat people’s money as long as I don’t care? She had a rare feeling of guilt for her sister. Now she can fully understand the complaints of her parents that “regret leaving her sister in her hometown alone”. If her sister grew up in H City, she would definitely not be like this.

Shen Fangyun waited for a long time, but before the other party spoke, he remembered Ning Xinxin, but the other party was just his classmate, not the same as his friend, but she was also his friend’s sister, so he could only wait.

“I told you—” Ning Xinxin said solemnly, “Ning Chuxia doesn’t really want to be friends with you.”

“You may not know that my sister is very short of money. She is your friend because she has no money and wants to cheat your money—”

Shen Fangyun took a step back defensively and resistingly: “Chuxia is my friend!” He was a little angry, “And why did she lie to me for money? If she wants money, just tell me directly!”

He was a little worried.

Is early summer really short of money? Then why not tell him? It must be Chu Xia who didn’t know he was rich, right?

But he hadn’t brought money to school for a long time. Shen Fangyun couldn’t help but fall into an infinite loop. , then you can only get money after the exam.

After finally solving the problem, he looked up at Ning Xinxin: “Thank you, I understand, I will give the money to Chu Xia the day after tomorrow!”

Ning Xinxin didn’t have time to be happy, she was stunned as if struck by lightning, isn’t she, is this person a fool? She said that Ning Chuxia was going to cheat money! Why did he even bring the money?

Seeing that the other party was leaving again, Ning Xinxin finally couldn’t help reaching out and grabbed Shen Fangyun: “You didn’t understand what I meant, I said, she just wanted to lie to you!”

After thinking about it, Ning Xinxin said something serious: “Don’t you think it’s strange? Why does she want to be friends with a fool like you?”

When she gets anxious, people often speak out of their minds: “Is it difficult to understand what I said? You are a fool!” She finally realized what she blurted out. Just as she was about to explain, Ning Xinxin saw the deep look in the other’s eyes. anger.

She remembered that the last time Shen Fangyun was so angry, it was because someone in the class poured water on his sketchbook!

“I’m not a fool!” Shen Fangyun threw off Ning Xinxin’s hand heavily. He was especially angry that the other party slandered him and Ning Chuxia.

He knew that Ning Chuxia was different from the previous “friends”!

“Did no one tell you? You are really annoying! You are a fool!” Shen Fangyun was not good at cursing people, so he left in a rage, refusing to even look back.

Ning Xinxin slowly withdrew her hand, the expression on her face was a little embarrassed and helpless.

She is also considered to be benevolent and righteous, and Shen Fangyun doesn’t understand that what she said is for his own good, and it is useless.

Meng Jiayue rushed over, pulled Ning Xinxin and walked forward, she lowered her voice: “Ning Xinxin, I’m speechless, are you crazy?” She never thought that she would “diagnose” Ning at the same time today. My sister is crazy.

Ning Xinxin was stunned, but Meng Jiayue quickly began to explain: “Did Shen Fangyun provoke you? You came here specially to stop them from leaving, calling them a fool, forcing him to scold you, you are I’m really upset with him, can’t you wait until you go back to the classroom? You almost didn’t look at you from the tenth class.”

Ning Xinxin’s head banged, and she finally came to her senses. The series of actions she stopped Shen Fangyun just now seemed to be bullying on an open campus. How many people saw it just now?

She felt a faint ringing in her ears, and there seemed to be sarcastic comments from others circling in her mind.

“Have you heard? That Ning Xinxin from class 12 bullied the second fool in their class in public!”

“I not only heard about it, but also saw it! At that time, she stopped people from letting them go. She insisted that they were a fool. Isn’t this a disease?”

“Knowing people and faces, but not hearts. She usually looks pretty and well-behaved. I didn’t expect this kind of person. It seems that her sister is better.”

Obviously she is doing good deeds, right? Even if Shen Fangyun doesn’t know good people, he is still misunderstood by so many people, why is this happening.

Xue Zhengyi can be said to be proud of the spring breeze recently.

With his “prophet” ability, he has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, and even provided a lot of tips to other brothers’ classes.

Now the class has a bright atmosphere, and the students work together to read – after all, they can’t even if they don’t want to read. The old class has recently opened their eyes and learned to fortune-telling. They even know whether they have broken up or not, as if they had taken the script beforehand. The worst thing is that in the routine mobile phone checking activities last year, everyone’s mobile phones suffered heavy losses. Old Ban, who only knew how to read schoolbags, drawers and pockets, didn’t know who he was going to steal from this time. One is accurate, everyone has suffered heavy losses. If you have a backup phone, you can say that, if you don’t have it, you can only use an old man’s mobile phone with simple functions to deal with it for a few days.

Everyone wants to resist, yes, but this is not because there are two more exams to be divided into classes, and it will only take less than half a month, so there is no need to break the boat at the end.

Many teachers couldn’t help but tell Xue Zhengyi that if Class 8 had done this earlier, it is estimated that many students in the class would have made a lot of progress, but it is not too late now.

It was supposed to be a happy day, but Xue Zhengyi was completely unhappy when he was facing the phone at the moment.

There is a class QQ group in their class, and the whole class is in it except Ning Chuxia.

A few days ago, the teacher in the next class taught Xue Zhengyi a method that she treasured to see if students have brought their mobile phones to school.

There is no wifi network in the school, so if the mobile phone is outside, it will definitely display 4G or 3G online, and when you get home, it will become wifi online, which may also cause accidental injury, such as some students have no wifi network at home, etc. , but as long as you observe in advance at the time of school every day to see if the network is switched during the break time, you will know whether the student’s mobile phone has moved.

It is precisely because of this treasured recipe that Xue Zhengyi suddenly realized that something was wrong. In addition to the online method of Q and Q contacts, there are still many people who will display the mobile phone model. After all, most people do not know that this can be set.

Ren Zhengyin in the class group, the phone model is the latest version of Fruit, which is completely different from the “Ren” added by “Ning Chuxia”.

This can be understood as Ren Zhengyin is cautious, and the trumpet is only logged in on other mobile phones.

But the question is what if this phone model changes almost every few days?

In the five days that Xue Zhengyi observed, the mobile phone models were different every day.

He couldn’t help but give birth to an absurd guess in his heart.

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